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Messages - Mackovich

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Forum Français / Re: Service de location de servers de jeux et TS 3
« on: April 25, 2014, 11:40:12 pm »
Ah dommage en effet ! Quoiqu'il en soit je reste à ta disposition si tu as besoin d'un serveur ;)

Forum Français / Re: Service de location de servers de jeux et TS 3
« on: April 25, 2014, 11:18:47 pm »
Tout est indiqué dans le premier poste de ce topic ;)

Mais pour faire court je propose essentiellement des servers de Mount & Blade : Warban, Minecraft, Terraria etc...

Mais aussi des servers TeamSpeak 3!

Forum Français / Re: Service de location de servers de jeux et TS 3
« on: April 25, 2014, 10:47:48 pm »
Pas de soucis ;)

Par contre si tu as besoin d'un serveur, fais-moi signe ;)

Forum Français / Re: Service de location de servers de jeux et TS 3
« on: April 25, 2014, 10:34:20 pm »
Je suis navré de ne pas pouvoir t'aider. Ici c'est mon topic de location de servers. ;)

I will test this, I'll add you no steam.

Excellent! I'll see you later then. ;)


My offer has been extended for a new month !

I am still looking for people interested in testing my new machine !

Sure thing.

Good evening. If you are available later tonight I might be able to grant your request. If not, first thing tomorrow morning ;)

Sorry I am currently away for family matters...
Please add me on steam and I'll talk to you later today. Is that OK?

if its not to late I'm interested but if the servers already taken no big deal.

Nope it's not to late.  8)

Please add me on steam and do consider joining my group !  ;)

Im intrested.

Excellent news! Add me on steam then - > Mackovich Server Hoster ;)

And the  we can discuss the details ;)

Well, perhaps you could take a closer look to my "real" offer here (servers starting at 0.12€ and TS at 0.15€ per slot !) :

TS = TeamSpeak, abbreviated. His main thread also refers directly to "TeamSpeak" hosting.

And no, I'm not going to bump your main thread for you. You can either acknowledge the warning, or don't. Doesn't bother me.

Thank you for your warning.

Anyway thank you for using the first posts in this thread where I am merely trying to give free servers. But perhaps such does not please everyone...

Do you have an Authorized Teamspeak Hosting Provider license? As you lack a website, and a control panel (remote desktop doesn't count) I'm going to take a guess at no. Without one you're not permitted to sell Teamspeak server hosting, doing so violates the license agreement and if caught will result in a legal dispute. ;)

I don't believe this thread is about renting TeamSpeak server right?

If you want to discuss about it in more details please do it in the concerning thread ;)

Thank you for the compliment !  :D

But there is room for the moment. You can always try and stop at any time ;)

Well, you don't have to take it ^^

But remember first come, first served ! ;)

Well, I try to be ^^

Are you interested ? ^^

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