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Forum Games / A New BoP: Choose the topic!
« on: June 13, 2016, 04:25:42 pm »
Hey everybody, I don't want this part of the forum to die, so hence I would want to suggest a few new ideas for a BoP.
Give me your suggestions and I will make a poll out of it.

My idea: Game of Thrones universe, Lord of the Rings universe.

Forum Games / Balance of Power: 1914 [Round 4] Hugely WIP
« on: May 26, 2016, 11:35:35 pm »

Welcome to BoP: Europe 1914



Great Powers

United Kingdom -
Russian Empire -
Kingdom of Italy -
France -
Austro-Hungarian Empire -
Germany -
Ottoman Empire -

Minor Powers

Kingdom of Serbia -
Kingdom of Bulgaria -
Kingdom of Romania -
Republic of Albania -
Principality of Montenegro -

Kingdom of Denmark -
Sweden -
Norway - 
The Netherlands -
Kingdom of Belgium -
Principality of Luxembourg -
Republic of Switzerland -

Kingdom of Spain -
Republic of Portugal -

Kingdom of Ethiopia -
Sublime State of Persia -

Estados Unidos Mexicanos -
United States of America -

Republic of Peru -
Republic of Brazil -
Republic of Colombia -
Republic of Suriname -

Empire of Japan -
Republic of China - 

Current Treaties

The United Kingdom of Great Britain + France - Non Aggression Treaty
The United Kingdom of Great Britain + Russian Empire - Non Aggression Treaty
France + Russian Empire - Alliance
Russian Empire + Serbia/Bulgaria - Aid
The Ottoman Empire + Bulgaria/Serbia - Aid
Austria-Hungary + Bulgaria/Serbia - Aid
Austria-Hungary + Italy - Alliance
Austria-Hungary + Germany - Alliance
Italy + Germany - Alliance
Germany + The Ottoman Empire - Alliance


The players are limited to taking broad strategic decisions to fight their wars, in-depth details will simply be unused. (This is to avoid the "but i did this and that and this and that" problem that occurs in many BoP games) Warfare in BoP: Europe 1914 will be decided by rolling of dice, with the applying of advantage/disadvantage modifiers after. Players who wish to plan an offensive/defensive strategy, or fight an all-out battle against their enemy must send their plans to the GM via PM.

- Naval invasions into enemy territory are very risky and need considerable planning. The resources from required from your naval and land forces may be great, and once a Naval Invasion is ordered it is extremely hard to call it off and retreat. Make sure you want to invade and are prepared to do so. Nations with large and powerful navies are obviously better equipped to handle naval invasions, and will get an advantage when doing so.

- Naval landings into friendly territory, such as territory controlled by one's allies, require only a small amount of preparation, planning, and time to initiate.

- Favorable terrain may give defenders the advantage, while unfavorable terrain may give Defenders/Attackers the disadvantage.

- Defenders are always at an advantage versus attackers. Using overwhelming numbers or flank maneuvers can change the tide.

- Giving your forces time to dig in will strengthen their defensive capabilities, but will make it harder for your generals to react upon flanking manoeuvres.

- Moving your forces around takes time.

-Battle plans can be split into stages, with each stage being a possible battle should the circumstances allow it.

-Shelling can now be done on an enemy location, granting a -1 penalty to the enemy for every day spent shelling up to a maximum of 15. The enemy will be warned whenever shelling is commenced and will be given information regarding where the shelling is taking place and the strength of the fire. Shelling bonuses do not carry over turns. Diversionary shelling is allowed.

-Scouts are fast, sneaky units mainly used to show one where his enemy is and what they are doing. In the early game, scouts are simply men on fast horses and not very effective. However, as time and technology progresses, scout planes may be unlocked. Scouting is based on a dice roll, for whether you see anything or nothing, and if you do see something, how much do you see.

-Your military's professionalism may be a great factor in one's victories and defeats. A well-trained, professional, volunteer force will have a great advantage over a force of conscripts.

- Your troops have morale. Making huge tactical mistakes or letting the country fall into destruction will have an effect on your military's morale, and this discontent may spread throughout your country...

-Every nation with a navy has either a Small, Medium, or Large Navy, which equates to a set number of ships to start:
  • Small Navy = 20 Ships or Less
  • Medium Navy = 21 Ships to 40 Ships
  • Large Navy = 41 Ships to 60 Ships
-Fortifying takes time. Every stage of fortification has a set time to reach:
  • 1 Turn spent fortifying = Light Fortifications
  • 2 Turns spent Fortifying = Medium Fortifications
  • 6 Turns Spent Fortifying = Heavy Fortifications
-Players must label the number of soldiers/ships in every army/fleet they move during war.

- Players can take industrial decisions that will affect the performance of their armed forces; focusing between Heavy or Light weaponry. They can also decide to not focus on either of the two (perfect for neutral nations) or balance it out between them. Decisions must be posted in public.

Heavy Machine Guns (Defensive bonus +5) - vs - Light Machine Guns (Offensive bonus +5)
Heavy Artillery (Defensive Bonus +10) - vs - Light artillery (Offensive Bonus +10)

Mobilisation is simply the conscription of men into military service and the transition of the military from peacetime to wartime. Each level of mobilisation will increase the amount of men one holds in action, reserve, and on the field, but will also increase the detrimental effect on one's economy. Extended and Full should be considered the standard mobilisation levels for a Great War to be fought, as this was the kind of mobilisation seen in WW1. Players are allowed to tweak the age limits, or add a voluntary option to their mobilisation, or even make their military completely voluntary.

Partial Mobilisation - All men up to 25 are mobilised for active service, except those in various professions, students, and others.
Extended Mobilisation - All men up to 35, except men in various necessary proffessions.
Full Mobilisation - All men up to 50, also lowering the requirements and removing exceptions to forced enlistment. 
Excessive Mobilisation - The enlistment of all men capable of service for active duty. Excessive mobilisation should be treated as a real last resort because it basically brings your country to a standstill.

Nations also have the option of instituting civilian militias, similar to the "Home Guard" seen in both WW1 and WW2. Militias offer a mediocre source to improving your civilians' military prowess in case war breaks out, as well as significantly reducing the economic drawbacks from full-on mobilisation. However, it is obviously not effective enough to base your entire military on, and should be viewed as a support mechanism. Militias cannot be used for offensive actions, only defensive. Be warned, arming your populace dire times may work, but an armed unhappy populace with no war to fight may turn their weapons on their own government, if unrest is high...

- Important! When planning your actions, remember to be specific of where your intended end goal for the plan will be! For example: *Stupid plan by some Frenchie to invade Belgium* my end goal is to reach Flanders.
- Don’t sign agreements that you will break quickly. Please. Just don’t.

- Treaties and agreements can be severed in a number of ways, however the best diplomatic way of breaking agreements would be through "Opt-Out" clauses. (For example "I will aid you in conflict, Except against Romania") When negotiating with another country, one can choose to make treaties an: Offensive alliance (only offensive wars), Defensive alliance (only defensive wars), General alliance (all wars), A Non Aggression Pact (Oh God please don't attack me! Here's my virginity and some blonds!), or an aid treaty (I decide to help you monetarily, with equipment and sexual favors economical support. Opting out via one of those clauses will have no major detrimental effects on one's nation (besides the diplomatic ramifications with the affected country and/or neighbors).

- You can support nations at war (or rebellions) in different ways.
Declare diplomatic support - Simply publicly display your backing to one side (mainly used to scare/threaten others into not joining)
Supplying - Secretly or publicly sending arms, food, goods etc to a warring party
Allowing volunteers to fight / forming a volunteer corps - secretly/publicly send men that are not politically sent by your nation to fight on one side. (Very risky, with great diplomatic ramifications if caught)
Simply declaring war. - Declare war and fight with a warring party.

- Since this era is the era of Nationalism, it may be easier to acquire friendly relations with other nations. Always remember past events and your nation's history, as this may make finding friends and allies easier or harder depending on who you are and who your neighbors are. Likewise, nations who are historical friends or share similar cultures may find themselves in good alliances.

- Upon winning a war, the victorious party has a multitude of options to choose from:
Full Annexation - The entire losing nation is absorbed into the victor's lands (Easier for small countries, nearly impossible for large Western powers)
Ceding of lands/acquiescence - The losing party receives peace terms, which may range from small amounts of land being ceded to the victor to war reparations and demilitarisation.
Puppet State - The losing party becomes a puppet state of the victorious party, with their independence and sovereignty severely reduced.

-The losing party of a war also has a multitude of options to choose from:
Surrender - The losing party agrees to whatever peace offers the victorious party grants them.
Exile - The losing party's government goes into exile with a neighboring country or ally. The war will remain active, along with hostilities and conflict should opposing forces remain active on the battlefields. Exiled governments can return to their nations if they win or make great progress or simply feel safe enough to return.
Resistance - (Can only be used if puppet state'd, or full annexed) The losing party's government goes into hiding, and the whole nation erupts into open rebellion. The victorious nation loses control of the newly acquired lands as time goes on, with the nation gaining a chance to regain its sovereignty should the resistance movement prove successful.

- Players should try to limit their posts to diplomatic decisions and statements, rather then continuously replying to each other.  Replying to statements is of course okay, but stay IC when doing so.
Every nation in the game has a government, which may give bonuses/negative effects towards certain actions and strategies. The government systems in this game are: Monarchy, Constitutional Monarchy, Republic/Democracy, Fascism, Communism, Dictatorship, and Hybrid (mixture of 2 or more government systems).

-Cons. Monarchy and Democracy/Republic work by having a ruling party preside over the nation for a set period of time that is voted into office. Elections are decided by a dice roll, with 1-39 representing the more conservative spectrum of politics, 40-59 being moderate, and 60-100 being the liberal spectrum. More conservative politics will give bonuses to military and government actions but may make your people unhappy. Moderates are in the middle, and gain a very slight bonus to all actions of the government, however if a player begins to stray too liberal/conservative, the people may become unhappy and another party may seize the government.

-Monarchies and Dictatorships are one person controls the nation. Monarchies most likely have some elements of democracy, while Dictatorships have little to no democratic elements. Both systems allow the player free reign to commit most/any actions, however they must keep an eye on unrest and unhappiness, lest they be overthrown for another form of government.

-Fascist and Communist governments are unique in this BoP. Both government types gain Full control over their government, along with the trade and economy of their nation, letting them modify many aspects of their nation to supplement whatever agenda the player chooses to follow. However, both Fascism and Communism are extremely unpopular governments on the world stage, and the player may find themselves diplomatically isolated following a government change. Another pressing problem, unrest, can be easily be solved by propaganda and elimination of the opposition. However, one must still be careful, for propaganda and fear can only take you so far.

Every nation in this game has people, citizens who go about their daily lives, work in industry, and fight their nation's wars. A happy and controlled population is much easier to work with than an unhappy, rebellious population. The placating and control of the civilian population is an important facet of BoP: 1915.

- Some countries, like the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Russian Empire, have a plethora of ethnicities which may affect the military and industrial power of their nations. People of the same or similar culture may not want to fight their brethren of similar blood, while a certain ethnicity of people may be campaigning for their national sovereignty and revolt as a result. Multi-ethnic nations however, while they may appear unstable in the short run, can turn this disadvantage into a great advantage if they manage to placate certain ethnicities into obedient and loyal service.

- Players must be wary not to commit horrible acts of military errors during their wars, or fight too many pitched and bloody battles. Sending hundreds of thousands of men off to die not only impacts your economy, but also increases the unrest of the general population as well as makes replenishing said lost manpower much harder.

- Players can reduce unrest and unhappiness by targeting opposition groups or certain political parties that are considered "Dangerous" by the state. Moderation is required however; oppressing the masses too much may lead to a revolution in one's nation.

- Rebellions come in many forms, from revolutions to protests and petitions to the sovereign. How a player handles unrest events may decrease/increase the unrest in a country. Temperance is needed.

-Revolts and Revolutions, if unchecked, may spiral out of control and spread to neighboring nations. To avoid an international blunder, it may be wise to intervene in a revolution as an outside party, even if it could prove beneficial to a player.


-Every Nation in the game produces at least 1 Research Point per month. Research Points are determined by:
  • Research Level
  • Economy Size
  • Economy Quality
A player can increase any of these things by focusing on them to develop via their actions. Investing and improving education and schools is treated like "Research" but for your Government. Other than that it will act in a similar way to research, with certain factors affecting points.

-Research Projects fall into 3 categories:
  • Big = 120 points
  • Medium = 80 points
  • Small = 40 points

- Research Agreements are treaties between nations to cooperate in the Sciences. The effects of entering into a research agreement with other nations are:
  • Research Agreements allow two (or more) nations to co-op research on a tech if they are researching the same one. Nations without Research Agreements will not be allowed to co-op a tech together, even if both nations are researching the same tech.
  • Research Agreements allow nations the option to automatically share newly discovered technologies to other nations they have a research agreement with. It is almost always assumed that if you enter a research agreement with someone, you will be sharing new discoveries together, so players must be vigilant to make sure they are not being tricked.
  • Research Agreements allow techs to be researched with a possible discount if 2 (or more) parties are researching the same technology together.

- Not all technologies in the game have to be researched; tactics like trench warfare, creeping barrage, and gas warfare can be acquired through simply playing the game and fighting a war for a long time. The technologies that do need to be researched are more technical in nature, such as: Tanks, Tank Warfare, Aeroplanes, Fighter Planes, Submarines, Grenades, Storming Tactics, etc.

-Some nations may start with technologies already acquired. Nations that participated in the Balkan Wars, such as Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, and Greece, start out with small bonuses to their military tech, while other more advanced nations like Germany and United Kingdom, may start out with bonuses to their Naval Tech.

-Research can be used to do 3 things:
  • Research New Technologies
  • Improve the Quality of one's Army
  • Improve the Quality of one's Navy

-Be warned, high tech may also make the masses unhappy due to pollution, industrialisation, ideological conflicts, and other problems.
Economy, Trade, and Industry
Each nation has an Industry Size associated with their Economy Size. Each level of Industry has a set number of slots: between 1-9.

Each nation has a certain demand for their people: eg.  The United Kingdom of Great Britain has 6 points, citizens require 3 and the military requires 3. If a nation is at war there must be a new way of industry to take into consideration, the "Rationing".

Rationing is a new way to use your industry slots in a sensible way to which your military demand would not overcome your citizen demand and would put your economy into a bad economical state. It is important to remember that if you do not use rationing, you would NOT, be able to hold an army + a whole country going. It's either.

There are a few states a country's economy can be in: crippled, manages, below average, average, decent, blooming, flourishing

Population, Military and research

- A player in this current BoP would HAVE to research his own historically accurate numbers in his: military and population.

- Civil techs are technologies developed to enhance the quality of life in your country. They're as important as military techs, and would get their own branch in the tech tree.


Starting Maps

Europe Map
World Map

Current Maps

Europe Map
World Map

Signatures, banners, and other media
Sigs and Banners

GIFs and Misc. Items

Other Games / Assassin's Creed: Victory
« on: December 03, 2014, 07:02:51 am »
A new Assassin's Creed has been leaked. It is said to be set in the Victorian Era, in London.
What do you guys think?
Source is Kotaku Magazine.

Off Topic / Microphone Problem
« on: November 29, 2014, 08:35:35 pm »
Hey guys, I need help. I got a new microphone (Shure C606 with a 3.5mm adapter from XLR) and whenever I plug it in my Microphone jack in the back of my case it says it is plugged but it does not do any sound, and when I plug it in the front panel it start creating distortion sounds in my headphones and a very bad sound when recording (tried it with Audacity and TS).
It only works when I plug it in the line in, but then it doesn't work in TS\Skype\Games. Only recordings through Audacity and Shadowplay. What do you think the problem might be? Searched all over the internet but could find anything.

Other Games / MLG vids plox
« on: October 21, 2014, 07:56:28 pm »
im addding sum mlg vid i made soon
ples watch
im work very hard on it

Community / Building Threads: The Complete Guide (Finally Finished!)
« on: October 17, 2014, 11:47:40 pm »
Building Threads: The Complete Guide

Hello, my name is DoctorWarband, and this is my full guide of thread making.

Stage one: Creating graphics (aka, header, pictures for a table, ect)

My personal advice, make it fancy. Download Photoshop. Take gold textures from online\make them yourself, with special fonts, design yourself a nice header with a fitting background picture. You can find anything online these days. Then, find 2-3 images that fit your thread, add them depth and color (in Photoshop) and insert them in a table. I will explain how to do that in the next parts. Of course, you need to have a basic understanding of Photoshop to do so. An example of header with special fonts can be found on here, on my inactive thread workshop.
Ready to move on to the next stage? Good. If you want actual Photoshop lessons, go study here, I am not your fking teacher at the community college of Uganda.

Stage Two: Organizing Your History With Your Designed Photos

First of all, I will start with you on the basics of tables. A table is a feature in BB Coding that is meant to organize things in straight columns and lines. For example: a photo and text. Now, how do we use the damn table? It is quite simple, actually. Here's how a table looks in a code.


The 'td' tag represents what column it will be. The more 'td' tags, the more columns it will have. Or, if you want, a position of a picture in relation to a text. so how do you work with that? Simple. Here's an example thread I took.
The Royal Scots Greys originated as three troops of dragoons. The first two were formed on 21 May 1678 under the commands of Captain John Strachan and Captain John Inglis. The third, under the command of Captain Viscount Kingstoun, was formed on 23 September 1678. These were the first mounted troops raised for the British crown in Scotland. Inglis, Stachan and Kingstoun's troops would spend their early years suppressing prohibited Presbyterian assemblies in Scotland.

In 1681, by Royal Warrant, these three troops were combined, with the addition of three further troops, into what would be named the Royal Regiment of Scots Dragoons. Lieutenant-General Thomas Dalziel would be the regiment's first colonel. In its original configuration, the Scots Greys were configured as a true dragoon regiment. Although mounted, as cavalry regiments were, their armament was closer to that carried by infantry units. Troopers of the Scots Greys were authorized, during the late 17th century, to carry matchlock muskets with bayonets, while their sergeants and corporals carried halberds and pistols. Only the officers were authorized swords, though the lieutenants were to be armed with a partisan. Interestingly, the original uniform called for the troopers to wear grey coats, but there is no record that the regimental mounts had to be of any particular colour.

Code: Code of the table
[td][size=14pt][font=georgia]The Royal Scots Greys originated as three troops of dragoons. The first two were formed on 21 May 1678 under the commands of Captain John Strachan and Captain John Inglis. The third, under the command of Captain Viscount Kingstoun, was formed on 23 September 1678. These were the first mounted troops raised for the British crown in Scotland. Inglis, Stachan and Kingstoun's troops would spend their early years suppressing prohibited Presbyterian assemblies in Scotland.
In 1681, by Royal Warrant, these three troops were combined, with the addition of three further troops, into what would be named the Royal Regiment of Scots Dragoons. Lieutenant-General Thomas Dalziel would be the regiment's first colonel. In its original configuration, the Scots Greys were configured as a true dragoon regiment. Although mounted, as cavalry regiments were, their armament was closer to that carried by infantry units. Troopers of the Scots Greys were authorized, during the late 17th century, to carry matchlock muskets with bayonets, while their sergeants and corporals carried halberds and pistols. Only the officers were authorized swords, though the lieutenants were to be armed with a partisan. Interestingly, the original uniform called for the troopers to wear grey coats, but there is no record that the regimental mounts had to be of any particular colour.
Let's work with the code a bit, shall we? As you can see at the beginning of the code, the first 'td' tag hold a paragraph of text, in this case, 14pt size, font Georgia. Remember, if you want to make a text in a special font and size, you must add it in between the tags, right where bracket of the font name ends! Now, you see the paragraph. But it is a wall of text! What do you do? Simple. You just add a divider, or, a horizontal ruler. But where? Right in between the two codes on the two text paragraphs you want to divide. After you add the text, you feel it is a bit empty. Because it is, isn't it? All you have to do, is add a picture fitting the size of the paragraph, see it sits well. How? You add another 'td' tag, and in it, your desired photo. Of course you need to add the 'img' tag, and in between the brackets add the link to the photo. If it doesn't fit, play with the sizes in Photoshop a bit, to see the pixel ratio, and by the pixel ratio just change the photo values by adding inside the 'img' tag the following thing:
[img width=pixel value height=pixel value][/img]

If it does not work, just change between the width and height positions in the code, and add the values in the fitting places.If you want to make your history look really good, just do the same kind of table, but instead switch between the placement of the and the text, like such:
The Royal Scots Greys originated as three troops of dragoons. The first two were formed on 21 May 1678 under the commands of Captain John Strachan and Captain John Inglis. The third, under the command of Captain Viscount Kingstoun, was formed on 23 September 1678. These were the first mounted troops raised for the British crown in Scotland. Inglis, Stachan and Kingstoun's troops would spend their early years suppressing prohibited Presbyterian assemblies in Scotland.

In 1681, by Royal Warrant, these three troops were combined, with the addition of three further troops, into what would be named the Royal Regiment of Scots Dragoons. Lieutenant-General Thomas Dalziel would be the regiment's first colonel. In its original configuration, the Scots Greys were configured as a true dragoon regiment. Although mounted, as cavalry regiments were, their armament was closer to that carried by infantry units. Troopers of the Scots Greys were authorized, during the late 17th century, to carry matchlock muskets with bayonets, while their sergeants and corporals carried halberds and pistols. Only the officers were authorized swords, though the lieutenants were to be armed with a partisan. Interestingly, the original uniform called for the troopers to wear grey coats, but there is no record that the regimental mounts had to be of any particular colour.

Between its formation in 1681 and 1685, the Scots Greys were employed primarily in keeping civil order in Scotland. The regiment participated in expeditions against various fractious clans which resisted the monarch's rule. In 1688, the regiment was quartered in London at the start of the Glorious Revolution. Upon the landing of William of Orange, the regiment took the side of William and Mary, being taken on into the new king's army. Ordered back to Scotland, the Scots Greys took part in the Battle of Killiecrankie against the Jacobites. For their service, the regiment's title as a Royal regiment was confirmed and they were ranked as the 4th Dragoons.

Prior to 1693, there is no record that the regiment used grey horses exclusive to others. However, when inspected in London in 1693 by King William III, people took note that the regiment was mounted on all grey horses. Some have offered the theory that the grey horses originated with the Dutch Horse Guards. When they left to return to the Netherlands, the horses were turned over to the Scots Greys. Although there is no definite reason, some of the men also wore either fur caps or broad-brimmed hats. By the time of their royal inspection, uniforms of the regiment had also changed. Gone were the dull grey coats they had initially worn, replaced with the red, or scarlet, coats with blue facings proclaiming the Scots Greys "Royal" status. After this first showing of an all grey horsed regiment, the regiment became increasingly known as the "Grey Dragoons" or the "Scots Regiment of Grey Dragoons".

[td][size=14pt][font=georgia]The Royal Scots Greys originated as three troops of dragoons. The first two were formed on 21 May 1678 under the commands of Captain John Strachan and Captain John Inglis. The third, under the command of Captain Viscount Kingstoun, was formed on 23 September 1678. These were the first mounted troops raised for the British crown in Scotland. Inglis, Stachan and Kingstoun's troops would spend their early years suppressing prohibited Presbyterian assemblies in Scotland.
In 1681, by Royal Warrant, these three troops were combined, with the addition of three further troops, into what would be named the Royal Regiment of Scots Dragoons. Lieutenant-General Thomas Dalziel would be the regiment's first colonel. In its original configuration, the Scots Greys were configured as a true dragoon regiment. Although mounted, as cavalry regiments were, their armament was closer to that carried by infantry units. Troopers of the Scots Greys were authorized, during the late 17th century, to carry matchlock muskets with bayonets, while their sergeants and corporals carried halberds and pistols. Only the officers were authorized swords, though the lieutenants were to be armed with a partisan. Interestingly, the original uniform called for the troopers to wear grey coats, but there is no record that the regimental mounts had to be of any particular colour.
[td][size=14pt][font=georgia]Between its formation in 1681 and 1685, the Scots Greys were employed primarily in keeping civil order in Scotland. The regiment participated in expeditions against various fractious clans which resisted the monarch's rule. In 1688, the regiment was quartered in London at the start of the Glorious Revolution. Upon the landing of William of Orange, the regiment took the side of William and Mary, being taken on into the new king's army. Ordered back to Scotland, the Scots Greys took part in the Battle of Killiecrankie against the Jacobites. For their service, the regiment's title as a Royal regiment was confirmed and they were ranked as the 4th Dragoons.[/font][/size]
[size=14pt][font=georgia]Prior to 1693, there is no record that the regiment used grey horses exclusive to others. However, when inspected in London in 1693 by King William III, people took note that the regiment was mounted on all grey horses. Some have offered the theory that the grey horses originated with the Dutch Horse Guards. When they left to return to the Netherlands, the horses were turned over to the Scots Greys. Although there is no definite reason, some of the men also wore either fur caps or broad-brimmed hats. By the time of their royal inspection, uniforms of the regiment had also changed. Gone were the dull grey coats they had initially worn, replaced with the red, or scarlet, coats with blue facings proclaiming the Scots Greys "Royal" status. After this first showing of an all grey horsed regiment, the regiment became increasingly known as the "Grey Dragoons" or the "Scots Regiment of Grey Dragoons".[/font][/size][/td][/tr][/table]

Stage 3: Organizing Ranks and Roster in a Table

It took me a long time, but here is the third and last part of our guide! Now, how do you do Ranks and Roster? Here's an example:

Add here

Add here

Corporal of Horse

Add here

Add here

Add here[/td]
[td]                                [/td]
Add here


[td][center][size=18pt][font=georgia]Corporal of Horse[/font][/size]
Add here[/td]
[td]                                [/td]
[hr]Add here[/td]

This is a rather simple one. See those heads for each rank? Each one is done in the following matter:

[hr]Add here[/td]
As you can see, I inserted the Trooper rank in between design tags (AKA font and size), which is inside a 'td' tag. Also, inside the 'td' tag I put the 'hr' code, hence creating the short divider. Right after the horizontal ruler, I added where the list of troops shall go for each rank and there I finished with it. Adding pictures is just another thing in making it pretty. As you can see in the code, the image is inserted between the officers and the regulars to divide them. It was my mistake, but it became pretty good after he added the list of troops. That is it! This guide is finally finished. Photoshop tutorials will be added if you guys find this useful and want some techniques of how to do styles and ect.   

Hope it was helpful!

« on: August 26, 2014, 02:38:45 pm »
Hello everyone!
As you may know (or not know) I am a YouTuber and I want to make a Roman styled film in Mount & Blade: Warband in the mod Roma Oritur.
Now, I need actors. Not really actors, more like... yeah, actors.
- Must speak fluent English, preferably British accents but American accents also work.
- Must be a mature guy\ gal.
- TeamSpeak
- A good microphone (Not that critical).

Off Topic / The Trolling Thread
« on: July 23, 2014, 09:08:41 pm »
Troll each other freely. Sorry, but I am kidding.
When you troll someone, hashtag it with #trolled

The Mess Hall / UFC THREAD
« on: July 16, 2014, 10:46:12 am »
Hello scrubs,
Anyone watching UFC or am I the only one?

Well, me and my course of ambassadors (about 15 members) went to visit a Zionist Convention in the territory of Gush Azion (Azion Region, near the border with Jordan, and inside a conquered Palestinian territory), which the ministry of education decided to have in that certain spot. Me, and all the left wingers almost didn't come, because it's a clear right wing statement about the intentions of Israel. Now, the convention is supposed to represent a wide range of the population\ the different political views of the population, and it's pretty clear to everyone that it is a right wing statement of mind. What do you think should have happened? Do the convention in the conquered territories, or do it in a more neutral place, that won't represent anything except for the whole population?

Off Topic / YouTube Gaming Parnership
« on: March 21, 2014, 07:39:41 pm »
Hey guys, I need help with something.
Is it possible to get a sponsorship from a big game development company like Ubisoft, Rockstar games and ect?
And if so, how is it achievable? I want to get a sponsorship from Ubisoft, for my YouTube channel.
Sorry if it's a stupid question.

Regiments / 10th Royal Hussars (Prince of Wales's Own) [EU] [Moved]
« on: March 11, 2014, 08:38:56 pm »

Community / DoctorWarband's Workshop! [Applications Open!]
« on: February 18, 2014, 04:44:54 pm »
** DoctorWarband's Workshop! **

Previous Projects:

In the thread here

Note!!!! I use different thread styles now, so the first application will have to take a risk. :)!!!!

Code: Application
[b]What I want to be made: [/b]
[b]What does it include:[/b]
[b]Links to pictures you want in it:[/b]
[b]For what purpose:[/b]

Ways of thanking me

You can donate if you like, even though my paypal doesn't work though... I will try to fix it as soon as possible :)

Other Games / The Veiled Stars Open Beta YouTube series!
« on: February 11, 2014, 05:18:54 pm »
Hello guys. My series is starting today!!! tomorrow!!!
I am uploading the first episode at the moment. I hope you will enjoy it, it's only a first, very brief review of the mod. I hope you like the video, and the series! :)

Links to the videos

Will be added soon.

Off Topic / I need help!
« on: February 01, 2014, 01:33:36 pm »
Hello people,
I am going to finish school in a few years, and I want to go study in Canada (I am a citizen and I don't want to do my studies in Hebrew) Sociology and Politics. Do you know any good Universities or Colleges in the British Columbia region to study those? And what will be the approximate price?


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