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Skins & OSP Resources / Prussia Enhanced - Final Version!
« on: March 11, 2019, 02:23:43 pm »
Prussia Enhanced

Welcome to Prussia Enhanced! This mod changes every prussian unit ingame. Some reskins may not be historically accurat!
The development has reached its final state - I proudly present the final version. Almost everything in this Mod was created by me, this is most definetly not a compilation anymore.
This pack doesn´t include the animations and textures shown in the pictures!

Resources used
The Prussian guard hat is part of Attila the nun´s work.

Due to the fact that the guard reskin involves Attilla´s work, the guard reskin wont be OSP. Everything else is hereby marked as OSP and is as such free to use.

What does this mod change?
This mod includes a closed crosshair. Thanks to John Price for letting me use the closed crosshair he designed for his 18e pack.
Some units got renamed (only in the english version of the game).

Some sneak peaks:
Winter Uniform (Ranker)
Winter Uniform (Officer)
Landwehr (Ranker)
Landwehr (Officer)
Freikorps (Ranker)
Freikorps (Officer)
Grenadier (Ranker)
Dragoner (Ranker)
Hussar (Officer)
Lancer (Ranker)
Heavy (Ranker)
Arty (Ranker)
Arty (Officer)

Follow the installation guide provided in the files.

And if you have any questions: feel free to ask! (Just dont ask me)
And for spelling mistakes: please blame this guy Nightwing

Pages: 1