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Topics - Aaron702

Pages: 1
Events: EU / Nr.27 Sunday Siege - 7pm British Time
« on: January 25, 2015, 09:16:56 pm »

The Nr.27 Sunday Siege will be a 50 v 50 siege event (to reduce lag) hosted every Sunday at 19:00 British time.

Server details will be handed out on Steam 30 minutes before the event
Add '[Nr27] Aaron' on Steam or visit

Line Infantry
5-30 men
Must move in a line outside of the fort if attacking
Must stay in a group if defending
May fire in the charge
No foot guard
May take 1 sapper

5-10 men
Must stay in a group if defending or attacking
May fire in the charge
May officer aim

2-10 men
Must stay in a group
May not leave the cannons
May take guard within class limit

Do not rambo
Do not glitch
Do not troll cannons
Do not officer aim (Skirms only)
Do not troll
Do not spam chat
Ensure tags are correct
Do not AFK (Spectators may be kicked to free up space)
The admin's word is final
You may take a flag and or a musician

Events: EU / Nr. 27 Infantry Regiment Wednesday Linebattle - Cancelled
« on: October 20, 2014, 06:49:26 pm »

Hello, we are the Nr. 27 and we are hosting our very first event: the Nr. 27 Wednesday Linebattle. It will be a 50 v 50 event hosted every Wednesday at 19:00 British time.

Regiment representatives will be expected to be in our TS at 18:15 for server details
Add '[Nr27] Aaron' on Steam for more info

Line Infantry
5-20 men
Must form a line to fire
May not fire in the charge
May not crouch whilst in combat (Unless forming double ranks)
No foot guard

Light Infantry
5-15 men
May use 3 man spacing
May fire in the charge
May crouch

5-15 men
May use 5 man spacing
May fire in the charge
May crouch

5-15 men
Must move in a loose formation
Dragoons must form line to fire (May fire from horseback in a line)

Do not rambo
Do not officer aim (Skirms only)
Do not troll
Do not spam chat
Ensure tags are correct
Do not AFK (Move to spec if necessary)
The admin's word is final
Only officers may vote for maps
All classes require at least 1 officer
You may take a flag and or a musician

Name of Regiment:
Steam Representative:
Unit Class:
Weekly or Once:
Do you agree to the rules?

Attending Regiments:
East India Company
Nr. 27 Infantry Regiment
14 Pułk Kirasjerów
90th Perthshire
74th Regiment of Highland Lights

Regiments / Infantry Regiment Nr. 27 Tschammer
« on: October 07, 2014, 10:01:58 pm »

We are a European based international community that takes the role of a Prussian infantry regiment
in Mount & Blade Napoleonic Wars: the Nr.27 Infantry Regiment

The regiment is divided into two battalions: 1te & 2te
1te is focused on line infantry
2te is focused on light infantry and riflemen

The Nr.27 Infantry Regiment is not just a regiment, but a community where all are welcome to enjoy
the wonders of multiplayer gaming. No matter your age or nationality, there's a warm welcome awaiting everyone

Obst Alasdaaaairo
ObstLt Bond
Lt Aaron

Fw Reece
Fw French90
Uffz Bagins

Gefr Jaden
Gefr Alfonso
Gefr TheQueen
Gefr PGpartygamer
Gefr Marsden
Musk Jack
Musk Gabba Gandalf
Musk Janosch
Musk Yolowan
Jgr John
Jgr Growler
Jgr Lee
Jgr Praetorian
Jgr Wermat159
Tam Gandhi
Rek Blacktemplar
Rek Wolf.monoke
Rek inFamouZ
Rek Josmas
Rek Jojo
Rek Sinon
Rek LoneWolf
Rek Vladimir
Rek Galbatorix
Rek Nox Aeterna
Rek Florimond
Rek Debirufisshu
Rek Deathgun
Rek Masterogel
Rek Tomo


Monday -            5th Division Monday Linebattle - Line & Skirms
Tuesday -           2nd Trench Battle - Lights
Wednesday -      Nr27 Wednesday Linebattle - Line & Skirms
Thursday -          Training
Friday -               90th Friday Linebattle - Skirms
Saturday -          Free Day
Sunday -             95th Sunday Siege - Line

The 27th Prussian Infantry Regiment also known as the "Prinz Leopold" was founded by The Kingdom of Württemberg in 1817 as a militia regiment. Alfter the Prussian Empire took control of Württemberg, it was renamed the Prinz Leopold after its first Commander: Prince Leopold. The 27th Infantry Regiment partook in the Austro-Prussian war of 1866, the Franco-Prussian war (1870-1871), and in the Western Front during World War I (1914-1919). The Regiment was later disbanded in 1918 due to the Treaty of Versailles.

Interested in joining the community? Hop onto our TeamSpeak server or contact one of our officers via Steam

In-Game Server - Nr27_Server
TeamSpeak -
Steam Group -
Obst Alasdaaaairo -
OLt Bond -
Lt Aaron -

Regiments / 14th South Essex Regiment ~EU~ (Recruiting)
« on: July 13, 2014, 01:27:43 am »

14th South Essex
Recruiting Now

Looking for an English speaking Europe based regiment? Look no further

We are currently looking for recruits to be used primarily as line infantry, although other units will be required once the regiment grows

Rank Structure


Lieutenant Colonel





Sergeant Major

Colour Sergeant




Colonel Aaron
Lieutenant Colonel John

Lieutenant Colonel Reece

Major Vodafone
Captain Dragonlord

Contact Nukez4life on Steam
or visit

Pages: 1