Events: EU / Nr.27 Sunday Siege - 7pm British Time
« on: January 25, 2015, 09:16:56 pm »The Nr.27 Sunday Siege will be a 50 v 50 siege event (to reduce lag) hosted every Sunday at 19:00 British time.
Server details will be handed out on Steam 30 minutes before the event
Add '[Nr27] Aaron' on Steam or visit
Line Infantry
5-30 men
Must move in a line outside of the fort if attacking
Must stay in a group if defending
May fire in the charge
No foot guard
May take 1 sapper
5-10 men
Must stay in a group if defending or attacking
May fire in the charge
May officer aim
2-10 men
Must stay in a group
May not leave the cannons
May take guard within class limit
Do not rambo
Do not glitch
Do not troll cannons
Do not officer aim (Skirms only)
Do not troll
Do not spam chat
Ensure tags are correct
Do not AFK (Spectators may be kicked to free up space)
The admin's word is final
You may take a flag and or a musician