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Messages - Hearthland

Pages: 1 2 3
Events: EU / Re: 92nd Sunday Linebattle "Flagspawning"
« on: September 04, 2023, 10:52:25 pm »
Name of the Regiment: 45e Régiment d'infanterie de ligne
Which class/classes would you like to play: Line Infantry
Expected attendance: 10
Regimental contact: &
Wish to attend permanent or only once: Permanent
Have you read the rules & do you accept them? Yes

Team Name:My Little Pony
Captain's Steam Contact (Link required):
Did you read and accept the rules?*: Yes
Roster (In-game IDs required):
Hearthland (AppleJack) - 1600001
Python (Pinkie Pie) - 927368
Troister (Rainbow Dash) - 395813

This is why this picture of you now makes sense

Dont be jealous, I take care of my little pony’s
I can play with my eyes closed and with one hand after years of no training and I will still play better than you WOMAN  :P :P :P :P :P :P :P

Who asked you to tell your shitty life ? 🙂


Team Name:My Little Pony
Captain's Steam Contact (Link required):
Did you read and accept the rules?*: Yes
Roster (In-game IDs required):
Hearthland (AppleJack) - 1600001
Python (Pinkie Pie) - 927368
Troister (Rainbow Dash) - 395813

This is why this picture of you now makes sense

Dont be jealous, I take care of my little pony’s
I can play with my eyes closed and with one hand after years of no training and I will still play better than you WOMAN  :P :P :P :P :P :P :P

Who asked you to tell your shitty life ? 🙂

M.Tournaments Board / Re: NWMC | Teams & Free Agents
« on: March 16, 2023, 05:32:49 pm »
Team Name:
Player(s) to add:
@782640 #Levis

Player(s) to remove:
@9886 #Vixtro

He left NW

Team Name:My Little Pony
Captain's Steam Contact (Link required):
Did you read and accept the rules?*: Yes
Roster (In-game IDs required):
Hearthland (AppleJack) - 1600001
Python (Pinkie Pie) - 927368
Troister (Rainbow Dash) - 395813

This is why this picture of you now makes sense

Dont be jealous, I take care of my little pony’s
imagine play nw with girl  :P :P :P :P

That's funny coming from a simp

M.Tournaments Board / Re: NWMC | Media
« on: March 14, 2023, 12:17:25 am »

M.Tournaments Board / Re: NWMC | Round 2 | Swiss
« on: March 10, 2023, 08:50:22 pm »
Match: RF - 45e
Date & Time: 13th March 8pm
Server Number (1-4): 1
Referee: Flashkodr
Do you have anyone to record?: yes

M.Tournaments Board / Re: NWMC | Teams & Free Agents
« on: March 08, 2023, 04:20:07 pm »
Team Name: 45e
Player(s) to add:

@9886# Vixtro

Free agent

M.Tournaments Board / Re: NWMC | Sign-ups
« on: February 22, 2023, 03:44:03 pm »
Team Name: 45e
Captain Nickname: Hearthland
Captain's Steam Link:
Do you agree to all of the Rules?: Yes
Hearthland / 1600001
Syrcrim / 664421
Faisan /1431695
Dayboul / 431148
Pirex / 1475976
Corta / 674000
McSpartacus / 636418
Foster / 2293479

Gg all, thanks for the tournament !

Captain Name: Hearthland
Teamname: Le H and her flowers
Steam ID:
Do you agree to the rules?: Yes

ID Roster
Hearthland / 1600001
Wargy / 353554
Ingram / 350611
McSpartacus / 636418
Maxence / 388607
Levis / 782640
Faisan / 1431695
Enderby / 497587
Pirex / 1475976 (reserve)

until when we can sign up ?

Captain Name: Hearthland
Teamname: CF (formerly 45e Team 2)
Steam ID:
Do you agree to the rules?: yes
ID Roster
Hearthland / 1600001
VirOgil / 2095697
JohnDoe / 1428238
Zangdar / 781505
Kikiri / 665474
Théogoulag / 1969757
Tonio / 441078
Mortier / 620550
Zark / 1230774 
Gontran Bonheur / 1220344

Roster updated

Captain Name: Hearthland
Teamname: CF (formerly 45e Team 2)
Steam ID:
Do you agree to the rules?: yes
ID Roster
Hearthland / 1600001
VirOgil / 2095697
JohnDoe / 1428238
Zangdar / 781505
Kikiri / 665474
Théogoulag / 1969757
Tonio / 441078
Mortier / 620550
Zark / 1230774 
Gontran Bonheur / 1220344

Steam (Capitaine):
Nom de l'équipe : Kikine4TheWin
Tag en jeu : K4W_Pseudo
Joueurs avec GUID:

Hearthland | 1600001
Hershel | 1634149
VirOgil | 2095697
Zangdar | 781505
Wargy | 353554
Ouranos | 665180

Acceptez vous les règles du tournoi ? Oui


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