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Topics - Cazasar

Pages: 1 2
Off Topic / Was denkt Caz über...
« on: May 05, 2022, 04:49:47 pm »
Wenn ihr sonst so wissen wollt was ich von menschen halte fragt mich einfach
Ich sehe da potential für einen eigenen Thread: "Was denkt Caz über..."

Wäre glaube ich mal wieder was erfrischendes hier im Off Topic  ::)

M&B: Warband - Napoleonic Wars / NWWC 2021
« on: January 13, 2021, 09:34:11 pm »
moin moin, wie der Buschfunk flüstert steht demnächst ne neue NWWC an. Ich persönlich hätte Bock diesmal n bisschen früher mit diversen Prozessen zu beginnen, was haltet ihr davon einfach intern schonmal captains zu voten um mehr trainieren zu können?

Off Topic / Polizei und Rassismus
« on: December 09, 2020, 01:22:56 pm »
Moin, hier wie angekündigt. Hab tbh in bisschen n mulmiges Gefühl ob ich hierfür mal n Diszi bekomme aber gut dann ist das eventuell auch Teil des Problems lel.

Rassismus in der Polizei ist ja im Moment (und damit meine ich die letzten 2 Jahre) ein reales Thema auch in der breiteren Gesellschaft geworden und das ist denke ich auch sehr gut so.

Oftmals werden Sachen wie "Racial Profiling" angesprochen, oder dedizierte Gewalt gegen Menschen mit mutmaßlichen Migrationshintergrund. Könnt ja gerne eure Erfahrungen hier teilen.

Über meine Erfahrungen nur so viel: Sie sind rein anekdotisch und spiegeln nur meine Erfahrungen wieder. Tread with Care oder so..

Es fängt eigentlich echt früh an mit subtilen Rassismus. Der Großteil der Dozenten in der Akademie sind klar als "Boomer" zu klassifizieren und kommen dementsprechend auch mit einem passendem Weltbild in den Unterricht. Ein Extremfall hat uns mal eine Stunde erklärt warum das N- Wort nicht Rassistisch sei und er das sagen dürfe, weil der Mann seiner Tochter im den N-Word Pass gegeben hat (er hat das natürlich anders formuliert).
Selbiger Dozent erzählt gerne eine Anekdote über eine Abschiebung, bei der er sehr überrascht sei "dass der Nwort ja Anwalt gewesen sei". Keine Pointe. Kein Aufregen von den Studenten (zu diesem Zeitpunkt auch nicht von mir tbh

Desweiteren gibt es in der Polizei Codewörter, unter anderem auch eins für "Ausländer", also Menschen ohne Deutschen Pass. Sinn und Zweck also um Dolmetscher etc. anzufordern. In der Praxis nutzen das die meisten Kollegen einfach statt "Kanacke" o.ä.. "Hier schon wieder so eine (Codewort) Gruppe." "Der Mercedes ist ja ne typische (Codewort) Karre." Hat mich jedes mal aggressiv gemacht.

Gewalt gegen Menschen aufgrund ihrer Hautfarbe habe ich nicht mitbekommen, generell keine ungerechtfertigte Polizeigewalt.

Es macht mich tbh einfach nur traurig. Ich habe selber bei Verkehrskontrollen bemerkt wie überrascht Menschen mit nicht weißer Hautfarbe wahren wenn man einfach freundlich zu ihnen war. Meisten waren solche Menschen nämlich erstmal abgefuckt (ich vermute aus vorherigen erfahrungen), aber beruhigten sich dann sehr schnell.

Ich befinde mich momentan wie man vielleicht liest in einer kleinen Sinnkrise, insbesondere da ich und zwei (2) Kommilitonen die einzigen Menschen sind die über sowas gerade reden und ihre Erfahrungen austauschen. Viele scheint das einfach nicht zu stören.

In unserer Klasse befindet sich ein Mensch mit Migrationshintergrund, habe ihn neulich mal darauf angesprochen was er so von Kommentaren der Kollegen und Dozenten hält. Ihn verletze das, er habe Freunde die deshalb auch bei der Polizei aufgehört haben, aber er möchte jemand sein der es besser macht, da er findet das er sich sonst nicht darüber beschweren könne. Fand ich geil, seh ich auch so.

Forum Games / BoP Searching for Players
« on: November 20, 2020, 12:00:18 am »
Hey People. As some of you may know, there have been a few so called "Balance of Power" Games on here. Its a Game were you play as a nation during a certain timeperiod and submit order for each months, wich are then carried out by the gamemaster.

Its great fun if you are into History and Roleplaying games.

There is a new one opening up on another Forum and if you want to join, just send me a PM on the Forum :)

M&B: Warband - Napoleonic Wars / Das Deutsche Team
« on: June 29, 2020, 11:44:26 pm »

Es geht wieder los Freunde! Diskussionen über Deutsche Sub Themen kann man ja hierher verlagern und damit nicht den normal Thread zu müllen.

The Mess Hall / Duels or GF
« on: June 04, 2020, 02:44:44 pm »
lets continue

The Mess Hall / Nostalgia Thread
« on: May 20, 2020, 12:43:14 pm »
I thought we would all benefit from a Thread were we share fond memories we had while playing NW for years and years. Please dont use this to start up age old discussions, but instead look back at good times you had while playing a game we all love (and hate at the same time).

Ill start with a few examples:

Drawing against the 14e
This was my first NWL match ever, I just joined the Spartans and I dont think I understood the whole magnitude back then, but it felt pretty great. This was also my first big FSE Discussion haha

Winning the NWWC in 2016
I think this is a given. Even though its "just a videogame" im unironically proud of this till this day. One might argue that we just had "luck", but tbh everyone who wins has a tidbit of luck. Rommel and me achieved what no other Team GER Captain achieved before even though we were heavily doubted by older German players (Moskito didnt even join because he thought we were retards).

I hope to read similar fond memories in this thread, ill thank you all for sharing :)

Off Topic / FSE Battle
« on: June 13, 2018, 11:54:12 pm »
Disst den vorherigen Poster möglichst gut. Muss sich nicht unbedingt Reimen, einfach gute Punchlines droppen

Off Topic / 72nd Refugees
« on: April 05, 2018, 09:51:24 pm »

Das nun Ex-72nd würde gerne möglichst geschlossen in ein neues Regiment. Wer nimmt uns auf? Angebote bitte über Steam

Fukken Große Brüste


Groupfighting Teams / German NWWC Team
« on: March 12, 2018, 10:52:36 pm »

Luke Blacktham
Bunter Igel

Wins: 7 Losses: 3
Germany 15 - 10 England(Trials)
Germany 15 - 9 Ukraine
Germany 9 - 15 Virgins
Germany 15 - 13 England
Germany 10 - 9 MHO
Germany 13 - 15 Sweden
Germany 15 - 14 France
Germany 15 - 11 Polen
Germany 15 - 5 Ukraine
Germany 13 - 15 England


M&B: Warband - Napoleonic Wars / Pick Up Parties
« on: March 06, 2018, 01:29:16 pm »
Hier in der deutschen Community wird ja gerne mal (auch von meiner Seite) geranted dass die Community doch gefälligst mal kompetitiver werden soll. Wie genau das stattfinden soll wird entweder gar nicht gesagt oder es wird verlangt das sich ganze Regimenter umstellen. Da dass zugegebener maßen etwas extrem ist, biete ich hiermit eine softere Alternative an: Die international bekannten "Pick Up Parties".

Bei diesen treffen sich fast jeden Tag gegen 9 Uhr deutscher Zeit mehrere Spieler auf einem TS, auf dem dann zufällig 2 Captains ausgewählt werden. Diese wählen dann abwechselnd Spieler bis alle Spieler gewählt sind, und dann haben beide Teams einen Groupfight.

Warum ist das so cool? Weil Spieler unabhängig von Nation, Regiment oder Skilllevel zusammenkommen. Ich kenne momentan keine bessere Atmosphäre um gut in NW zu werden. Alles was man tun muss ist der Steamgruppe beitreten und bei Announcements auf den angegebenen TS kommen. Vielleicht hat ja der ein oder andere Interesse.

Groupfight Board / NWWC 2018
« on: February 21, 2018, 07:32:09 pm »

Einigkeit, Recht und Freiheit


Wins: 11 Losses: 3
Germany 15 - 14 England(Trials)
Germany 15 - 13 TBE
Germany 10 - 7 Ukraine
Germany 10 - 2 Russia
Germany 15 - 7 Scotland
Germany 15 - 10 Ukraine
Germany 15 - 10 Czechoslovakei
Germany 15 - 12 Poland
Germany 15 - 4 Spain
Germany 8 - 15 England
Germany 8 - 10 England
Germany 15 - 3 Turkey
Germany 8 - 15 Irland
Germany 15 - 11 France

Forum Games / BoP: Victoria OoC Thread
« on: January 30, 2018, 11:18:19 pm »
BM me here!

Forum Games / BoP: Victoria 1834
« on: January 30, 2018, 11:15:57 pm »
*Header Here*
Welcome to BoP: Victoria

GM List




Great Powers

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
Russian Empire = Liam
Kingdom of France = Furrnox
Austrian Empire = Babyjesus
Kingdom of Prussia
Ottoman Empire = Windflower


Current Treaties




Players are limited to taking broad strategic decisions to fight their wars. Light detail is allowed to help build the atmosphere and narrative, as well as better explain to the GM your plan for interpretation, however extreme detail will not have an affect on the outcome of engagements and will be disregarded. Warfare in BoP: Victoria will be decided by rolling Dice to calculate one’s failures and successes in an operation. Players who wish to plan an offensive/defensive strategy, or fight an all-out battle against their enemy must send their plans to the GM via PM in a timely manner.

Engagements are separated into two categories: Land and Naval. Land engagements are battles between armies on land and sieges on land. Naval engagements are battles between fleets at sea and contested naval invasions.

A naval invasion is simply when an army is inserted onto hostile land by using the sea and one’s navy. Naval invasions only occur when inserting into enemy territory. Being a very risky endeavor, naval invasions require a lot of time and resources to prepare, as well as to execute properly. Countries with large and modern navies will have no problem executing naval invasions, with some countries with an affinity for the sea having an advantage over others. One cannot navally invade into territory that is owned by an ally or a friendly party; instead, the army safely lands at a port or lands its troops onto shore safely, with no roll occurring.

Engagements in BoP: Victoria are settled using a system of Success Dice and Failure Dice, with Advantage Dice and Disadvantage Dice being added at the GM’s discretion and situational interpretation. Only two “Success” Dice and one “Failure” Dice are rolled to determine how many Successes occur in an operation. The Maximum number of Successes (not including any bonuses from Advantage Dice) that can occur from the roll is 6, while the Minimum number of Successes is 0. The Maximum number of Failures (not including any bonuses from Disadvantage Dice) that can occur from the roll is 4, while the Minimum number of Failures is 0. The number of Successes is compared with the number of Failures to determine whether an operation is a success or a failure, and by how much.

Advantage Dice and Disadvantage Dice are added into the mix when the GM recognises a clear, distinct, and irrefutable factor in the engagement that clearly affects the outcome. One Advantage or Disadvantage Dice is added depending on how many “advantages” or “disadvantages” are present for a side. Advantages and disadvantages in a situation that cancel or impair one another can result in the GM not adding any dice to the roll. The GM will communicate beforehand whether the present situation might warrant the addition of Advantage or Disadvantage dice, or if any advantages or disadvantages one might have can’t be expressed in the roll.

The GM will actively communicate situations and any changes that occur to the players. All actions and movements take time to complete, with more drastic movements and actions taking more time than simpler actions. Furthermore, taking time to prepare an operation or a battle is wise, to both avoid any disadvantage dice and give one’s self the small chance of creating an advantageous situation.

As Nationalist ideas permeate through Europe, countries may be able to field larger militaries. Due to the nature of military service in the waning Napoleonic Era, nearly all countries start out with a small military and a small pool of available, military age and trained men. However, as time progresses, players can institute new organizations and enact laws and reforms that might change years of service, conscription or mandatory service, reservist groups, etc, allowing for larger militaries and larger pools of combat ready men. This can be done as time passes and nationalist ideals allow these changes to occur, however problems may arise if one tries to change too much either too soon or in too short of a time span.

Due to the nature of the era, total war is not obligatory and early wars are often short and controlled, with minimal bloodshed. Because of this, it is almost unheard of for a country to mobilize and utilize all of its resources and soldiers to fight a war, unless it is a war of extreme size and danger. However, as time moves on and industry and Nationalism grow throughout Europe, wars will become bigger and involve more powers and more men, leading to bigger and bloodier total war.


Diplomacy is all interaction between countries. Diplomacy is driven by the players, and can occur for any number of reasons. Diplomacy ranges anywhere from simple trade agreements to reduce or remove tariffs up to alliances. There are benefits to engaging in diplomacy, whether it be potentially improving your economy and resources or acquiring allies and friends that may support you in future crisis. Diplomatic agreements and actions should be posted onto the Game Thread, or else they will not count. Dialogue between countries and replying is allowed on the Game Thread though one must remain in character when doing so.

Trade agreements are simply agreements between countries to make trade easier for both sides. This can be in form of lowering or removal of tariffs, either on all goods or specific goods. Trade agreements can also entail other things, such as exclusively trading with a certain country or allowing exclusive access to certain ports or goods. Whatever the trade agreement entails, both sides have to publicly come to an agreement. Trade Agreements have a positive impact on the economy, as trade barriers are removed making trade easier. However, beware since this might cause the balance of power to tip in someone’s favor, if a country is particularly strong economically.

Due to the time period, nationalist ideals will permeate throughout Europe as time progresses, which might cause friction between countries, particularly if they are rivals or at odds with each other already. Beware other countries that have a history of hostility towards you, as this may lead to conflicts in the future. Wars can be declared for theoretically any purpose, provided that the purpose of war is somewhat reasonable.

To defend oneself against hostile countries, one might seek alliances with others. There are 3 types of alliances: a Defensive Alliance which means a country will come to your aid if you are attacked, an Offensive Alliance which means a country will come to your aid if you attack another country or a specific country, and a General Alliance which means a country will come to your aid in any eventuality. It is recommended that one keeps to their alliances, as it will maintain trust between yourself and other countries. While there is no immediate and sure penalty for breaking alliances, one might find themselves having trouble gaining the trust of other countries after breaking an alliance, or even trouble in their government if the situation demands it.

To conclude wars, a peace treaty between the warring parties must be agreed upon and posted in public. Anything can result from a peace treaty, ranging from monetary reparations and reparations in the form of goods and resources to ceding lands to simply upholding the status quo. Anything within reason can be demanded in a peace deal, as long as both sides agree to it. Peace deals also do not have to include all the parties involved in a war. As long as 2 opposing countries agree to cease hostilities, they can form a peace treaty between themselves. However, it is not wise to create peace deals separate from your allies, since this might poison relations and cause others to lose trust in you.

There are other ways of supporting or operating against other countries without having to join a war directly. One way of helping or operating against another country diplomatically is to publicly show your support for a side in a crisis. Though this has no effect in game, publicly demonstrating your support for another country could discourage others from attacking or harassing that country, since the threat of war may be too great. Another way of helping another country in a war is through the sending of supplies or subsidies. Whether it be firearms, cannon, ammunition, food, uniforms, or simply money, resources can be sent to another country in order to aid them in their war efforts. This can be done either publicly with the consent of the receiving country or secretly, so long as both sides demonstrate their consent and it is PM’d to the GM. Another way of supporting another country without getting directly involved is to send volunteers. Volunteers are simply people from your country who are willing to go abroad and fight for another country. A country can either allow volunteers to come from or come to their country or create a volunteer unit that either receives volunteers or can be sent to another country. Volunteer groups are typically very small, ranging usually to a few hundred, or thousand at most. Volunteers can be sent and received publicly or secretly.

While it is extremely discouraged to join wars not related to your affairs or without an alliance, larger and more influential countries like the United Kingdom can choose to intervene in a war if they deem it necessary to keep the balance of power in check. For this, however, careful diplomacy is key. Intervening on shaky grounds might cause conflict with other countries, or even trouble in your government.

Politics and Ideology

Contemporary Victorian politics follows a conservative doctrine, with every country in Europe trying to change as least as possible. Change is the antithesis of stability, and disrupts the Balance of Power. As such, every country at the start of the game is focused on maintaining the balance of power and making sure another French Revolution does not occur in their own country. Liberal ideas are discouraged and often violently quashed to maintain the status quo.

However, liberal ideas are on the rise. Liberalism, in this era, is simply adherence to ideas of personal liberty. Liberals seek the franchise, as well as personal liberties such as a free press, free speech, freedom of religion, and free trade. Liberalism also calls for greater democratization and the dismemberment of Absolute institutions into democratic ones where the people decide the direction of government. Liberalism also indirectly leads to growth in Nationalist ideals, or the promotion of a nation of a certain people tied together by shared history, culture, or language. Nationalist ideas spread fast, and may lead to conflicts between countries. A rise in Liberalism will cause desire for reform and drastic changes to increase, but will also lead to greater belief in Nationalist ideas.

Liberalism, later in the game, also gives way to Socialism. Whereas Liberals in this era also seek reform and change in politics, Socialists are more concerned with reforms and changes to the benefit of the working or poor class. Whereas Liberals will advocate for democratization and free trade, Socialists will advocate more for workers reforms like shorter working days and higher wages, as well as the empowerment of trade unions. As Socialism spreads and time passes, more radical ideas may pop up. Some radical Socialists, favoring drastic changes in a short time frame, may advocate through more violent means for change.

Governments in this era have to walk a fine line between maintaining stability and keeping the people happy. Drastic overhauls or too many changes in rapid succession might cause discontent among the ruling classes, while rolling back or fighting against reforms might cause discontent among the poor and working classes. Too much discontent might lead to demonstrations against the government or even rebellion. Great care and wise use of the military must be utilized when trying to keep the country stable.

Economy, Industry, and Trade

The economy of a country is determined by how much a country produces and how much it trades. Typically, countries with large populations and a large number of goods and resources will have quite wealthy economies. Agriculture also plays a key role in the economy, as a country that can’t feed itself consistently will have to have more of its population work in agriculture, which doesn’t generate as much wealth as industry or other sectors of the economy. Typically, a country that can easily feed itself, trades well with a lot of countries, and has a lot of natural resources and produced goods will be among the most competitive economies in Europe.

Trade between countries is the movement of goods and money between borders. Trade is done automatically. Due to the nature of the time period, protectionist policies are the standard by default. Tariffs and other protectionist policies work well to promote local business, however in the long run protectionist policies will damage a country’s economy, as trade and the movement of goods is impaired by protectionist policies. As time progresses, countries may adopt more liberal economic and trade policies, or even policies that are Laissez Faire. The less restrictions and barriers there are on trade and business, the better an economy will grow. However, these may have an effect on the people, as competitive business practices might prove damaging to the working class of a country. Typically, a balance of both liberal and protectionist policies is used, balancing the economic advantages and surplus of goods and resources of opposing countries with the advantages of your own. Overall, however, engaging in free trade has a positive impact on a country’s economy.

Laissez Faire policies hold that the government of a country should not interfere at all in the economy and most or even all restrictions on trade should be removed. Despite this, governments can have some influence in their economy by choosing to subsidize or fund certain sectors or emerging industry. This will have a positive effect on the economy of a country, however sometimes the endeavor might fail.

Industry is simply how much industry (factories and buildings that manufacture goods of all sorts) a country has and how much can the country produce. The Industrial Revolution, permeating through Europe, is causing a proliferation of industry and factories in many countries. Industry allows a country to produce more sophisticated goods at a faster rate and at a greater quantity. A country’s industry could be used for all manner of purposes, whether to produce goods and resources to trade and enrich a country, or produce military materials and everything in between. A country’s industry relies greatly on a country’s access to natural resources, mainly coal and iron, however other natural resources share significance. Growing one’s industry is possible if a country has ample access to resources, a significant source of money and capital, and a sufficient population to use as a workforce. Growing a country’s industry and empowering it will greatly improve the potential of a country, both economically and militarily.

Related to industry and trade is also a country’s infrastructure. Infrastructure is simply all of the structures in a country used to facilitate the movement of goods and people. Improving one’s infrastructure, such as roads, canals, ports, etc, will allow trade and people to travel faster and easier, allowing their economy to flourish and grow. Improving infrastructure will also allow more resources to be cultivated and transported, positively affecting a country’s industry. With the proliferation of railroads, this becomes doubly important, as rails allow even faster transportation of goods and people. This also will allow faster movement of armies and supplies, making wars easier to fight. Ultimately, it is wise to try to keep a country’s infrastructure in the best condition possible.


Forum Games / New BoP
« on: December 25, 2017, 09:59:26 pm »


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