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Offline Python | Smeagol

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Python's Evaluation
« on: August 22, 2023, 10:17:42 pm »

I was inspired by a similar thread that Golden made a few years ago and caught myself on a disappointingly meagre Sunday with an idea to create my own expanded version. This is purely my opinion and I haven't ever done a thread like this before, so after the end of the peak of competitive NW I thought I'd make this whilst I could to share my thoughts on the players and community. I played competitive fairly actively since (if I remember correctly late 2015 until the end of 2022) with some major breaks during 2018 and 2021/22, so I've played with and against a plethora of players and teams, the latter including both new teams or reforms. P.s who doesn't love a new mess hall thread with the potential for drama?

Lets start with the section everyone is probably most interested in, probably due to the fact that opinions on players is always controversial and a topic of discussion. Having said that, this is not a straight ranking of best to worst, but is split into sections instead.

You'll probably notice that nearly all of these names are players who have played recently. I'm a firm believer that the skill floor of competitive rose significantly over time and the skill ceiling rose at a very similar rate. However, I think the increase in skill ceiling began to slow down in the last 2 years or so due to people reaching what is probably the upper limit of the game's meta and mechanics. With a huge decline in the player base in 2023, I'd argue that the years or 2020-2022 were the most skilful the game has ever and will ever see. 2020 and early 2021 saw a sudden increase in players and activity due to the global Pandemic which presented the scene with surprisingly a very lively and competitive atmosphere. Players from the first few years of the game would probably struggle to place in any team seen in tournaments such as League 1 of the successful EGS series 1-4. In my opinion these are the most mechanically skilful and talented players of all time:

It is said this guy is one of the best gamers known to man. With a unique playstyle full of fancy moves, his game is effective for solo plays and also teamwork. Watching him play looks like someone on drugs. A sort of glitch-inspired playstyle, DOMI was one of the few truly complete players and in my opinion possibly the best downstab main of all time. Great blocking, chambers, spamming, intuition, can play passive or aggressive, but most notably absolutely fucking nuts teamwork. So in addition to being one of the most mechanical ever, DOMI is who I play the best with, no second thought at all.

++ Unique move set
++ Unbelievable teamplay
++ Sensational chambers
+ Great intuition

- Could be inconsistent
- Internet issues

In my opinion, he was the the epitome of an "NW savant". Ridiculously good mechanics, with perhaps the best chambers, body feints and musket feints I've ever seen. I'd say he had the potential to become the most skilled player of all time. He popularised the "spiderman" and used character movement in a way I've never seen before, being able to get out of unblockable chambers and stuns. Unfortunately he wasn't as active as many of the other players and actually only played for a relatively short time.

++ Unique move set
++ Unmatched chambers
++ The best feints
++ Peerless Understanding and intuition

- Relatively lacking in experience

Thinking he could be the greatest fighter in NW as well as Greek mythology was once seen as delusion. Nowadays its debatably true. I've never seen someone rise to the very top as fast as this guy, especially when there were so many other top players around. He has one of the strongest mentals and confidence to complement his superb mechanics. He is the definition of an absolute player. Chambers, range, movement, blocking, he is a contender for the best in virtually every category including teamplay, impact and pressure. Would be even better if his ping was more reliable.

++ Incredible consistency at the top level
++ Amazing Pressure and impact
++ Great Teamplay
++ Outstanding range

- Internet Issues
- Slightly less experienced than other top players

Zeyden sort of lurked in the shadows for many years, some knew him by his old alias "Radulf". It was in 2020 when he started to become seriously good. His offensive capabilities are one of the best the game has ever seen, most noticeably his range. Of course, he was a master of chambers, blocking and pretty much everything else, I'd say his peak is in the all time top 3. He became experienced in leadership as well and is easily one of the best duellists on this list.

++ Top duellist
++ Deadly ranger
++ Great blocker
+ Leadership

-Relatively worse teamplay

Probably the best duellist on this list along with Zeyden, ExTaZz94 has always been an extremely formidable groupfighter and is always a contender for the best player of all time. His mechanics are crazy, most notably his defensive range. There were times where if you lunged at him carelessly, you were pretty much guaranteed to be killed in-between the time your stab ends and the time you can block. His chambers, movement and body feints were also amongst the best of the best. If you were playing middle and ended up against ExTaZz94, you needed to be on your best game.

++ Top duelist
++ Ridiculous range
++ Insane chambers
+ Very consistent

- Relatively worse blocking
- Relatively worse teamplay


Although Tiberias didn't play much in the recent years, he still showed why he was one of the best ever when he came back in 2020 and managed to perform at a top level. He has always had impeccable range, and combined with his amazing movement, he could pick players with ease. Of course, his chambers were also top tier but his most notable asset must be his feints, one of which is his signature move and I consider to be the most effective musket feint and I copied it straight from him.

++ Brilliant teamplay
++ Exceptional movement
+ Great range
+Effectively utilised musket feints

- Relatively worse blocking
- Performed slightly worse in recent years compared to his earlier years

I know Elsse doesn't consider himself to be that impressive mechanically but I'm sure many others including myself would strongly disagree. Another complete player, his timing on stabs is one of the best I've ever seen, seemingly being able to kill players who are blocking. His timing also shone through other areas including his ranging, blocking and remarkable range. He has also got to be one of the best teammates I've ever played with.

++ Near unrivalled stab timings
++ Fabulous teamplay
+ Great chambers

- Relatively weaker mental
- Slightly less consistent

Jakob, the German player with the highest peak, was pretty hard to rank here. I considered putting him in the top 5 due to his exemplary mechanics in practically every category, especially range and chambers. He is one of the most aggressive players I've seen, and playing with such a high level of pressure and pugnacity is extremely challenging. Seeing him pull it off in tournaments was impressive as hell. Like Achilles, he rose to be the best of the best much quicker than most and if he started playing earlier he would be a possible answer to the GOAT question.

++ Amazing pressure
++ Amazing body feints
+ Great chambers

- Impatient
- unnecessary risks

This is one of the more controversial names on this list. Some would rate him top 5, some would not rate him top 10. There is no doubt he is one of the best aggressive players of all time, and perhaps even greater when it comes to first picks. What allowed him to pull off these crazy kills was his great understanding of range and anticipation of what his opponent would do. In addition he also had great teamwork and was a capable leader. Unfortunately, even though he could farm other top players constantly, other times he would be the one getting picked constantly due to impatience and overconfidence.

++ Superb Picking ability
++ Brilliant Range
+ Great Dodges
+ Leadership

- Probably the most inconsistent on the list
- relatively worse blocking
- impatient

Stark, along with Tiberias, were the first 2 players in this list to stop playing actively. Stark's mechanics were pretty much ahead of their time, with some of the best down-chambers the game has ever witnessed, great range and aggressive play, he's certainly one of the best mid players ever. He also had the most spin-based playstyle which isn't seen much today, however even in 2019 and 2020 he managed to put this somewhat outdated style to use against other top players and it was effective.

++ Incredible chambers
++ Very hard to predict
+ Great movement

- Not properly active in the most recent years.
- Relatively worse blocking


This section is my pick of players which I admire due to either their playstyle or performance who have also achieved competitive success. It also includes having a good level of mechanical skill in addition to an ability to perform against top teams and players over a long period of time.

Cr3a the French legend returned and left many times over the years which hindered his ability to become one of the very best. That being said his potential was huge with excellent mechanics including chambers and fabulous blocking. I loved his fast, spammy, aggressive playstyle which was always fun to play against. On top of that, also a very nice guy. Remember playing with him in a variety of teams such including his own, Bullyland.

++ Amazing blocker
+ Great spammer
+ Great chambers

- Inconsistent.
- Slightly lacking in range ability
Another legend, the renowned baguette Troister is certainly one of the more complete players of all time. He had a very clever way of playing which allowed him to stay relatively safe whilst getting great picks. At least adept in every mechanical category, he also had amazing synergy which I remember from Poosy and OldGuard with not just me but with all his teammates, most notably Tiberias. When these 2 were in the middle together they could single(or double)-handedly carry teams to a gold medal. I Remember getting destroyed by him multiple times in tournaments.

++ Superb teamwork
+ Hard to predict
+ Rarely picked

- Major internet issues
It was always hard to tell whether Rikkert thought through his decisions or if he ran around with his insanely high DPI randomly choosing a stab. Either way, he had a great ability to pick top players with great spam, movement, and some of the most underrated ranging ability I've ever seen. Played with him a lot in Poosy and for over 2 years in the 15th where his teamplay is surprisingly good with his unorthodox style.

+ Underrated Ranger
+ Great blocking
+ Great spammer
+ Hard to predict

- Impatient
- Relatively inconsistent
Wolpi was certainly the best German player when he was active. He was the quintessential "reliable player" who would rarely ever get picked in even situations due to great decision making whilst displaying impressive range and chambers and even greater blocking. He kept his cool in all situations which is another explanation to his great ability to fight outnumbered and clutch. To top it off he had great teamwork - I remember playing with him in ChimpZ especially.

++ Superb blocking
+ Great range
+ Great chambers
+ High clutch potential

- Quite easy to predict

One of the very very few who always stayed at the top after his rise. Golden was one of the most feared players in 2018 where he was pretty much the best player at that point. He probably didn't drop out of the top 10 since then and has gathered one of the biggest trophy cabinets in the game. Even though by no means I found him "easy" to read, compared to some of the others he was a bit more predictable. That being said, his style was simple but so effective as he combined some of the best footlances I've ever seen perfectly with teamplay. I've never witnessed someone play off stuns better than him. When I played with him in mostly ProudBoys then ChimpZ, as soon as I blocked someone he always seemed to be there to punish them instantly. Brilliant teammate.

++ Plays off stuns better than anyone else.
++ Insane footlances and picks
+ Great teamplay
+ Consistent

- Relatively easy to predict
- Relatively worse blocking
Shadey consolidated himself as a very reliable and solid player during ProudBoys. I would say he wasn't the best in any single category, but he was an expert in all of them. He later continued to improve in ChimpZ where he rarely ever made an unforced error, and punished his opponents with exceptional ranging and teamwork. This was seen once again in NWWC 2021 where he gave an insane performance demonstrating he can make aggressive plays as well as playing passive. Playing with him in England, ChimpZ and ProudBoys was great as he had naturally great synergy with most players. Definitely one of the more complete players of all time.
++ One of the most reliable players ever.
++ Amazing teamplay
+ Very difficult to pick
+ Great blocking

- Not as impactful as other top players
- Relatively worse at chambering
Voluble was a very strange player. He managed to neutralise top players in opposing teams and utilised the tilde key to bait players in which became the biggest move in his arsenal and remained viable for the duration of the game. He is definitely one of the lesser mechanical players on this list and relied a lot on baiting and up-downs, falling short in most categories in relation to the other top players, especially with chambering which he found really difficult. That being said, his range was very good, and his spam and "zone stabbing" was effective at countering most aggressive players but somtimes led to him baiting his teammates. The main captain of ChimpZ for most of their time, he was a very competent and blunt leader and wasn't afraid to rightfully criticise the mistakes of his team. Definitely deserves to be mentioned due to his unique playstyle.

+ Great spam
+ Great baiting
+ Good leader

- Lesser mechanics
- Bad chamberer
- too much reliance on teammates
- weak upstab
Axiom was a big name from the early days, often regarded as one of if not the best of all time. He came back and played rather actively in the recent years where he still managed to compete against top players in top teams, with an all-rounded, balanced style, Axiom is another "Jack of all Trades, master of none" example. That being said, what stood out to me the most was his unexpected chambers and range. He also managed to play up or down stab with ease which some other top players struggled with. This allowed for good synergy with a variety of players. He was also very reliable.

+ Very experienced
+ Unexpected, great chambers
+ Reliable teammate

- Did not excel in any particular category or mechanic
- Not as impactful as other top players

This section is a list of players which I struggled against, probably due to their playstyle - most have a very safe, methodical style with a low stab frequency which I hate playing against as it's really hard to force these sort of players to make an error, especially when they have strong and aware teammates either side of them.

  Bunter Igel
More recently I struggled against Bunter Igel when facing him 2nd in. I think it was his range-based playstyle where he wouldn't lunge carelessly at all which made it very hard to find a mistake to punish, however when he did lunge it was a very ideal time which often killed me.
Whenever I found myself throwing a stupid stab at Wursti he'd punish it with the most consistent stun blocks and chambers I've seen. This meant killing him in a duel was only possible through resorting to more unorthodox, unpredictable methods.
Higen is like a brick wall. I found him very hard to pick as he'd block a lot of my lunges and feints in the lineup and would therefore get slightly annoyed, making it easier for him to pick me with very simple but well timed lunges. It was hard to 2v1 him as well with his insanely good blocking.
I have to mention Troister again as he's probably the player I've struggled against the most, the most times. His methodical and efficient movement allowed him to throw many unpredictable stabs which would pick me multiple times. Whenever I tried to adapt he'd already be 1 step ahead. I remember one tournament against him where I ended up just not trying to out time him at all and instead just focused on blocking.
Shadey, with his very safe playstyle, was pretty annoying to play against. It would often end with me lunging at him and ending up out of position or getting killed. In teams like ChimpZ where the whole lineup was extremely strong, it was just as hard to try and make plays either side of him after you realised trying to directly pick him was a great challenge.
Anubis has got to be one of the players with potential locked behind his inactivity. He was one of the most underrated wall and up-stab players respectively. His timings on his lunges when I was against him on the wall was perfect due to a great sense of anticipation - he always released his stab a fraction of a second before you even when you tried to adjust timing.

I remember Michal's amazing blocking and reliability in ChimpZ.
When XaArtil played actively he was actually pretty deadly. Mechanically sound with a good amount of experience.
Perhaps not underrated from a wider community perspective, for me Higen is a player where you could put him in any lineup and you could pretty much say "okay I don't need to worry about that position being picked". Obedience, reliability along with a high mechanical level is hard to beat in a team.
TheDeaD is often an overlooked French player, but was great in many categories to the point where he'd be carrying teams in tournaments.
Once again it's more or less a question of activity and motivation. Louis often didn't play in top teams and wasn't extremely active but when you watch him play you can tell that his raw mechanics are actually very good, along with a good game sense.
Inactivity and inconsistency are the 2 flaws when Hypno comes to mind. Apart from that, one of the most underrated down-stabbers ever, and an extremely good teammate with great up-down timings and ranging capability. If he was more active, he likely would have been more consistent which would have placed him high in the rankings.

These are some players who I think could have risen further towards the top if they had more time, cementing themselves amongst the best.

I only really started playing with sHype in 2022 when RT formed, where I saw him rapidly improve in terms of mechanics and his understanding of the game is very admirable. Honestly one of the best teammates I've ever had next to me on a flank, he also ended up having extremely good blocking, chambers and range. If he had started even just a year earlier, he could have maybe even reached the top 5 in 2022. It makes me wonder how good he could have been if he started competitive at the same time I did.
I never saw Giorno as someone with the potential to become a major carry or someone with extreme impact, but his all-round mechanical ability and game sense could have been honed even further if he started playing a couple of years before.
Another player who improved significantly during RT in 2022, he ended up getting major picks at the highest level groupfighting tournaments which secured many rounds. I reckon he could have consolidated himself within the top 10 if the game was to continue and he was to keep playing actively.
Gibby pretty much reached the top 5 at one point, which is already impressive for someone relatively new to the module, but perhaps it was expected as he is known for his top level play in Native. With a huge amount of mechanical skill in native, Gibby could have converted all of this into NW if he was given an extra couple of years or so.
I think a similar case to Giorno, HiReaper has great mechanics but could have improved them if he had a couple more years or so of playing. His blocking and chambering was already very impressive.

This section includes everything to do with groupfighting teams and also regiments. I've played with many different groups of people in many different teams, including some which I wouldn't normally mix with. This allowed me to play with former rivals and against former teammates.

My favourite teams are a mix of those which were successful but also fun to play in, whether that was practices or tournaments. Atmosphere means a lot to me in teams - having a positive, energetic and funny environment was the best for me. When you combine this with competitive triumph you have a great team which can last ages. Below are my top 5 favourite teams that I was in, with reasons given.

1. Poosy - 1st Generation
Core Roster: Bagins Hertz HerculesTP Python Fwuffy Stark Ledger

My first proper groupfighting team. Perhaps some nostalgic bias, this team was so much fun, with some of the most enjoyable and funny practice matches ever. Also had a very strong roster which managed to get podium placements. It was a sign for the future success that Poosy would find multiple times in generations to come. Unfortunately, the most recent generations of Poosy had an atmosphere lacking severely compared to the first generation, with some internal issues and sudden spikes and dips of interest in competing.
2. The Round Table
Core Roster: Python DOMI Achilles Jakob  Fietta Narrow sHype

Maybe this should be my first place due to the nostalgic bias towards the first formation of Poosy, however I can confidently say this is without a doubt the best team I've ever been in when it comes to a mix of atmosphere and ability. It took a month or so for people to adjust into the team when it first formed as nearly all of us had never played or talked to each other before. Even during this period, but significantly more so after, all the practice groupfights were insanely fun, with constant laughs and highlights being produced. Thankfully when it came to serious practices, the team was completely competent to focus and train. When we start talking about ability, this team had insane chemistry with nearly everyone being interchangeable in their positions and roles in addition to an extreme level of mechanical skill. To top it off, the leadership and obedience from the team was also top tier. Definitely one of the strongest teams ever in terms of peak. We won a lot and had great fun doing it.
3. Old Guard
Core Roster: Python DOMI Bagins Troister Tiberias Marquez Ivan

Old Guard, although relatively short-lived, is one of the most memorable teams on this list for me. Competing at the highest level against teams such as Cazadores and Tz0 in 2020, this team never lost a match and I will always consider it as one of the best teams of all time. The team had insanely good chemistry with older players such as Tiberias and Troister coming back to dominate together, I started to play mainly in the middle, whilst Ivan and DOMI being in their primes made for a simply unstoppable flank, with the substitute flank being Marquez and myself which is when we were playing together the most and performing at our best.
4. MC WICKED (3v3)
Core Roster: Ivan Python DOMI

An extremely fun team, we played multiple 3v3 tournaments, most being extremely decisive victories no matter who the opponents were. I've never felt such synergy with 2 players. Not much more to be said.
5. ProudBoys
Core Roster: Movement Shadey Python Fwuffy Ledger Marquez Golden Rune Fralla8 Kore

My main team of 2019 and later in 2020, Proud Boys was a very successful team with the main rival being Jedis, and Tz0 (God's Hand later) which we nearly almost encountered every tournament final. This team consisted of a mix of former teammates, such as Golden, Fwuffy and Ledger along with a mix of newer rising stars of the time such as Shadey and Rune. The practice matches were very fun with a lively and comical atmosphere which complemented all the tryharding in the tournaments.

15th YR
Easily my favourite regiment I've ever been in. I joined from mid-late 2019 and found myself staying until its final days in 2023 due to its friendly and funny community which was also very grounded; the leadership and core stayed the same for years. I never considered leaving due to these factors. On top of the great community the 15th managed to find great competitive success, most notably during the RGL grand final of 2020 vs the 92nd, which showcased the best comeback of all time from 5-14 to 15-14, a widely shared opinion.

This section explains the teammates I had over the years. What I mean by this is the people I played with the most and achieved the most with. In the earlier years this is nearly all on the flank, but in the later years it also involves middle when I started to play everywhere.

1. Fwuffy - When I was getting into competitive, Poosy was my first long-term team, which is where Fwuffy was my wall player throughout. Very solid and had a lot of good fun.
2. Bagins - Second has got to be Bagins who I played with the most after Fwuffy. Even before the first Poosy formation we've had great chemistry and combined high aggressiveness.
3. Hercules - Once again, an old Poosy member, was actually pretty cracked for the time. Was very solid making him a reliable teammate.
1. Fwuffy - Pretty much the same as 2016.
2. Bagins - ditto
3. Hypno - I only played briefly back in 2017 with dinoboy, but as a natural down-stab player it complemented my up-stab style a lot and therefore chemistry developed soon after.
1. Bagins - This time around, Poosy was insanely strong as everyone played excellently with each other in the team.
2. Hypno - This time playing with Hypno was even better than last time, and once again in Poosy.
3. Voluble - In Poosy I played with Voluble. He focuses nearly solely off teamwork so there were a few times we tried to play together and it went surprisingly well.
1. Fwuffy - The second main team I played in - ProudBoys, was my main team of 2019, and with that all 3 of these players were my main teamates. I was better than back the last time I played with Fwuffy, and we had great success, especially vs our main rivals of 2019 including Tz0 where we performed on the flank.
2. Marquez - I started playing consistently with Marquez around this time in which, as another natural down-stab player who is easy to teamwork with, his flank style of up-downs suited us perfectly. Definitely one of the people I teamwork best with without a doubt.
3. Golden - Even though I didn't play next to Golden that much, when we did it felt very solid. His quick footlances combined with pressure made him a great ally to find yourself next to during a match as it made making plays off him light work.
1. Marquez - My first proper 2v2 partner, I found myself next to him in The Ennead at the start of 2020, and later on in OldGuard and other teams. This is when our chemistry ended up as refined as ever. Finding him to my side put my confidence through the roof and rightly so - he's responsible for setting up so many plays and enabling you to apply great pressure whilst staying safe.
2. DOMI - We hadn't really played next to each other much at all until 2020. I was playing mostly with Marquez and DOMI was playing with Ivan. That being said, when we were found next to each other, including Poosy, OldGuard and MCWICKED, the synergy was innate, and even more hidden potential was waiting to be unlocked.
3. Ivan - Playing with Ivan in teams such as OldGuard and MCWICKED was ridiculous. Pretty much unrivalled pressure and feints in 2020, this made setting up 2v1s and plays off each other effortless.
1. DOMI - When Poosy reformed for EGS Season 2 in 2021, this was when DOMI and I started playing together on a flank constantly. Our chemistry was unrivalled and Poosy was carried hard by this flank.
2. Elsse - Not excluding regimental, Elsse has got to be mentioned. If not for DOMI he would be first on my teammate list. We'd try to play together before and we were actually struggling quite badly back in 2020 but when we played in the 15th YR together our synergy became really really good. I played with him on a flank or in the middle during groupfights where our teamwork shined.
3. Bagins - Bagins, being a mid player, ended up being next to me a fair few times in 2021 as my main position of this year was definitely 2nd in. Our combined aggression and similar body-feint and pressure built playstyle led to picks on both the flank and middle.
1. DOMI - I continued to play with PR Curtis after our success in 2021. This time it was in RT where we rarely ever struggled against anyone in tournaments, and our teamplay only got even stronger.
2. Elsse - 15thYR continued to survive after years, and playing with Elsse only became more of a familiarity. We continued to play together in 15th groupfights and we both performed well. In my top 3 for sure.
3. Achilles - As RT was pretty much my only team of 2022, I had a lot of choice of who to choose from. This included sHype, Jakob, Narrow, AND EVEN FEITTA!!! I see Achilles as a relatively similar player to me, well rounded and a balance between solo plays and teamwork. This allowed us to play exceptionally on a flank and occasionally in the middle together, where our success was similar to when I played with DOMI. Definitely the second best person I've ever found next to me on a flank in the groupfighting team scene.

Honourable mentions
Jakob - Very similar to Achilles on a flank, the combination of mechanical skill and pressure made up-downs and pushing flanks very easy. If we kept playing together, Jakob would have probably become one of my favourite teammates ever.
Wolpi - If you looked to your side and "The Wopla" was there, you knew you didn't have to worry. With some amazing up-downs and trading ability, he made for a great teammate when we played together. We weren't in too many teams together, so he doesn't quite make any placements.
Tiberias - The first time we properly played next to each other was in Old Guard (2020), where the synergy was felt in the matter of seconds. Tiberias had a great ability of holding his opponent with a stab which allowed for all sorts of plays in addition to up-downs.
Troister - Similar to Tiberias, Troister is one of the people I play best with hands down, it doesn't matter how long we've been separated for. His pressure and teamwork was is insane, but its the same as the 2 players above, I didn't play with him as much as the others on the list.

These are the strongest 5v5 dream teams in order that I could possibly think of and I'll give an explanation for each one.

     1. Unbeatable?
Chuckster Achilles  Zeyden Python DOMI
After EGS, I think if everyone had to try and agree on the strongest 5v5 lineup possible, this would end up being it. Chuckster, a good supporting player, is able to play hyper aggressive when with Achilles, who is without a doubt the player he works best with and vice versa. This flank has absolutely insane chemistry. Then in the middle would be Zeyden, an aggressive, complete player who punishes anyone out of position and those who lunge stupidly making him a perfect middle player for this lineup. Then I'd put myself and DOMI on the other flank, who's only real competition was the other flank of this team. In addition, this team has an unbelievable amount of mechanical skill, clutch potential and also very strong leadership with an adamant mental to top it off.
     2. The unprecedented Poosy
DOMI Ivan Bagins Python Elsse
At one point all these players were in Poosy at the same time, however this lineup was never played at the same time, and not everyone was at their peak. If you took all these players then this is the second strongest lineup I could think of. The DOMI+Ivan flank is, in my opinion, one of the best of all time. Then we have Elsse who is one of my favourite partners and a person I play very well with. Similar to the first lineup, Bagins is a very strong mid player capable of making insane picks. I'd argue he has better teamwork than Zeyden but is less consistent.
     3. "Plus solide"
Elsse Shadey Extazz Achilles Python
This would be a team capable of playing very patiently and waiting for the enemy to make a mistake. Shadey and Elsse play together exquisitely, you'd have one of the best middle players of all time do his thing, and an RT superflank on the other side. I don't see anyone choking in this lineup and mixed with great synergy and interchangable flanks, this is definitely one of the top lineups possible.

« Last Edit: August 22, 2023, 10:45:35 pm by Python | Smeagol »

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Re: Python's Evaluation
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2023, 10:21:12 pm »

Offline John Price

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Re: Python's Evaluation
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2023, 10:29:21 pm »
but why
Knightmare is from Albania, no?
Sorry, I can't accept this team.

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Re: Python's Evaluation
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2023, 10:30:46 pm »

Online Vegi.

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Re: Python's Evaluation
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2023, 10:32:24 pm »
Stop looking at my posts Fietta #RentFree

The Master of stack, the voice of racism.

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Re: Python's Evaluation
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2023, 11:03:52 pm »
Extazz number 1 kurwy

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Re: Python's Evaluation
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2023, 11:48:45 pm »
very cute thread very wrong about fietta
you are as weak as whales by acting like that.

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Re: Python's Evaluation
« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2023, 11:58:39 pm »
very cute thread very wrong about fietta

obsessed swearrr

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Re: Python's Evaluation
« Reply #8 on: August 23, 2023, 12:25:11 am »

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Re: Python's Evaluation
« Reply #9 on: August 23, 2023, 04:48:57 am »
Mentioning Fietta and not even including LeBrave in this is criminal

You must've had your cock jammed in Fietta's mouth for the longest of times
So let’s just ignore someone like Maskman who knows next to nothing about leading and the capabilities of regiments performing well in a linebattle type of event.
To state that anyone on a “good day could beat the 77y/15thYR” is just a meme of its own, if that was the case why don't you beat the 77y or 15thYR then!?

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Re: Python's Evaluation
« Reply #10 on: August 23, 2023, 11:41:56 am »
Cool layout and much thought and work was put into the thread, I reckon
Join the IR_Nr59, join the infantry!

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Re: Python's Evaluation
« Reply #11 on: August 23, 2023, 12:11:15 pm »
Mentioning Fietta and not even including LeBrave in this is criminal

You must've had your cock jammed in Fietta's mouth for the longest of times

I mean you could include LeBrave in 'Admirable and Accomplished', but in recent times he should be in Python's new category 'biggest falls from grace'. On a real though, different categories would have different players because categories are subjective and are completely different from one another? Unless you would put LeBrave in 'If they started earlier'? Use your brain IDIOT

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Re: Python's Evaluation
« Reply #12 on: August 23, 2023, 12:30:30 pm »
Mentioning Fietta and not even including LeBrave in this is criminal

You must've had your cock jammed in Fietta's mouth for the longest of times

I mean you could include LeBrave in 'Admirable and Accomplished', but in recent times he should be in Python's new category 'biggest falls from grace'. On a real though, different categories would have different players because categories are subjective and are completely different from one another? Unless you would put LeBrave in 'If they started earlier'? Use your brain IDIOT

LeBrave falling from grace? I don't know what kinda drugs uve been taking
So let’s just ignore someone like Maskman who knows next to nothing about leading and the capabilities of regiments performing well in a linebattle type of event.
To state that anyone on a “good day could beat the 77y/15thYR” is just a meme of its own, if that was the case why don't you beat the 77y or 15thYR then!?

Offline Fietta

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Re: Python's Evaluation
« Reply #13 on: August 23, 2023, 12:59:12 pm »
Mentioning Fietta and not even including LeBrave in this is criminal

You must've had your cock jammed in Fietta's mouth for the longest of times

I mean you could include LeBrave in 'Admirable and Accomplished', but in recent times he should be in Python's new category 'biggest falls from grace'. On a real though, different categories would have different players because categories are subjective and are completely different from one another? Unless you would put LeBrave in 'If they started earlier'? Use your brain IDIOT

LeBrave falling from grace? I don't know what kinda drugs uve been taking

Falling? Fell

Offline maskmanmarks

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Re: Python's Evaluation
« Reply #14 on: August 23, 2023, 04:21:45 pm »
Mentioning Fietta and not even including LeBrave in this is criminal

You must've had your cock jammed in Fietta's mouth for the longest of times

I mean you could include LeBrave in 'Admirable and Accomplished', but in recent times he should be in Python's new category 'biggest falls from grace'. On a real though, different categories would have different players because categories are subjective and are completely different from one another? Unless you would put LeBrave in 'If they started earlier'? Use your brain IDIOT

LeBrave falling from grace? I don't know what kinda drugs uve been taking

Falling? Fell

At least he has an RGL to his name.
Some people don't even have that  :P
So let’s just ignore someone like Maskman who knows next to nothing about leading and the capabilities of regiments performing well in a linebattle type of event.
To state that anyone on a “good day could beat the 77y/15thYR” is just a meme of its own, if that was the case why don't you beat the 77y or 15thYR then!?