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Messages - BlueWinx

Pages: 1
Servers / Re: The Groupfighting Server V3
« on: October 07, 2021, 08:20:30 pm »
Doing this for a friend :
In-game Name: Origami
Admin Who Banned You (If Known): Not known
Reason For Ban: teamkill on purpose I guess ?
Time/date (If Known): 07/10/2021
Apology/Statement Against Ban: Someone tked him at the beginning of a round on purpose. He wanted to take revenge. Killed a third player by accident in the process. Apologized to him saying "sry, was the wrong one". Got banned. He says he is very sorry and will never tk someone again.
Player ID (If Known): Not sadly.

Napoleonic Wars Matchmaking / Re: [WBMM] Unban Appeals
« on: October 03, 2021, 05:43:25 pm »
Your nickname: BlueWinx
Server & Time (if possible): eu3 i think
A short description of the situation: my game crashed ( rgl error bug feature ) and i couldn't come.
For how long were you banned?: about one or two weeks i think
Who banned you?: autoban
What rules did you break?: i didn't come to the match
Why should we unban you?: i fixed my bug, my game crashed everytime, it wasn't my fault. Sorry?

Autoban is only one hour. If there was a genuine reason as to why you dodged a match and you want an immediate unban just send me the screenshot over steam of the RGL Error and I can immediately unban you :)

I fixed the errox so i can't provide screenshot. i just erased everything from the onedrive of mount and blade and then i could play again. I think i get autobanned, this is what was written on the website : " BlueWinx-Autobanned". Maybe a moderator come after and banned me perm ?

Napoleonic Wars Matchmaking / Re: [WBMM] Unban Appeals
« on: October 03, 2021, 05:22:29 pm »
Your nickname: BlueWinx
Server & Time (if possible): eu3 i think
A short description of the situation: my game crashed ( rgl error bug feature ) and i couldn't come.
For how long were you banned?: about one or two weeks i think
Who banned you?: autoban
What rules did you break?: i didn't come to the match
Why should we unban you?: i fixed my bug, my game crashed everytime, it wasn't my fault. Sorry?

Pages: 1