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Topics - Makk

Pages: 1
M&B Warband: Napoleonic Wars / 9. Vörössipkás Honvédzászlóalj
« on: March 24, 2018, 02:26:21 pm »
9. Vörössipkás Honvédzászlóalj

Ezred Története:

Vörössipkásoknak az 1848 májusában felállított 9. kassai zászlóalj honvédeit nevezték.
Szintén "vörös sipkát" kapott a 11. kolozsvári honvédzászlóalj legénysége is. E két zászlóalj a szabadságharc alatt olyan vitézséggel harcolt, hogy mint a legbátrabb katonák, Görgey Artúr javaslatára megkülönböztetésképpen vörös sipkát hordhattak.Említések vannak arról, hogy Damjanich János irányítása alatt küzdöttek. A 9-ik zászlóalj parancsnoka a szervezéskor Vitális Ferenc őrnagy volt.

Közösség története:

Vörössipkásoknak az 1848 májusában felállított 9. kassai zászlóalj honvédeit nevezték.
Szintén "vörös sipkát" kapott a 11. kolozsvári honvédzászlóalj legénysége is. E két zászlóalj a szabadságharc alatt olyan vitézséggel harcolt, hogy mint a legbátrabb katonák, Görgey Artúr javaslatára megkülönböztetésképpen vörös sipkát hordhattak.Említések vannak arról, hogy Damjanich János irányítása alatt küzdöttek. A 9-ik zászlóalj parancsnoka a szervezéskor Vitális Ferenc őrnagy volt.

Damjanich János Gyalogsági század(In game tag: DchJ)
Gróf Hadik András Lovassági század(In game tag: HadA)
Bem József/Jozef Bem Lengyel század(In game tag: JB)
Gábor Áron Tüzérosztag

Damjanich János tábornok
Gróf Hadik András tábornok

Bem József altábornagy - Generał Porucznik Jozef Zachariasz Bem
Gábor Áron őrnagy


Steam csoport:
Fokozzuk Le Makkot Népfelszabadító Front - FLMNF:

M&B Warband: Napoleonic Wars / Magyar nyelvű ezredek listája
« on: March 24, 2018, 02:05:08 pm »
Magyar nyelvű ezredek listája

Nos, az obsitosok már ismerik mindet, de a rekrutáknak itt egy lista:

Ezred neve: 9. Vörössipkás Honvédzászlóalj
Steam csoport link:
Alapítás dátuma: 2016. Június eleje
Regiment rövidítés (in-game tag): 9thRC
Regiment elődje: A HdW klánból kivált tisztek alapították. Hungarian Elite Guardsról átnevezve 2016 Decemberében.

Ha van regiment amiről nem ír a ez a poszt, itt egy Apply Form:
Ezred neve:
Steam csoport link:
Alapítás dátuma:
Regiment elődje:
Ha átalakult/reformált regiment akkor melyik volt az elődje?

Events: EU / 9thRC Friday Event [*Full Event*][1 YR OLD EVENT]
« on: June 02, 2017, 03:40:54 pm »

Edited by: Makk, Daisuki and HunDaniel

We use custom maps too!
Event will be on every Friday, 19:00 GMT
If Makk is offline contact Major Itsuki/Daisuki

Server name:9thRC_Friday_Event


-No FiC(except rifles/lights)
-No OA(except rifles and light)
-No RiC
-Only CO-s and NCO-s allowed to use main chat
-No Ramboing
-No FoL
-No headglitching
-No abusive language
-Use regiment tags or you gonna get kicked from the server
-Don't ask for BP-s, because admin knows what is he doing
-Bonuses are allowed sometimes, depends on if it causes lag or not.
-No flying planks
-Bush Pirates can be killed by their own regiments, or if they ask for a slay admin will slay the pirate.Other regs are not allowed to kill other reg's bush pirates.

Apply Form:

Regiment Name:
Regiment Leader's/Representatives Steam:
Class applying for:
Numbers attending:
Preferred Nation:
Preferred Team (1 or 2):
Would you like to join weekly?:
Do you agree to follow all the rules stated?:
(Only for arty) How many cannons can you operate with?:

Men/Reg limits:

Line: 7-30
Lights/rifles: 5-15
Cavalry: 6-15
Artillery: Max 4 arty crew/cannon or howitzer, arty crew + their guards must to be under the number of 12 men

If you have too much attend, you can spread your men into two companies, but the second one needs to be line.

Breaking these rules may cause a warn,slay, kick, temporary ban or permament ban!

-Lines with over 14 rankers may use double ranks
-Lights may use up to 3 men spacing
-Rifles may use up to 5 men spacing
-Rifles are allowed to have a sapper, and that sapper is only allowed to use spikes.
-Dragoons are allowed, but they can only fire in a line formation when mounted, and when they are dismounted they count as line.
-Lancers are allowed, but couching is forbidden.
Artillery Guard
-Arty Guards can FiC
-Arty Guards can be in skirmish formation, with up to 3 men spacing
-Arty Guards can deploy behind sandbags and other defences.

Regiments Attending:

Team 1
Line infantry:
53rd Regiment of Horse Guards (~25)
45th Nottinghamshire Regiment of Foot (Ingame Tag:45thN) (15-20)
Tercios Españoles (Tercio) (7-12)

53rd Regiment of Horse Guards (15)

9th Red Capped Homeguard Battalion (15)

Herzöglich Nassauische Korps HNK (8-12)

9th Red Capped Homeguard Battalion (2 pieces)
5° Reggimento di Artiglieria "Voloire" (DI - Divisione Italiana) (1 piece)
84e Régiment D'Infanterie Suisse (1 piece)

Team 2
Line infantry:
[1stBrig] Nr47 Infantry Regiment (8-12)
[1stBrig] 56e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne (15-20)
77y (7-15)
16th Regiment of Foot (~15)

1stEB (1st Evil Brigade) (10-15)

77y (10-12)

1stEB (1st Evil Brigade) (10-15)

67th South Hampshire Regiment of Foot (2 pieces)
77y (1 piece)
19th Yorkshire Royal Artillery (1 piece)

Regiments who are bringing special classes and going on a break, are gonna get moved to the reserve list.
We had difficulties with these sort of things in the past, that's why we are strict about this.


Regiment Name: 16th Royal Smoothbore Artillery
Regiment Leader's/ Representative's Steam: Colonel Vincent:
Class applying for: Artillery (We do know its full but if there is a spot open, we would be more then happy to join)
Numbers attending: 4 - 6
Preferred Nation: United Kingdom
Preferred Team (1 or 2): 2
Would you like to join weekly?: Yes (We would like to join in on a weekly basis if impossible cause of private reasons we will let you know as fast as we can)
Do you agree to follow all the rules stated?: Yes
Only for arty: how many cannons can you operate with?: 1

Regiment Name: 54th King Scotish Force
Regiment Leader's/Representatives Steam: Regiment Leader: Representatives:
Class applying for: Arty
Numbers attending:7-8
Preferred Nation: United Kingdom
Preferred Team (1 or 2): Any
Would you like to join weekly?: Yes
Do you agree to follow all the rules stated?: Yes
Only for arty: how many cannons can you operate with?: 1

Screenshots from the Event:



Add Makk or Major Daisuki for further infos

9. Vörössipkás Honvédzászlóalj
9th (Red Capped) Homeguard Battalion

Regiment History / Ezred Története:
In the Hungarian Revolutionary War of 1848-49' the bravest, the most skilled battallions got red caps and called as Red Capped-s by the suggestion of General Artúr Görgey
The 9th is a homeguard battallion set up in May of 1848 from Kassa, and the leader was Major Ferenc Vitális. The 11th Battallion also got Red Caps, and both battallions fought very well through the war. There are mentions, that General János Damjanich lead the red capped battallions.
Vörössipkásoknak az 1848 májusában felállított 9. kassai zászlóalj honvédeit nevezték.
Szintén "vörös sipkát" kapott a 11. kolozsvári honvédzászlóalj legénysége is. E két zászlóalj a szabadságharc alatt olyan vitézséggel harcolt, hogy mint a legbátrabb katonák, Görgey Artúr javaslatára megkülönböztetésképpen vörös sipkát hordhattak.Említések vannak arról, hogy Damjanich János irányítása alatt küzdöttek. A 9-ik zászlóalj parancsnoka a szervezéskor Vitális Ferenc őrnagy volt.[/font]

Community History / Közösség története:

In June of 2016 Cracky and Mario left the HdW clan, and bunch of men followed them, and due to this, they created a regiment called Hungarian Elite Guards (HEG). Makk was a volunteer for them, as he was also the member of the HdW. They signed up for a light event and asked Makk to lead in-game, because he was NCO in two light regiments, and they gave him Sergeant rank. After couple of time, Mario as Col Makk as LtCol are the leadership, renamed the regiment to 9th Red Capped Homeguard battallion. Our Members are mostly from the HdW and from other disbanded regiments. From 2017's Autumn to 2018's very first months the regiment had a polish company as well.

2016 Júniusában Cracky és Mario kilépett a HdW klánból, és jópáran követték őket, így szerveztek egy regimentet HEG néven. Egy light eventtel kapcsolatban jött Makk a képbe, mivel ő light regimentekben volt altiszt. Kissebb nagyobb hercehurcák után kialakult a jelenlegi formája, s átnevezték Hungarian Elite Guards-ról 9. Vörössipkás honvédzászlóaljra. A tagok főleg a HdW-ból vagy disbandolt regimentekből jöttek. 2017 Őszétől 2018 elejéig egy lengyel osztag is erősítette a regimentet. Később az eredeti tisztikar lemorzsolódott és a harcedzett bakákból alakult ki az új.[/font]


Damjanich János - Line infantry company (In game tag: DchJ)
Gróf Hadik András - Cavalry company (In game tag: HadA)
Gábor Áron - Artillery squad (not shown in tags in-game)

Damjanich János tábornok - General János Damjanich
Gróf Hadik András tábornok - General Count Hadik András

Gábor Áron őrnagy - Major Áron Gábor


Notes, Another Stuff:

Our event's FSE Thread:
Feel free to join the "Demote Makk Folk Liberator Front" Steam group, against Makk the Dictator (The Makktator) and the Makktature (Dictature) (This is our meme) -
Our steam group -

Events: EU / Makk's ruleset
« on: November 05, 2016, 11:53:40 am »
Makk's ruleset

Add Makk for infos

-Lines over 14 men may use double ranks
-Lights may use up to 3 men spacing
-Rifles may use up to 5 men spacing
-No FiC(except rifles/lights/dragoons)
-No OA(except rifles/lights)
-No RiC
-Only CO-s and NCO-s allowed to use main chat
-No Ramboing
-No FoL
-No abusive language
-Don't ask for BP-s, because admin knows what is he doing.
-Dragoons are enabled. They can FiC. If they are on horse, they can only once, and with a volley, before they are in melee. when they're dismounted, they count as line, but they can FiC.
-Lancers are enabled
-Bonuses allowed
-Arty crew needs to load the cannon from front of it,like the actual arty crews did.
-No flying planks. (krhkm... Major Ferdinajn) if your build points are under 50, you can use planks.
-Rifles are allowed to have ONE sapper per company, and those sappers are only allowed to deploy stakes.
-Bush Pirates can be killed by their own regiments, or if they ask for a slay admin will slay the pirate.Other regs are not allowed to kill other reg's bush pirates.

Men/Reg limits

Line: 7-30 members
Lights/rifles: 5-15 members
Cavalry: 6-20 members
Artillery: Max 4 arty crew/cannon , You can bring howitzer as well, arty is allowed to bring 2 cannons/howitzers per team, arty crew + their guards must to be under the number of 12 men
If you have too much attend, you can spread your men into two companies. Except for arty. arty works together, except if two arty pieces are not in the same reg but in the same team.

Breaking these rules may cause a slay, next time kick, next time ban!

Apply Form:

Regiment Name:
Regiment Leader's/Representatives Steam:
Class applying for:
Numbers attending:
Preferred Nation:
Would you like to sign up weekly?:
Do you agree to follow all the rules stated?:
Only for arty: how many cannons can you operate with?:
Regiments signed up for the  event



Events: EU / R.I.P. 96th Event.
« on: July 19, 2016, 12:17:05 pm »

Pages: 1