Author Topic: now the dust has settled  (Read 1221 times)

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Offline King_Macbeth

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now the dust has settled
« on: February 09, 2023, 09:57:09 pm »
what went wrong with this

Offline LEVIS

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Re: now the dust has settled
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2023, 09:57:28 pm »
too much beer

Offline Chantakey

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Re: now the dust has settled
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2023, 10:31:59 pm »
Lets see if I get in trouble on here like I did their discord.

Lets make it simple as can be.
The community that propped up the game was basically told to fuck off after the testing process. Instead of doing what they succeed at they went for a different approach. We've seen the failure of holdfast outside of the memes and the retention rate of the game is lower than most NW players IQ. Instead of focusing on the things that kept the previous game alive they seem to have thought that going down the roleplay side was better. Welllll I can tell you first hand NW wasn't kept alive because of getting to RP as some Napoleonic soldiers, and native warband wasn't kept alive for that reason either. Most people came and stuck around because of the one of a kind melee system that was easy to learn hard to master. Gave people some itch to be better than the next guy and get better at the game, as well as fostered some pretty great communities of large group competitive play.

BCoF had some pretty decent melee in the early days when I first tested the game. When I returned to it on release it was like it was running a completely new melee system that was just slightly better than holdfast. So you've lost most of your competitive players and long term players right there, noone wants to play a game where 99% comes down to RNG. It felt like your best bet was to either out range and S key and just swing, or spam as hard as you could. Most players from NW would simply laugh at it because those things were easily blockable, but with blocks only being 30/70 not even 50/50 on working those dumbass little things worked in a broken system.

Then we can get over into the side of event host, no one knew how to host a damn thing, I've went to many other games since this game fell apart and honestly they're the same way. After seeing these many large group events on different games, NW was a gold standard in how they were ran, much quicker easier etc. The event hosting and overall catastrophe of arrogance and stupidity by most groups caused a lot of excess bs that hurt the game in the long run, but that is just part of a game with no anti-cheat and people being competitive for being the best.

The era the game is placed in is a very touchy subject for most Americans and most of the world right now. When making the game it wasn't such a big issue but as time went on that issue became larger and larger. There were many things done by different games that wished to portray this era to sorta censor some of the things seen as grotesque by most normal humans. (Most people of this community are not normal) For the game to succeed it needed media attention, because so far we're 0/2 on good things, now when you start basically pulling the "Its history not hate" card you're sending yourself down a rabbit hole that usually ends with you on the losing side. Most media won't even allow you to make videos on the era for that reason, so for it to even have a chance of making any media attention it would have to have been dumbed down slightly. While you would scare away some people with that move, I think all people that really cared for the game and the community would not have given a fuck about that side as long as the game was good. (I mean fuck we played Nw and there wasn't anything of real meaning outside of colored uniforms) Now we know what Im talking about is the flag that the confederacy had used, though it was a flag in use during the period it had been taken and changed into a symbol of hate that no media wanted around them, they're a business so money comes first to them. Without media attention, any combat that interested people longer than 30 minutes, and no real good events it was doomed to fall from there unless there was a niche group similar to the later years of NW.

The final thing goes off of my last sentence there, the niche community that had played their DLC and supported them from day 1. it seems as though instead of listening to them and caring about the actions needing to be taken for that community, they were more worried about taking holdfast players, taking WoR players, and introducing people into the community. Which I understand they're a business as well that needs to make money. But when those decisions hurt their own community and loyal supporters it starts to look pretty foolish, it was sad the day they basically were like, nah we'd rather have the 3 guys from another game come help things around so they can attract more players from that game. With the decisions being made and fought by them to keep that nice 20 players around rather than expanding to a larger audience in media it was soon to fail just due to no players.

At the end of the day for a large community/group based game to succeed, you have to have a good overall community that will support it, you have to have media that can attract new players to these groups, and you have to be able to work with that community to step in the right direction. That final step you can see hasn't even been worked on as horses are more important than making the game playable.

Alright back to never using the forums again and enjoying RPing and cowboy and playing WW2 game with MG that go brrrrrrr

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Re: now the dust has settled
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2023, 09:23:59 am »
Commander Conquest should have been pushed as the definitive BCoF experience
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Offline czRabixel

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Re: now the dust has settled
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2023, 12:42:06 pm »
As said the game die due to no community. Well if you going in to niche of multiplayer game only driven by community hosting, you have few other games you have to fight off. NW, Holdfast and WoR and thats the "biggest ones". And most of them are strugling too. So if you bring new game in to community and it doesnt do anything special or doesnt try to bring new players in it is certain death for the game.

Also BCoF still gets updates and new things but they do new "small" things or rework things that doesnt mean much. For examle last few updates they are working on: They added new artillery pieces, sorry but atm we dont need 100 different cannons. Gore & Blood  and "fully deformable terrain": Its nice to have these things in game but it shouldnt be priority of the game when no one plays it.

TLDR no community and unnecessary updates (would rather see updates that brings new guys in to the game)
« Last Edit: February 10, 2023, 12:45:09 pm by czRabixel »

Offline John Price

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Re: now the dust has settled
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2023, 04:24:55 pm »
Although I didn't participate in BCoF really, the decision not to sign up and play a few events was mostly just the player count:

All the radio silence from FSE for so long and from speaking to the testers, longevity of the BCoF community didn't seem likely and was proven right almost immediately. Marketing the game only to a select group, especially one with a focus on a time period that doesn't appeal to most europeans you ask seemed doomed to fail. Thats without even talking about the mechanics of the game as Chantakey mentioned.

Commander Conquest should have been pushed as the definitive BCoF experience
This seemed cool af. Just needed a bit "more".
Knightmare is from Albania, no?
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Re: now the dust has settled
« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2023, 06:04:51 am »
This could save BCOF

Add a cock sucking mechanic to the game. Allow me to elaborate on how this mechanic will work. If you are making direct contact with an enemy, you need to stay in contact with them for 3 seconds while holding the 'F' button, by doing this you tackle them to the ground and suck their cock, by sucking an enemy's cock you actually replenish health and after you are finished sucking their cock they will gain a 90%+ walk speed, attack speed, and reload speed buff for 60 seconds because the fopamine from getting their cock sucked kicks in and of course they get excited because of it. This would be useful when sneaking up on an enemy while you're low health so you can replenish to full health immediately and retreat until their buff wears off. The reason I decided to include a buff to the enemy is so the cock sucking mechanic isn't too overpowered for the person that sucks the enemy's cock. Personally, I think this would add some great interactions to the game and make combat engagements more complex while also retaining a straightforward and easy to learn method of warfare. What is y’all’s thoughts on my suggestion
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Re: now the dust has settled
« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2023, 06:30:37 am »
In my opinion, the devs focused way too hard to try to convince people to play their game instead of another game. They added in WW1 just to 1 up Holdfast. They added in Age of Napoleon to 1 up NW. Instead of trying to listen to the community's concerns over longevity and content, they released "Space Battles", and didn't even advertise the new regiments they added unto the base game.

While I do think its possible that it could have a revival, this game is practically a goner. At least the melee is better than Sword and Musket that's for sure.
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Re: now the dust has settled
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2023, 11:01:36 am »
This could save BCOF

Add a cock sucking mechanic to the game. Allow me to elaborate on how this mechanic will work. If you are making direct contact with an enemy, you need to stay in contact with them for 3 seconds while holding the 'F' button, by doing this you tackle them to the ground and suck their cock, by sucking an enemy's cock you actually replenish health and after you are finished sucking their cock they will gain a 90%+ walk speed, attack speed, and reload speed buff for 60 seconds because the fopamine from getting their cock sucked kicks in and of course they get excited because of it. This would be useful when sneaking up on an enemy while you're low health so you can replenish to full health immediately and retreat until their buff wears off. The reason I decided to include a buff to the enemy is so the cock sucking mechanic isn't too overpowered for the person that sucks the enemy's cock. Personally, I think this would add some great interactions to the game and make combat engagements more complex while also retaining a straightforward and easy to learn method of warfare. What is y’all’s thoughts on my suggestion
Why did you type that? You didn't have to type that.

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Re: now the dust has settled
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2023, 02:19:45 pm »
This could save BCOF

Add a cock sucking mechanic to the game. Allow me to elaborate on how this mechanic will work. If you are making direct contact with an enemy, you need to stay in contact with them for 3 seconds while holding the 'F' button, by doing this you tackle them to the ground and suck their cock, by sucking an enemy's cock you actually replenish health and after you are finished sucking their cock they will gain a 90%+ walk speed, attack speed, and reload speed buff for 60 seconds because the fopamine from getting their cock sucked kicks in and of course they get excited because of it. This would be useful when sneaking up on an enemy while you're low health so you can replenish to full health immediately and retreat until their buff wears off. The reason I decided to include a buff to the enemy is so the cock sucking mechanic isn't too overpowered for the person that sucks the enemy's cock. Personally, I think this would add some great interactions to the game and make combat engagements more complex while also retaining a straightforward and easy to learn method of warfare. What is y’all’s thoughts on my suggestion
Why did you type that? You didn't have to type that.

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Re: now the dust has settled
« Reply #10 on: February 15, 2023, 09:32:59 pm »
Community and Devs made a lot of mistakes

Offline Glenn

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Re: now the dust has settled
« Reply #11 on: February 16, 2023, 09:18:16 pm »
This could save BCOF

Add a cock sucking mechanic to the game. Allow me to elaborate on how this mechanic will work. If you are making direct contact with an enemy, you need to stay in contact with them for 3 seconds while holding the 'F' button, by doing this you tackle them to the ground and suck their cock, by sucking an enemy's cock you actually replenish health and after you are finished sucking their cock they will gain a 90%+ walk speed, attack speed, and reload speed buff for 60 seconds because the fopamine from getting their cock sucked kicks in and of course they get excited because of it. This would be useful when sneaking up on an enemy while you're low health so you can replenish to full health immediately and retreat until their buff wears off. The reason I decided to include a buff to the enemy is so the cock sucking mechanic isn't too overpowered for the person that sucks the enemy's cock. Personally, I think this would add some great interactions to the game and make combat engagements more complex while also retaining a straightforward and easy to learn method of warfare. What is y’all’s thoughts on my suggestion
Why did you type that? You didn't have to type that.

i’m just giving my thoughts on how BCOF can be saved
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Offline Theodin

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Re: now the dust has settled
« Reply #12 on: February 16, 2023, 09:22:36 pm »
This could save BCOF

Add a cock sucking mechanic to the game. Allow me to elaborate on how this mechanic will work. If you are making direct contact with an enemy, you need to stay in contact with them for 3 seconds while holding the 'F' button, by doing this you tackle them to the ground and suck their cock, by sucking an enemy's cock you actually replenish health and after you are finished sucking their cock they will gain a 90%+ walk speed, attack speed, and reload speed buff for 60 seconds because the fopamine from getting their cock sucked kicks in and of course they get excited because of it. This would be useful when sneaking up on an enemy while you're low health so you can replenish to full health immediately and retreat until their buff wears off. The reason I decided to include a buff to the enemy is so the cock sucking mechanic isn't too overpowered for the person that sucks the enemy's cock. Personally, I think this would add some great interactions to the game and make combat engagements more complex while also retaining a straightforward and easy to learn method of warfare. What is y’all’s thoughts on my suggestion
Why did you type that? You didn't have to type that.

i’m just giving my thoughts on how BCOF can be saved
you truly didn't have to type that

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Re: now the dust has settled
« Reply #13 on: February 16, 2023, 10:20:59 pm »
Add a cock sucking mechanic to the game. Allow me to elaborate on how this mechanic will work. If you are making direct contact with an enemy, you need to stay in contact with them for 3 seconds while holding the 'F' button, by doing this you tackle them to the ground and suck their cock, by sucking an enemy's cock you actually replenish health and after you are finished sucking their cock they will gain a 90%+ walk speed, attack speed, and reload speed buff for 60 seconds because the fopamine from getting their cock sucked kicks in and of course they get excited because of it. This would be useful when sneaking up on an enemy while you're low health so you can replenish to full health immediately and retreat until their buff wears off. The reason I decided to include a buff to the enemy is so the cock sucking mechanic isn't too overpowered for the person that sucks the enemy's cock. Personally, I think this would add some great interactions to the game and make combat engagements more complex while also retaining a straightforward and easy to learn method of warfare. What is y’all’s thoughts on my suggestion
CoC > any other team

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Re: now the dust has settled
« Reply #14 on: February 16, 2023, 11:17:33 pm »
Add a cock sucking mechanic to the game. Allow me to elaborate on how this mechanic will work. If you are making direct contact with an enemy, you need to stay in contact with them for 3 seconds while holding the 'F' button, by doing this you tackle them to the ground and suck their cock, by sucking an enemy's cock you actually replenish health and after you are finished sucking their cock they will gain a 90%+ walk speed, attack speed, and reload speed buff for 60 seconds because the fopamine from getting their cock sucked kicks in and of course they get excited because of it. This would be useful when sneaking up on an enemy while you're low health so you can replenish to full health immediately and retreat until their buff wears off. The reason I decided to include a buff to the enemy is so the cock sucking mechanic isn't too overpowered for the person that sucks the enemy's cock. Personally, I think this would add some great interactions to the game and make combat engagements more complex while also retaining a straightforward and easy to learn method of warfare. What is y’all’s thoughts on my suggestion

i like this suggestion, good one soulja!
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