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Topics - Walter

Pages: 1
Regiments / 37th Hampshire Regiment Of Foot(Closed)
« on: March 07, 2017, 06:55:21 pm »
37th Hampshire Regiment Of Foot

The history of the regiment
The regiment was raised in Ireland by Lieutenant-General Thomas Meredyth as Meredyth's Regiment in February 1702. It embarked for the Netherlands in May 1703 and fought under the Duke of Marlborough at the Battle of Schellenberg in July 1704, the Battle of Blenheim in August 1704 and the Battle of Ramillies in May 1706 as well as the Battle of Oudenarde in July 1708 and the Battle of Malplaquet in September 1709 during the War of the Spanish Succession. The regiment embarked for Canada in 1711 as part of the Quebec Expedition but lost 8 officers and 253 men when the ships in which it was sailing foundered on the rocks on the Saint Lawrence River the expedition returned home. It was also in action at the Capture of Vigo in October 1719.

The regiment next saw action at the Battle of Dettingen in June 1743 during the War of the Austrian Succession. It also fought at the Battle of Falkirk in January 1746 during the Jacobite rebellion when its colonel, Sir Robert Munro, 6th Baronet, was shot and then finished off with three sword blows to the head. It went on to fight under the command of Colonel Lewis Dejean at the Battle of Culloden in April 1746 and was ranked the 37th Foot in 1747. The regiment returned to the Netherlands and fought at the Battle of Lauffeld in July 1747.

On 1 July 1751 a royal warrant was issued which provided that in future regiments would no longer be known by their colonel's name, but would bear a regimental number based on their precedence: the regiment became the 37th Regiment of Foot. The regiment fought at the Battle of Minden in August 1759 during the Seven Years' War. After the battle the men of the regiment picked dog-roses from the hedges and put them in their headdresses to celebrate the victory. It also took part in a skirmish at Grebenstein in June 1762 and another at Fellinghausen in July 1762. It was then garrisoned in Minorca from 1763 to 1769.

The regiment embarked for North America for service in the American Revolutionary War in 1776 and was present at the Battle of Long Island in August 1776 and the British surrender at the end of the Siege of Yorktown in September 1781. It became the 37th (the North Hampshire) Regiment of Foot in 1782.

Serjeant Major
Lance Corporal
Private First Class


Commanding Officer
Lieutenant Walter

Non Commisioned Officers
Serjeant Cain

Regular Noerskov

Regiments / DDF - Den Danske Felthær - The Danish Fieldarmy(Disbanded)
« on: November 10, 2014, 06:14:01 pm »



Regiment Lederen
Hærchefens Steam: GismoDyret[DDF]

Line FF
Lederens steam: Tobi

Kavaleri FR
Leaders steam: [DDF] Leopold

Jægerne FJ

Leaders steam: [DDF] MrVazir

DDF Medlemmer [57]

FF Roster

FF Medlemmer [35]

[1] Hærchef:
Brigadegeneral Gismo

1. Bataljon - Infanteriet
Felthærens Fodregiment

[1] 1. Bataljonschef:
Sekondløjtnant Tobi

[2] Officere:
Løjtnant MrZapple
Sekondløjtnant Fluffy

1st Kompagnichef:

[2] 1st Kompagni:
Livgarde Paradox
Livgarde Mortena98

[0] 2nd Kompagnichef:

[11] 2nd Kompagni:

Korporal Anderson

Konstabel Trick It
Konstabelelev Sandfeld
Konstabelelev Rambo
Konstabelelev Zed
Konstabelelev Huelemand
Konstabelelev DashII
Menig Super-Lars
Menig Brotus
Menig EBohla
Menig TheUrbanViking

[1] 3rd Kompagnichef:
Chefsergent Pakzii

[6] 3rd Kompagni:

Sergent Carl

Overkonstabel 1. Grad Munin jr.
Overkonstabel Max
Overkonstabel Gulle
Overkonstabel Kedde
Konstabel Minibig

[12] Reserven:



Veteran Connorx
Konstabelelev Yolo
Konstabelelev Malling
Konstabelelev Filo
Mening Skurk
Mening Benjamin
Menig TheLastBacon
Menig Cobra
Menig Pip
Menig Tomahawk
Konstabel Winn
Overkonstabel Kedde

FR Roster

2. Bataljon - Kavaleriet Felthærens Rytterregiment
FR Medlemmer [14]

[1] 2. Bataljonschef:
Premierløjtnant Leopold


[2] Underofficere:
Sergent Alvin
Korporal Walter

[7] Ryttere:
Overkonstabel af 1. Grad Ezy
Overkonstabel Kompus
Konstabel Kristian
Konstabelelev Duke
Rekrut Dovser
Rekrut Rangeren
Rekrut Aeliana

[4] Reserve:
Seniorsergent Grand
Overkonstabel Light
Menig Karlsson
Rekrut FreddyFish/Hunden


FJ Roster

3. Bataljon - Jægerne
Felthærens Jægerkorps

FJ Medlemmer [9]

[1] 3. Bataljonschef:
Major MrVazir


[1] Underofficere:
Oversergent Flæk'D

[5] Soldater:
Konstabel PoulQ
Konstabelelev Senge
Menig Ras10
Menig Ekstrøm
Rekrut FancyPants (NA)
Rekrut Blackburn

[1] Reserve:

Rekrut Bertram

Krigen i 1864
(2. Slesvigske Krig) var en krig mellem Danmark på den ene side og Østrig og Preussen på den anden. Baggrunden for krigen var de nationale bevægelser i hhv. Danmark og de tyske stater, som tørnede sammen i spørgsmålet om det nationalt blandede hertugdømme Slesvigs skæbne. Krigen endte i et totalt nederlag til Danmark, som måtte afstå hertugdømmerne Slesvig, Holsten og Lauenborg, der kom til at indgå i Det tyske kejserrige, der dannedes i 1871.


Recruitment video

Linebattle against the 65y

Servers / The Boarding_Battle_Server(Closed)
« on: August 31, 2014, 10:16:52 pm »

Regiments / 29th (Worcestershire) Regiment of Light
« on: March 05, 2014, 06:16:57 pm »

Hey and welcome the 29th (Worcestershire) Regiment of Light we are a Light Regiment

our Leaders Is:
Major Sean
Captain Danish
1st Lieutenant Walter
2nd Lieutenant Gamborg

we hope you guys wanna join :)

Add The [29th] Captain Danish, or [29th] Major Sean. on Steam for more info :)

Regiments / 18.Division Det Danske Kompagni i IE
« on: February 26, 2014, 03:04:25 pm »

On Danish:

Det Danske Kompagni er et regiment i "Iron Europe", som er et mod til "Mount and Blade: Warband"
84. Kompagni er et kompagni fra 1-verdenskrig hvor 70% bestod af sønderjyder.

Det Danske Regiment er et regiment i Iron Europe, som er en mod til Mount and Blade: Warband - Napoleonic Wars.
Regiment nr. 84 "von Manstein" er et tysk regiment fra 1. verdenskrig, hvor tropperne primært var rekrutteret fra Slesvig, som på det tidspunkt var under tysk herredømme efter den Anden Slesvigske krig.

On English:

The Danish Company is a regiment of "Iron Europe", which is a mod for "Mount and Blade: Warband"
84 Company is a company of World War I in which 70% were from Southern Jutland.

The Danish Regiment is a regiment for Iron Europe, a mod for Mount and Blade: Warband - Napoleonic Wars.
Regiment nr. 84 "von Manstein" is a german regiment from World War I in which the troops were primarily recruited from Schleswig, which at the time was under german control after the Second Schleswig War.


Oberst Yales
Oberstløjtnant Ekstrøm
Personlige vagter: Menig Klitmoeller.

Sergent Nguyen(Leader)
Sergent Theodore(Leader)

Korporal Lantau
Konstabel Quintin
Konstabel Rørby
Menig Krog
Menig Olsen
Rekrut Miksen
Rekrut Fluffy
Korporal Haugaard
Konstabel/Læge Nielsen
Menig Storm
Rekrut Nerup
Rekrut Markkins

2.Deling (Sniper team)
Spejder Rogan (Leader
Spejder Warrior
Menig Chris

Ts ip:

On Danish
Add NDG_Ekstrom eller Yales på steam for at joine regimentet eller for mere info

On English
Add NDG_Ekstrom or Yales on Steam to join the regiment or for more Info


Pages: 1