Author Topic: How To: Make a Regiment  (Read 202864 times)

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Offline ash.j

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How To: Make a Regiment
« on: May 22, 2013, 10:21:50 pm »
How To: Make a Regiment

  • Introduction
  • Picking a Name
  • Essentials
  • Recruiting
  • Events
  • Running a Regiment


     When I first made my regiment, I found it difficult to start up. I had no idea where to look, or what exactly I needed to do. I had been in regiments before, so I knew the general basics of how to run one, but I didn't know where to start. I write this post to help those interested in making a regiment. I want to make the process as easy as possible so that you can get up and running sooner, and enjoy the game.

     At times, operating a regiment is a pain, especially at the start. You will have to learn what atmosphere bests suits your regiment. You will have to deal with so many different factors, from picking a name, to getting recruits. Yes, it can be a pain, but once it gets running smoothly, it is a lot of fun.

Picking a Name

     The name of your regiment is vital. It is what you will be known as, and can even define your regiment. There are different ways you can pick a name. You could scour the internet in search of a historically accurate name. Or you can make one up. Keep in mind however, you want your name to be unique. It will save everybody a lot of confusion, and make you more recognizable. Before you pick your name, make sure you know what faction you want your regiment to be.

     If you want to pick a historically accurate name, be prepared to get digging. Many of the names are already taken, especially if you want a British regiment. Below are some links to help you to find a name that is still available.

List of historical British regiment names:

List of historical Prussian regiment names:

List of historical French regiment names:

List of historical Russian regiment names:

List of historical Austrian regiment names:

Official Napoleonic Wars Regiment list:
*Keep in mind, not all regiments are on this list, only those who have signed up for it. Google search your desired regiment name and look for a forum page, or search directly in the form to double check yours is unique.*


     Now that you have chosen your name, you are going to need to...
  • Make a Forum Page
  • Ranks
  • Get a TeamSpeak
  • Make a Steam Group
Forum Page

     A Forum page is where you will tell people about your regiment, advertise your regiment, and organize your regiment. This you will want to put on your regiment...
  • Regiment Name
  • Introduction/Description
  • Ranks
  • Roster
  • Contact/Reference Links (Including TeamSpeak Address)
  • Application
     Don't forget to make it look good. People will be interested in your regiment if you have a nice forum page. Put effort into it, because you want to show people that you are serious. Distinguish yourself from other regiments.


     Establishing a set of ranks will bring structure to your regiment. It will create a chain of command, and keep your regiment from falling apart if you die in a battle. The majority of regiments highest rank is Colonel (or the equivalent rank). Below are some links to lists of ranks.

*I use a slightly tweaked version of these*


     TeamSpeak is a free voice chat software. It allows many people to be in a server, and servers are split into multiple channels for organization. TeamSpeak is essential if you want to easily communicate your orders to your men. Once you have TeamSpeak, you will need to find a server. There are many free servers out there, they have multiple groups of people on them. Look around and I'm sure you will find a good server. If you are willing, you can pay to host your own server to have your regiment exclusively on it. Unfortunately there is no one place that I can provide a link for you to find a list of TeamSpeak servers available.

TeamSpeak Download:

Steam Group

     A Steam Group is a great way to get all your members into one place. You can use it to send messages to everyone in the regiment, or schedule upcoming events. It makes life a lot easier, as long as people check the steam group every once in a while.


     Believe it or not, you have made it through the easy stuff. Now time for the hard part. Recruiting is tedious, annoying, and difficult. Most of the people in this game are already in a regiment. You just have to keep trying. Regiments to die out, so that creates more recruits, and people buy the game. I started my regiment with a friend, and later convinced another friend to buy the game and he joined too. It is always nice to play with friends, and they add a few more to your roster.

     There are a few ways to recruit. You can go onto servers that allow recruiting and play around for a bit, try to play well, and then ask if anyone is interested in joining a regiment. Or, if you have one, try and get your server populated and recruit on that.

There is a good article on recruiting already.,234316.0.html


     Great, you have people, Communication, and Advertising. Now you to make the regiment do what it was made for. You need events. Events are the battles that your regiment will attend, it is probably why you made the regiment in the first place, to eventually fight in battles. There are tons of weekly events out there. It's your job to choose what days you want the events to be on, and then sign up for them. Below are some links to help you find some events.

Community Page:

Schedule of events that are signed up on it:

Running a Regiment

     Now that you have your regiment set up,you need to operate it smoothly. This section will discuss how to do just that. The sections I will be covering are...
  • Communication
  • Discipline
  • Command
  • Relax

     Communication is key to making sure your new regimen doesn't fall through the cracks. You need to be able  inform your members of upcoming events, tell them what you expect in the regiment, and plan things with them. As I stated earlier, Steam Group are a great tool to use to communicate easily. They get everybody into one place, and the majority of players use steam anyway. Some other options could include a custom website, a forum, or even TeamSpeak.


     Discipline is what makes the regiment do well. Without it, you will not be able to turn the tide in a battle, or take on enemy lines. Not only does discipline make you play well, it creates a more enjoyable game. If you play well, your men will be happy, and you will be able to stay alive longer in battles. Everybody likes to win.

     Discipline can be a tricky thing to tackle. Even if all your guys are good players, and want to do well. When you are in a battle, orders can be misheard, or not heard at all, because people will be talking over you. They are not doing anything bad, just having a good time. Sometimes however, you need to keep your men quiet so that they can hear your orders, and then carry them out. There is a widely used method to do this, it is called Permission to Talk (PTS). PTS usually works where the officers may talk freely, but non-officers must say "PTS," and then have an officer say "Granted" in return, and then they can talk. There may be days where you won't need to use PTS.

     Another discipline issue can be a lack of training. At first, event lining up and maneuvering can be difficult. Having a day in the week dedicated to training can fix this. If you work on getting your regiment t operate fluidly, and to be able to get into certain formations quickly, then you will be a much more effective regiment. At training you will want to go over basics maneuvers, then move on to some more advanced maneuvers. Give some time to train in target practice and melee to improve individual skill. Its great if you can get into formations quickly, but if your men can't hit anything, or die in a charge, then the formations won't matter. One last thing to cover in training is to split your regiment in half and have your officers lead the separate line against each other. This will give your officers some experience, and give your men some field training.


     Command is your, the officers, ability to lead your troops in an effective manner. Command skill comes through experience. There is no better way to train yourself as an officer than to get out there and lead your line as much as you can. However, there are some tactics that can be taught. We will go over some of those tactics here.

Flanking: This is one of the simplest of tactics there are. Flanking is when you position your men behind the enemy and attack them from there. This will panic your opponent, and force him to re-position, all as you are picking off their men.

Square: Forming a square is an anti-cavalry formation. You have the front rank kneel down with bayonets braced, and the guys behind them stand and fire. Works better with larger numbers.

Hammer and Anvil: A maneuver where you have one line attack the front, while the other hits them from behind. Works better with larger numbers.

Cover: You can not usually hide behind trees and such, but you can hide your men just behind a hill having them be able to fire over the hill, but making smaller targets for the enemy.

     There are many more tactics out there that would need an entirely different forum post to cover them all, but the tactics above are the basics. Feel free to modify these tactics  adapt to whatever situation you are in.

     The general play style of the different unit types differ. As Line Infantry, you should operate as a well mixed regiment, some melee, and some shooting. Light Infantry focus on firing, but can stand in melee. Rifles focus on long range firing. Cavalry focus on charging. Take note to focus on your unit types play style when it comes to training.


     Don't forget, the whole purpose of making a regiment is to have fun. Don't take it too seriously, joke around. It will make your men more inclined to be active and make your life easier. Have fun, play well, and you will do well.

Good Luck!

     Good luck! You have now created your regiment. All that is left now is to keep your head above the water, and work hard to make sure you stay active. I hope that this How To guide has helped you to create your regiment. If you have any questions or suggestions, leave them in a reply to this thread.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2014, 02:55:04 am by ash.j »

Offline Gurkha

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Re: How To: Make a Regiment
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2013, 10:24:18 pm »
Alright guide I guess..could cover a bit more.

Also not sure If it's the right place to post this.

Offline Potterr

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Re: How To: Make a Regiment
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2013, 10:24:55 pm »
This could be helpful to a lot of people starting out. Although I wouldn't reccomend everyone tries this... As not all people are made to create regiments. As well as recruitment is already bad out there for a lot of regiments, people underestimate how much time you need to put into it to actually make a decent regiment.

Few grey spots, but its the basics.

Thanks ash.j

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Re: How To: Make a Regiment
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2013, 10:31:51 pm »
Very nice guide well structured with a lot of interesting information, the section on choosing a regiment name I felt was very detailed very good job. =P

Alright guide I guess..could cover a bit more.

Also not sure If it's the right place to post this.
Your criticism is vague and nondescript, furthermore your comment on the placement of this thread goes no way on detailing why this board is inappropriate.   
"A Boss in Heaven is the best excuse for a boss on earth, therefore If God did exist, he would have to be abolished." - Mikhail Bakunin
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Re: How To: Make a Regiment
« Reply #4 on: May 22, 2013, 10:34:33 pm »
This should get stickied.

Offline Apollo

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Re: How To: Make a Regiment
« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2013, 10:37:30 pm »
Certainly a useful guide for those making their first regiment. Good work.

Offline The Nutty Pig

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Re: How To: Make a Regiment
« Reply #6 on: May 22, 2013, 10:52:41 pm »
I should make a regiment, now who wants to merge their reg's into mine?

Offline USE4life

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Re: How To: Make a Regiment
« Reply #7 on: May 22, 2013, 10:54:11 pm »
I should make a regiment, now who wants to merge their reg's into mine?

Is it a Yorkshire based regiment?

Offline The Nutty Pig

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Re: How To: Make a Regiment
« Reply #8 on: May 22, 2013, 10:56:44 pm »
I should make a regiment, now who wants to merge their reg's into mine?

Is it a Yorkshire based regiment?
Of course it is don't ask silly questions!

Offline Gozzy

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Re: How To: Make a Regiment
« Reply #9 on: May 22, 2013, 10:59:28 pm »
This is a good cod clan plz agree
Im the Eu1 guy who likes to play the game

Offline Eazy-E

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Re: How To: Make a Regiment
« Reply #10 on: May 22, 2013, 11:04:52 pm »
Nooo... Don't share our secrets :o

Just kidding of course, nice guide! :D

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Re: How To: Make a Regiment
« Reply #11 on: May 22, 2013, 11:41:08 pm »
Very nice guide well structured with a lot of interesting information, the section on choosing a regiment name I felt was very detailed very good job. =P

Alright guide I guess..could cover a bit more.

Also not sure If it's the right place to post this.
Your criticism is vague and nondescript, furthermore your comment on the placement of this thread goes no way on detailing why this board is inappropriate.   

I actually think Gurkha's comment was quite appropriate, to elaborate; whilst going into alot of detail about to actually make the creative rights to the regiment, as in name and servers, The guide does not quite go into enough detail about how to run, manage and lead a regiment. I think for something like this to be stickied it would have to go into more detail than info at the bottom of Audiate's Regiment list, which is all this seems to be.

Write a bit more, the section titled: What Now? Should be the longest section, Perhaps split into multiple sections.

As a foundation post, this has creditable content, but you have to give more than just; here is a list of links you might find useful: Good Luck!

Offline ash.j

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Re: How To: Make a Regiment
« Reply #12 on: May 23, 2013, 12:56:02 am »
Very nice guide well structured with a lot of interesting information, the section on choosing a regiment name I felt was very detailed very good job. =P

Alright guide I guess..could cover a bit more.

Also not sure If it's the right place to post this.
Your criticism is vague and nondescript, furthermore your comment on the placement of this thread goes no way on detailing why this board is inappropriate.   

I actually think Gurkha's comment was quite appropriate, to elaborate; whilst going into alot of detail about to actually make the creative rights to the regiment, as in name and servers, The guide does not quite go into enough detail about how to run, manage and lead a regiment. I think for something like this to be stickied it would have to go into more detail than info at the bottom of Audiate's Regiment list, which is all this seems to be.

Write a bit more, the section titled: What Now? Should be the longest section, Perhaps split into multiple sections.

As a foundation post, this has creditable content, but you have to give more than just; here is a list of links you might find useful: Good Luck!

You raise a good point. Thank you. I will update it and make sure to really go into how to run a regiment successfully.

Offline TheZach_Attack

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Re: How To: Make a Regiment
« Reply #13 on: May 23, 2013, 12:57:02 am »
i wel makr a regiemint we wil be bes NA!

Offline Matthew

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Re: How To: Make a Regiment
« Reply #14 on: May 23, 2013, 01:05:15 am »
Very nice guide well structured with a lot of interesting information, the section on choosing a regiment name I felt was very detailed very good job. =P

Alright guide I guess..could cover a bit more.

Also not sure If it's the right place to post this.
Your criticism is vague and nondescript, furthermore your comment on the placement of this thread goes no way on detailing why this board is inappropriate.   

I actually think Gurkha's comment was quite appropriate, to elaborate; whilst going into alot of detail about to actually make the creative rights to the regiment, as in name and servers, The guide does not quite go into enough detail about how to run, manage and lead a regiment. I think for something like this to be stickied it would have to go into more detail than info at the bottom of Audiate's Regiment list, which is all this seems to be.

Write a bit more, the section titled: What Now? Should be the longest section, Perhaps split into multiple sections.

As a foundation post, this has creditable content, but you have to give more than just; here is a list of links you might find useful: Good Luck!
I did not suggest his comments were inappropriate rather they were lazy and do not go into enough detail.
"A Boss in Heaven is the best excuse for a boss on earth, therefore If God did exist, he would have to be abolished." - Mikhail Bakunin
"Dispassionate, fair, equal"
Oh you wanted a serious response, why didn't you just say so.