Hi there it's been a while. New upcoming skin pack for Napoleonic Wars is on the horizon.
I am currently in the process of creating so uniforms has their ribbon/collar colored corresponding to the banner selected. A better term to use might be Heraldic uniforms(as seen in native). While I have already achieved this effect (reference below), I still wanted to get the opinion of the community.
If you got any suggestion to which parts of certain uniforms that should be colored, feel free to share it with me in this thread. I do only intend on creating this effect for body uniforms for now, so you can still easily distinct unit from unit.
While I do not intend being done soon, since there is
a lot of uniforms in the Napoleonic Wars DLC, I still wanted to showcase my first successful example. It works in both quick battle and multiplayer. All uniforms changes colors corresponding to the banner of the player, even for people that does not have the skin pack. (you see their banner-colors on the uniforms)
Napoleonic Wars has been a good part of my teen/young adult years, and I've always felt like there should be something distinct between each regiment picking the same unit, even though it wont be historical accurate. I wanted to give something back to the game, and I also wanted to give myself a free-time challenge.
Sorry for only showing Sweden & Denmark. While all banners works, only Denmark has the correct color, the rest is the cyan. (would take a few hours to define all banners)