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Messages - Patrykus

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General Discussion / Re: a nerf for hussars
« on: September 25, 2015, 10:07:44 am »
Speed and damage don't make a hussar class OP. Acceleration and big maneuverability do it.

Regiment Name: 14th Louisiana
Expected Number: 14-20
Leader's Steam Name: Darth Patrykus
Do you plan to show up every week: yes

Events / Re: The 19th Louisiana Volunteers Wednesday Linebattle [EU]
« on: July 06, 2015, 10:10:00 pm »
Leader Steam: Darth Patrykus
Regiment Name: 14th Louisiana Polish Brigade
Side: Confederacy
Amount Attending: 8-15
Make us regular?: we will see after this event.

Please, add Rizzet to Gang Dzikich Januszy team as a 6th player. One of my mates may not be there unfortunatelly.

Good luck to almost everyone :)

Make it 2 days tournament, problem solved :)

I completely agree with Griff. The maximum number of teams is the actual problem. More teams - more fun and harder tournament :)

So a large proportion of most skilled players in the game need to sit out because a regiment has 1 slot for 5 people? It brings up the skill level of the tournament as well as more teams are particpating considering how many cavalry regiments there are (not enough). Slots reserved makes sense as putting together a team can take time and knowing that there is a slot reserved takes the pressure off and allows the regiment to focus on creating their teams.

This has worked for years and always has been an enjoyable tournament so i see no reason to change that.


Teamname: Gang Dzikich Januszy
Nickname: Darth Patrykus
Current Regiment: 14 Pułk Kirasjerów
Player 2: Fanest
Player 3: Vanguard
Player 4: Jan
Player 5: Makos

do widzenia i do następnego razu

Raczej nie będzie następnego razu :(

Here's your explanation, some of you guys may feel offended but I don't care. Just skip it if you often suffer from the pain in the ass or if you love political correctiveness like one of my friends from Belgium :)

1. Cancelling the match with Germany

There was no chance of winning the group phase after a match with France. There would not be a problem if our opponent was team Spain, USA, Iceland or the Lonely Island...but it was team Germany. I have no idea how their tactics against light cav look like but facing them as heavies is a pain in the ass due to constant running. We've decided to spare the remains of our team those long hours of chasing some "blitzkriegers".

2. The Polish Team from the inside.

Our team was a mess from almost the beginning. We've collected some of the best players from our community but after the training matches started, nearly 50% of our team was no longer eager to continue. So we had to beg them to play on every match. Some guys came here to talk, some were thinking about CS:GO after the NC etc. Maybe Jan or someone will provide a better explanation.

I'd like to thank Will, Rizzet, Rivet, Bohdan, Fanest, Okra, Jan and Zahari for all support and positive energy during the tournament.

I do hope that next representation (if there is going to be any at all) of this country will be a fresh one, not as rusty, self-contained and prone to giving their opponents an unoccassional gift in form of free 8-0.

I believe that it has nothing in common with rejecting your application :)

Today is the decisive day :) GL France!

Godzina W jak wpierdol się zbliża :)

Everyone fears mighty and brave Italians :)

Herishey says good game Proland, Patrykus rekt  :-* :-* :-*

Actually, Herishey was rekt by me :)

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