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Messages - psmith

Pages: 1 2 3
News & Announcements / Re: Developer Blog 47 - Reveal Trailer
« on: December 03, 2021, 12:03:15 am »
Looks really really nice - can't wait to try it! 

News & Announcements / Re: Developer Blog 26 - Alpha Announcement!
« on: October 15, 2015, 11:43:23 pm »
Is this a knee-jerk to War of Rights' kickstarter being announced?   

hopefully new podcast this weekend  8)


Enjoy a couple of vids from the 2/26 LB.  I think MovieMaker changed and now the parts played back at different speeds keep the audio.  Damned funny actually.   ;D



General Discussion / Re: The Fort From Glory
« on: March 02, 2013, 12:23:19 pm »
I think Fort Wagner would be cool to add. It's a known siege due to 'Glory', so it'd be good commercialization on FSE's part.

Would make an epic game trailer...

Media / Re: Total biscuit interview
« on: February 17, 2013, 04:47:48 pm »
Save the hype for when the game is about to release is my 2 cents.  No one wants to re-tell or re-hear a story.  Fresh is best.  And exciting news followed by how to get the game NOW will have the greatest impact.  I would argue that the typical gamer with low, low attention span is willing to 'try' a game by buying it only if it's immediately available to download at the moment they are emotionally excited about it. 

In the meantime, the tight BCoF/NW community is a good place to plant the hype seeds like you already have.  We will spread the news to other circles...

Really enjoyed the dual commentary.  Look forward to more.

Media / Re: Capturing In Game Footage
« on: February 17, 2013, 03:29:56 pm »
Great thread.  Searched awhile back for advice, and didn't really find anything besides the Fraps/MovieMaker combo. I spent $ buying Fraps and have been pleased with it, but it is an HD hog and had to stop recording 'cause I ran outta HD space.  Also, an external USB HD caused a LOT of lag when recording with Fraps, so had to abandon that idea. 

With my interest piqued, here's quick research I did about Afterburner & Vegas. 

Afterburner is a video card performance booster app that includes the Predator video capture appPredator appears to be "Free on any MSI graphics card" per the site.  Will have to check my card's brand now, if not MSI, then it won't be free I guess.

Sony Vegas seems to cost money.  The site had an error so I couldn't really find the details.  Other sites had downloads available so perhaps there's a 'free' trial or non-Pro version available to use?  Not sure for now. 


Off Topic / Re: The Literature thread. Recommend,ask,find!
« on: February 17, 2013, 02:53:20 pm »
Bernard Cornwell is a good one.  Personal favorite is his character Lord Uhtred of Bebbanburg in The Saxon Chronicles series of books.

Starts with:

Off Topic / Re: Gaming Hardware
« on: February 17, 2013, 02:45:11 pm »
Ich denke auch das es am sinnvollsten und preiswertesten wäre, wenn du dir ein USB-Verlängerungskabel anschaffst. Die gibt es eigentlich in jedem Elektrogeschäft und überall im Internet für 5-10 €.

Wer lesen kann ist stark im Vorteil  :P

heißt das nicht: "wer lesen kann ist klar im Vorteil!" ? :P

heißt das nicht: "Ach halt doch die Fresse!  :("?
In dem Falle heißt es: "Nein, das hat er schon vorweg ausgeschlossen und später noch mal bekräftigt!"

?   :-[

The meeting will take place at 19:00 UTC Saturday(Feb. 09) on Teamspeak:

Teamspeak server:
Sub-channel: Spearhead/Napoleonic MMO

Anyone who wants to can stop by.

Sorry bro, I work until 3:30pm EST / 20:30pm UTC on Saturdays.  Missed the meeting.  I wrote you back an email with a better time.

General Discussion / Re: Best marching song of the Napoleonic Wars
« on: February 08, 2013, 03:36:24 pm »
Faugh-A-Ballagh FTW (first song): [youtube][/youtube]


General Discussion / Re: Commander battle discussion?
« on: February 08, 2013, 03:24:08 pm »
Sadly, I read that Commander Battle mode is not planned to be included in BCoF  :'(, as that is my favorite mode of play as well.  The eye candy of neat formations maneuvering across the battlefield terrain with each player being in sole control of his/her troops is really great.  Fosters immediate camaraderie and teamwork greatly improves both the chance of winning and the fun.

I hope I'm wrong, perhaps a dev could comment.

May I suggest we stop fanning the flames?  It's an unproductive distraction.  I see cRPG's Strategus as a nice model to follow.  It is actually more complicated than what is proposed here since the battle sizes include 50 vs 50 players with battles occurring at all times of the day and night.  Also the # of factions is unlimited; the best and most organized are able to capture and hold castles, towns, and fiefs with the smallest factions usually joining in the fun as mercenaries.

I must admit, I'm ignorant of other attempts to do something like this with NW, however Tartantyco has produced a bare-bones blue print on the sub-reddit, and I look forward to a first meeting of the minds.

My natural inclination is to limit participation early on in order to have a small, committed team of like-minded folk working productively as quickly as possible.  Then as more input or feedback is needed, throw it to the community in bite-sized chunks. 

If I read into the "warning" comments, people don't want to get their hopes up just to be dashed again.  I completely understand this.  Tarttantyco, let's setup a TS meeting as soon as possible (this afternoon/evening perhaps?) so we can start swapping ideas and put together a basic schematic and work plan.  I also would rather see productive discussion happen in a more private/semi-private manner so every idea or suggestion doesn't suffer public scrutiny prematurely.

Stay the course.  In history, many, many great things occurred in spite of everyone around the person responsible telling them, "you'll never do it".

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