« on: March 08, 2022, 06:52:51 am »
1. Bayonets - Please give an option where you do not need to remove them after every spawn.
2. Bayonets - Can the person be allowed to put on / remove the bayonet while walking at least. The need to stand still seems silly.
3. Shot gun - I dont remember which one I was using, but two enemy were rushing me practically shoulder to shoulder. When I shot at them, roughly 10 yards away, I didnt even get a hit. This definitely needs to be reviewed.
4. River - I walked into a river and couldnt get out. Sorry I dont remember the map. I did ask other players for suggestions, but eventually had to respawn.
5. Weapons - Any chance we could increase the speed of cycling through the weapons / items while in the game?
6. Kills - Several of my kills were not counted. In the game it stated I killed someone, but when I checked the scoreboard, it was not added. I supposed this doesnt really matter since I couldnt find anywhere with career kills.
7. Medic - Is there a way to identify who is injured and who I need to help as a medic? I wasnt able to determine who was injured and who was not.
Thank you for reviewing the suggestions above.