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Topics - DaMonkey

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Regiments / 60th (Royal American) Regiment of Foot
« on: April 17, 2019, 01:00:01 am »

The Royal Americans In History
               (Pre-Rifle Battalion History. Raising, service in SYW and AWI, etc.)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Praesent libero. Sed
cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi. Nulla quis sem at nibh elementum imperdiet. Duis sagittis
ipsum. Praesent mauris. Fusce nec tellus sed augue semper porta. Mauris massa. Vestibulum
lacinia arcu eget nulla. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per
inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur sodales ligula in libero.

Sed dignissim lacinia nunc. Curabitur tortor. Pellentesque nibh. Aenean quam. In scelerisque
sem at dolor. Maecenas mattis. Sed convallis tristique sem. Proin ut ligula vel nunc egestas
porttitor. Morbi lectus risus, iaculis vel, suscipit quis, luctus non, massa. Fusce ac turpis quis
ligula lacinia aliquet. Mauris ipsum. Nulla metus metus, ullamcorper vel, tincidunt sed

Quisque volutpat condimentum velit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per
conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nam nec ante. Sed lacinia, urna non tincidunt mattis,
tortor neque adipiscing diam, a cursus ipsum ante quis turpis. Nulla facilisi. Ut fringilla.
Suspendisse potenti. Nunc feugiat mi a tellus consequat imperdiet. Vestibulum sapien. Proin
quam. Etiam ultrices. Suspendisse in justo eu magna luctus suscipit. Sed lectus.
(Raising of the rifle battalion, Peninsular, later service as KRRC, etc. Could also make some
note of the later redcoated battalions that had greencoated and rifle armed light companies.
Neat little detail.)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Praesent libero. Sed
cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi. Nulla quis sem at nibh elementum imperdiet. Duis sagittis
ipsum. Praesent mauris. Fusce nec tellus sed augue semper porta. Mauris massa. Vestibulum
lacinia arcu eget nulla. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per
inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur sodales ligula in libero. Sed dignissim lacinia nunc.

Curabitur tortor. Pellentesque nibh. Aenean quam. In scelerisque sem at dolor. Maecenas
mattis. Sed convallis tristique sem. Proin ut ligula vel nunc egestas porttitor. Morbi lectus
risus, iaculis vel, suscipit quis, luctus non, massa. Fusce ac turpis quis ligula lacinia aliquet.
Mauris ipsum. Nulla metus metus, ullamcorper vel, tincidunt sed, euismod in, nibh.

Quisque volutpat condimentum velit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per
conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nam nec ante. Sed lacinia, urna non tincidunt mattis,
tortor neque adipiscing diam, a cursus ipsum ante quis turpis. Nulla facilisi. Ut fringilla.
Suspendisse potenti. Nunc feugiat mi a tellus consequat imperdiet. Vestibulum sapien. Proin
quam. Etiam ultrices.

Suspendisse in justo eu magna luctus suscipit. Sed lectus. Integer euismod lacus luctus
magna. Quisque cursus, metus vitae pharetra auctor, sem massa mattis sem, at interdum
magna augue eget diam. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices
posuere cubilia Curae; Morbi lacinia molestie dui. Praesent blandit dolor. Sed non quam. In vel
mi sit amet augue congue elementum. Morbi in ipsum sit amet pede facilisis laoreet. Donec
lacus nunc, viverra nec, blandit vel, egestas et, augue. Vestibulum tincidunt malesuada tellus.

Ut ultrices ultrices enim. Curabitur sit amet mauris. Morbi in dui quis est pulvinar ullamcorper.
Nulla facilisi. Integer lacinia sollicitudin massa. Cras metus. Sed aliquet risus a tortor. Integer
id quam. Morbi mi. Quisque nisl felis, venenatis tristique, dignissim in, ultrices sit amet, augue.
Proin sodales libero eget ante. Nulla quam. Aenean laoreet.
Will fill out history soon™

In Napoleonic Wars
               Though our core membership has been together for many years, the 60th is considered a
new creation put together for folks to play as skirmishers in events in a disciplined-yet-lax
environemnt. We do not have a heavy schedule, and do not plan to engage in any competitive events.

Current Events
  • Tuesdays @ 7:00 PM (Central)

Membership in the 60th is open to all, all inquiry for joining should be directed to myself through Steam or this
forum. We do not mind members being enrolled in other regiments, so long as you conduct yourself properly
when under our colors by following orders, respecting event rules, and maintaining a high standard of decorum.

It is possible we will have occasional trainings to make sure everyone is up to speed on the same skirmish and line
doctrine. These will not be regular, but as most events skip right to the battle after team assignment occasional trainings
will likely be necessary.


Regimental Commander
HM Major DaMonkey


Non-Commissioned Officers
Serjeant Thomas

Rifleman Branok
Rifleman Kowalski
Rifleman Battleboss
Rifleman Titan
Rifleman Alpha
Rifleman Chicago

Major - Maj
Captain - Cpt
First Lieutenant - 1LT
Second Lieutenant - 2LT
          Non-Commissioned Officers
Serjeant Major - SjtMaj
Serjeant - Sjt
Corporal - Cpl
Private/Rifleman - Pte

Recruitment & Contact

Those wishing to join the Royal American Regiment
can directly contact the regimental commander or
one of the other officers or NCOs.

Forum Games / Ziemia: A Forum-Based Medieval RP
« on: March 08, 2018, 06:52:49 am »

image is obviously from Ck2

Ziemia: A Forum-Based Medieval RP
or, how Monkey copes with his autism

What Even Is This?

Ziemia is a role play game set in a non-fantasy (with a fictional world) medieval period. The game revolves around players controlling their own dynasty, principally through that dynasty's head, and their dynasty's holdings; striving to achieve their own power and influence in the world. The game itself is run by means of both a forum and personal communication between players; the game has mechanics and light rules that the admin (DaMonkey) uses to guide everyone's story forward.
How Does It Work?

Players use a wide array of means - politics, diplomacy, intrigue, military - to cement and/or expand their dynasty's power and influence in their realm and world. The holdings players own, either directly through their dynasty or indirectly through vassals, possess certain resources that they can use to expand through force of arms or economic power; or, players can use politics (namely marriage) to better their position in the realm. Ever fifth day of the month, a new "turn" begins (which in peace-time is a month of in-game time).

Yeah, Ok. This all seems pretty ambitious for a forum game...

Well it kind of is. But in regards to this point itself, this isn't a "new" thing; it's the third iteration of something a few of us have been refining for a while now. It admittedly isn't the smoothest thing ever, but its depth is great and it has provided some very memorable moments to its players. Current and past players you may know are myself, Xethos, and Olafson.
So how do we even find information on this?

Though this is a forum-based RP, it's expansive enough to where I cannot run it simply off of an FSE thread. Thus, there is an external forum that I run it off of. You can click THIS LINK to be taken to a thread on our external Forum that will give you some more basic rundowns on the game. Currently, there is a large war taking place in the RP, so you have plenty of time to think and contemplate on it before being placed in the world. It also, contrary to first glimpse, does not require a massive time or effort investment - you can be as involved as you'd like. Groups of people and communities are also welcome to join in bulk, though placement in direct proximity to each other is not guaranteed.

Forum Games / Bomber thing [cancelled, lack of interest]
« on: November 23, 2017, 02:49:23 am »

Good evening chaps!

I have recently come into possession of a spiffing little World War 2 bomber/crew simulator that runs numbers for what happens to a bomber and its crew during bombing raids. This program lets me name crewmen, and their bomber. In my community, one of our members compiled a massive list of all of our members that the game would name the crewmen to see who dies the quickest, and I have opted to adopt this for the FSE community at large. This won't be any particularly involving "game", but it will be amusing to see what happens to you and your friends when trying to bomb the Reich.

To Start, the "Royal FSE Bomber Command" has two squadrons: 1 Squadron, which is equipped with B-17s and performs day-time bombings with fighter cover; and 2 Squadron, which is equipped with Avro Lancasters and performs night-time bombings without fighter cover. Pick your poison.

Additionally, you will also be able to either "enlist" as an individual, or reserve a whole bomber for your lads (note, if you wish to reserve a whole bomber, your friends will need to make up at least half of the crew).

Some more general protocol below:

  • When enlisting individually, you will either designate yourself as a Pilot or a Crewman. If you designate yourself a pilot you will be held in reserve to fill either a pilot or co-pilot spot; only do this if you expect to be able to answer my questions at any time (the program will often ask you for input, such as bail out or emergency land). General Crewmen are those that are just along for the ride and will be held in reserve to fill all other crew positions.
  • You may enlist yourself and your friends as individuals or as a crew. Again, to have a bomber as "yours" from the start you will need to make up half the crew at least.
  • You get one life. If your person dies, gets sent home, or is captured that's the end of the war for you.
  • The game will send you home if you survive 'x' amount of sorties. In this event, you "win." Congratulations.
  • The Pilot of the bomber can request specific individuals to make up the rest of or replace their crew. Co-Pilots "take over" if the Pilot is either not here or is lost in action.
  • The Game will advance one month per 'turn' which will be each Saturday.
  • Though the simulation only does it one specific bomber at a time (though it assumes NPC bombers in your formation), the specifics of the raid will be the same each turn for all craft in the same raid - and we'll say you're all in the same formation.
  • A Player can be assigned as Squadron Commander, this SC will be responsible for furnishing bombers to new crews and such.
  • If a bomber loses some of its crew, the Pilot may either request specific people as replacements or allow the SC to assign replacements to him
  • If a bomber is lost, the surviving crew will be kept together on a new craft.
  • If neither the co-pilot or pilot are on to give feedback, the mission will go forward anyways; this can be prevented if said individuals "request leave" before the raid, and won't be included in that week's raid.
  • Extended absences of pilot/co-pilot can result in the revocation or reassignment of those individuals.
  • The Game will run from August 1942 to July 1943. If we run out of crew before then, we'll "lose". Since this is more of a trial campaign, we'll not advance past 1943. Future campaigns will be longer, if this proves fun enough.

Raids happen on Saturday at 21:00 GMT (3:00 PM Central Standard Time)
Communication between Admins and Pilots will take place in this thread

Bomber Crew Positions
B-17 E (1 Squadron)Avro Lancaster (2 Squadron)
1.   Pilot
2.   Co-Pilot
3.   Bombadier
4.   Navigator
5.   Engineer (Top Gunner)       
6.   Radio Operator
7.   Left Gunner
8.   Right Gunner
9.   Ball Gunner
10. Tail Gunner
1. Pilot
2. Flight Engineer
3. Navigator
4. Wireless Operator
5. Bombadier (front Gunner)
6. Dorsal Gunner
7. Tail Gunner

Single Enlistment

You can enlist others as general crewmen,
since they will not have a ton of input anyways       

Bomber Commission
Remember you need at least half the crew
in order to commission your own craft.

(5 for B-17, 4 for Lancaster)

Code: Single Enlistment
Single Enlistment
[b]Squadron Preference:[/b]
[b]Crew Type:[/b] (Pilot / Crew)

Code: Bomber Commission
Bomber Commission
[b]Name of Bomber:[/b]
[b]List of Crew:[/b]

Some Links

Personnel Directory

Squadron Equipment Catalogue

After Action Report

Regiments (Game Clans) / The Army of Kentucky
« on: November 19, 2017, 07:57:27 am »

The Army

Formed for the ill-fated invasion of Kentucky, the Confederate Army of Kentucky formed the Eastern
portion of the Confederate advance on the state capital. Though seeking to rejoin Bragg's Army of
Mississippi, the Army of Kentucky would be unable to link up with them until after the fateful strategic
defeat at Perryville. Following the battle, Kirby Smith was promoted to corps command, and the Army
of Kentucky was incorporated into the newly renamed Army of Tennessee.

In Battle Cry of Freedom
The Army of Kentucky will not follow the traditional organization of an army in the Napoleonic Wars community. We have been a close community for almost eight years now, and as such this Army is a representation of that, a centralized and close-knit community. Rather than being a conglomeration of various mostly-autonomous communities, the Army of Kentucky is more of a singular entity with central authority more akin to that of regiment commanders.

In Battle Cry of Freedom, it is our intention to take the field in the cause of the South as an independent and strong multi-branch entity which shall drive the Yankee out of the South's sacred soil using a disciplined command structure with able officers and well-trained and well-composed soldiers, all while striking a balance with a calm environment with which further enjoyment can be extrapolated from the game.

Constituent Units

Army Commander
HM General H.R. Hunt (DaMonkey, Steam)

18th Louisiana Volunteer Infantry Regiment
Formed on January 3 of 2019 to act as the initial mustering point for the infantry of the Army of Kentucky, the 18th Louisiana serves as part of the backbone of the Army.

Commanding Officer
Colonel Brandon Killeen (Branok, Steam)

13th Kentucky Cavalry Regiment
Formed on January 3rd of 2019, the 13th Kentucky serves as the Army's first unit of muster for potential cavalry troops who will serve as a screening force for the Army.

Commanding Officer
Major Caleb Grayson

1st Texas Artillery Battery "Dallas Light Artillery"
The Dallas Light Artillery, formed on January 3rd of 2019, is the Army's first point-of-entry for prospective artillerymen who will act as "diplomats" for the army on the field of battle, dispering formations and fortifications alike with their heavy guns.

Commanding Officer
Captain Joseph Thomas (TheBoberton, Steam)

1st Battalion, Kentucky Partisan Rangers
This formation of partisan rangers acts as a militia component to the army, being the holding pen for irregulars (inactives), reserves, and all new Army recruits awaiting confirmation to their preferred billets. Members of the partisan rangers may at some times be deployed as a unit, but more often than not its members which partake in events will be divvied out to other units which need additional manpower.

Commanding Officer
Lieutenant Colonel Grit



If you wish to join the Army of Kentucky, with all the responsibilities and privileges that would entail, feel free to contact any of the regimental
commanders, or the army commander himself. On joining, you will be placed into the militia regiment until you have finished your training and
probationary period, after which you will be moved to the branch of your choice.

While we would be open to letting other groups in, it is important to remember that this is not a 'conglomerate' army as seen previously in the
Napoleonic Wars community; the admission would be more akin to that of a merge, due to the more unitary command structure of the army. If
it's still something you are interested in, details can be fleshed out with the army commander directly.

In Development / War of the Sapphire Crown
« on: August 11, 2015, 07:26:18 am »

     The War of the Sapphire Crown is a project I have been planning and contemplating for a very long time now; an ambitious project to craft a mod centered in a fictional yet realistic medieval universe. Further still, the mod aims to craft the world itself in a manner the community would have it built- the various castles, towns and villages being products of individual community members or clans. The clans of the community would make up the various Houses, Mercenary bands, and peoples of the fictional world we craft together.


It’s a warm summer day in the year 987, somewhere along the southwestern border of the Bluewood. Prince Alec Mauer surveys a once-peaceful meadow that is now only a field of dead men and horses with flocks of carrion peering at their next feast. The occasional twang of sword clashing can still be heard as the rebel army under his brother Samuel are fully routed. Alec searches in earnest for his eldest brother, King Saul, who led the counterattack through the center of the fighting, which caused the rebels’ flight. Alec finds Saul fallen amidst many of his household knights, with half a dozen arrows riddling his torso. With no heir, the crown of Ostwen now belongs to Alec.

That night, Alec’s scouts report Samuel’s army retreating north to Cellebourm. With naught the strength left in his army to pursue and destroy the rebel forces, Alec is forced to march home to Ostwenwald to marshal more troops; however, when he arrives, various sworn vassals take their men and march them home with no more will to continue fighting. The treasonous Samuel of Cellebourm is allowed to safely return to his lands, where he will be able to raise troops, supplies, and support for his claim on the throne.


It is now Spring in the year 1015. Though Samuel of Cellebourm has since succumbed to age, he has passed his envy and ambition to his son Hendrik, who has mustered vast quantities of troops, wealth, and supplies as well as the support of many Great Houses of Ostwen. Hendrik raises his troops, hires many sellswords, and calls many Ostwenian vassals to widespread revolt against the now-elderly King Alec.

In Ostwen, a majority of the Great Houses have risen in rebellion; however, in the Northlands, referring to the areas of the Velbe and Neubelia, many Houses are persuaded to aid the Loyalists by House Mauer of Riverhill. Many surrounding kingdoms and lordships remain officially neutral, but their men eagerly join local sellsword companies which are being hired on a massive scale by both sides. To make matters more complicated, many Lords and Chiefs make their own side, fighting for full autonomy or mere monetary reward.

Planned Mod Structure

     This mod will have two initial factions: The Loyalist Faction, and the League of Cellebourm (Rebels). Both of these factions will be set up in much the same way; they will have a wide array of generic medieval troops of different styles, as well as foreign and exotic mercenary troops. Variety and flavor will be added to these troops by the heraldry of the various houses, orders, and bands that the community come up with (examples later).

     Members of the community will be encouraged to come together in various forms of clans: Feudal Houses, Tribal Bands, Mercenary Companies, etc. It is hoped that these groups will come up with unique and interesting history, which will eventually compile with the community as a whole to make a vibrant and dynamic world. A Hall of Heraldry and World Map will be maintained by the team to ensure a repository of ideas.

Current Houses and Forces

An example of what community-made houses would appear like.

ArmsHouseHoldings/TitlesAllegiance   Current Head
Mauer of Ostwen   High Lordship of Ostenwald,   
Kingdom of Ostwen   
Loyalists*King Alec Mauer
Mauer of Cellebourm   High Lordship of Cellebourm,   
Claimant to Kingdom of Ostwen   
League*Lord Hendrik Mauer
Mauer of RiverhillHigh Lordship of RiverhillLoyalistLord Hyle Mauer
MarbanHigh Lordship of Clefharrow,   
Ostwenian Vassal
LoyalistLord David Marban

World Map

     Below is a rough sketch of the world map. Red font indicates names of terrain features, Blue font under settlements indicates it is a Loyalist holding, Orange font below a settlement indicates it is a League/Rebel holding, White font under a settlement indicates it is neutral, icons indicated a bridge, indicates a fortified holding and/or castle, indicates a town or village, and indicates a tribal holding.

Events / ZombieX Event [Dank Mod Bro] *Public*
« on: July 18, 2015, 05:35:22 am »

What is ZombieX?

ZombieX is an 'infection' mod for the old game Call of Duty: World at War. It was made my kill3r many years ago, and has been the source of joy for many for hours on end. As it is an old mod on an old game, it has since dwindled as further expansions to the Call of Duty series have been released.

How does it work?

When each map starts, there is a 2-3 minute grace period in which players can find good spots, mess around, or try their luck at the various Random Boxes strewn all over the map. When this grace period ends, one or a number of the players (number selected is a server setting) are randomly chosen to be 'First Zombie(s)'. These 'First Zombies' have more health than regular zombies, and will infect players if they scratch them. As the 'Hunters' (Humans) die, they themselves become part of the zombie horde. The zombies win when all hunters are dead, and the Hunters win if they hold out for a set period of time.

  • Hunters have the ability to drink Granny's Special Soda which restores health. Depending on server settings, each player has a finite amount of sodas, but can rarely get more at a random box. A Hunter must drink two sodas if they are infected, or they will slowly drain life and join the dead.
  • Hunters have the ability to deploy mines on the fly. These mines explode when in proximity to zombies and do not damage the person who set it. Each player has a finite amount and can rarely get more at a random box.
  • Hunters have the ability to call in a short artillery barrage with a 10 kill-streak.
  • Upon getting a kill, and if the map supports it, Zombies can call in hell hounds.
  • Zombies can also get many things from the random boxes. Though a lot of it is junk (bikes and ducks do nothing), some grant boons (coconuts and buckets give head armor, some can get a virus-in-a-box which infect the next Hunter they hit).
  • Zombies have the ability to enable Zombie Vision for a duration of time, which puts a strange filter on screen. It makes it easier to see in poorly illuminated areas, though isn't of much use in bright areas.

Braiiins! I mean... when is this thing scheduled?

The server will always be up, 24/7. We encourage you to play whenever! That being said, there aren't that many people actively playing anymore, hence the thread. Therefore, every Saturday night we will attempt to get as many people on as possible for a Zombie Night, starting from now on (i.e. the creation of this thread).

There really aren't many 'rules', though general exploitation of maps and douchbaggery are frowned upon. Please be compiant with admin wishes, as well. Be aware that this event has been thrown together, and the server, staff, and settings haven't been tested on higher player-counts.

The thing that will get you into trouble is rage-quitting if you are selected as First Zombie. If you can't stand being the First Zombie one round, we can't suffer you having fun as a Hunter for a round either. It may seem unfair as a First Zombie, but just remember that it's just that type of game. Be patient, infect as many as you can, and within a short while everyone's soda runs dry and they begin to drop like flies.

I don't get it. What's do special about ZombieX?

I'm glad you asked. What makes the mod so great isn't particularly the mod itself, though it is a fun and unique thing to play. What makes the whole experience great is the game provided to us. It is hard to imagine now, but many years ago the developers of the series really cared for the community. They provided extensive mod and mapping tools for regular joes to use, and a great community sprung up to write tutorials and documentation on them. This means that it is possible to have an infinite pool of fun, creative, unique, and innovative maps that are constantly made. When the mapping community is in full swing, you know that within a few weeks, there will be a collection of maps that you've never seen.

It really provides for a great environment to chill and relax with cool guys, and perhaps if we see a resurgence in player-counts in masterpieces such as this, we may see a return to the care that developers lack now. And if not, at least we had a good time about it.

Yeah, Yeah. How do I get into it?

It is incredibly easy. You need to have a legal copy of the game. Any platform will do (CD, Steam, etc.). You launch Call of Duty: World at War in Multiplayer mode (not Single/Coop). Secondly, you find the server and join it. Your client will automatically download both the mod and the maps needed on-demand. Be aware that each time you launch the mod or a new map, your game will do a half-reboot, thus looking like it's crashing. Do not be alarmed.

The server provided is based in North America. If you are not North American and can stomache the increased ping for some good fun, then come on in! If you cannot, there are some other EU servers hosted that you could gather people on instead.

Server Name: ZombieX| 16th Kampfgruppe
Password: none
Time: Any Time

Confederates / Hunt's Brigade, Army of Kentucky [NA]
« on: June 02, 2015, 11:11:57 am »

About Us

Hunt's Brigade is an independent brigade that fights for the Confederate Army. We're not like other Brigades or Armies. We are, and always have been a tight-knit community. Our brigade has many more regulations and expectations of sub-units, as to keep our community close and friendly, as opposed to fragmented. Hunt's Brigade is based around the short-live Confederate Army of Kentucky, of which Colonel Thomas H. Hunt's regiment was part of. The regiments of the brigade are always looking for recruits, as well as the brigade will consider regiments for incorporation (though the process will have to be worked out via contacting the Commanding Officer of the brigade).

Brigade Staff and Officers
Colonel Thomas H. Hunt, Brigade Commander

Attached Units
6th Kentucky Infantry Regiment
8th Georgia Infantry Regiment
9th Kentucky Infantry Regiment

This Thread Is Still Under Construction <3

Confederates / (IGNORE) 6th Regiment, Vermont Volunteer Infantry
« on: June 02, 2015, 10:29:32 am »

The Regiment
Companies A and B of the 6th Regiment, Vermont Volunteer Infantry are a group of close-knit fellows aiming to bring a close and disciplined formation to War of Rights. We are a long-standing community with extensive experience in both Line and 'Modern' tactics, through our experience through the various Musketry mods for Mount and Blade: Warband and Arma. We have behind our eagerness a rich history, extensive traditions, and deeply-entrenched sense of esprit-de-corps; we have culminated into what we are over almost six years of playing games together.

We are looking for fresh faces to become part of our community, not just another cog in the regimental machine. We look for individuals who have pride and tact, and who are eager to join something larger than their selves- and eagerly contribute to it. We are not interested in those who want just lazily be along for the ride. If this sounds like the fit for you, feel free to contact a recruiting officer.

Officer Commanding:
Colonel Henry Richardson Hunt

Community in 2011, Prussian Drills

Light Company, 2013
Our History
Founded on February 23, 2011; the community first broke ground as the '16th Kampfgruppe', a Prussian Infantry Regiment for Mount & Musket, a mod for Mount & Blade: Warband. At its peak at this time, the regiment numbered in the hundreds. A very influential regiment in the North American community, it spawned other successful regiments via breakaway members such as the 8th, 12th, 7y, 35te and many others.

Throughout subsequent years, the community moved to take on many different names in the Napoleonic Wars community, the successor to Mount and Musket. While opting out of the more competitive side of the Napoleonic Wars community, the regiment displayed remarkable discipline on the field during the events it attended- amassing many trophies and accolades along the way; capturing some 22 enemy standards, numerous field guns, and being awarded various Battle Honors.

With the decline of the Napoleonic Wars community, this close-knit band migrated to the Arma series, where they further built their camaraderie and traditions. Several years have passed in this stage, and now the community is rallying around our standards once more to take the field in glorious arms, calling upon their fabled experiences to ensure we can build upon our glory, add to our traditions, and maintaining our tight cohesion as a community of friends.

Regiments / 16ème Régiment de Dragons [NA] *Recruiting!*
« on: August 31, 2014, 07:58:03 am »

The 16e is a Napoleonic Wars community that fights for France. The community has had a very long, and complicated path from its foundation as the 16th Kampfgruppe, a Prussian regiment made in 2011 for the mod Mount and Musket. The community has undergone many trying times, plenty of name changes, and various shakeups as should be expected of online communities, but the core that was in 2011 is still strong today. We pride ourselves of almost Five Years of being a community of respect, discipline and fun.

In-Game, we represent a French Dragoon regiment. Historically, the French dragoons were trained in both the cavalry role and infantry role. General Jomini noted "It has been said that the greatest inconvenience resulting from the use of dragoons consists in the fact of being obliged at one moment to make them believe infantry squares cannot resist their charges, and the next moment that a foot soldier is superior to any horseman." The 16th regiment specifically in the early years of the Napoleonic Wars was one of many Dragoon regiments to have their horses taken away and confined to being Dragons a Pied or Foot Dragoons, as France was struggling to supply its Cavalrymen with the proper horses needed. The regiment served in many theaters throughout the wars including Ligny and Waterloo.

The 16th in MM, 2011
Community-wise, this regiment has also distinguished itself time and time again; additionally, many of the original members of the regiment went off to make their own highly-distinguished and highly-influential regiments of their own- no doubt a testament to what we have formed here as a community. We have many accolades and traditions, though most importantly to us are our own battle honors and the colors of the vanquished we have taken. Currently, the regiment has accrued eight battle honors and has captured twenty-two (22) enemy flags [16 Infantry and 6 Cavalry].

In-Game, we pride ourselved in our ability to combine disciplined line and light infantry warfare with a hearty dose of enjoyment of the game. We expect all members to be respectful, dutiful, and skillful in the execution of their orders during all events and trainings. We feel ourselves a casual group, but this does not mean we take kindly to slacking of any individual, regardless of rank or status.

Outside of Napoleonic Wars, members can expect a tight-knit family that encourages socialization through the playing of other games, movie nights, and many other forms of spontaneous entertainment. This is something we hold dear above all things we have here: camaraderie. We don't want you to feel left out of anything, and we want all members to respect and enjoy each other.

Ranks and Contact Information

Field OfficersJunior OffiersNon-Com OfficersEnlisted
Colonel (Col)Capitaine (Cpt)Merechel-des-Logis Chef (Chef)    Cavalier (Cvl)
Major (Mjr)    Lieutenant (Lt)Merechel-des-Logis (MdL)      Cadet (Cdt)
Chef d'Eskadron (CdE)       Sous-Lieutenant (SLt)     Brigadier (Brg)

Other Games / Rise of Nations - On Steam Now!
« on: May 30, 2014, 09:47:26 pm »

Rise of Nations is a game I spent pretty much my entire childhood wasting away on. Genuinely, it is probably the best game I have ever played, in terms of sheer hours put in and enjoyment I continued to get out of it. For the past few years, it's been nigh impossible to get a legal copy of one, and the multiplayer hardly worked due to GameSpy's inadequacies. Thankfully, Steam has bought the right to distribute it, and it will be available on the Steam Store in June! Game is 20/10, highly recommended.

The steam version will be selling the 'Extended Edition,' which is to say both Rise of Nations (the base game) and its expasion 'Thrones and Patriots.' Included in this release will be fully supported steam integration, minor visual improvements, and overall fixes to both multiplayer and the game itself.

Events / Conceptual Linebattle Event
« on: February 12, 2014, 04:49:08 pm »
Good morning (or afternoon) my good fellows,

     In order to test some concepts, and with a goal of bringing a fresh and new experience for the Napoleonic Era, this impromptu event had been set up. This event will be using the conceptual Napoleonic addon for Arma 3. It should be noted, that both the addon and the event are very early conceptions, and will be quirky. The mod, being little more than a project, will be put to a few tests via this event, to see if the concept of large-map Napoleonic battles are both fun and workable. The mix of the Napoleonic Wars with Arma 3 seems to be one heck of a combination, but executed right I believe it can be done in a manner that provides a fun template for events.

The Mod

     The mod is more of a project, developed by Icewindo. From what I gather, he just wanted to see if the idea would work, and since then has (again from what I understand) dropped the project, but has uploaded the files. Having played myself, I do believe there's potential there, and therefore if there is any trace of interest, will pick up development. I'm sure you've already been told twice, but this is a very early release of what it could be, and by no means is a finished project- it is 100% conceptual, to see if certain aspects work and are enjoyable.

The Event

     As stated in the opening paragraph, this is a very impromptu event that will test various theories on how a mod like this could work in a multiplayer community. As with the mod, this event is conceptual and is by no means a professional and complex event.

    For the first few events, we would like to keep things basic. The only addons that will need to be downloaded will be the Napoleonic assets. In the future, if the events gain momentum, we may incorporate various map addons, but for now we will use the Altis and Stratis maps.

     The rules are very basic, and are subject to sudden change. The whole purpose of this event is to test different rules and theories on how to make an event like this work. If a rule is incorporated that makes play unbearable, notice that it is subject to redaction and revision.
  • Until specified, all units will fight a line infantry.
  • When engaging an enemy regiment, all members of the line must be standing, except in the cast of the front rank crouching in a multi-rank line.
  • It is a rule that everyone use Direct Chat when the event starts, rather than teamspeak or any in-game channels that act as "radios." This is purely for ambience. There's no true way of enforcing this, so it is on an honor system until we incorporate a mod like ACRE.
  • If a regiment is not actively engaging another regiment, they may go prone. Once combat starts, they must stand to fight.
  • All regiments are intended to fight. Don't delay the event.
  • All regular rules are enforced: no teamkilling, no ramboing, and no trolling


     The schedule for this event is undecided, as we know various things are released this week that will take up some people's time. If you are a regiment interested in attending, please let us know in this thread. Arma's got a huge map, so the more regiments the more combat will be had.

  • 2. Pommersches - 15-20
  • 8teLeib - 20

« on: November 17, 2013, 07:56:17 am »
This is a thread that I started for something long ago. Now, I use it as my secret thread to test out various media and art on the forum before I put it somehwere more public. Please don't bump. <3

Clans / [WW2:Online] 16. Fallschirmjäger-Regiment 'Hüter Stettin'
« on: September 23, 2013, 09:01:45 pm »

About the Regiment


     Throughout World War 2, the German Luftwaffe had a number of paratrooper divisions dubbed Fallschirmjäger (Fallschirm translating to parachute and jäger meaning hunter, denoting the units' light infantry status). Though these airborne divisions were nominally under Luftwaffe organization, with Luftwaffe ranks and personnel, the formations often fought with and under the command of German Heer commanders (regular army). These paratroop divisions performed exceptionally well, pulling off many sensitive missions throughout the war, until the costly Invasion of Crete, which was the last large-scale german air assault. From that time forward, the various airborne divisions were restricted to land warfare.

     The 16th Airborne Regiment was organized with various other regiments as part of the 6. Fallschirmjäger-Division, which it fought with a small time. The regiment was eventually detached from its division and sent to fight on the Russian front, where it sustained heavy casualties and was dubbed with the term Fallschirm-Grenadier.

     The 16. Fallschirmjäger-Regiment is a close-knit community that has been in formation through various game series for going on five years now. We have a unique combination of discipline in-game with lax community hierarchy. We aim to be as professional as possible within the Battleground: Europe community, while facilitating the enjoyment of the game amongst our community members.
A Machinegewehr team help defend a critical crossroads.

A standard infantry Gruppe covers a Pioneergruppe attempting to destroy a bridge.
Our Aim as a Unit

Our absolute goal as a unit can be summed up in one word: community. Above our efforts for professionalism, prestige, and victory is the community as a whole. We have been around as a community for almost five years now, through many names and many game series. Over this time, we have developed an almost familial bond, and we will allow nothing to break it. All individuals looking to join us, take note that we aren't looking for those who just want to play with us for a day or two every sporadic weekend. We expect out of all members the drive to build this community, to add something rather than to just take. With this in mind, we've built ourselves a strong foundation, and hope to build on it forevermore.

Secondly, we strive for our members to enjoy themselves. Yes, we have a ranking structure and certain ways of doing things in-game, but this all serves to meet our goal of have a serious yet fun playing environment. Nothing is in place to feed anyone's ego, nor to belittle newer members. Everything is in place to meet our goals as a community.
Ranking Structure
In this Division, we have a loose set of ranks. The tasks for these ranks can vary greatly, and any individual can be pulled to do any task. We do not tie down members to specific branches, though we do expect whatever the individual to be in during a mission to be proficient at it.

Offizere     Unteroffiziere     Mannshaften     
Oberleutnant  UnteroffizerObergefreiter

Contact Information
Hauptmann Heinrich Könitzer (DaMonkey) - Forum Profile - Steam Profile
A German Destroyer lays ready to support an amphibious attack.

Servers / Mad Monkey Gaming North American Public Server
« on: September 22, 2013, 06:01:45 am »
Greetings, Bello Civili community!

Seeing as how my server is the only NA server, and that it is populated heavily for the time being, I figured it was a good thing to establish a thread for rules and the likes. I would like to start off by saying that this comes entirely out of my pocket, and as such I reserve the right to change and bend the ruleset described herein on short notice. It is the duty of those playing to know the rules of the server: ignorance is not an excuse.

Rules and Guidelines
  • Teamkilling and teamwounding on purpose are never permitted. Not even at the end of rounds or on map changes.
  • Glitching of any kind is not permitted. This includes exploiting constructable object to get to parts of maps that are otherwise blocked off.
  • General asshattery is not allowed. There is a lot of this in the NW community, unfortunantly, yet I will not allow it on this server.
  • Political and religious discussions are not permitted. Play the game.

Mad Monkey Gaming Staff:
  • DaMonkey (MMG Head)
  • Melmil/Kowalski (MMG Community Manager)
  • Holland (Admin/Moderator)
  • Thomas (Admin/Moderator)

If you have been permentantly banned from the server, you can submit an unban request. Non-admins are not allowed to reply to said unban request, as we do not want the thread to be flooded.

Name when banned:
Approximate Time when banned:
Why were you banned?

This thread is still under construction, thank you.


Greetings Community!

 Some of you may remember the "Shot and Shell" project that took place in the Napoleonic Wars "In Development" forum. It was ultimately decided that Napoleonic Wars was not the proper template to work off of to meet the ultimate goals of the mod, namely customization capability. After the NW foray was scrapped, development restarted on the already in-development Shot and Shell for Warband. This thread serves the purpose of having another medium for people to connect to the mod through with the hopes of a larger audience, ultimately.

Mod Features
  • Six Factions: Prussia, Austria, Britain, France, Russia, and Sweden
  • Uniforms of historically accurate regiments that fought in the Seven Years War
  • Custom musket ball flight algorithm
  • Music tracks under Creative Commons license
  • 66 Unique Uniforms (and counting)
  • Various unique and historically accurate hats, including: tricornes and grenadier mitres
  • Historically accurate muskets for factions (such as the Potsdam, Long Land Pattern, etc)
  • Infantry Banners

Future Plans
  • Working Crouching Animations
  • Grenades
  • Working Artillery System
  • Ammunition Rearmament
  • Loads of new uniforms

Download Link

 You can find the full download below. Simply extract the .rar file into your Modules file, and you'll be good to go.

Shot and Shell - Full Download (.rar)

The Warband Shot and Shell Forums can be found here. There you can easily find information pertaining to the mod, current development, and a place where you can look for or reserve a regiment.

The Development Team

- DaMonkey: Team Head; Coding; Texturing; Animations
- Kowalski: Community Manager
- Titan041: Modeling; Texturing

Special Thanks To...

- Azrooh: He has helped me tremendously in getting started with modding warband. Without him, I would be completely and whole heartedly lost in my quest to develop anything above a calculator in visual basic xD

- Shredzorz: This modification uses various materials and object developed by him both as placeholders and development boosters. The team thanks him for releasing his resources as OSP.

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