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Messages - Warder

Pages: 1 2 3 ... 68
Community / Re: Argie's Recruiting guide
« on: September 09, 2021, 09:54:46 am »
Polish version
1. Find any server with players
2. Password is probably GF or train
3. Dont read the rules, waste of time
4. Kto pl
5. Kto pl
6. Kto pl
7. Random player GrzegorzBrzęczyszykiewicz11_PL writes JA PL
8. Congratz - u've just found ur recruit, so you can prepare your pokeball. Maybe he doesnt know how to block, but its okay.

Community / Re: Missing Members and Players.
« on: September 05, 2021, 03:56:14 pm »

Community / Re: Missing Members and Players.
« on: May 29, 2021, 02:05:42 pm »
Herlev  8)

Events: EU / Re: 1Rhein Saturday-LB [EU]
« on: March 07, 2021, 10:30:08 pm »
Name of the regiment: 12ty Pułk Piechoty
Preferred Unit: Cavalry
Sign-up period: (Once/Weekly) Weekly

if no slots available please put us on waiting list.

Regiment name : 12ty Pułk Piechoty
Troop/Class : Cavalry ( lancers// hussars - if lancers aren't welcome :P)
Amount Attending : 5-10
Leader and Second steam link:
Weekly or Once?: Weekly
At what time does the event start?: 7.30 PM

myyyyy ownnnnn dreaaaams come truth
I feel like him, back then:

Events: EU / Re: [DL]Saturday Historical Linebattle [EU]
« on: April 02, 2016, 09:11:08 pm »
Regiment Name + Tag: Turtures TS_ - We're group of friends, more than reg as we've players from different regiments, but I hope that as long as we obey rules, we can join and stay...
Number of Players: 13-15
Leader's Steam [Steam URL]:
Preferred Class: Cav
Preferred Faction: Doesn't matter.
We'd like to attend next week too  :-[
And we'd like to sign up as a weekly attending regiment too :P

Name of the regiment: Turtures
Class (Line, Cavalry, Rifles, Artillery): Cav heavy
Expected attendance: 8-15
Do you want to attend once, or weekly?: Weekly.
Regiment leaders steam name and link, with other contacts:
Have you read and do you agree to the rules?: yes
Other notes?: If there won't be a slot for us, just keep in mind that we'd love to wait for it till, someone signs off.

Events: EU / Re: 20th Saturday Line Battle!
« on: March 21, 2016, 11:18:19 pm »
Regiment Name: Turtures
Expected attendance: 15
Prefered class (Line,Cavalry or Artillery): Cavalry
Did you read rules?: yes
Sign up for once or weekly? : weekly
Steam leader name :

Events: EU / Re: [DL]Saturday Historical Linebattle [EU]
« on: March 21, 2016, 11:17:06 pm »
Regiment Name + Tag: Turtures TS_ - We're group of friends, more than reg as we've players from different regiments, but I hope that as long as we obey rules, we can join and stay...
Number of Players: 13-15
Leader's Steam [Steam URL]:
Preferred Class: Cav
Preferred Faction: Doesn't matter.

Regiments / Re: 17e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
« on: March 18, 2016, 08:24:12 pm »
In terms of awards, the 17e won the 1st Season NWL 2nd Division by winning every match, winners of the 1st ever 3rdFG Infantry Cup, came 2nd in the 2nd Season NWL 1st Division and came third place in the 2nd Regimental 10v10 Groupfighting Tournament.

Why didn't you pick 91st name. More achivements for you.

And yeah I see one player in your roster from old 17e. Sleek. Guess that he's so important in your ranks, that you discovered that in fact you're very same 17e, so all the trophies won by Posh, are your titles too. ^^

M'key. Sawwwy. Two players - There is MiniMario too. Good for you (As he is very good player), still I wonder why you mentioned about all 17e in your thread.

Weeeeeeell. I can't understand one thing : why musket fans are waiting for a new native  ::)
For sure, if there will be MM mod, community will switch, but I don't belive that all regiments will at once put aside muskets and become shielders.

Napoleonic Wars World Cup / Re: NWWC 2016
« on: March 05, 2016, 09:04:51 pm »
Swear gb always playing Poland in groups
    Btw. It's United Kingdom, and Ireland is NOT part of it. So I demand to banish Axiom from UK team!11one.

Napoleonic Wars World Cup / Re: NWWC 2016
« on: March 05, 2016, 02:57:46 pm »
Group stage draw, should be streamed.

Community / Re: Do you remember?:>
« on: March 03, 2016, 09:42:29 pm »

This is one of my favorite. Mount & Musket was so good for big lines like this it was so fun, now on NW the muskets are too accurate. Someone here who was part of it?
Nope. But it looks awesome, sound too mostly cuz of Herlev as a commander :P

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