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Messages - Kingmoo

Pages: 1
Servers / Re: Tropical Paradise
« on: May 23, 2017, 11:48:24 pm »
Steam Name:dawabear
Name of which you were banned:an_ant
Date when you were banned:
Action leading to ban:I accidently placed 6 tnt blocks instead of 5 and I wasn't going to light it but somone else lit it
Why should you be unbanned:cause it was an accident

Unban Request:
Offense:I only blew the base up one time and it is because there was an admin who abused his powers.
Why should you be unbanned?because I won't do it again I will swear it I here by swear never to blow the base up again
User ID #:1130871
Time/Date:7:28 AM January 2

Unban Request:
Offense:I only blew the base up once and I did it because there was a admin that abused his powers
Why should you be unbanned?because I won't do it again I here by swear not to blow the base up again
User ID #:

Unban Request:
Offense:I only blew the base up one time because there was a admin that abused his powers.
Why should you be unbanned?Because I won't do it again I promise.
User ID #:1130871

Pages: 1