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The Lounge => Off Topic => The Mess Hall => Topic started by: Theodin on February 20, 2017, 08:21:33 am

Title: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on February 20, 2017, 08:21:33 am
Well, not really a book. More like a collection of my accrued melee knowledge based on what I've seen competing against NA's best. It's for sure a work in progress, and it's slow progress, but it's coming along. This is all based off of empirical knowledge, and could be completely wrong. The purpose of this project, you ask? Well, because (basically) Russian dared me to, and I thought I might as well write down all this information I have stored in my head. The book will discuss players, their play styles, different moves, tactics, and my top 10 players I've played against, as well as my two 8v8 groupfighting dream teams. I know little about cav so none of that (sorry Lurvy) and i'm not that knowledgeable about leadership, so those won't be included in this project.

Chapter One Stuff
Chapter One Explanation:
Everyone has their own play style. Having played with a lot of good players, and having played against a lot more, I have collected information about their styles and what they like to do. These first 25 names come in no order (except I started doing alphabetically, although that ended quickly) so if your name is at the bottom or top, that doesn't mean anything. Obviously I've missed some people, and I do plan to put more names on the list, so don't worry about it. I've purposely refrained from putting mention of skill in this analysis, so don't get your panties in a twist. While there may not be much detail for some of the names, I can go into more in depth analysis about the players if i'm asked, so don't be shy! Also, if you know who influenced a player that I have listed unknown for, please tell me and i'll update. I am very open to critique, so fire away!

Chapter One: Players and Play Styles.
Players and playstyles

Order: Influence, dueler/groupfighter, main moves, and how to counter

   Asianp - dueler - stationary block/stun chamber - either anti-chamber (see: anti-chamber), range play, bait plays (inc sidestep, but often risky as he has a penchant to sweep stab), or counter chamber

   Unknown - Dueler - Counter chambers, stun chambers, fast side swings, aggressive movement - pace slowdown, soft defense, range tricks, sidesteps/movement tricks

   Unknown - dueler - fients into quick attack with fast forward movement, block/stun chambers, range play with occasional sidesteps - anti-chamber, basic returns, range play (risky), quick counter chambers (Maple/Jackie)

   AsianP - dueler/tossup - quick, paced fients leading into precise spams, reactive/block chambers with attempt to stun, side sweeps, technical defense - anti-chamber, defensiveness, sometimes movement/range plays (sidesteps, timed fallbacks, etc)

   Unknown - Groupfighter - Up hold bait play, side dodge transitioned into long range up stab, deceptive fient into down attack at relatively close range - Patience, range plays, ghost down stabs, up chambers

   Cheeseypants - Groupfighter - Excessive dolphins that transition into either i) block chamber or ii) sweep swing, often faster then expected - countered with basic returns, sidesteps and chamber battles

Dj Overjoy:
   Unknown - Groupfighter - Incredibly well rounded basic play, solid up dolphins, accurate and timely chambers, fast block/attack reactions - Movement tricks, baits, extended chamber battles, aggressive pressure

   Unknown - Groupfighter - Movement tricks (sidesteps, range baits, stops/starts), spams, hitbox specific attacks - up dolphins, defensiveness/patience, s keying, block chambers

   Unknown - Groupfighter - Accurate and well timed attacks, stop/starts, solid chambers - baits, movement tricks, aggression

   Unknown - Groupfighter - Fast fients combined with in and out quick movement, looped and hooked side swings, fluid, aggressive, and fast pacing (movement and attacks) - slow play, hard defense, range plays (s keying), sidesteps

   Zzehth - Dueler - Simple stabs, delay blocks - long holds, range plays

   Unknown - Groupfighter - Fast fients, mouse swings and holds, tight chambers and good footwork - Range spams, ghost reach down stabs

   Unknown - Groupfighter - Dolphin-like fients, parabolic wave chambers, side swings coupled with aggressive movement - Sidesteps, counter chambers, fient holds

   Unknown - Dueler - Block chambers, stun blocks, tight stab control with accurate stun chambers - movement tricks, counter stun chambers, long holds coupled with dolphin stab movement

   Unknown - Groupfighter - Immpeccable chambers, fients, side swings, movement tricks, stun chambers, speed tricks, spams - ??? hard defense, tight chambers


   Unknown - Dueler - Concise chamber control, stun chambers, fast fients, sweeps - hard defense, counter chambers (difficult), hard spam

   Unknown - Groupfighter - Ability to slow pace of game, master of the basics (see: DJ Overjoy), slow counter chamber returns, holds - close fient play (Apocalpys3), right to left sidestep, fast fients

   Unknown - Groupfighter - Counter/block chambers, miniscule down dolphins, accurate stabs, model fients - long holds, sidesteps, face hugs

Emo Celestia:
   Unknown - Dueler - Stun chambers, counter chambers, fast and bizzare fients ("The Emo"), range plays - sidesteps, counter chambers, block chambers and general defense


   Unknown - Groupfighter - Counter chambers, stun chambers, block chambers, unorthodox footlance timing, swing plays, restraint - movement tricks, basic plays, hard defense

   Unknown - Groupfighter - Ping battles, circular spams, movement tricks, model fients, bait tricks - basic mechanical play, hard aggression, chamber wars

   Unknown - Groupfighter - Chambers, holds, side swings, range and movement tricks - stun chambers, range plays, excessive fients

   Unknown - Dueler - Stun chambers, counter chambers, fast movement, side swings, aggressive attacks - Counter stun chambers, movement tricks, range plays

   Unknown - Dueler - Accurate side swings, movement swing combinations, patience, counter stun chambers - face hugging, controlled aggression, holds

   Unknown - Dueler - Incredibly tight chambers, scoped feints coupled with pinpoint accurate attacks, baits leading into counter/stun chambers - range plays, patience, anti-chamber, movement tricks

   Unknown - Dueler - Emo-like feints, surprise chambers, accurate and long swings, power movement leading to surprise attacks, dolphin holds - anti-chamber, sidesteps, held side swings, patience/defense

   Unknown - Groupfighter - Up baits, dodges, movement tricks, sidesteps, chambers from scratch, stun chambers, long side swings - basic play, long holds, patience

   Unknown - Dueler - Tight chamber returns, stuns chambers, kick stabs, fast fients - movement and range plays, sidesteps, bait plays, anti-chamber

   Unknown - Dueler - Scratch chambers, dodges, stun chambers, tight chamber returns - spams, anti-chamber, long holds, counter chambers

   Unknown - Dueler - Swing holds, timing tricks, timed holds, stop starts, bait plays - sidesteps, chamber returns, movement spam plays

   Unknown - Dueler - Scratch chambers, stun chambers, chamber holds, chamber returns, gap movement, stun blocks - defensive play, anti chamber, excessive feints, long holds, side steps

People I couldn't figure out:
Lithios of the 9y
Ghost of the 12th
Who- of the 12th
Coconut of the 12th
Sleek of the 9y

Chapter Two: "Moves"
Moves, movements and attacks

Related to attacks:
There are three main directions of attacks: Left, centre, and right.
      Left is often referred to as a side swing, where the attack is directed to the left side (facing) of the opponent. This usually causes the attack to create a difference in timing, causing a second or two delay in time between start of swing and hit.
Often the attack is aimed at the end or just past the end of the opponents musket while he's blocking and slightly swung over - however, the attack may be aimed at any distance away from the opponent, and as long as the attack hits properly it will create a delay.
     Centre attacks are, surprisingly, the least commonly found at higher tiers of melee. Often seen with newer players, this attack is straight and hits in the middle of the opponent's body or block. This attack is often the easiest to chamber, as there is no hold in it, unless done purposely.
This attack, if thrown in at correct times, can actually cause problems with defensive timing, especially with higher skilled players, as this attack is very low skill and will not be expected.
      Attacks swung to the right of the player hitbox are the hardest to accurately land, as the nature of the bayonet and player meta creates a tendency to hit the player on the left side of their body. Without careful practice and mouse movement, the attack will either miss to the left or to the right.
The side of the hitbox that the right swing attacks is harder to hit, but that disadvantage is traded by the fact that the right swing attack attacks faster than the other two swings, having the shorter distance to travel.

Related to movement:
While it may be impossible to fully categorize and break down movement, there are three main types of movement: aggressive movement, defensive movement, and lateral movement.

Aggressive movement, commonly known as w keying or face hugging, involves moving in such a way that it brings the player model closer to the opponent.
 Aggressive forward movement can often create an instant and temporary psychological advantage and cause your opponent to either panic block, move away, or panic spam.
However, aggressive movement coupled with holds or spams can often leave you exposed to lateral movements like sidesteps or hook swings.

Defensive Movement, sometimes referred to as s-keying, involves retreating to a safe distance from the enemy.
Defensive movement can save your life. Often there are situations where being in close enough distance to the enemy is not in your advantage, and defensive movement gives you the opportunity to slow the fight down into your favor.
However, defensive movement in most cases takes away your ability to kill the opponent, and gives him the opportunity to refresh, making it a double edged sword.

Lateral Movement, often called sidesteps or a-d keying, involves moving your character model to one side or the other, creating a different view of your and the enemy’s hitboxes.
Side Stepping is the process of moving quickly to your opponent's side to cause his attack to miss, leaving his side open and vulnerable.
However, side stepping and other lateral movements happen after the opponent has already attacked, and not getting a sufficient distance away gives you a significant timing disadvantage with your block or chamber timing.

In the opinion of the writer, it becomes difficult to create a list or description of advanced moves from scratch, only from demonstration. Therefore, i’ll breakdown a couple rounds of a duel between BillTheButcher and Maple from 2016, showing the moves and thought process of the duelists. Video can be found here:
(Mute if you don't like J Cole, and yes, I fixed the audio)

The video is not the full duel: at the start it is 2-2.

1. The first move my Bill at 0.01 is a standard centre up attack combined with forward movement in an attempt to make the attack too fast to block.
However, Maple counters with a up-stun block, instantly transferring to a kick. The kick misses.

2. Bill moves backwards slightly and holds an up attack, while Maple moves out of range and does nothing.

3. Bill then moves closer, still holding the attack, and fients once. Maple blocks and moves out of range.

4. At 0.12, Bill continues to hold, and Maple spins and stuns himself against the fence. This creates an opening for Bill, and he moves in for the attack.
Maple uses lateral movement and an up-stun block, freezing Bill. He then gets in a fast down stab, stunning Bill, and kicks him, as Bill has moved himself too close, finishing Bill with an up left side swing.

5. The next duel starts at 0.40, with both Bill and Maple holding up attacks just out of range.

6. At 0.48, Maple advances at Bill holding an up block, limiting the space in between them.
Understanding that his bait tactic worked last time, he spins around and even crouches, hoping to bait Bill into attacking his stun block.

7. At 1.12, Bill attacks his block, gets stunned, and then Maple does a fast down attack, stunning Bill again. Maple then repeats his kick to up left side swing again, getting the kill.

8. At 2.10, after some sporadic engagement, Bill holds an up block within range of a down right side stab from Maple, who uses lateral movement to get within range.

9. At 2.20, Maple uses the same lateral movement to get within range of an up right side swing, using Bill’s lateral movement against him.

10. At 2.51, Maple attempts the same stun block down stab kick up side swing sequence, but Bill engaged at a farther distance and avoid the stun.

11. At 3.03, Maple attempts to close the distance and do a fient, but Bill uses lateral movement in the form of a sidestep to attack Maple’s unprotected side.

12. At 3.21, Maple attempts to engage Bill in a down fient chamber war, but Bill chooses to use defensive and lateral movement to not engage, swinging an up stab around Maple before he can react and killing him.

13. Skipping to 5.38, Maple starts throwing bucking fients that change his attack direction and make it hard to predict where and what attack he will finish. He does these fients on Bill’s left side (this is the most common fient area.)

14. At 5.40, seeing that Maple is in the process of fienting, Bill attempts to use lateral movement to attack Maple’s unprotected side. However, Maple catches this down attack with a chamber and moves forward to stun Bill, getting the hit.

15. At 5.42, he throws a left side swing, hoping to delay the attack just long enough so that Bill drops his block.

16. At 6.26, after some sporadic engagement, Bill uses a fast lateral movement combined with a fast right to left up attack to attack Maple’s side.
Maple responds by blocking down, seeing Bill’s next attack.

17. Bill uses a long left to right down hold swing stab and Maple releases too early, giving Bill the kill.

18. At 6.59, Bill uses an up attack from range with a hook hold at the end. This attack appears to be straight on but is, at the last moment, jiggled in a hook shape, creating a split second hold that Maple mistimes.

19. Starting at 8.34, Maple uses a series of down fients, mimicking left to right side swings. At 8.37, Maple releases the attack and the timing of the side swing hits a retreating Bill.

20. At 9.27, Bill uses lateral movement and a right to left up attack to hit Maples unprotected side.

21. At 10.40, Maple throws a kick which immobilizes him. Bill responds with lateral movement to get around to Maple’s unprotected back and hits him with a right to left up attack.

22. At 11.37, Maple uses a down fient coupled with a series of dolphins against a retreating Bill. Bill releases his block, believing to be out of range, and Maple releases the fient and uses aggressive movement and a centre stab to get the kill.

The second and final duel to breakdown is the quarter finals of an EU duel tournament, being Xeon vs Alexandre_Mormon of the 17e, whom I cannot identify (highlighting the absurdity of historical names quite well, I think). It can be found here:

1. At 18.24, Xeon attempts at left to right side swing stab. This stab was textbook and Xeon executed it perfectly, finishing on the right side of the opponent, shown in this screengrab.

2. At 18.25, Alexandre tries the same stab, left to right side sweep motion. This attack is also textbook, and finishes in the same place. However, Xeon used left lateral movement and blocked the stab while moving to the opponent's side.
This movement reaction placed Xeon in the perfect position, close enough to force a panicked reaction but far enough to avoid a glance. At 18.27, he does a left to right up side swing that Alexandre sideblocks.

3. At 18.34, Xeon pulls off an incredibly hard down swing. He starts the motion as a left side swing, but in one quick motion drags the attack through the space between the duelists and performs a right to left side swing. These two holds are in one single down attack. It can be visualised as a sideways Z motion. Alexandre dropped his block due to the trickiness of the attack.

4. At 18.53, Xeon does an incredibly fast series of movements that results in a kill. Alexandre throws a down attack, which, in the span of 1 second, Xeon chambers, kicks, and kills him with the stun chamber. This is insane. Xeon manages to time the kick perfectly just after getting the chamber and just has to carry the chamber into the stunned Alexandre.

5. At 19,06, Xeon uses a left side swing, but varies the hold length by using attack height instead of placement. He swings to the left of Alexandre but aims his attack at a 45 degree angle towards the ground, at the last second swinging it up. This delay caused by usage of vertical attack movement causes Alexandre to drop his block. This attack hold can be done ranging up as well, something that was introduced to NA by RitZ.

6. At 19.24, Xeon uses a dolphin style hold aimed down and left of Alexandre. He does one dolphin wiggle and then carries his attack to the right and up, finishing in Alexandre’s midsection. The combination of a dolphin, which delays the attack, and the vertical attack movement causes Alexandre to drop his block early.
At 19.57, Xeon uses a turkish kick to block Alexandre’s attack, kick stun him, and uses a nice down attack to kill him.

   Thanks to Maple for linking me this video! Thanks also to Puppy for consulting on different moves!


Chapter Three: Groupfighting
The first essential point to bring up when discussing groupfighting is the age old debate between dueling and groupfighting, and which is harder. While my position is clear, this (to my knowledge) is my full reasoning behind it.

Basically, melee in its core is about analysis. At all times and in all situations you are analyzing your opponent generally, the state of the combat and your skills relative to your opponent. Breaking it down into different steps as thoroughly as possible, it seems clear that groupfighting requires more levels of analysis in a shorter or similar period of time. Obviously stating a position before I attempt to objectively prove my opinion is intellectually weak - so, if you disagree with my breakdown of melee analysis I'm happy to entertain changes to this.

In duels, the analysis is three steps:
1. Opponents tendencies
2. Duel flow and
3. Opponents weaknesses.
You evaluate your opponents style and what he is most likely to rely on or use, basically attempting some sort of prediction. You evaluate the progression of the duel and whether you need to change anything, and finally you attempt to target your opponents weaknesses. 

In groupfighting, there are five steps in your analysis:
1. Position of enemy in accordance with teammates/position of your teammates
2. Vulnerability of opponent
3. Probability of kill
4. Chance of survival
5. Necessity of action   
First, you assess the positions of your enemies and teammates and then react accordingly. Then, you identify a player and assess his vulnerability. You weigh your chances of killing that opponent - if it's probable that you'll be able to kill the enemy and survive. Then, after you decide all of this, you check whether your action is necessary.

Therefore, it seems to me like groupfighting requires more thinking and decision making than dueling, and hence is harder.

Now, there are many different groupfighting situations, with each having complex flowcharts of theory behind them. Every situation is different and calls for a different approach, and that doesn't even take into account the multiple different ways of entering groupfights, or positioning tactics. This is where experience comes in - some groupfighting theory can be taught, but most is developed from hours of competitive groupfighting.

Increasingly in the NA community basic groupfighting knowledge like how to play a 2v1 or 1v2 seems to be severely lacking - so, I will explain the theory and flowcharts behind these situations in detail.


Firstly, and most importantly, know your goal: can your teammates assist you? Is your team winning?
If your team is winning or is even, wait. If your team is losing, fight. However, if you are waiting, ensure your opponents cannot switch off of you back to the main melee - this changes the dynamic from you pulling a 1v2 to them pulling off 1 and forcing your teammates to be more aware than necessary.

Keys to winning 1v2s:

A) Choose your distance carefully. You don't want to be in stabbing range of both bayonets. Either be at a distance out of range of both, or so close that the chance of glancing/missing is increased, or be at a distance where only one opponent's bayonet is in range.

B) Never lose initiative. Don't give the two players the freedom to attack. Make it so the two players are either out of range or not able to freely drop their block.

C) Be unpredictable. Don't repeat moves, change things up, and don't get tunnel visioned on one person.


Once again, know your goal: Unless attempting to up/down opens you up to being potentially back/sidestabed from elsewhere, your goal in a 2v1 should always be to get the kill. However, if you're in a 2v1 and you have teammates inbound to assist, wait. The most major key in 2v1 situations, especially when you're the last two alive, is to prioritize your life even if the opportunity is missed - if you both stay alive, you have innumerable chances to kill your opponent. However, do maintain some sort of aggression, just be careful/
Keys to winning a 2v1

A) Be patient. You have the advantage (at that moment, at least) and as such you have the ability to wait him out. Avoid spamming if possible - use holds to better set up kills.

B) Stick together with your teammate. Giving your opponent two 1v1s throws away your advantage. You want to be close enough together that you're able to, worst case scenario, trade, but best case up/down. If approaching side by side, make sure there's less than one man spacing between you.

C) Avoid teamkilling. The best way to do this is using your time - only stab when your chances of hitting your teammate are slim to none. If a situation arises where the opponent is blocked by your teammate, and you need to hit to kill him, but would only hit your teammate, don't swing. Preserve your life - chances are, the enemy will take advantage of your teamkilling.

D) Communicate. Whether it be verbal or non-verbal, give your teammate some signal to your movements and intentions. Example: you approach a 1v1 and find your teammate holding a down attack. Without having to ask/say anything, either approach with or intend to come in doing up attacks. Likewise, if you notice your teammate repeatedly throwing up attacks at someone's block, prepare to help them with a down attack. Watch their movements and timings, and if you notice your teammate preparing to throw an up attack or block, throw a down attack at the same time. Pay attention to your teammates tendencies as best as possible - however, if your teammate gets himself in a situation where either a) it's not possible or b) probable to support him, preserve your own life.

General Groupfighting rules for every situation:

1. Don't over agress/over defend. Be aggressive when the chance of getting a kill outweighs the chance of death. Don't be defensive to the point of uselessness.

2. Make things easy for your teammates. No one can mind read - make your actions/intentions clear to your teammates if you expect support. Make sure to be aware of where your teammates are.

3. Don't save those who can't be saved. If you see your teammate in a 1v5, leave him to die. Chances are, his sacrifice gives the team an advantage, and if you try to save him and die too, that advantage is less relevant. Likewise, if you see a teammate plunge into the enemy line, let him die. His sacrifice does no good, and adding your name to that list does less good.

Chapter Four: The Best Groupfighters
With the LG era being finally over the time is ripe for the completion of the book, in the form of the top 10 groupfighters in NA history.

Top 10 Groupfighters:

Number 9 and 10: Since groupfighting is, in essence, about the team and not the individual, it is fitting to name the third best groupfighting pair in NA history: Fireboy and 5hine.
Although individually neither player had dueling success or reached levels seen by the other names on this list, the close friendship between these two players blossomed into an incredibly strong groupfighting duo. Seemingly without communication the pair led
by Fireboy were always positioned correctly in relation to each other and made plays together that showcased the incredible chemistry. There were only two other 2v2 pairs to ever play that played as seamlessly and strongly as these two, and while 5hine was comparably weaker in comparison to others on this list, the level of groupfighting success he enjoyed with Fireboy gives this partnership reason to be in the top 10.

Number 8: Chev
The best pure spammer to ever play, and the best movement ever showcased in game lead to the groupfighting success of Chev. He was a bit before my time but I still was able to see a
lot of him play, and to this day his style of pure movement spam, while still managing to play a complete game, is unmatched. Chev played differently, and played contrary to the meta of every era he was in, and yet was a force to be reckoned with in any groupfighting situation. Having a unique style of play most often helps in duels, and often unique players have to adapt  their styles in groupfighting situations, but Chev was able to maintain his style while being a truly great groupfighter, and thus receives number 8 in the top 10.

Number 7: Mang
While many believe he was a ping crutcher and while he was the original troll, his mastery of spins, spams, chambers, movement, and blocking made him a truly dominant force. From clutching 1v10's in NWL matches to winning seemingly every clutch he was ever in, Mang was at times unkillable. There is no one better at clutches in the history of the game, and is the person anyone could ever want
in a 1vx situation. Mang's brilliance and dominance in this area could have been combined with mediocre teamwork and line movements, but because his teamwork was awful and he never fit in a team situation,  he ranks well below where he could, at number 7.

Number 6: Coconut
Coconut is the NA historian and preserver of memory for everything related to NA NW. His impact on Warband as a whole is unparalleled, but an often understated aspect of him which makes him truly great is his incredible intellectual brilliance. Coconut knew everything there was to know about melee, one of three players all time to possess this type of understanding, and unlike one out of those three he truly applied it. In any tense or panicky situation Coconut's brilliance, calm and poise meant he almost never made a mistake. Coconut's technical skill was merely above average, but his understanding of the flow of the game is unmatched,
and while there were players who were better at the mechanical aspect, Coconut played chess while they played checkers. So, for his brilliance, mastery and wisdom combined with his near perfect application Coconut slots into the list at number 6.

Number 5: RussianFury
Consistently above average, RussianFury broke through the skill ceiling that every player faces at the time of their supposed peak. Starting in 2016 and lasting until the present day, RussianFury achieved a dominance in the groupfighting sphere the level of which is unmatched by any. Many players enjoy streaks of near dominance, but RussianFury managed to find a consistency in dominance that trancends any other, often appearing to be on a level above any other player in the server. Seemingly with minimal effort Russian destroyed entire teams, and even though he became targetted and planned against the likes of which has never been seen, he still managed to put up ridiculously high levels of dominance. For the last year and a half you would be hardpressed to find a better player in the server than RussianFury, and while the era adjusted scores would perhaps dampen his levels of dominance, the consistent nature of this unparalled level elevates him to the 5th spot all time.

Numbers 4 and 3: Who and Ghost
The second best groupfighting duo ever, these two players combined incredible technical skill and unmatched game sense to become a dominant pairing in an already skilled era. Ghost remained behind Coconut in terms of game knowledge and melee understanding, but is the next most brilliant. His knowledge was incredible, and it is clear he thought the game on levels only a select few would ever do. Combined with his excellent technical skills and mastery of chambers and positioning,  Ghost would be a dominant force with any partner. However, he was complimented by the second best support player of all time, Who. Who combined excellent technical skills, sufficient knowledge and incredible teamplay to give this duo the success they had. If assists were to be counted in NW, Who would have the second most, as his selfless teamplay and understanding of how to create opportunities for his teammates raised the level of results from merely abouve average to truly great. For these reasons, Who and Ghost are numbers 4 and 3 on the list.

Numbers 2 and 1: Zzehth and Jackie
In what comes as a surpise to no one, the best 2v2 team ever are the two greatest groupfighters of all time. Zzehth's incredible game knowledge, battlefield awareness, technical skill, teamplay, and melee understanding gave him all the tools required to be
the most consistent teammate anyone could ever harevolutionizedtionzed groupfighting and taught directly or indirectly the ins and outs of teamwork to a plethora of players. His partnership with JackieChan, who is simply the most technically skilled player to ever play,
was dominant, running rampant through anyone who challenged them. Martial Arts Experts combined effortless teamplay and coordination, almost always uncommunicated, with incredible technical mastery to make them the best groupfighters who ever played. They dismantled teams together, often with unbelieveable team and individual plays, and always seemed to know exactly what the other player was doing. This level of coordination applied not only to MAE, but also to others around them, as the two either working together or in different spots were ableto elevate the play of their entire team. In the most competitive era they achieved greatness that was truly outmatched, and therefore Zzehth and Jackie are numbers 2 and 1 on the top 10 list.

Chapter Five: Groupfighting team construction
What're the most important things to have in a winning groupfighting team? Usually people answer that chemistry is important, and that getting on the same page teamplay-wise is integral. And while this is all true, in considering why teams have failed, a lot of it can be traced back to the wrong mix of playstyles. So lets think about playstyles - how can we group players together to analyze team structure and roles? Here's my stab at it:
Playstyle Explainer and breakdown

And here's where I think the players in the 2nd season of NWCL fit:

Who fits where and by team

So what's the best way to build? What have teams looked like in the past from this perspective? I looked at the previous winners in the BO3 system:

Winning teams by style

So what's in common? First, 3/5 only had 1 dynamo, while 2/5 had 2. Usually the dynamo is your star player and playdriver, so it makes sense that there should be max 2 per team. Making sure that chemistry between these two is strong seems important as well - both examples of double dynamos involve players with significant history and chemistry in personality and gameplay.

The importance of the edge specialist cannot be understated, and it's not a surprise that these players are often repeat winners - solid players who won't make errors, will either win or nullify an engagement, and who can be safely forgotten about seems to be a key factor in winning. At least 1 ES per team seems like an essential.

4/5 of these teams had 1 risk taker, and it could be argued that TR Camden was in that category at that point. The dynamo is going to be making the right plays, and pairing that with a wild card risk taker seems like a must have for successul teams.

Finally, methodicals are heavily represented within these winning teams. The two teams that only had 1 had either an extra dynamo or an extra ES - and both of these makeups had pre-established chemistry. Two teams won with 3 methodicals, emphasizing their importance, and Strykeforce made up for the lack of a methodical with an extra dynamo and 3 edge specialists.

So why aren't there EU structuralists or switch farmers in there? Well, for the EUS it's a matter of timeline - this groupfighting philosophy is a more recent import, driven by Mikey and Anthony, and it remains to be seen whether a) this pool expands and b) the idea finds success.

For the switch farmers, the effectiveness of this playstyle in competitive play is somewhat reduced due to the smaller numbers. In bigger numbers groupfighting switch farmers have more room to thrive; however, in 6v6 or 5v5 this style can only go so far.

All that said, it seems that to build a winning groupfighting team you need to have:

1 dynamo
1 risk taker
1 or 2 methodicals
1 or 2 edge specialists

1 dynamos
1 risk taker
2 methodicals
2 edge specialists

We'll see if the winning team in NWCL season 2 follows this structure!
Postscript: The Problem with Lists
Why lists are always going to be flawed: a breakdown
Another day, another list that people find flaws in. Perhaps the most consistent aspect of melee lists is the varied nature of rankings - and the disagreement that will always come with it. The most likely scenario, then is not that we merely need to find the right rankings, or assuming that there is a “right” rankings. Instead, it’s that melee lists will always be controversial and flawed for at least 5 reasons:

1. The impact of a frag
2. The intangibles - IQ, teamplay, communication
3. External stressors
4. Technical limitations
5. Lack of statistics beyond KD’s

   Frag impact: It is often, but not always the case, that first picks in groupfights are important and impactful frags. It is often the case, too, that getting two kills in a 1v5 but losing the clutch is not an example of useful or impactful frags. As well, fragging fluctuates based upon where you are in the groupfight, who you’re with, and the quality of the opposite team. Importantly, none of these are factored into groupfighting rankings! How much of anyone’s kills are impactful? If that question can’t be answered, then the only quantifiable variable that can be taken into account is itself not even as solid of a measure of rating as it often is taken as.

   How do you measure someone’s groupfighting IQ against another person? How do you rank teamplay between players? How important is the quality of communication impactful or measureable? None of these factors are (yet!) measurable, and yet supposedly are taken into account when discussing rating. One of groupfighting’s most important tenants, awareness, is not something that you can measure or statistically analyze in any meaningful way, so to assign a number to someone’s groupfighting skill without being able to assign a number to someone's groupfighting awareness is deeply problematic.

   Ever had cold fingers or stress affect gameplay? How about being yelled at by a family member? If the effect on performance in more commonplace activities can’t be accurately measured by scientists, how is it even remotely possible to have any sense on how external stressors affect NW gameplay? It seems like a significant variable to control for, but since it can’t even be calculated, it certainly can’t be controlled for.

   There has been many documented cases of increased fps or a better computer having a positive on gameplay, but there has also been cases of players overcoming technical limitation. So, how much does this variable factor into melee rankings? I certainly can’t tell you.

   Often people gripe about the possibility of assists being calculated in NW. That highlights an important problem - only two statistics are measured by the game: kills and deaths. Somehow list makers extrapolate many different statistics (usefulness, tactics, etc) from a game that only calculates kills and deaths. Perhaps a reason why lists vary between people is that they all use different criteria, and none of them have an agreed upon statistical footing. Until stats like KAST, RWS or something to that affect are able to calculated in NW, getting a picture of a players impact is going to be purely a personal opinion.

   In conclusion, lists are bunk, and we really should stop this charade that lists are realistic in any way.
RussianFury: 7/10
RussianFury: I expected too much[/list][/list]
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Theodin on February 20, 2017, 08:22:49 am
Who writes books these days? Nerd
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Stroke0fd34th on February 20, 2017, 08:39:43 am
Good stuff  :D
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: ~NickCole~ on February 20, 2017, 08:41:17 am
Good stuff  :D
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Rutger Müller on February 20, 2017, 10:24:51 am
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Wastee on February 20, 2017, 10:43:30 am
When you're in theodins book  ;D :-*
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: BabyJesus on February 20, 2017, 02:46:10 pm
Wtf I'm in this?
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Theodin on February 20, 2017, 03:54:42 pm
Yeah I added you cause Russian was getting frustrated about your style
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: BabyJesus on February 20, 2017, 04:56:08 pm
Yeah I added you cause Russian was getting frustrated about your style
its literally the most basic/boring style
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Theodin on February 20, 2017, 05:38:13 pm
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: PJ on February 20, 2017, 05:45:55 pm
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Dom13WorstNW on February 20, 2017, 06:38:00 pm
This is surprisingly accurate.

But you should probably mention that this is NA only.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: LiquidSkorpion on February 20, 2017, 07:43:22 pm
Looking good! Looking forward to the rest
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Theodin on February 20, 2017, 07:56:19 pm
Thanks Dom and Liquid! I think I said it was NA only somewhere.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: BabyJesus on February 20, 2017, 07:56:44 pm
You should add luck chambers to my skill set
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Rutger Müller on February 20, 2017, 11:20:08 pm
Can I be added under meme-tier pls
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Theodin on February 21, 2017, 03:55:58 am
You'll be in there somewhere
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Rutger Müller on February 21, 2017, 04:19:23 am
You'll be in there somewhere
yeah I understand, gotta write out a whole chapter just for me
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Salt on February 21, 2017, 04:20:40 am
I don't know enough about these moves to say you're wrong, so I'll just assume you're right.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Dan the Seagull Chef on February 21, 2017, 07:02:25 am
I don't know enough about these moves to say you're wrong, so I'll just assume you're right.
That describes most things
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Theodin on February 21, 2017, 05:23:02 pm
That's the point of the book Salty! If you're illiterate and from Cleveland this book will teach you melee
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: RussianFury on February 21, 2017, 05:24:45 pm
That's the point of the book Salty! If you're illiterate and from Cleveland this book will teach you melee
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Windflower on February 21, 2017, 08:27:33 pm
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Theodin on February 21, 2017, 08:57:03 pm
Thanks! :D
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Dan the Seagull Chef on February 21, 2017, 09:08:51 pm
no u
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Pickle on February 22, 2017, 04:10:58 am
Write a page about how much I trigger you
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Theodin on February 22, 2017, 05:49:14 am
You're banned from my book, your style isn't allowed in the game anymore
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Pickle on February 22, 2017, 05:58:43 am
Like the 1stFL, my style will live on forever
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Tammo on February 24, 2017, 04:46:25 pm
Add me and ill approve
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Theodin on February 24, 2017, 07:05:18 pm
you'll be in the second round
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Superbad on February 26, 2017, 02:09:26 am
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Rutger Müller on February 26, 2017, 06:47:28 am
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Theodin on February 26, 2017, 08:49:22 am
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Sleek on February 26, 2017, 01:52:58 pm
Looks good
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Theodin on February 26, 2017, 05:03:30 pm
Woah, thanks Sleek
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Dan the Seagull Chef on February 26, 2017, 07:39:23 pm
How's that frisbee list coming along?
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Glenn on February 26, 2017, 09:07:06 pm
When's this coming out for Amazon Kindle
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Theodin on February 26, 2017, 10:34:22 pm
When's this coming out for Amazon Kindle
Already signed a contract with Google books. Amazon should contact me directly
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Maple™ on February 26, 2017, 11:09:16 pm
I'll send you my auto-biography, along with a list of every ft7 I've ever completed. I expect this to be in the final product or I'm cutting your funds in half.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Theodin on February 26, 2017, 11:11:37 pm
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Dan the Seagull Chef on February 27, 2017, 03:19:56 am
I carried Bill to his only 2v2 tournament win. Can I be in your book?
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: ~NickCole~ on February 27, 2017, 03:28:27 am
I carried Bill to his only 2v2 tournament win. Can I be in your book?
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Stroke0fd34th on February 27, 2017, 03:39:00 am
I carried Bill to his only 2v2 tournament win. Can I be in your book?

You got lucky that Vortex is cursed to forever come in 2nd place is all.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Theodin on February 27, 2017, 04:30:13 am
Me and Vortex came in 3rd once
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Stroke0fd34th on February 27, 2017, 05:59:48 am
Me and Vortex came in 3rd once

Vortex's victims:

who else?
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Theodin on February 27, 2017, 06:24:26 am
That's why we're in my book and he's not :)
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Windflower on February 27, 2017, 06:27:26 am
GAYtex could never make the theodin book like me right ha
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Theodin on February 27, 2017, 06:56:38 am
I'll probably release a list of people next week of people I'm putting on and then that's it
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Theodin on February 27, 2017, 07:18:31 am
I'll just do it now: the final people to be listed in chapter one will be:

However, I will take time to recognize five players who I played with and against that I could never figure out and who, frankly, I could never, or at least rarely, beat. Those names will be released with the second round of profiles.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Sanders on February 28, 2017, 03:52:55 pm
Where is Master Lithios
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Theodin on February 28, 2017, 03:54:01 pm
Where is Master Lithios
You'll see
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: LiquidSkorpion on March 01, 2017, 12:28:15 am
GAYtex could never make the theodin book like me right ha
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: The Predurrdurr on March 01, 2017, 12:37:22 am
GAYtex could never make the theodin book like me right ha
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Theodin on March 01, 2017, 12:52:04 am
I'll just do it now: the final people to be listed in chapter one will be:

However, I will take time to recognize five players who I played with and against that I could never figure out and who, frankly, I could never, or at least rarely, beat. Those names will be released with the second round of profiles.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Dan the Seagull Chef on March 01, 2017, 01:03:28 am
I'll just do it now: the final people to be listed in chapter one will be:
Dan the Chef

However, I will take time to recognize five players who I played with and against that I could never figure out and who, frankly, I could never, or at least rarely, beat. Those names will be released with the second round of profiles.

Appreciate you adding me to the list!
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Sleek on March 01, 2017, 01:34:33 am
I'll just do it now: the final people to be listed in chapter one will be:

However, I will take time to recognize five players who I played with and against that I could never figure out and who, frankly, I could never, or at least rarely, beat. Those names will be released with the second round of profiles.

Thanks for adding me based on the statement at the bottom!
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Rutger Müller on March 01, 2017, 02:38:51 am
I got to a pretty good level and then I stop playing and now I can't melee :( Maple said I was like the gatekeeper for players to become good
he was trollin u m8
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: SamTheZamER on March 01, 2017, 02:42:04 am
If I study NW enough, I can get this game down to an exact science.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Theodin on March 01, 2017, 03:11:42 am
You're actually correct Sleek, you're on the list of people who I couldn't beat
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: maccle on March 01, 2017, 08:21:30 am
I'm a groupfighter not a duel fag


But I am flattered that I'm in the first round of players 😊
Not sure who unknown is tho and I don't think my playstyle is the same as Russian. If anything his is the same as mine. I did beat him in a ft7 after all which you can watch on my YouTube channel.
Don't forget to like and subscribe!
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Wastee on March 01, 2017, 09:27:54 am
If Maccle beat Russian and I beat Maccle am I better than Russian
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: maccle on March 01, 2017, 01:29:48 pm
If Maccle beat Russian and I beat Maccle am I better than Russian
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Wastee on March 01, 2017, 02:44:05 pm
If Maccle beat Russian and I beat Maccle am I better than Russian
No comment
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Theodin on March 01, 2017, 04:12:37 pm
Clearly you can't read. "Unknown" is who influenced you, and you started using that finer after he did
Also why do you think I care about ft7s?
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: maccle on March 01, 2017, 04:23:03 pm
Clearly you can't read. "Unknown" is who influenced you, and you started using that finer after he did
Also why do you think I care about ft7s?
Why are you angry lol
I'm just memeing. As for my mentor it is definitely my dad FancyPants who is the best meleer I know and who's shit posts are second to none

Edit: the actual people who have influenced my Melee are Tammo, professor and turkelton. You guys likely don't know Turk or professor but they were both very solid and had very unique styles that I somewhat based mine on. RIP Turk september 2015, became a uni kid and never played warband again. Rip Tammo January 2017 got a girlfriend. Rip professor 2016, never left 87th and died of autism
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Theodin on March 01, 2017, 04:48:44 pm
I'll add your influences when I have time thank you
Edit- professor played in the 71st for a long time after the 87th
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: LiquidSkorpion on March 01, 2017, 05:15:23 pm
Clearly you can't read. "Unknown" is who influenced you, and you started using that finer after he did
Also why do you think I care about ft7s?
Why are you angry lol
I'm just memeing. As for my mentor it is definitely my dad FancyPants who is the best meleer I know and who's shit posts are second to none

Edit: the actual people who have influenced my Melee are Tammo, professor and turkelton. You guys likely don't know Turk or professor but they were both very solid and had very unique styles that I somewhat based mine on. RIP Turk september 2015, became a uni kid and never played warband again. Rip Tammo January 2017 got a girlfriend. Rip professor 2016, never left 87th and died of autism
Turk! <3
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: maccle on March 01, 2017, 06:11:33 pm
I'll add your influences when I have time thank you
Edit- professor played in the 71st for a long time after the 87th
Professor may have played for other regs but his spirit stayed with Potus :')
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: RussianFury on March 01, 2017, 06:53:09 pm
Go back to native.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: maccle on March 01, 2017, 06:56:00 pm
Go back to native.

Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Zzehth on March 01, 2017, 07:12:41 pm
I once dueled maccle and it was fun. For me I guess.

Thanks for adding me theodin.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: maccle on March 01, 2017, 07:34:08 pm
I once dueled maccle and it was fun. For me I guess.

Thanks for adding me theodin.
lmao, can confirm zzehth rekt me like 7-2 or something lol
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: RussianFury on March 01, 2017, 07:43:01 pm
I really don't care. Just go back to your native team and stop wasting your time on FSE and NW.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Zzehth on March 01, 2017, 07:49:42 pm
I once dueled maccle and it was fun. For me I guess.

Thanks for adding me theodin.
lmao, can confirm zzehth rekt me like 7-2 or something lol

It was 7-0 hehe, but nothing serious.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: BabyJesus on March 01, 2017, 07:54:50 pm
I once dueled maccle and it was fun. For me I guess.

Thanks for adding me theodin.
i have a similar style to zzehth which makes me as good as zzehth which means I'm better than maccle
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Dan the Seagull Chef on March 01, 2017, 08:11:36 pm
I once dueled maccle and it was fun. For me I guess.

Thanks for adding me theodin.
i have a similar style to zzehth which makes me as good as zzehth which means I'm better than maccle
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Theodin on March 01, 2017, 08:29:01 pm
Maccle, if you want an speed boost go jerk off to your videos, but don't do it here. Like I said, you clearly don't understand the purpose of this project so just stop
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: maccle on March 01, 2017, 08:36:03 pm
Maccle, if you want an speed boost go jerk off to your videos, but don't do it here. Like I said, you clearly don't understand the purpose of this project so just stop


You're a sad individual.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Rutger Müller on March 01, 2017, 09:15:58 pm
Maccle, if you want an speed boost go jerk off to your videos, but don't do it here. Like I said, you clearly don't understand the purpose of this project so just stop


You're a sad individual. the god damned forums... A fellow East Sider has been insulted!!

Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Tammo on March 01, 2017, 11:19:19 pm
Maccle, if you want an speed boost go jerk off to your videos, but don't do it here. Like I said, you clearly don't understand the purpose of this project so just stop


You're a sad individual. the god damned forums... A fellow East Sider has been insulted!!


Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: ~NickCole~ on March 01, 2017, 11:30:32 pm
Maccle, if you want an speed boost go jerk off to your videos, but don't do it here. Like I said, you clearly don't understand the purpose of this project so just stop


You're a sad individual. the god damned forums... A fellow East Sider has been insulted!!


I miss them East vs Weast Wars fun times.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Theodin on March 02, 2017, 12:07:14 am
Maccle, if you want an speed boost go jerk off to your videos, but don't do it here. Like I said, you clearly don't understand the purpose of this project so just stop


You're a sad individual.
I'm not wrong though
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: LiquidSkorpion on March 02, 2017, 12:23:22 am
Maccle, if you want an speed boost go jerk off to your videos, but don't do it here. Like I said, you clearly don't understand the purpose of this project so just stop


You're a sad individual.
I'm not wrong though
I think you hurt his e-peen
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Theodin on March 02, 2017, 12:27:31 am
Maccle, if you want an speed boost go jerk off to your videos, but don't do it here. Like I said, you clearly don't understand the purpose of this project so just stop


You're a sad individual.
I'm not wrong though
I think you hurt his e-peen
I know
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: AP0CALYPS3 on March 02, 2017, 12:42:41 am
Maccle im unsubbing
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Theodin on March 02, 2017, 01:40:18 am
Seeing as Maccle thinks (and I quote) that "the people that still spend their time on fse have taken in too much autism" i'm doing him a favor and banning him from this thread and removing him from the chapter. If you use my book as a tool to enhance your already shattered epeen you don't belong in it.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: maccle on March 02, 2017, 01:53:42 am
Seeing as Maccle thinks (and I quote) that "the people that still spend their time on fse have taken in too much autism" i'm doing him a favor and banning him from this thread and removing him from the chapter. If you use my book as a tool to enhance your already shattered epeen you don't belong in it.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Superbad on March 02, 2017, 02:43:55 am
I'm the most underated player in NW :(
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Rutger Müller on March 02, 2017, 02:48:44 am
I'm the most underated player in NW :(
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Superbad on March 02, 2017, 02:51:28 am
I'm the most underated player in NW :(


I'm already on the verge of cutting :(
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Vortecks on March 02, 2017, 02:52:10 am
now that im thinking about it, who the fk do i even play like?
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Theodin on March 02, 2017, 02:54:35 am
Your style incorporates stuff from a lot of people I think
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Maple™ on March 02, 2017, 03:58:36 am
anyone who block chambers just copies me
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: AP0CALYPS3 on March 02, 2017, 04:18:22 am
anyone who block chambers just copies me

anyone who blocks just copies me

you fucking fraud
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Grimsight on March 02, 2017, 05:13:05 am
i pioneered melee
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Swerpious Maximous on March 02, 2017, 05:36:34 am
now that im thinking about it, who the fk do i even play like?
Helen Keller
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Theodin on March 02, 2017, 06:36:29 am
now that im thinking about it, who the fk do i even play like?
Helen Keller
o u c h
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: jorgesi101 on March 02, 2017, 07:51:58 am
Theo bb how about me.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Vortecks on March 03, 2017, 12:56:31 am
now that im thinking about it, who the fk do i even play like?
Helen Keller
i thought we were boys
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: antslimey on March 04, 2017, 01:01:08 am
I fight like AsianP? Never even ft7'd the guy
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: PJ on March 04, 2017, 01:34:57 am
I fight like AsianP? Never even ft7'd the guy
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Theodin on March 04, 2017, 02:47:44 am
I fight like AsianP? Never even ft7'd the guy
You still do
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: LiquidSkorpion on March 04, 2017, 03:26:11 am
Beat Vortex in a ft7 and im not in the book. Smh

Kidding dad
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: McPero on March 22, 2017, 02:23:41 pm
NA is trash only Zzehth was good and hes not even NA. No flame though
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Wastee on March 22, 2017, 02:32:02 pm
NA is trash only Zzehth was good and hes not even NA. No flame though
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Theodin on March 22, 2017, 03:53:35 pm
NA is trash only Zzehth was good and hes not even NA. No flame though
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: McPero on March 22, 2017, 08:43:00 pm
NA is trash only Zzehth was good and hes not even NA. No flame though
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Puppytron on March 23, 2017, 04:17:59 am
what could chapter two possible be about
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Dan the Seagull Chef on March 23, 2017, 04:18:37 am
what could chapter two possible be about
How theo wants to cut at night
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Puppytron on March 23, 2017, 04:24:27 am
what could chapter two possible be about
How theo wants to cut at night

he should make nw fan fiction
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Theodin on March 23, 2017, 05:30:37 am
what could chapter two possible be about
Technical stuff
You'll be in this one
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Maple™ on March 23, 2017, 05:42:17 am
what could chapter two possible be about
Technical stuff
You'll be in this one
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Puppytron on March 23, 2017, 05:55:09 am
what could chapter two possible be about
Technical stuff
You'll be in this one
i agree im almost as bad as that moople kid
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Coconut on March 23, 2017, 12:18:11 pm
chapter 2: Maccle lost a ft7 to a squeaker
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Theodin on March 23, 2017, 01:39:32 pm
chapter 2: Maccle lost a ft7 to a squeaker
Maccle's banned
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Rutger Müller on March 23, 2017, 03:29:12 pm
chapter 2: Maccle lost a ft7 to a squeaker
never speak of this
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Grimsight on March 23, 2017, 10:02:58 pm
chapter 2: Maccle lost a ft7 to a squeaker
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: The Predurrdurr on March 23, 2017, 10:58:17 pm
chapter 2: Maccle lost a ft7 to a squeaker


Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: maccle on March 24, 2017, 02:13:14 am
chapter 2: Maccle lost a ft7 to a squeaker
never speak of this
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: LiquidSkorpion on March 24, 2017, 04:26:23 am
When is chapter 2 though
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Theodin on March 24, 2017, 05:16:19 am
When is chapter 2 though
In the pipeline
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Dan the Seagull Chef on March 24, 2017, 05:38:57 am
When is chapter 2 though
In the pipeline
How long is the pipeline?
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: SillyWilly on March 24, 2017, 09:02:25 am
1/3rd of the people on that list don't even play the game. In fact i think Godfried plays more than some of them, which is definitely saying something.


You're forgetting SillyWilly and the Silly style?!?!?!?! Is this intentional?!?!?!?!  ??? ??? ??? ???
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Puppytron on March 24, 2017, 06:54:57 pm
1/3rd of the people on that list don't even play the game. In fact i think Godfried plays more than some of them, which is definitely saying something.


You're forgetting SillyWilly and the Silly style?!?!?!?! Is this intentional?!?!?!?!  ??? ??? ??? ???
I'm pretty sure Godfried, has more combined hours in the last two weeks then the rest of that list.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Theodin on March 24, 2017, 08:56:55 pm
Add more stuff.
Added the last additions to chapter one and added the list of fellows I think are worth being on there and kicked my ass but who's styles I never figured out
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Sleek on March 24, 2017, 11:30:59 pm
hey thats me

to beat me you just attack, i am a very boring player
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: SillyWilly on March 25, 2017, 12:54:45 am
fuck you theo this is personal now
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: McPero on March 25, 2017, 10:02:45 am
hey thats me

to beat me you just attack, i am a very boring player
Yeah you are like Herishey back in the day when he would just block and attack.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Rutger Müller on March 25, 2017, 03:30:30 pm
When is chapter 2 though
In the pipeline
How long is the pipeline?
yes theo i need my validation REEEEEEEE
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: jorgesi101 on March 28, 2017, 09:03:37 am
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Alexander on March 31, 2017, 11:33:08 pm
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Theodin on March 31, 2017, 11:51:28 pm
I considered putting you down, but I realized when you played/were good I wasn't paying much attention to styles, and I don't know how you play, really.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Swerpious Maximous on April 01, 2017, 12:01:24 am
I wanna be recognized as the best ritz spinner NA.
That honor goes to Sharing
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Puppytron on April 01, 2017, 12:06:24 am
I considered putting you down, but I realized when you played/were good I wasn't paying much attention to styles, and I don't know how you play, really.

Spoiler alert: He wasn't good


bonus meme
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Alexander on April 01, 2017, 08:12:38 pm
I considered putting you down, but I realized when you played/were good I wasn't paying much attention to styles, and I don't know how you play, really.

Spoiler alert: He wasn't good


bonus meme
lmao ok.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: maccle on April 03, 2017, 01:30:54 am
I wanna be recognized as the best ritz spinner NA.
That honor goes to Sharing
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: PJ on April 23, 2017, 03:54:51 am
shit list
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Theodin on April 23, 2017, 04:03:36 am
shit player
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Rutger Müller on April 23, 2017, 08:06:16 am
shit player
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Theodin on April 23, 2017, 08:25:26 am
1-1 in clutches tonight Fancy
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: MATT123456789 on April 23, 2017, 08:33:11 am
lol fancypants is shit yo uarelly proud of that?
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: LiquidSkorpion on May 14, 2017, 07:40:30 am
theodin told me to hold him to May 15 to finish this book.....
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Theodin on May 14, 2017, 01:13:01 pm
theodin told me to hold him to May 15 to finish this book.....
For chapter two hell yeah! Comes out tmw at night.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: LiquidSkorpion on May 15, 2017, 08:26:07 am
theodin told me to hold him to May 15 to finish this book.....
For chapter two hell yeah! Comes out tmw at night.
What is chapter 2 about?
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Theodin on May 15, 2017, 04:25:37 pm
theodin told me to hold him to May 15 to finish this book.....
For chapter two hell yeah! Comes out tmw at night.
What is chapter 2 about?
It's titled "moves" but unfortunately it's more basic than that. It's basically how to break down melee. You'll see!
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Coldstreamer on May 15, 2017, 04:53:55 pm
If this is actually a thing, it seems interesting would definately buy, and I don't even read :)  Besides Sharpe
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: The Predurrdurr on May 16, 2017, 03:44:34 am
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Theodin on May 16, 2017, 03:45:46 am
I use Canadian English, sorry
Chapter two is out!! It's a bit hefty
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: PJ on May 21, 2017, 12:16:30 am
wheres chapter 3 at bitch i need to learn
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Theodin on May 21, 2017, 04:00:42 am
wheres chapter 3 at bitch i need to learn
Check up your ass
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Suns on June 02, 2017, 07:40:26 am
I just found this.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Swerpious Maximous on June 02, 2017, 08:52:09 am
Now that Theo is Community Rep, this will become truly official
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Vortecks on June 02, 2017, 10:57:53 pm
Now that Theo is Community Rep, this will become truly official
if we learned anything from orcaryo, it's that community rep doesn't mean anything
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Theodin on June 02, 2017, 11:17:20 pm
Now that Theo is Community Rep, this will become truly official
if we learned anything from orcaryo, it's that community rep doesn't mean anything
But Orcaryo never wrote a book on melee
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Risk_ on June 03, 2017, 03:09:45 am
Now that Theo is Community Rep, this will become truly official
if we learned anything from orcaryo, it's that community rep doesn't mean anything
But Orcaryo never wrote a book on melee
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: fireboy on June 03, 2017, 02:08:22 pm
Now that Theo is Community Rep, this will become truly official
if we learned anything from orcaryo, it's that community rep doesn't mean anything
But Orcaryo never wrote a book on melee

When is the chapter about Risk's love for Ryan Gosling coming out?
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Theodin on June 03, 2017, 03:24:20 pm
Now that Theo is Community Rep, this will become truly official
if we learned anything from orcaryo, it's that community rep doesn't mean anything
But Orcaryo never wrote a book on melee

When is the chapter about Risk's love for Ryan Gosling coming out?
I'd need a whole book for that fam
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: McPero on June 03, 2017, 09:24:04 pm
Alexandre is scottish Mike 17e veteran.

Book review:


I couldn't rate the first chapter of the book since I don't know NA melee community, which to be honest I'm not missing on much (expect from import Jackie and crazy mexican Zzehth). But on to review of second chapter.
In second chapter Theodin serves us Canadian masterpiece of a melee analysis, there has been seen absolutely nothing like that in NA, only thing comparable is JackieChan's melee guide which is bread and butter of melee theory. In first part he represents types of movement in melee. With help of which he explains key movements in two duel examples.
As fan of both Evanovic and Xeon I would love to see him explain the grand final between them, as they are in my opinion two best meleers of Napoleonic Wars. Evanovic know for his consistancy and patience and Xeon for mastering every melee technique with ping of 75.
I am looking forward to 3rd chapter.

Kind regards,
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: Theodin on June 03, 2017, 10:14:41 pm
Thanks McPero, third chapter will be on groupfighting tactics, so I won't be breaking down that duel
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: McPero on June 04, 2017, 11:38:12 am
I mean you could break it down in addition to chapter 2.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Puppytron on June 10, 2017, 04:30:24 am
what could chapter two possible be about
Technical stuff
You'll be in this one

Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter One - Players and Playstyles (W.I.P)
Post by: Theodin on June 10, 2017, 04:31:51 am
what could chapter two possible be about
Technical stuff
You'll be in this one

oh shit oops
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: LiquidSkorpion on June 10, 2017, 06:17:53 am
Am I too shit to be in a chapter
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: Puppytron on June 10, 2017, 07:13:34 am
Am I too shit to be in a chapter

l o l
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: Dan the Seagull Chef on June 10, 2017, 07:28:35 am
Am I too shit to be in a chapter

l o l
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: ~NickCole~ on June 10, 2017, 04:29:59 pm
Am I too shit to be in a chapter

l o l
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: LiquidSkorpion on June 10, 2017, 06:23:25 pm
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: Theodin on June 10, 2017, 06:26:48 pm
By essence, there will be a lot of names in the Groupfighting chapter
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: Vortecks on June 10, 2017, 11:33:58 pm
By essence, there will be a lot of names in the Groupfighting chapter
as the best groupfighter to ever touch a laptop trackpad, my name better be on there theo.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: Theodin on June 10, 2017, 11:36:53 pm
By essence, there will be a lot of names in the Groupfighting chapter
as the best groupfighter to ever touch a laptop trackpad, my name better be on there theo.
y'all mind if i say no
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: Suns on June 12, 2017, 01:20:34 am
I 10v1'd the 3e in a gf match.

chapter pls
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: BabyJesus on June 12, 2017, 01:22:42 am
When is chapter 3 coming out?
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: PJ on June 12, 2017, 04:30:33 am
When is chapter 3 coming out?
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: LiquidSkorpion on June 12, 2017, 05:23:00 am
When is chapter 3 coming out?
He said june 20th
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: Theodin on June 12, 2017, 12:12:25 pm
When is chapter 3 coming out?
He said june 20th
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: PJ on June 12, 2017, 08:59:42 pm
well its june 12 so realese plz
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: Maple™ on June 13, 2017, 01:05:14 am
why do u care bitterboy ur not in it l0l
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: PJ on June 13, 2017, 01:47:31 am
why do u care bitterboy ur not in it l0l

Be quiet little sapling, the only thing you are known for is being weak and slender at the trunk you small thing.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: MATT123456789 on June 15, 2017, 10:25:30 pm
5/10 guide, really only giving you the 5 because of the effort and amount you have written.

Chapter one, I'd say about 40 percent of that you got wrong about the players play styles and how to counter them.

But Chapter two is just absolutely terrible and teaches practically nothing of value.

You taught one type of attack, the sweep stab, and didn't talk about block chambers, feint-chambers, stun-chambers,  feint-attacks, down spam, up spam, range spam, footlance, or holds.

With the movement section you are vague, and don't include how to stun the opponent longer, or how to lessen the stun from attacking, which, are the two most important things in high level duels.

No section on baiting, which is everything in high level duels, but seeing as how you are a mid tier duelist you wouldn't know anything about that.

No section on kicking.

No section on feinting.

You didn't explain stab damage in relation to distance.

Didn't explain glances.

Somewhat explained sidestepping, but you didn't explain that you had to be positioned on the opponents shoulder, before you start the side step, or how the opponent has to be either W keying into you, or holding the same key as the one that you are using to side step, so If I'm using the D key to sidestep, they would have to be holding the W key or the D key, and if they are using the A key, I can't sidestep, because they will be blocking me off.

I hope your groupfighting section is pretty good, since you are a pretty good gf'er
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: Theodin on June 15, 2017, 10:54:10 pm
Thanks for the feedback - however, I would note that some of the criticisms you listed are inaccurate, e.g - stab damage is not affected by distance (to a certain degree) but by stab type and movement.
I appreciate the feedback - I made my criteria a bit too wide with chapter two, so I may add a chapter 4 going a bit more in depth. :D
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: MATT123456789 on June 15, 2017, 11:02:20 pm
Thanks for the feedback - however, I would note that some of the criticisms you listed are inaccurate, e.g - stab damage is not affected by distance (to a certain degree) but by stab type and movement.
I appreciate the feedback - I made my criteria a bit too wide with chapter two, so I may add a chapter 4 going a bit more in depth. :D

I'll make chapter 4 because by how you duel, you don't utilize any attacks other than side sweeps and side step down spam. And you will not be teaching something you know about.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: Theodin on June 15, 2017, 11:04:35 pm
Thanks for the feedback - however, I would note that some of the criticisms you listed are inaccurate, e.g - stab damage is not affected by distance (to a certain degree) but by stab type and movement.
I appreciate the feedback - I made my criteria a bit too wide with chapter two, so I may add a chapter 4 going a bit more in depth. :D

I'll make chapter 4 because by how you duel, you don't utilize any attacks other than side sweeps and side step down spam. And you will not be teaching something you know about.
Feel free to make your own book! I think it's an awesome project to do. However, all the work for mine will be solely my work.
Also, I'm very interested in your assessments, chapter one-esque, if you release them.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: PJ on June 20, 2017, 06:18:09 pm
When is chapter 3 coming out?
He said june 20th

worst rep ever
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: Theodin on June 20, 2017, 06:44:48 pm
Jeez I'm releasing it when I'm home from work yikes
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: PJ on June 20, 2017, 07:05:37 pm
Jeez I'm releasing it when I'm home from work yikes

I don't want it anymore u can stay at work you big idiot
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: BabyJesus on June 21, 2017, 12:53:05 am
When is chapter 3 coming out?
He said june 20th

worst rep ever
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: Theodin on June 21, 2017, 01:05:40 am
9:30 EST
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: Dan the Seagull Chef on June 21, 2017, 01:17:09 am
9:30 EST
Exactly, or you're done kiddo
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: PJ on June 21, 2017, 01:41:04 am
He's lost my trust already dead book fuck this mod
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: MATT123456789 on June 21, 2017, 01:41:21 am
Judging by how bad chapter 2 was I have low expectations for chapter 3.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: Theodin on June 21, 2017, 02:29:00 am
Chapter three out an hour early!
(Steam was down xd)
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: PJ on June 21, 2017, 02:49:21 am
Chapter 3 was weak.  :-\

Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: BabyJesus on June 21, 2017, 02:51:08 am
Smh. Not buying the next chapter
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: LiquidSkorpion on June 21, 2017, 03:03:29 am
You only really went into detail on the 1v2 and 2v1 :/
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: Theodin on June 21, 2017, 03:11:59 am
Well fuck. better lock the topic so no one else can critique the chapter!

You only really went into detail on the 1v2 and 2v1 :/
this note, I've decided I'm going to make a chapter 3.5 which will take on a different form. The biggest challenge with writing this is what to talk about. I can go into detail about 3v2's, but, like, what's the relevancy? and how much do I even write? So, instead of me taking wild stabs and hoping you like it, you're going to tell me what to write - as in, you ask me questions. From today till July 1st send me questions by any form of communication about melee, and i'll go reaaalllll in deep with them, and release the answers as a sub chapter on July 6th. Or if that's not a thing people want i'll just go to chapter 4 which was my all time all star team I think
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: Sanders on June 21, 2017, 03:54:12 am
chapter 3 made me cry, twas super suspenseful
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: MATT123456789 on June 21, 2017, 04:29:54 am
Wew lmao.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: LiquidSkorpion on June 21, 2017, 04:48:47 am
Well fuck. better lock the topic so no one else can critique the chapter!

You only really went into detail on the 1v2 and 2v1 :/
this note, I've decided I'm going to make a chapter 3.5 which will take on a different form. The biggest challenge with writing this is what to talk about. I can go into detail about 3v2's, but, like, what's the relevancy? and how much do I even write? So, instead of me taking wild stabs and hoping you like it, you're going to tell me what to write - as in, you ask me questions. From today till July 1st send me questions by any form of communication about melee, and i'll go reaaalllll in deep with them, and release the answers as a sub chapter on July 6th. Or if that's not a thing people want i'll just go to chapter 4 which was my all time all star team I think
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: Zzehth on June 21, 2017, 06:11:17 am
Came back to read this.
Damn canadian.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: Risk_ on August 09, 2017, 07:58:25 am
Well fuck. better lock the topic so no one else can critique the chapter!

You only really went into detail on the 1v2 and 2v1 :/
this note, I've decided I'm going to make a chapter 3.5 which will take on a different form. The biggest challenge with writing this is what to talk about. I can go into detail about 3v2's, but, like, what's the relevancy? and how much do I even write? So, instead of me taking wild stabs and hoping you like it, you're going to tell me what to write - as in, you ask me questions. From today till July 1st send me questions by any form of communication about melee, and i'll go reaaalllll in deep with them, and release the answers as a sub chapter on July 6th. Or if that's not a thing people want i'll just go to chapter 4 which was my all time all star team I think

are you still doing it Theo?
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: Dan the Seagull Chef on September 19, 2017, 07:15:05 am
Well fuck. better lock the topic so no one else can critique the chapter!

You only really went into detail on the 1v2 and 2v1 :/
this note, I've decided I'm going to make a chapter 3.5 which will take on a different form. The biggest challenge with writing this is what to talk about. I can go into detail about 3v2's, but, like, what's the relevancy? and how much do I even write? So, instead of me taking wild stabs and hoping you like it, you're going to tell me what to write - as in, you ask me questions. From today till July 1st send me questions by any form of communication about melee, and i'll go reaaalllll in deep with them, and release the answers as a sub chapter on July 6th. Or if that's not a thing people want i'll just go to chapter 4 which was my all time all star team I think

are you still doing it Theo?
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: Superbad on September 19, 2017, 07:33:43 am
Theodin making a book of melee is like me making a book of melee.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: Fwuffy on September 19, 2017, 07:34:17 am
Theodin making a book of melee is like me making a book of melee.
but ur rly good
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: Theodin on September 19, 2017, 02:56:30 pm
Theodin making a book of melee is like me making a book of melee.
but ur rly good
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: LiquidSkorpion on September 19, 2017, 04:18:39 pm
Well fuck. better lock the topic so no one else can critique the chapter!

You only really went into detail on the 1v2 and 2v1 :/
this note, I've decided I'm going to make a chapter 3.5 which will take on a different form. The biggest challenge with writing this is what to talk about. I can go into detail about 3v2's, but, like, what's the relevancy? and how much do I even write? So, instead of me taking wild stabs and hoping you like it, you're going to tell me what to write - as in, you ask me questions. From today till July 1st send me questions by any form of communication about melee, and i'll go reaaalllll in deep with them, and release the answers as a sub chapter on July 6th. Or if that's not a thing people want i'll just go to chapter 4 which was my all time all star team I think
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: Dan the Seagull Chef on September 19, 2017, 05:17:10 pm
Theo is an autistic savant
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: Theodin on September 19, 2017, 06:57:10 pm
Theo is an autistic savant
I guess if NW is on life support I better finish this shiz
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: The Predurrdurr on December 10, 2017, 11:34:32 pm
Theo is an autistic savant
I guess if NW is on life support I better finish this shiz

what did you say about finishing it?
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: LiquidSkorpion on December 10, 2017, 11:41:07 pm
Theo is an autistic savant
I guess if NW is on life support I better finish this shiz

what did you say about finishing it?
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: Sleek on December 11, 2017, 12:03:35 am
People I couldn't figure out:
Lithios of the 9y
Ghost of the 12th
Who- of the 12th
Coconut of the 12th
Sleek of the 9y

hey thats me
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: Dan the Seagull Chef on December 11, 2017, 12:28:11 am
People I couldn't figure out:
Lithios of the 9y
Ghost of the 12th
Who- of the 12th
Coconut of the 12th
Sleek of the 9y

hey thats me
no it isn't
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: Theodin on December 11, 2017, 04:24:17 pm
why u guys SHAME me like this
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: Sleek on December 11, 2017, 05:18:01 pm
People I couldn't figure out:
Lithios of the 9y
Ghost of the 12th
Who- of the 12th
Coconut of the 12th
Sleek of the 9y

hey thats me
no it isn't

who else would it be dumbo
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: LiquidSkorpion on December 11, 2017, 05:45:51 pm
People I couldn't figure out:
Lithios of the 9y
Ghost of the 12th
Who- of the 12th
Coconut of the 12th
Sleek of the 9y

hey thats me
no it isn't

who else would it be dumbo
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: Dan the Seagull Chef on December 11, 2017, 08:40:56 pm
People I couldn't figure out:
Lithios of the 9y
Ghost of the 12th
Who- of the 12th
Coconut of the 12th
Sleek of the 9y

hey thats me
no it isn't

who else would it be dumbo
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: Rifleman Nicholas on December 13, 2017, 06:41:46 am
I wish to be added to chapter 1
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: Theodin on December 13, 2017, 06:18:28 pm
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: LiquidSkorpion on December 13, 2017, 06:19:39 pm
Finish the book dad
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: Theodin on December 13, 2017, 07:29:05 pm
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: BabyJesus on December 13, 2017, 07:38:05 pm
I’m in this
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: Stroke0fd34th on December 13, 2017, 08:23:51 pm
Finish the book dad

I don't finish events, Theodin doesn't finish books. These are just things the community has to come to terms with.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: Theodin on December 13, 2017, 08:39:36 pm
Finish the book dad

I don't finish events, Theodin doesn't finish books. These are just things the community has to come to terms with.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: Dan the Seagull Chef on December 13, 2017, 08:49:37 pm
I’m in this
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: Lurvy on December 23, 2017, 06:12:02 am
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: LiquidSkorpion on December 23, 2017, 06:53:27 am
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: Theodin on December 23, 2017, 10:40:37 pm
But why
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: |Viper| on December 28, 2017, 04:00:46 pm
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: Windflower on December 28, 2017, 06:31:06 pm
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: BabyJesus on December 28, 2017, 08:21:08 pm
Change title. Chapter 2 wasnt recently released
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee: Chapter Two Recently Released!
Post by: Dan the Seagull Chef on December 28, 2017, 08:50:00 pm
Change title. Chapter 2 wasnt recently released
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on January 07, 2018, 05:16:37 am
Surprise! Chapter four released. That's the end of the book, thanks to everyone who read it, commented, or otherwise engaged in this. This was a hellofa project, but I'm glad I did it. Thanks everyone
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Sleek on January 07, 2018, 05:34:38 am
but russian lost to eu

l m a o ! !  !   !  !!!               ! ! !
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Dan the Seagull Chef on January 07, 2018, 05:35:28 am
I won a duel tournament so I deserve a spot
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on January 07, 2018, 05:42:17 am
but russian lost to eu

l m a o ! !  !   !  !!!               ! ! !
today I clutched a 1v3 vs Waste, Russian, and Yoshie.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Zappy on January 07, 2018, 06:32:48 am
In chapter 2 Moves the EU duel tournament is Xeon vs Evanovic who is considered by many one of the best EU NW players of all time.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Suns on January 11, 2018, 03:41:33 am
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Sgt.Winters on January 11, 2018, 03:54:28 am
I never really noticed Mang being THAT bad at teamplay.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on January 11, 2018, 04:06:21 am
thank u thank u
I never really noticed Mang being THAT bad at teamplay.
boi he would avoid it like the plaugue
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Sgt.Winters on January 11, 2018, 04:12:40 am
thank u thank u
I never really noticed Mang being THAT bad at teamplay.
boi he would avoid it like the plaugue
At least he made up for it by being the best troll to ever grace this game.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on January 11, 2018, 04:19:24 am
thank u thank u
I never really noticed Mang being THAT bad at teamplay.
boi he would avoid it like the plaugue
At least he made up for it by being the best troll to ever grace this game.
Quite so
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Lurvy on January 11, 2018, 04:25:23 am
I never really noticed Mang being THAT bad at teamplay.

Very few people in NA had the ability to completely change a 1v1 alone. He was one of them.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Sgt.Winters on January 11, 2018, 04:39:34 am
I never really noticed Mang being THAT bad at teamplay.

Very few people in NA had the ability to completely change a 1v1 alone. He was one of them.
I do recall a regiment (79th?) losing 5-0 during a NWL match. Mang showed up shortly after and managed to make it 6-4 with around 20 kills.  I guess his individual skill was so high that the mediocre teamwork never really weighed him down.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Jakester on January 11, 2018, 06:13:41 am
I never really noticed Mang being THAT bad at teamplay.

Very few people in NA had the ability to completely change a 1v1 alone. He was one of them.
I do recall a regiment (79th?) losing 5-0 during a NWL match. Mang showed up shortly after and managed to make it 6-4 with around 20 kills.  I guess his individual skill was so high that the mediocre teamwork never really weighed him down.
the math doesn't add up
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on January 11, 2018, 06:22:09 am
I never really noticed Mang being THAT bad at teamplay.

Very few people in NA had the ability to completely change a 1v1 alone. He was one of them.
I do recall a regiment (79th?) losing 5-0 during a NWL match. Mang showed up shortly after and managed to make it 6-4 with around 20 kills.  I guess his individual skill was so high that the mediocre teamwork never really weighed him down.
the math doesn't add up
For the other team I believe

Yeah, Mang was crazy. Actually the clutch king. Round wasn’t safe until he died
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Suns on January 11, 2018, 07:11:09 am
79th vs 92nd, Mang played as "Sockedd" and went 20-2, real game changer for the whole 1v1.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: RussianFury on January 12, 2018, 03:38:19 am
79th vs 92nd, Mang played as "Sockedd" and went 20-2, real game changer for the whole 1v1.
yeah Wang?
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on January 12, 2018, 04:43:47 am
79th vs 92nd, Mang played as "Sockedd" and went 20-2, real game changer for the whole 1v1.
yeah Wang?
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: fireboy on January 12, 2018, 10:46:36 pm
When we were both cav players but dominated as a 2v2 team


Thanks for the mention tho,  also 5hine says this makes his epeen hard
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Sleek on January 12, 2018, 11:42:40 pm
fireboy and shine sucked

they always got lucky bracket

they are trash noobs
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Fartknocker on January 12, 2018, 11:45:43 pm
Can't forget about 11 and 12. Krastinov and Fartknocker were the 63e carriers.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Sleek on January 12, 2018, 11:49:09 pm
where is me and silentman

the best pub of all time
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on January 12, 2018, 11:53:35 pm
When we were both cav players but dominated as a 2v2 team


Thanks for the mention tho,  also 5hine says this makes his epeen hard
Cav players are like EUs in general smarts. Something about NA melee is tainted
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Windflower on January 13, 2018, 12:07:19 am
When we were both cav players but dominated as a 2v2 team


Thanks for the mention tho,  also 5hine says this makes his epeen hard
ur dominant 2v2 lost to me and Pinoy  :-\
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: fireboy on January 13, 2018, 07:00:38 pm
When we were both cav players but dominated as a 2v2 team


Thanks for the mention tho,  also 5hine says this makes his epeen hard
ur dominant 2v2 lost to me and Pinoy  :-\

We also beat #1&2 on the list but u don’t hear about that :/
But yes we lost 2 u nerds and the loss was so embarrassing we retired from 2v2ing forever.

Also who made windcuck community rep might as well make cancerous Matt community rep

And rip Nr8 damn I’ve missed a lot since I barely use these forums anymore
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: LiquidSkorpion on January 13, 2018, 07:08:47 pm
When we were both cav players but dominated as a 2v2 team


Thanks for the mention tho,  also 5hine says this makes his epeen hard
ur dominant 2v2 lost to me and Pinoy  :-\

We also beat #1&2 on the list but u don’t hear about that :/
But yes we lost 2 u nerds and the loss was so embarrassing we retired from 2v2ing forever.

Also who made windcuck community rep might as well make cancerous Matt community rep

And rip Nr8 damn I’ve missed a lot since I barely use these forums anymore
How dead is the 63e firefag
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Fwuffy on January 13, 2018, 07:21:28 pm
ur all bad
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on January 13, 2018, 07:33:43 pm
When we were both cav players but dominated as a 2v2 team


Thanks for the mention tho,  also 5hine says this makes his epeen hard
ur dominant 2v2 lost to me and Pinoy  :-\

We also beat #1&2 on the list but u don’t hear about that :/
But yes we lost 2 u nerds and the loss was so embarrassing we retired from 2v2ing forever.

Also who made windcuck community rep might as well make cancerous Matt community rep

And rip Nr8 damn I’ve missed a lot since I barely use these forums anymore
The # 1 and 2 is weird cause it was like they were unbeaten but not but everyone just says they were unbeaten
The few losses just got swept under the rug
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Windflower on January 13, 2018, 09:20:55 pm
When we were both cav players but dominated as a 2v2 team


Thanks for the mention tho,  also 5hine says this makes his epeen hard
ur dominant 2v2 lost to me and Pinoy  :-\

We also beat #1&2 on the list but u don’t hear about that :/
But yes we lost 2 u nerds and the loss was so embarrassing we retired from 2v2ing forever.

Also who made windcuck community rep might as well make cancerous Matt community rep
Do you want a cookie for that? And I'm glad that we were the ones that retired you legends then. *keks and scoffs at the same time*

Also I thought you were fond of me  :'(
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: fireboy on January 13, 2018, 09:23:17 pm
When we were both cav players but dominated as a 2v2 team


Thanks for the mention tho,  also 5hine says this makes his epeen hard
ur dominant 2v2 lost to me and Pinoy  :-\

We also beat #1&2 on the list but u don’t hear about that :/
But yes we lost 2 u nerds and the loss was so embarrassing we retired from 2v2ing forever.

Also who made windcuck community rep might as well make cancerous Matt community rep
Do you want a cookie for that? And I'm glad that we were the ones that retired you legends then. *keks and scoffs at the same time*

Also I thought you were fond of me  :'(

I am bby it’s just for memes
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Windflower on January 13, 2018, 09:35:43 pm
When we were both cav players but dominated as a 2v2 team


Thanks for the mention tho,  also 5hine says this makes his epeen hard
ur dominant 2v2 lost to me and Pinoy  :-\

We also beat #1&2 on the list but u don’t hear about that :/
But yes we lost 2 u nerds and the loss was so embarrassing we retired from 2v2ing forever.

Also who made windcuck community rep might as well make cancerous Matt community rep
Do you want a cookie for that? And I'm glad that we were the ones that retired you legends then. *keks and scoffs at the same time*

Also I thought you were fond of me  :'(

I am bby it’s just for memes
Haha mine too!! Made you feel bad for the memes, I knew you didn't hate me.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Zzehth on January 13, 2018, 10:20:15 pm
MAE was never beaten lol, I remember we played one ft7. We won like 7-2, maybe thats the "win" (rounds) you're saying lol.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on January 13, 2018, 10:40:09 pm
I never fail to bring Zzehth back from the dead
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Zzehth on January 13, 2018, 10:41:36 pm
I never fail to bring Zzehth back from the dead

What is dead may never die.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Windflower on January 13, 2018, 10:44:11 pm
MAE was never beaten lol,
We also beat #1&2 on the list but u don’t hear about that :/
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Lurvy on January 13, 2018, 10:58:32 pm
Zzehth bless
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Zzehth on January 13, 2018, 11:14:57 pm
MAE was never beaten lol,
We also beat #1&2 on the list but u don’t hear about that :/

Do you actually believe that duo could ever beat us? Pls ...
You never heard about that because it never happened.

Shine and fireboy were a great team and they actually took some rounds but never won a match.

Zzehth bless

Call me Jiren.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Windflower on January 13, 2018, 11:32:18 pm
MAE was never beaten lol,
We also beat #1&2 on the list but u don’t hear about that :/

Do you actually believe that duo could ever beat us? Pls ...
You never heard about that because it never happened.

Shine and fireboy were a great team and they actually took some rounds but never won a match.

Zzehth bless

Call me Jiren.
By Azura, by Azura, by Azura, THE GRAND CHAMPION!
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: fireboy on January 14, 2018, 02:14:14 am
I see i brought Zzehth back from the dead, but yea i  should've been more clearer with my answer we beat them in a couple groupfighting (since this chapter was groupfighting) finals in tournies but not in 2v2, they beat us. Sorry bout the confusion
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on January 14, 2018, 02:21:47 am
I see i brought Zzehth back from the dead, but yea i  should've been more clearer with my answer we beat them in a couple groupfighting (since this chapter was groupfighting) finals in tournies but not in 2v2, they beat us. Sorry bout the confusion
Remember our 3rd place 3v3? <3
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Windflower on January 14, 2018, 02:26:33 am
I see i brought Zzehth back from the dead, but yea i  should've been more clearer with my answer we beat them in a couple groupfighting (since this chapter was groupfighting) finals in tournies but not in 2v2, they beat us. Sorry bout the confusion
Chicken Mastas?

if not

why not
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Lurvy on January 14, 2018, 02:26:45 am
One time on NA1 Mack and Slick protected me while I played my drums. They are the best.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Shine on January 14, 2018, 03:27:09 am
I see i brought Zzehth back from the dead, but yea i  should've been more clearer with my answer we beat them in a couple groupfighting (since this chapter was groupfighting) finals in tournies but not in 2v2, they beat us. Sorry bout the confusion
Chicken Mastas?

if not

why not


glad we're remebered
makes muh dik hard
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Windflower on January 14, 2018, 03:30:52 am
I see i brought Zzehth back from the dead, but yea i  should've been more clearer with my answer we beat them in a couple groupfighting (since this chapter was groupfighting) finals in tournies but not in 2v2, they beat us. Sorry bout the confusion
Chicken Mastas?

if not

why not


glad we're remebered
makes muh dik hard
Chicken Mastas is the most legendary 5v5 team I know, very dominant in Zzehth's GF Tournaments.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Sleek on January 14, 2018, 05:48:06 pm
never forget the best player of all time
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: fireboy on January 15, 2018, 12:43:48 am
I see i brought Zzehth back from the dead, but yea i  should've been more clearer with my answer we beat them in a couple groupfighting (since this chapter was groupfighting) finals in tournies but not in 2v2, they beat us. Sorry bout the confusion
Chicken Mastas?

if not

why not


glad we're remebered
makes muh dik hard
Chicken Mastas is the most legendary 5v5 team I know, very dominant in Zzehth's GF Tournaments.

Yup we were a group of underdogs that beat teams with stacked rosters such as MAE, no one expected a team of plg and 63e to do anything

And yeah Theo never forget the 3v3 <3
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Krastinov on January 29, 2018, 08:15:31 am
Two biggest issues with this is me being labeled as a duelist and not a gfer, also Fireboy is a shit gfer because I dominate him anytime he even looks in my general direction

try again theonoob
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Krastinov on January 29, 2018, 08:21:14 am
Can't forget about 11 and 12. Krastinov and Fartknocker were the 63e carriers.

the unsung heroes, they'll live on our success and contribution but they'll never remember us. Shame
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on January 29, 2018, 03:13:56 pm
Name a better duo than Krastinov and being angry
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Sleek on January 29, 2018, 11:30:46 pm
u cant
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Dan the Seagull Chef on January 29, 2018, 11:43:15 pm
Name a better duo than Krastinov and being angry
Russianfury and being angry
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Krastinov on January 30, 2018, 12:28:52 am
Name a better duo than Krastinov and being angry
Russianfury and being angry

You don't know me well enough if you think Russian can match my rage
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Dan the Seagull Chef on January 30, 2018, 12:33:43 am
Name a better duo than Krastinov and being angry
Russianfury and being angry

You don't know me well enough if you think Russian can match my rage
Russian is like Krakatoa while you're like Mount Vesuvius
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: fireboy on January 30, 2018, 08:41:24 pm
Name a better duo than Krastinov and being a furry
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Krastinov on January 31, 2018, 02:43:47 am
Name a better duo than Krastinov and being a furry

dont talk to me, sub-saharan
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Maple™ on February 01, 2018, 06:57:44 am
under "influence" for krastinov should be my name (I trained him when he was a 63e cad  ;D ;D ;D ;D)
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on February 01, 2018, 03:13:15 pm
You think I’d ever bother editing this
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Sleek on February 01, 2018, 04:24:05 pm
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Sgt.Winters on February 01, 2018, 05:09:37 pm
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on February 01, 2018, 08:12:56 pm
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Krastinov on February 01, 2018, 09:00:23 pm
under "influence" for krastinov should be my name (I trained him when he was a 63e cad  ;D ;D ;D ;D)

i was a 63e cad before you were born
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Oatmeal on February 01, 2018, 10:08:27 pm
ah maple and krastinov, two long time players that I demolished in a ft7. Why am I not on the list???
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: BabyJesus on February 01, 2018, 10:17:56 pm
ah maple and krastinov, two long time players that I demolished in a ft7. Why am I not on the list???
because you’re irrelevant?
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on February 01, 2018, 10:29:48 pm
ah maple and krastinov, two long time players that I demolished in a ft7. Why am I not on the list???
The fact that you called it a “list” tells me you didn’t read the introduction
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Oatmeal on February 01, 2018, 10:30:39 pm
( (

Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Oatmeal on February 01, 2018, 10:39:43 pm
ah maple and krastinov, two long time players that I demolished in a ft7. Why am I not on the list???
The fact that you called it a “list” tells me you didn’t read the introduction
( (
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on February 01, 2018, 11:04:33 pm
then why you here
you're stupid
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: BabyJesus on February 02, 2018, 05:34:44 am
( (

i blow some pretty sick clouds!
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Suns on February 02, 2018, 06:39:23 am
then why you here
you're stupid

he should be somewhere on here, he demolished around 50% of the players on the list within his short period of existence
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: DjOverJoy on February 02, 2018, 06:43:07 am
I was actually taught by zzehth, that's why I have a very similar style to him most of the time
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Dan the Seagull Chef on February 02, 2018, 08:34:52 am
I was actually taught by zzehth, that's why I have a very similar style to him most of the time
You're easier than hawkince lol
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Stroke0fd34th on February 02, 2018, 03:36:03 pm
then why you here
you're stupid

he should be somewhere on here, he demolished around 50% of the players on the list within his short period of existence

I'm pretty sure the only people he's beaten from the 'list' is Maple and Krastinov, he also got demolished by AsianP.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on February 02, 2018, 04:51:27 pm
That’s it, if your ego is greater than your ability to reason/read you’re banned from this thread

I was actually taught by zzehth, that's why I have a very similar style to him most of the time
That’s something I didn’t know, but it makes a lot of sense... I remember you telling me once that you didn’t want to have to use fancy shit to win, just the “basics” at a high level
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: LiquidSkorpion on February 02, 2018, 04:59:43 pm
It's a good list Theo
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Glenn on February 02, 2018, 05:11:27 pm
Top 10 number 10 week 2 and I’m not on the list  :o
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Oatmeal on February 02, 2018, 05:12:02 pm
then why you here
you're stupid

he should be somewhere on here, he demolished around 50% of the players on the list within his short period of existence

I'm pretty sure the only people he's beaten from the 'list' is Maple and Krastinov, he also got demolished by AsianP.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on February 02, 2018, 05:14:33 pm
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Sleek on February 02, 2018, 05:58:58 pm
where's the list, I don't see me or it
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Stroke0fd34th on February 02, 2018, 07:40:43 pm
That’s it, if your ego is greater than your ability to reason/read you’re banned from this thread

I was actually taught by zzehth, that's why I have a very similar style to him most of the time
That’s something I didn’t know, but it makes a lot of sense... I remember you telling me once that you didn’t want to have to use fancy shit to win, just the “basics” at a high level

It's a list of players. It's not a skill ranking.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Windflower on February 02, 2018, 07:45:27 pm
I wanna see AsianP vs KnightOfStJohn 2 pls
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on February 02, 2018, 08:23:47 pm
That’s it, if your ego is greater than your ability to reason/read you’re banned from this thread

I was actually taught by zzehth, that's why I have a very similar style to him most of the time
That’s something I didn’t know, but it makes a lot of sense... I remember you telling me once that you didn’t want to have to use fancy shit to win, just the “basics” at a high level

It's a list of players. It's not a skill ranking.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Krastinov on February 02, 2018, 09:24:21 pm
Oatmeal won because I was fighting ironically, remember that Oatmeal. I destroyed your master aka Suns twice in a row, don't make me increase my power usage from 0.5%  to 0.6%.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Sleek on February 02, 2018, 10:30:12 pm
where's the list, I don't see me or it

Where's the skill ranking
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Dan the Seagull Chef on February 02, 2018, 10:31:33 pm
where's the list, I don't see me or it

Where's the skill ranking
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Sleek on February 02, 2018, 10:41:45 pm
where's the list, I don't see me or it

Where's the skill ranking

ok thanks
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on February 02, 2018, 11:16:50 pm
Ur a 10 in my heart Sleek
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Dan the Seagull Chef on February 03, 2018, 12:27:09 am
The disrespect
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: LiquidSkorpion on February 03, 2018, 01:24:16 am
The disrespect
The gall of this man
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Lurvy on February 03, 2018, 01:35:38 am
It's an okay list.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: BabyJesus on February 03, 2018, 08:50:33 am
My playstyle just makes me think I am the best average player to touch this game
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Stroke0fd34th on February 03, 2018, 06:26:19 pm
My playstyle just makes me think I am the best average player to touch this game

You are by far the best average player to touch this game.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Moraine on February 03, 2018, 07:08:50 pm
Yawn who reads
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Oatmeal on February 03, 2018, 07:38:58 pm
My review:

Okay before I get started I have to say I personally hesitated a lot before reading this list. I had heard too many bad reviews and was weary of the author’s fetish for good group fighters. I feel this list was comprised of all high tier meleers, and not the glorious leaders of nw. I think because of this the list as a whole lacks cohesion. To end my review I leave you with a quote: “Some men get the world, some men get ex-hookers and a trip to Arizona. You’re in with the former, but my God I don’t envy the blood on your conscience.” - L.A. Confidential, James Ellroy

-Oatmeal, author, father, lover and friend
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on February 03, 2018, 10:26:56 pm
If only I valued your opinions
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: ~NickCole~ on February 04, 2018, 10:06:33 am
Theo you should make a list of the best mid players of all time!
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on February 04, 2018, 05:50:21 pm

Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: ~NickCole~ on February 04, 2018, 05:55:55 pm

How could you forget me, oatmeme, and purplish!!!
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Sleek on February 04, 2018, 06:21:47 pm


Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Krastinov on February 04, 2018, 07:00:02 pm


he said best, not worst
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Moraine on February 04, 2018, 07:13:18 pm
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on February 04, 2018, 07:35:41 pm
Fixed don’t worry!!!!
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Shine on February 05, 2018, 06:09:53 am
hey theo could you say something so my e-peen gets harder

Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on February 05, 2018, 06:41:49 am
Ur in my 10 groupfighters of all time chill
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Maple™ on February 05, 2018, 07:56:25 am
u forgot me ?
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Moraine on February 05, 2018, 06:45:58 pm
u forgot me ?
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on June 02, 2018, 12:19:42 am

Postscript: The Problem with Lists
Why lists are always going to be flawed: a breakdown
Another day, another list that people find flaws in. Perhaps the most consistent aspect of melee lists is the varied nature of rankings - and the disagreement that will always come with it. The most likely scenario, then is not that we merely need to find the right rankings, or assuming that there is a “right” rankings. Instead, it’s that melee lists will always be controversial and flawed for at least 5 reasons:

1. The impact of a frag
2. The intangibles - IQ, teamplay, communication
3. External stressors
4. Technical limitations
5. Lack of statistics beyond KD’s

   Frag impact: It is often, but not always the case, that first picks in groupfights are important and impactful frags. It is often the case, too, that getting two kills in a 1v5 but losing the clutch is not an example of useful or impactful frags. As well, fragging fluctuates based upon where you are in the groupfight, who you’re with, and the quality of the opposite team. Importantly, none of these are factored into groupfighting rankings! How much of anyone’s kills are impactful? If that question can’t be answered, then the only quantifiable variable that can be taken into account is itself not even as solid of a measure of rating as it often is taken as.

   How do you measure someone’s groupfighting IQ against another person? How do you rank teamplay between players? How important is the quality of communication impactful or measureable? None of these factors are (yet!) measurable, and yet supposedly are taken into account when discussing rating. One of groupfighting’s most important tenants, awareness, is not something that you can measure or statistically analyze in any meaningful way, so to assign a number to someone’s groupfighting skill without being able to assign a number to someone's groupfighting awareness is deeply problematic.

   Ever had cold fingers or stress affect gameplay? How about being yelled at by a family member? If the effect on performance in more commonplace activities can’t be accurately measured by scientists, how is it even remotely possible to have any sense on how external stressors affect NW gameplay? It seems like a significant variable to control for, but since it can’t even be calculated, it certainly can’t be controlled for.

   There has been many documented cases of increased fps or a better computer having a positive on gameplay, but there has also been cases of players overcoming technical limitation. So, how much does this variable factor into melee rankings? I certainly can’t tell you.

   Often people gripe about the possibility of assists being calculated in NW. That highlights an important problem - only two statistics are measured by the game: kills and deaths. Somehow list makers extrapolate many different statistics (usefulness, tactics, etc) from a game that only calculates kills and deaths. Perhaps a reason why lists vary between people is that they all use different criteria, and none of them have an agreed upon statistical footing. Until stats like KAST, RWS or something to that affect are able to calculated in NW, getting a picture of a players impact is going to be purely a personal opinion.

   In conclusion, lists are bunk, and we really should stop this charade that lists are realistic in any way.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Dan the Seagull Chef on June 02, 2018, 12:25:13 am
76 - Theodin
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on June 02, 2018, 12:30:46 am
76 - Theodin
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Maple™ on June 02, 2018, 12:39:08 am
theodink at it again with GFing IQ
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Dan the Seagull Chef on June 02, 2018, 12:57:27 am
76 - Theodin
54 - Theodin
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: BabyJesus on July 07, 2018, 05:22:42 am
When’s the update?
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on July 07, 2018, 06:12:19 am
When’s the update?
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: ~NickCole~ on July 07, 2018, 09:51:33 am
When’s the update?
Basically when Bannerlord comes out
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Stroke0fd34th on July 07, 2018, 06:34:47 pm
When’s the update?
Basically when Bannerlord comes out

6 years before actually.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Yvrul on July 25, 2019, 08:33:11 pm
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Fartknocker on July 25, 2019, 08:56:35 pm
Looking forward to the sequel.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: |Viper| on July 25, 2019, 08:58:09 pm
You had to do it.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: BabyJesus on July 25, 2019, 11:44:59 pm
Flashback to when Theo thought I was a duelist inspired by zzehth
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Fartknocker on July 26, 2019, 12:43:42 am
Flashback to when Theo thought I was a duelist inspired by zzehth

A duelist inspired by the second best groupfighter of all time lmao
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Hawkince on July 26, 2019, 01:25:10 am
Flashback to when Theo thought I was a duelist inspired by zzehth

A duelist inspired by the second best groupfighter of all time lmao

no wonder he's bad at both
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Zzehth on July 29, 2019, 08:08:30 pm
Flashback to when Theo thought I was a duelist inspired by zzehth

Everyone was inspired by my magnificence.

Flashback to when Theo thought I was a duelist inspired by zzehth
A duelist inspired by the second best groupfighter of all time lmao

My son, come to me.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Superbad on July 29, 2019, 08:11:05 pm
I remember when Zzehth and I played on 12th's server and we took the arena map, split it in half and ran a "country".

I also remember when Zzehth showed me a super defensive style to use super late at night.

I remember when Jackie went to NA Zzehth abandoned me for him like some whore who was replaced.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Zzehth on July 29, 2019, 08:14:41 pm
I remember when Zzehth and I played on 12th's server and we took the arena map, split it in half and ran a "country".

I also remember when Zzehth showed me a super defensive style to use super late at night.

I remember when Jackie went to NA Zzehth abandoned me for him like some whore who was replaced.

Actually, you were part of the few people I actually respected. Great times Superbad, and I never replaced you lol, you were always in my heart.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Superbad on July 29, 2019, 08:18:22 pm
I remember when Zzehth and I played on 12th's server and we took the arena map, split it in half and ran a "country".

I also remember when Zzehth showed me a super defensive style to use super late at night.

I remember when Jackie went to NA Zzehth abandoned me for him like some whore who was replaced.

Actually, you were part of the few people I actually respected. Great times Superbad, and I never replaced you lol, you were always in my heart.

 :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Sgt.Winters on May 19, 2020, 12:20:55 am
Decided to finally read this after finding it in storage while cleaning the garage. Very solid and the writing prose is reminiscent of Tolstoy and Aligheri. I gave it a 8 on Goodreads. Would recommend as essential reading for students 8th grade and above. Do you think you could follow up with in-depth perspective on groupfighting-line movements and the possible link between up-down timing and age differences among competitive players?
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Fartknocker on May 19, 2020, 01:19:22 am
Decided to finally read this after finding it in storage while cleaning the garage. Very solid and the writing prose is reminiscent of Tolstoy and Aligheri. I gave it a 8 on Goodreads. Would recommend as essential reading for students 8th grade and above. Do you think you could follow up with in-depth perspective on groupfighting-line movements and the possible link between up-down timing and age differences among competitive players?
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on May 19, 2020, 06:19:45 am
Decided to finally read this after finding it in storage while cleaning the garage. Very solid and the writing prose is reminiscent of Tolstoy and Aligheri. I gave it a 8 on Goodreads. Would recommend as essential reading for students 8th grade and above. Do you think you could follow up with in-depth perspective on groupfighting-line movements and the possible link between up-down timing and age differences among competitive players?
This isn't already essential literature in your local high school?
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Kristine on May 19, 2020, 06:40:56 am
Decided to finally read this after finding it in storage while cleaning the garage. Very solid and the writing prose is reminiscent of Tolstoy and Aligheri. I gave it a 8 on Goodreads. Would recommend as essential reading for students 8th grade and above. Do you think you could follow up with in-depth perspective on groupfighting-line movements and the possible link between up-down timing and age differences among competitive players?
Age differences would be really interesting.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Fartknocker on May 19, 2020, 06:54:48 am
Decided to finally read this after finding it in storage while cleaning the garage. Very solid and the writing prose is reminiscent of Tolstoy and Aligheri. I gave it a 8 on Goodreads. Would recommend as essential reading for students 8th grade and above. Do you think you could follow up with in-depth perspective on groupfighting-line movements and the possible link between up-down timing and age differences among competitive players?
Age differences would be really interesting.

Kristine is one of the best 11 year olds of all time on NW thats for sure
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: ShintoSkookum on May 19, 2020, 08:32:02 am
Decided to finally read this after finding it in storage while cleaning the garage. Very solid and the writing prose is reminiscent of Tolstoy and Aligheri. I gave it a 8 on Goodreads. Would recommend as essential reading for students 8th grade and above. Do you think you could follow up with in-depth perspective on groupfighting-line movements and the possible link between up-down timing and age differences among competitive players?
Age differences would be really interesting.

Kristine is one of the best 11 year olds of all time on NW thats for sure
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Hawkince on May 19, 2020, 09:17:52 am
Decided to finally read this after finding it in storage while cleaning the garage. Very solid and the writing prose is reminiscent of Tolstoy and Aligheri. I gave it a 8 on Goodreads. Would recommend as essential reading for students 8th grade and above. Do you think you could follow up with in-depth perspective on groupfighting-line movements and the possible link between up-down timing and age differences among competitive players?
Age differences would be really interesting.

Kristine is one of the best 11 year olds of all time on NW thats for sure

or johngamer2008 if he was born after 5/19/2008 12:17 Pacific
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: JollyCanadian on May 23, 2020, 12:53:48 am
don't diss johngamer2009 that man is a godtier
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Stroke0fd34th on May 23, 2020, 01:10:29 am
don't diss johngamer2009 that man is a godtier
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on May 23, 2020, 05:09:50 am
don't diss johngamer2009 that man is a godtier
The truth
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Fartknocker on May 23, 2020, 05:14:18 am
Pat is the GOAT squeaker on NA.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on August 22, 2020, 08:07:02 am
If I were to update this.. I’d replace Chev and Coconut with Yoshie and Jaax. In the relatively short span of time they’ve been around they have both dominated and innovated. Both are top 10 all time for me
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Hawkince on August 22, 2020, 11:16:33 am
review: this is cringe
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: |Viper| on August 22, 2020, 05:03:30 pm
If I were to update this.. I’d replace Chev and Coconut with Yoshie and Jaax. In the relatively short span of time they’ve been around they have both dominated and innovated. Both are top 10 all time for me
Cwater, Anthony, Rune, myself? There’s more than just them two, but they deserve it.

Also, I’m willing to say top players from 2012-2014 are different from top players 2020. I just think it’s best to separate the top players from each generation because let’s be real.. they’re all pretty different skill wise.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Cytiuz on August 22, 2020, 06:25:20 pm
If I were to update this.. I’d replace Chev and Coconut with Yoshie and Jaax. In the relatively short span of time they’ve been around they have both dominated and innovated. Both are top 10 all time for me
Cwater, Anthony, Rune, myself? There’s more than just them two, but they deserve it.

Also, I’m willing to say top players from 2012-2014 are different from top players 2020. I just think it’s best to separate the top players from each generation because let’s be real.. they’re all pretty different skill wise.
Everything has changed in that span. It would take time from anyone in 2012 to just come back in compete in 2020. Comparing them is like comparing apples to oranges.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: ~NickCole~ on August 22, 2020, 06:39:12 pm
If I were to update this.. I’d replace Chev and Coconut with Yoshie and Jaax. In the relatively short span of time they’ve been around they have both dominated and innovated. Both are top 10 all time for me
The disrespect on Chev is unreal
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on August 22, 2020, 07:49:30 pm
If I were to update this.. I’d replace Chev and Coconut with Yoshie and Jaax. In the relatively short span of time they’ve been around they have both dominated and innovated. Both are top 10 all time for me
The disrespect on Chev is unreal
Ain’t no disrespect to Chev. He was my biggest influence in terms of play style. But the Yosh man and Jaax have been absolutely dominant in the past 3-4 years. And with such a steep learning curve too.

If I were to update this.. I’d replace Chev and Coconut with Yoshie and Jaax. In the relatively short span of time they’ve been around they have both dominated and innovated. Both are top 10 all time for me
Cwater, Anthony, Rune, myself? There’s more than just them two, but they deserve it.

Also, I’m willing to say top players from 2012-2014 are different from top players 2020. I just think it’s best to separate the top players from each generation because let’s be real.. they’re all pretty different skill wise.
All quality players at the top of the scene rn. But to say top 10 all time I just can’t back. Top 10 in new gen era tho.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Wastee on August 22, 2020, 08:24:40 pm
slept on since 2013 lesgo
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Runepkyz on August 22, 2020, 08:44:22 pm
I dont think most of old people that dont play anymore are top 10 all time anymore. I think most of them are in the "New Gen Era".
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Fartknocker on August 22, 2020, 09:14:29 pm
Cwater is a more dominant duelist than Jaax is a dominant groupfighter. I could see an argument for him even tho he also has only been good for a little while compared to some other people.

Jaax is the boy tho too man is a beast.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Pickle on August 22, 2020, 09:20:30 pm
cwater is the second best player in Maine
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on August 22, 2020, 09:51:21 pm
Cwater is a more dominant duelist than Jaax is a dominant groupfighter. I could see an argument for him even tho he also has only been good for a little while compared to some other people.

Jaax is the boy tho too man is a beast.
Yea but I did a top 10 groupfighters not duelists
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: RussianFury on August 22, 2020, 10:06:28 pm
Time for an update theodin. You don't do anything anyways but die on Mordhau.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Hawkince on August 22, 2020, 10:38:49 pm
jaax do be gaming doe 😳😳😳
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on August 22, 2020, 10:46:29 pm
Time for an update theodin. You don't do anything anyways but die on Mordhau.
this is a personal attack
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: ~NickCole~ on August 22, 2020, 11:09:28 pm
If I were to update this.. I’d replace Chev and Coconut with Yoshie and Jaax. In the relatively short span of time they’ve been around they have both dominated and innovated. Both are top 10 all time for me
The disrespect on Chev is unreal
Ain’t no disrespect to Chev. He was my biggest influence in terms of play style. But the Yosh man and Jaax have been absolutely dominant in the past 3-4 years. And with such a steep learning curve too.
So we ain't gonna act like people can live longer now then back then because of tanking?
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Yvrul on August 23, 2020, 12:25:19 am
I am the best
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Sgt.Winters on August 23, 2020, 12:33:01 am
I have no idea what I'm doing
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Sleek on August 23, 2020, 02:41:00 am
How could you not figure out my play style
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on August 23, 2020, 02:57:42 am
How could you not figure out my play style
yes i saw that i realize you just block lots
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Jaax on August 24, 2020, 02:56:51 am
Why do I have to be so talented and good looking gawd damn
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Hawkince on August 24, 2020, 03:47:30 am
Why do I have to be so talented and good looking gawd damn

he do be gaming doe
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Fartknocker on August 24, 2020, 07:10:02 am
Why do I have to be so talented and good looking gawd damn

he do be gaming doe
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Wastee on August 24, 2020, 09:58:13 am
Why do I have to be so talented and good looking gawd damn

he do be gaming doe
lg 4 lyfe my dawg
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Hawkince on August 24, 2020, 10:06:41 am
Why do I have to be so talented and good looking gawd damn

he do be gaming doe
lg 4 lyfe my dawg

bro you just posted cringe
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: sidney crosby on August 24, 2020, 06:11:31 pm
more old gen propaganda
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Stroke0fd34th on August 24, 2020, 11:25:48 pm
Why do I have to be so talented and good looking gawd damn

he do be gaming doe
lg 4 lyfe my dawg

bro you just posted cringe
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Wastee on August 25, 2020, 02:11:13 am
stop attacking me
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Fartknocker on August 25, 2020, 03:23:16 am
stop attacking me

You gonna say that to the other inmates when you finally get the justice you deserve? #GetWasteOffTheStreets #CleanTheStreetsOfWaste
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: RussianFury on August 25, 2020, 03:27:03 am
stop attacking me

You gonna say that to the other inmates when you finally get the justice you deserve? #GetWasteOffTheStreets #CleanTheStreetsOfWaste
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on August 25, 2020, 03:28:23 am
stop attacking me

You gonna say that to the other inmates when you finally get the justice you deserve? #GetWasteOffTheStreets #CleanTheStreetsOfWaste
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: RussianFury on August 25, 2020, 03:29:23 am
stop attacking me

You gonna say that to the other inmates when you finally get the justice you deserve? #GetWasteOffTheStreets #CleanTheStreetsOfWaste
update your book or i won't tell you wastes secret.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on August 25, 2020, 03:46:13 am
looks like his secret will stay buried forever
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Wastee on August 25, 2020, 04:25:06 am
wait what's the secret
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: fireboy on August 25, 2020, 07:15:31 pm
The secret is that Waste was on Epstein’s island
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Maple™ on September 12, 2020, 07:14:31 am
maple 7 - 0 risk
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Fwuffy on September 12, 2020, 10:51:13 am
+rep better than drake book
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Zzehth on May 31, 2021, 10:40:34 pm
Warning: this topic has not been posted in for at least 120 days.
Unless you're sure you want to reply, please consider starting a new topic.

Dont tell me what to do, damn fse.

Where is the drama here?
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: BabyJesus on May 31, 2021, 10:51:14 pm
I wonder if this will ever get updated
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: RussianFury on May 31, 2021, 10:56:03 pm
Theo said this will never be updated again.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: BabyJesus on May 31, 2021, 10:57:28 pm
Theo said this will never be updated again.
theo lied to you
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on May 31, 2021, 11:09:00 pm
Theo said this will never be updated again.
Sorry CR says I can’t update it guess I can’t update it
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: BabyJesus on May 31, 2021, 11:32:05 pm
Theo said this will never be updated again.
Sorry CR says I can’t update it guess I can’t update it
no where does it say you can’t update it
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: JollyCanadian on May 31, 2021, 11:35:37 pm
Theo said this will never be updated again.
Sorry CR says I can’t update it guess I can’t update it
no where does it say you can’t update it
In his work contract! He's a big boy in a Big boy office
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: RussianFury on May 31, 2021, 11:49:07 pm
Theo said this will never be updated again.
Sorry CR says I can’t update it guess I can’t update it
Update this or I won't share my cities skylines cities with you.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on June 01, 2021, 02:55:00 am
Theo said this will never be updated again.
Sorry CR says I can’t update it guess I can’t update it
Update this or I won't share my cities skylines cities with you.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Moraine on June 01, 2021, 05:40:24 am
theodin the best mid player NA
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Fartknocker on June 01, 2021, 02:34:21 pm
theodin the best mid player NA

He’s a close second
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Ceedoy on July 21, 2021, 07:29:14 am
when will there be a sequel? )
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Yoshiee on July 25, 2021, 08:10:33 am
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: LEVIS on July 25, 2021, 03:37:50 pm
yoshie book of melee when?
Let him ask his step-dad
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on July 26, 2021, 02:07:03 am
tbh the only argument for a sequel is people like you who are all time players, but in this era i didn't pay attention like i did when i wrote this, and so therefore anything i could write would be trite and lack the accuracy required
all I can do is say that you, Cwater and Jaax showed tremendous technical skill and elite level game understanding and I have maybe like 2-3 players above you all time
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: RussianFury on July 26, 2021, 02:48:08 am
tbh the only argument for a sequel is people like you who are all time players, but in this era i didn't pay attention like i did when i wrote this, and so therefore anything i could write would be trite and lack the accuracy required
all I can do is say that you, Cwater and Jaax showed tremendous technical skill and elite level game understanding and I have maybe like 2-3 players above you all time
They just want to see it to be reaffirmed of their beliefs.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: |Viper| on July 26, 2021, 04:51:43 am
tbh the only argument for a sequel is people like you who are all time players, but in this era i didn't pay attention like i did when i wrote this, and so therefore anything i could write would be trite and lack the accuracy required
all I can do is say that you, Cwater and Jaax showed tremendous technical skill and elite level game understanding and I have maybe like 2-3 players above you all time
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on July 26, 2021, 05:25:15 am
tbh the only argument for a sequel is people like you who are all time players, but in this era i didn't pay attention like i did when i wrote this, and so therefore anything i could write would be trite and lack the accuracy required
all I can do is say that you, Cwater and Jaax showed tremendous technical skill and elite level game understanding and I have maybe like 2-3 players above you all time
They just want to see it to be reaffirmed of their beliefs.
Don’t we all
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Cytiuz on July 26, 2021, 06:33:43 am
You forgot to include the turk-kick list.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on July 27, 2021, 02:15:45 am
You forgot to include the turk-kick list.
game mistakes aren't a skill
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Fartknocker on July 27, 2021, 05:03:06 am
You forgot to include the turk-kick list.
game mistakes aren't a skill

I thought chambers were a game mistake
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: KillerShark on July 27, 2021, 02:08:33 pm
You forgot to include the turk-kick list.
game mistakes aren't a skill

I thought chambers were a game mistake
No. Stun chambers and Stun blocks are tho
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Coldstreamer on July 28, 2021, 02:08:29 am
Any chance you have a pdf version of this?
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on July 28, 2021, 03:43:30 am
Any chance you have a pdf version of this?
ah... no
but you can copy paste it all into a doc if u want lol
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Maple™ on July 28, 2021, 10:58:14 am
do you have this on 8.5 x 11 printer paper double spaced black ink?
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: BillTheButcher on July 29, 2021, 04:14:02 am
How is the king of NW not this top gfing list when I topfragged more than anyone by far  throughout late 2014-2016 in gfa 1vs1 and on na gf, oh right another meaningless biased list made by a cawk sucka
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Hawkince on July 29, 2021, 04:27:03 am
How is the king of NW not this top gfing list when I topfragged more than anyone by far  throughout late 2014-2016 in gfa 1vs1 and on na gf, oh right another meaningless biased list made by a cawk sucka
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on July 29, 2021, 05:38:51 am
How is the king of NW not this top gfing list when I topfragged more than anyone by far  throughout late 2014-2016 in gfa 1vs1 and on na gf, oh right another meaningless biased list made by a cawk sucka
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on October 09, 2021, 05:28:58 am
I’m working on a cool new stat that combines different elements of statistical performance into a neat lil number for each person. I’ll do a whole post breaking it down but it seems to be consistent over a bunch of leagues so I’m pretty excited about it

If anyone except Waste (whose data has been essential tyvm) has any leaderboards from previous group fighting leagues I would very much appreciate taking a look at them!
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Wastee on October 09, 2021, 08:47:21 am
I’m working on a cool new stat that combines different elements of statistical performance into a neat lil number for each person. I’ll do a whole post breaking it down but it seems to be consistent over a bunch of leagues so I’m pretty excited about it

If anyone except Waste (whose data has been essential tyvm) has any leaderboards from previous group fighting leagues I would very much appreciate taking a look at them!
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: sidney crosby on October 09, 2021, 06:09:27 pm
I’m working on a cool new stat that combines different elements of statistical performance into a neat lil number for each person. I’ll do a whole post breaking it down but it seems to be consistent over a bunch of leagues so I’m pretty excited about it

If anyone except Waste (whose data has been essential tyvm) has any leaderboards from previous group fighting leagues I would very much appreciate taking a look at them!
does your stat include all the tournaments you and waste cheated in?
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: sidney crosby on October 09, 2021, 06:10:22 pm
mickey mouse book mickey mouse stats
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Cytiuz on October 09, 2021, 06:28:06 pm
I’m working on a cool new stat that combines different elements of statistical performance into a neat lil number for each person. I’ll do a whole post breaking it down but it seems to be consistent over a bunch of leagues so I’m pretty excited about it

If anyone except Waste (whose data has been essential tyvm) has any leaderboards from previous group fighting leagues I would very much appreciate taking a look at them!
does your stat include all the tournaments you and waste cheated in?
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Fartknocker on October 09, 2021, 08:12:44 pm
Theodin is bringing Moneyball to NW lmao

Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on October 09, 2021, 08:45:47 pm
I’m working on a cool new stat that combines different elements of statistical performance into a neat lil number for each person. I’ll do a whole post breaking it down but it seems to be consistent over a bunch of leagues so I’m pretty excited about it

If anyone except Waste (whose data has been essential tyvm) has any leaderboards from previous group fighting leagues I would very much appreciate taking a look at them!
does your stat include all the tournaments you and waste cheated in?
I don’t think you’d want those leagues included

Assuming you’re talking about WPC it’s format is not great and the team balance was obviously out of whack so it’s not a good sample
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Mexican on October 09, 2021, 10:12:49 pm
The only stat that matters is ping xd
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: BabyJesus on October 09, 2021, 11:12:12 pm
The only stat that matters is ping xd
higher ping=better auto
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Hawkince on October 09, 2021, 11:54:52 pm
Theodin is bringing Moneyball to NW lmao


he gets on base
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Yvrul on October 11, 2021, 01:48:10 am
Bill never won a tournament till he played with me.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on October 11, 2021, 06:01:33 am
Ever heard of WAR?

Wins Above Replacement (WAR) is a stat used in Baseball and Basketball to measure how many "wins" a team would have with a player opposed to another player at replacement level. Often players are judged by their KDs to evaluate impact, but I believe that KD is just one factor in total impact - and so I considered combining other statistical elements to see whether players were being valued fairly through the stats combined.

The methodology is simple - thanks to Waste's leaderboards that track KD, First Bloods and Score we have three separate but equally important statistics on which to measure players.

Take a statline like Risk's, for example, and calculate his WAR:


A 1.13 KDR, 1.10 First Bloods Ratio (FBR), and 215.4 score. So let's multiply them all together - 215.4*1.13*1.10 = 267.74. We could end here, but we'd be working with some pretty hefty numbers, and WAR is usually expressed as a number between 0-10. So to get those big numbers down to numbers we can work with in terms of WAR we divide the final total - 267.75 - by the number of players who've played in a match this season, which is 64. This (267.74/64) brings us down to a manageable 4.2.

Waste has done all the calculations for everyone who has played in James's 6v6 draft league - leaderboards can be found here ( - and found the averages over the league as a reference: so far in James's 6v6, the average KDR is 0.98, the average FBR is 0.94, and the average Score is 110.1. This would lead to a league average WAR of 1.58.

Now how do we apply that in terms of scale? Well, this chart identifies the classification of players' WAR scores in Baseball - but I think the ranges vary a bit in NW.

I think of NWs ranges as
0-1 Replacement level
1-2 Utility Player
2-4 Average Starter
4-6 All-Star Level Player
6+ Superstar/MVP caliber

Waste's leaderboards has everyone's WAR scores so far under the Matches tab and the next post will be screenshots of the scores sorted from top to bottom. Lemme know what you think about NW Wins Above Replacement!
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on October 11, 2021, 06:04:36 am
WAR in order

As a long term project I'm going to find the WAR from previous seasons of draft leagues that were 5v5+ and had the BO3 system to create one big bank for WAR scores. So if you happen to have any leaderboards that Waste doesn't pls lemme know!

Thanks to Waste and Russian for the help with this one - and especially to Waste for his stats and spreadsheets!
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: RussianFury on October 11, 2021, 06:09:23 am
Theodin is bringing Moneyball to NW lmao

Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Fartknocker on October 11, 2021, 06:36:05 am
Utility player? I’ll take it.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Hawkince on October 11, 2021, 07:30:06 am

Sorry cwater the numbers don't lie

Kapow gets on base
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Cwater on October 11, 2021, 08:02:49 am

Sorry cwater the numbers don't lie

Kapow gets on base

No one can compete with Kumpow chicken
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: No0B on October 11, 2021, 03:06:46 pm

Sorry cwater the numbers don't lie

Kapow gets on base
According to this I am a super star something must be wrong here
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: No0B on October 11, 2021, 03:11:51 pm
Ever heard of WAR?

Wins Above Replacement (WAR) is a stat used in Baseball and Basketball to measure how many "wins" a team would have with a player opposed to another player at replacement level. Often players are judged by their KDs to evaluate impact, but I believe that KD is just one factor in total impact - and so I considered combining other statistical elements to see whether players were being valued fairly through the stats combined.

The methodology is simple - thanks to Waste's leaderboards that track KD, First Bloods and Score we have three separate but equally important statistics on which to measure players.

Take a statline like Risk's, for example, and calculate his WAR:


A 1.13 KDR, 1.10 First Bloods Ratio (FBR), and 215.4 score. So let's multiply them all together - 215.4*1.13*1.10 = 267.74. We could end here, but we'd be working with some pretty hefty numbers, and WAR is usually expressed as a number between 0-10. So to get those big numbers down to numbers we can work with in terms of WAR we divide the final total - 267.75 - by the number of players who've played in a match this season, which is 64. This (267.74/64) brings us down to a manageable 4.2.

Waste has done all the calculations for everyone who has played in James's 6v6 draft league - leaderboards can be found here ( - and found the averages over the league as a reference: so far in James's 6v6, the average KDR is 0.98, the average FBR is 0.94, and the average Score is 110.1. This would lead to a league average WAR of 1.58.

Now how do we apply that in terms of scale? Well, this chart identifies the classification of players' WAR scores in Baseball - but I think the ranges vary a bit in NW.

I think of NWs ranges as
0-1 Replacement level
1-2 Utility Player
2-4 Average Starter
4-6 All-Star Level Player
6+ Superstar/MVP caliber

Waste's leaderboards has everyone's WAR scores so far under the Matches tab and the next post will be screenshots of the scores sorted from top to bottom. Lemme know what you think about NW Wins Above Replacement!

Good idea but clearly needs more tuning I think we should take in consideration total matches played because the less matches you played the more skewed your numbers will be
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on October 11, 2021, 04:07:52 pm
Volume is an interesting wrinkle for this, as lower sample sizes can impact your score but in most cases volume is fairly equal
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: BabyJesus on October 11, 2021, 05:06:16 pm
Just another way to say Theo is bad
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: ~NickCole~ on October 11, 2021, 07:39:14 pm
Kapow is the Michael Jordan of NW
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: LEVIS on October 11, 2021, 08:32:34 pm
Kapow is the Michael Jordan of NW
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Superbad on October 12, 2021, 01:21:28 am
I actually like the idea of a WAR-type stat in NW. I'm gonna guess mine is 0.69
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Runepkyz on October 12, 2021, 02:04:36 am
does this just mean who is likely to give you a chance to win or....?  And are tks also added into this?
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: BabyJesus on October 12, 2021, 02:22:08 am
does this just mean who is likely to give you a chance to win or....?  And are tks also added into this?
it pretty much just adds your score from the leaderboards and your first blood ratio into one stat
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on October 12, 2021, 05:38:13 am
does this just mean who is likely to give you a chance to win or....?  And are tks also added into this?
what babyj says^ it's a more complete statistical picture than just score
also Waste's score includes tks so this does include tks
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: JollyCanadian on October 12, 2021, 05:51:26 am
does this just mean who is likely to give you a chance to win or....?  And are tks also added into this?
what babyj says^ it's a more complete statistical picture than just score
also Waste's score includes tks so this does include tks
Where's my 1 kd hmm
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Xethos on October 12, 2021, 02:59:00 pm
I think if you're going to try to make a value added stat as opposed to another rate stat, you have to figure out the value of a kill, a death and a teamkill. WAR in baseball sort of works because SABR has sat down and figured out how many runs an offensive has to score and how many runs a defense has to . . . not allow? . . . to win a game in a given run environment. SABR figures that, in a 5 run per game environment, a batter needs to produce an extra 10 runs to be worth an extra win. I don't think that's the case for the draft leagues since, unlike baseball, we know exactly how many "points" we need to score to win a single round. In the case of the current league, is 6. I don't think we can easily, with any certainty, accurately assess preventing enemy kills, primarily because we don't track rounds in which a player played and did not die. Even with kills, we can't really do what baseball WAR does, because it ultimately constructs a run expectancy for a plate appearance and assigns every possible outcome a run value. We can't really count opportunities, so we have to basically overvalue opportunities taken to compensate for undervaluing opportunities missed.

I would guess that to set the replacement level, you would have to decide how set a stat line of the supposed replacement player, compare the value of kills and deaths to that replacement player. Again, assessing opportunity is the problem. The closest I can come up with is deaths. That is, set the replacement player's deaths to the player you're evaluating and multiply that by the replacement K/D to get the replacement kills, and you can get teamkills the same way. It's not ideal mainly because it doesn't sufficiently reward players who don't die. It may also be that just guessing for rounds played would be sufficient, especially if nobody is interested outside of the top 15 or 20 players anyway, because the only way top players miss rounds is if they miss the match entirely or their internet cuts out.

I also have absolutely no idea how first bloods factor in, partly because they don't play nicely in the formulas I was fiddling with, and in part because, as far as I know, we don't actually know exactly how valuable a first blood is.

A couple of leagues ago, when I had log access, I was tempted to try to calculate situational win probability. In a 5v3, how often does the team with 5 alive win, and how often the team with 3? If we had win rates for all the permutations of a draft league match, we could calculate kill win probably added. It would just be a matter of giving credit for the change in win expectancy to whoever got the kill and subtracting the same from the player who died. Of course, it would substitute for WAA more than WAR, and I have no idea without trying whether it'd be easier to generate a replacement player for that sort of thing. You'd also get a nice statistical phenomenon where the league would have a negative WPA, because it's possible to cost your own team win expectancy without any player on the other team earning any.

I ended up not doing it because it would have required more set up work than I was prepared to do. Most of the counting could be automated pretty easily, but it still would require extensive log edits to get something to feed into whatever is doing the counting. The resulting stat would still have its problems as well. It would, for example, likely punish a player for after holding multiple enemies while his team came back from an early deficit and then dying compared to a player who, in the same scenario, died instantly. The benefit is that it would reward players who got kills in close rounds and situations more than players who stat padded at the ends of rounds.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: BabyJesus on October 12, 2021, 03:43:14 pm
How does CS calculate their player ratings? That would probably be a more accurate number

This rating was based on the number of kills per round, the survival rate of a player per round, and the amount of multikills a player got, which is known as the impact rating. The higher each of these values are, the higher rating a player would get.

That would be a lot of work
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Dan the Seagull Chef on October 12, 2021, 03:55:37 pm
what is my NW WN8 and efficiency rating? Also how does my WTR and PR factor in?
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Fartknocker on October 13, 2021, 01:33:19 am
what is my NW WN8 and efficiency rating? Also how does my WTR and PR factor in?

My ABC123 rating multiplied by my DEEZ score has given me a great CUM grade.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on October 13, 2021, 05:50:22 am
I think if you're going to try to make a value added stat as opposed to another rate stat, you have to figure out the value of a kill, a death and a teamkill. WAR in baseball sort of works because SABR has sat down and figured out how many runs an offensive has to score and how many runs a defense has to . . . not allow? . . . to win a game in a given run environment. SABR figures that, in a 5 run per game environment, a batter needs to produce an extra 10 runs to be worth an extra win. I don't think that's the case for the draft leagues since, unlike baseball, we know exactly how many "points" we need to score to win a single round. In the case of the current league, is 6. I don't think we can easily, with any certainty, accurately assess preventing enemy kills, primarily because we don't track rounds in which a player played and did not die. Even with kills, we can't really do what baseball WAR does, because it ultimately constructs a run expectancy for a plate appearance and assigns every possible outcome a run value. We can't really count opportunities, so we have to basically overvalue opportunities taken to compensate for undervaluing opportunities missed.

I would guess that to set the replacement level, you would have to decide how set a stat line of the supposed replacement player, compare the value of kills and deaths to that replacement player. Again, assessing opportunity is the problem. The closest I can come up with is deaths. That is, set the replacement player's deaths to the player you're evaluating and multiply that by the replacement K/D to get the replacement kills, and you can get teamkills the same way. It's not ideal mainly because it doesn't sufficiently reward players who don't die. It may also be that just guessing for rounds played would be sufficient, especially if nobody is interested outside of the top 15 or 20 players anyway, because the only way top players miss rounds is if they miss the match entirely or their internet cuts out.

I also have absolutely no idea how first bloods factor in, partly because they don't play nicely in the formulas I was fiddling with, and in part because, as far as I know, we don't actually know exactly how valuable a first blood is.

A couple of leagues ago, when I had log access, I was tempted to try to calculate situational win probability. In a 5v3, how often does the team with 5 alive win, and how often the team with 3? If we had win rates for all the permutations of a draft league match, we could calculate kill win probably added. It would just be a matter of giving credit for the change in win expectancy to whoever got the kill and subtracting the same from the player who died. Of course, it would substitute for WAA more than WAR, and I have no idea without trying whether it'd be easier to generate a replacement player for that sort of thing. You'd also get a nice statistical phenomenon where the league would have a negative WPA, because it's possible to cost your own team win expectancy without any player on the other team earning any.

I ended up not doing it because it would have required more set up work than I was prepared to do. Most of the counting could be automated pretty easily, but it still would require extensive log edits to get something to feed into whatever is doing the counting. The resulting stat would still have its problems as well. It would, for example, likely punish a player for after holding multiple enemies while his team came back from an early deficit and then dying compared to a player who, in the same scenario, died instantly. The benefit is that it would reward players who got kills in close rounds and situations more than players who stat padded at the ends of rounds.
The first iteration of this was actually what you suggested - figuring out the average "replacement" level player and doing WAR minus average WAR. but you're right in all of this - in all of the conversations I had before or after releasing this the consistent topic has been that NW stats suffer from the fact that so little is actually tracked. I was actually thinking the other day about win probability stats, because that would certainly affect the value of a kill!

Also I have always been a vocal opponent of identifying true value with statistics in this game; it's on page 1!

How does CS calculate their player ratings? That would probably be a more accurate number

This rating was based on the number of kills per round, the survival rate of a player per round, and the amount of multikills a player got, which is known as the impact rating. The higher each of these values are, the higher rating a player would get.

That would be a lot of work
kpr is easy, survival rate could actually be determined, and multikills could be too
I could actually do this for a match or two
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on October 14, 2021, 06:17:39 am
If you participated in at least 3 of these 4 leagues - the last 6v6 League, NWCL, NWGL, and NWDL Season 3 - I've calculated your WAR for each of those seasons and your average stats, including your average WAR. I chose those leagues since they're the only BO3 leagues we did I think?

Screenshots of those average WAR scores are in this post. If you want your scores for those leagues lemme know and I'll get you the data! Also if I missed your name pls tell me so I can get it in there!

Average WAR Scores from past 4 leagues

Here's also the top 10 highest WAR scores in those 4 leagues:
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: sidney crosby on October 14, 2021, 07:03:40 am
always knew i was better than yoloswag LOL
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Wastee on October 14, 2021, 07:38:58 am
always knew i was better than yoloswag LOL
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Fartknocker on October 14, 2021, 10:57:59 am
always knew i was better than yoloswag LOL

This is literally backed by statistical analysis. The numbers do not lie.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: RussianFury on October 14, 2021, 03:15:19 pm
always knew i was better than yoloswag LOL

This is literally backed by statistical analysis. The numbers do not lie.
He gets on base.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: sidney crosby on October 14, 2021, 08:38:32 pm
always knew i was better than yoloswag LOL

This is literally backed by statistical analysis. The numbers do not lie.
He gets on base.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on October 15, 2021, 04:29:47 am
always knew i was better than yoloswag LOL
Oatmeal's statline

Yoloswag's statline

That 13.06 season really helped your score - Yolo is mr consistent there

Yolo also gets more first picks but also more first deaths, one of the biggest factors in the 13.06 season was a 3 fbr
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Fartknocker on October 15, 2021, 06:23:27 am
I’ll take the guy with the bigger bat on this one. Give me Oatmeal, the slugger.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on November 19, 2021, 06:30:58 pm
Playoff WAR's! Waste and Yoshie had fantastic playoffs. Waste is my playoff MVP!

Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on January 06, 2022, 12:50:18 am
WAR was a fun attempt at a stat - but it had its issues. So here's the new and improved version:

Average Impact Rating

Two of the biggest issues with the WAR stat were 1) concerns about the effect of sample sizes and 2) dealing with the Score statistic in Waste's leaderboards. AIR deals with both of these problems. Here's how:

Take this hypothetical statline.
AIR takes into consideration three things: KDR, FBR and TKs. The columns labeled ">" and "<" ask whether KDR is greater than FBR and whether FBR is greater than KDR respectively (which is why you can see the FALSE there, as FBR in this case is higher than KDR). Since in this case FBR is higher, the formula adds (FBR/10), which is 0.2, to the KDR - 0.84 + 0.2 = 1.04.   

If it were the case that the FBR were lower than KDR, like in this case,
then the formula would take away (FBR/10) from the KDR, which is 0.84 - 0.05 = 0.79.

The finishing calculation factors in TKs - it takes the amount of TKs, in this case 2, divides that by 100, and subtracts that from the previously calculated number - giving us a 1.02 for the first stat line presented and a 0.77 for the second.

So how does this solve the two issues with WAR? Well first of all, by dealing directly with ratios, amount doesn't matter - all that matters is the ratios. This solves the issue with sample sizes and removes the need for Score entirely! Since this is going to be used per match rather than per season it doesn't matter that some matches are longer than others - all that matters is the ratios put up within the rounds played.

How would this scale? Well, taking a random smattering of KDs and evaluating those numbers leads us to think that
0.79 or less is bad
0.8-1 is average
1-1.3 is above average
1.3-1.5 is spectacular
1.5+ is elite

I'll be doing those for each match during the season and periodically updating on neat trends and stuff. And I won't be the only one doing this for a stat - Russian is building a stat as well, which will also be revealed in due time!
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: BillTheButcher on January 06, 2022, 12:56:20 am
King Bill is the Michael Jordan of NW
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on January 06, 2022, 01:05:55 am
King Bill is the Michael Jordan of NW
so true king
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: BillTheButcher on January 06, 2022, 01:14:04 am
you deleted my post though buddy, why am I not on the list of top gfers cuz I for sure outperformed everyone on that list late 2014-2016 in gfing?

I consistently dominated topfragged every linebattle I went to even amongst the best in 18th it was usually me at the top top fragging, carried 58e to the top...schooling you kids daily on NA gf even had a 3.5 kd when noone else broke 2.5kd on NA gf...I could play with my eyes closed back then

idk man I think maybe you should fix your top gfer list pal

The King has spoken

Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Kovyjack on January 06, 2022, 02:28:04 am
you deleted my post though buddy, why am I not on the list of top gfers cuz I for sure outperformed everyone on that list late 2014-2016 in gfing?

I consistently dominated topfragged every linebattle I went to even amongst the best in 18th it was usually me at the top top fragging, carried 58e to the top...schooling you kids daily on NA gf even had a 3.5 kd when noone else broke 2.5kd on NA gf...I could play with my eyes closed back then

idk man I think maybe you should fix your top gfer list pal

The King has spoken

Grown ass man.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: BabyJesus on January 06, 2022, 03:21:40 am
2014-2016 was peak NW melee
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: BillTheButcher on January 06, 2022, 03:34:49 am
2014-2016 was peak NW melee
it was the golden ages of NW when shit actually mattered

and everyone on his list is from those days so................go fuck yourself
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Dan the Seagull Chef on January 06, 2022, 04:48:34 am
2014-2016 was peak NW melee
it was the golden ages of NW when shit actually mattered

and everyone on his list is from those days so................go fuck yourself
damn that's crazy
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Cytiuz on January 06, 2022, 08:25:38 pm
Can you identify someones average impact rating not based off the total number of kills they have. For example, what is a players impact rating at a lower average of kills and deaths(less playtime). Calculating a stat for players who are not playing every single minute of a match, could be highly beneficial for a team captains ability to identify the most impactful players. That being said I know nothing about calculating these stats, I just find it as an interesting idea to implement.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: ~NickCole~ on January 06, 2022, 08:27:46 pm
Can you identify someones average impact rating not based off the total number of kills they have. For example, what is a players impact rating at a lower average of kills and deaths(less playtime). Calculating a stat for players who are not playing every single minute of a match, could be highly beneficial for a team captains ability to identify the most impactful players. That being said I know nothing about calculating these stats, I just find it as an interesting idea to implement.
Someone could do a plus minus system similar to what the NBA does.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on January 06, 2022, 09:09:27 pm
Can you identify someones average impact rating not based off the total number of kills they have. For example, what is a players impact rating at a lower average of kills and deaths(less playtime). Calculating a stat for players who are not playing every single minute of a match, could be highly beneficial for a team captains ability to identify the most impactful players. That being said I know nothing about calculating these stats, I just find it as an interesting idea to implement.
Well two things - AIR is based off of the ratios not volume so less playing time shouldn’t theoretically affect stats that way. But also tonight you’ll see Russian’s stat which directly takes rounds played into effect!
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: BillTheButcher on January 06, 2022, 11:24:40 pm
2014-2016 was peak NW melee
it was the golden ages of NW when shit actually mattered

and everyone on his list is from those days so................go fuck yourself
damn that's crazy

dan was never any good at melee he wouldnt understand
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Hawkince on January 07, 2022, 01:58:07 am
2014-2016 was peak NW melee
it was the golden ages of NW when shit actually mattered

and everyone on his list is from those days so................go fuck yourself
damn that's crazy

dan was never any good at melee he wouldnt understand
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Fartknocker on January 07, 2022, 02:12:37 am
2014-2016 was peak NW melee
it was the golden ages of NW when shit actually mattered

and everyone on his list is from those days so................go fuck yourself
damn that's crazy

dan was never any good at melee he wouldnt understand

Dan literally invented turning to the right. What did you invent in this game Princess?
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on January 07, 2022, 06:31:50 am
just kidding russian's stat is getting posted tmw along with (hopefully) the ratings from the match between gvt and bbg
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: IcePimpDaddy on January 07, 2022, 06:40:03 am
2014-2016 was peak NW melee
it was the golden ages of NW when shit actually mattered

and everyone on his list is from those days so................go fuck yourself
damn that's crazy

dan was never any good at melee he wouldnt understand

Dan literally invented turning to the right. What did you invent in this game Princess?
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on January 07, 2022, 06:36:02 pm
So, Russian's stat! It's got a bit more math in it - but fans of volume-based metrics and FBR will love it.
It's called RPR - Russian's Player Ratings.

This is a screenshot of the doc with the first formula:

The stat does (Kills-TKs-First Bloods) + First Bloods^1.5 / (Deaths-First Deaths) + First Deaths^1.5 to calculate IPR (Initial Player Rating). This is done with the idea in mind that First Bloods should be valued more than regular kills, and vice versa for First Deaths.

Now to add in rounds, the formula is
Which is IPR / the square root of rounds played (in this case 91) *10.

So in this case the sheer volume of rounds played increased Risk's score by 0.06!

This stat would scale like this:
0.8 or less is bad
0.8-1 is below average
1-1.25 is average
1.25-1.5 is good
1.5+ is very good
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on January 07, 2022, 07:13:42 pm
Let's see these stats in action! Last night's League 2 match data has been released, so lets break down how people did!

Scaled we have
0.79 or less is bad - Jolly, Cow and James had tough outings
0.8-1 is average - Dio's FBR brought him down a chunk
1-1.3 is above average - Copot and Wolfe had similar statlines, Killershark's FBR kept him in this category, Phil's great FBR night brings him up here
1.3-1.5 is spectacular - no spectacular performances last night
1.5+ is elite - Goomba and Antidote had elite nights, especially in first blood volume and ratio

I've also done AIR above Match AIR:

Scaled we have
0.8 or less is bad - Both stats reflect tough nights for Jols, James, Dio, and Cow
0.8-1 is below average - Phil's FBR can't save him from this as it does in AIR
1-1.25 is average - No average performances tonight
1.25-1.5 is good - Good performances from Copot, Wolfe, and the Shark
1.5+ is very good - Goomba and Antidote break the charts

Some thoughts:
 - Phil's AIR shows why judging impact from KDR alone is not good - his 4-1 FDR score saved his rating
 - We changed the *adjustment in RPR because league 2 round samples are small
 - RPR rewards good performances and punishes bad ones, while AIR seems to be kinder
 - Dio and Phil are the only ones who changed scaling groups between stats. In both cases it seems to be because their FBR was wildly different than their KDR

Anyways interesting, won't be as many comments in future weeks but I'll do this for every match!
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: RussianFury on January 07, 2022, 07:25:26 pm
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Fartknocker on January 07, 2022, 11:33:51 pm
The future of NW is now
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Hawkince on January 08, 2022, 12:37:13 am
So, Russian's stat! It's got a bit more math in it - but fans of volume-based metrics and FBR will love it.
It's called RPR - Russian's Player Ratings.

This is a screenshot of the doc with the first formula:

The stat does (Kills-TKs-First Bloods) + First Bloods^1.5 / (Deaths-First Deaths) + First Deaths^1.5 to calculate IPR (Initial Player Rating). This is done with the idea in mind that First Bloods should be valued more than regular kills, and vice versa for First Deaths.

Now to add in rounds, the formula is
Which is IPR / the square root of rounds played (in this case 91) *10.

So in this case the sheer volume of rounds played increased Risk's score by 0.06!

This stat would scale like this:
0.8 or less is bad
0.8-1 is below average
1-1.25 is average
1.25-1.5 is good
1.5+ is very good

Fancy way of saying kd with first bloods and first deaths worth more

Stop trying to revinvent the wheel son
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: RussianFury on January 08, 2022, 12:58:16 am
thanks hawkince!
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Hawkince on January 08, 2022, 01:24:03 am
thanks hawkince!

no problem!
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on January 08, 2022, 07:17:51 am
thanks hawkince!
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Dan the Seagull Chef on January 08, 2022, 09:55:23 am
How do these metrics relate to the touch-grass spectrum?
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on January 08, 2022, 05:05:00 pm
How do these metrics relate to the touch-grass spectrum?
They indicate that we really really need to touch grass
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: MikeyBruh on January 08, 2022, 07:52:11 pm
How do these metrics relate to the touch-grass spectrum?
They indicate that we really really need to touch grass
If ur stats somehow make goomba look good, they might be cap
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: RussianFury on January 08, 2022, 08:49:30 pm
If only servers had an option without a script to track damage in a match. Then we could do a lot more but all we can go off of is kills and deaths and it's limiting.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: BlitzkriegMBNW on January 09, 2022, 12:00:02 am
If only servers had an option without a script to track damage in a match. Then we could do a lot more but all we can go off of is kills and deaths and it's limiting.
Talk to wursti, he has scripts that do exactly that for EGS, maybe he can sort you something out?
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Scottish Unicorn on January 09, 2022, 12:11:14 am
If only servers had an option without a script to track damage in a match. Then we could do a lot more but all we can go off of is kills and deaths and it's limiting.
Talk to wursti, he has scripts that do exactly that for EGS, maybe he can sort you something out?
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: RussianFury on January 09, 2022, 12:13:18 am
If only servers had an option without a script to track damage in a match. Then we could do a lot more but all we can go off of is kills and deaths and it's limiting.
Talk to wursti, he has scripts that do exactly that for EGS, maybe he can sort you something out?
Thanks, I'll try to ask about it.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: BlitzkriegMBNW on January 09, 2022, 12:54:00 pm
If only servers had an option without a script to track damage in a match. Then we could do a lot more but all we can go off of is kills and deaths and it's limiting.
Talk to wursti, he has scripts that do exactly that for EGS, maybe he can sort you something out?
It was midnight when I wrote that so stfu
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on January 10, 2022, 01:12:22 am
Got the stats for last nights matchup


AIR scaling:
0.79 or less is bad - Rough times for Godfried, Maple and Magmar
0.8-1 is average - Risk, Yoshie and Waste with average performances
1-1.3 is above average - Hawkince with an above-average night
1.3-1.5 is spectacular - Piktonss and Pedro had great nights
1.5+ is elite - Yolo and Ghostrider starting the league off with elite showings

RPR scaling:
0.8 or less is bad - Magmar and Maple had a tough time by any stat
0.8-1 is below average - Godfried and Yoshie here
1-1.25 is average - Average nights for Waste and Risk
1.25-1.5 is good - nothing here
1.5+ is very good - Very good nights for the whole squad - Pedro, Hawkince and Piktonss with impressive numbers while Ghostrider and Yolo break the scale
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Maple™ on January 10, 2022, 03:08:19 am
someone should make an NW card game
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on January 11, 2022, 05:31:59 am
Stats for BB_G vs GVT

AIR Scale:
0.79 or less is bad - i get the tough night award
0.8-1 is average - Russian, Mikey, Vetro, Camden with average nights
1-1.3 is above average - Rune, Alex, Fireboy, Sven, Horse here
1.3-1.5 is spectacular - no one
1.5+ is elite - no one

RPR Scale:
0.8 or less is bad - once again i collect the tough night award
0.8-1 is below average - Russian, Sven, Mikey, Camden here
1-1.25 is average - Vetro, Rune, Horse, Fireboy here
1.25-1.5 is good - Good stuff Alex
1.5+ is very good - no one

Stats for CHC and Friends vs Jedi Masters
Interesting thing happened with this one - Cwater didn't get killed first once, so his FBR is 8/0, which is not a real number! So he broke the AIR stat:
Since I'd like to fairly represent this change to get an actual number I gave him 1 first death that he didn't actually get:

AIR scale:
0.79 or less is bad - BabyJ, Gavin, Viper, Vlad all had bad nights
0.8-1 is average - Jaax snuck into average. Stryker is here too
1-1.3 is above average - No one was average
1.3-1.5 is spectacular - Wall's here
1.5+ is elite - Triple crown of elite nights from Oatmeal, Anthony and Cwater

RPR Scale:
0.8 or less is bad - Vlad, Viper, Gavin, BabyJ had tough nights
0.8-1 is below average - no one
1-1.25 is average - Jaax rescued an average score
1.25-1.5 is good - Stryker with a solid night
1.5+ is very good - 4 very good nights, with Wall hitting the 2 marker, Oatmeal hitting 3, Anthony 4 and Cwater 5 (almost 6!)
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on January 11, 2022, 05:57:27 am
oh frick the tks were in the wrong line
no one moved into a different category just like a max .03 variation. it's corrected in the spreadsheet but i cba to change all the screenshots
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Windflower on January 11, 2022, 07:38:49 pm
someone should make an NW card game
what are the rules what kinda game are we talkin here
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Maple™ on January 12, 2022, 04:53:16 am
someone should make an NW card game
what are the rules what kinda game are we talkin here
nw players as cards? maybe like gwent that would be cool and fit with nw groupfighting
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Fartknocker on January 12, 2022, 05:20:57 am
Lawbringer might come back if you make NW into a card game
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: MikeyBruh on January 12, 2022, 05:36:07 am
Lawbringer might come back if you make NW into a card game
Bro would run that shit too
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Yvrul on January 12, 2022, 05:37:31 am
Lawbringer might come back if you make NW into a card game

Only if you put cat ears on everyone.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Windflower on January 12, 2022, 05:45:14 am
someone should make an NW card game
what are the rules what kinda game are we talkin here
nw players as cards? maybe like gwent that would be cool and fit with nw groupfighting
if i had time i could make the actual cards themselves just not sure how you could actually use the images in a real game, that sounds like a good idea though
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: RussianFury on January 12, 2022, 06:09:52 am
Make it on tabletop simulator if anyone knows how to mod on that.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Glenn on February 02, 2022, 04:08:59 am
you deleted my post though buddy, why am I not on the list of top gfers cuz I for sure outperformed everyone on that list late 2014-2016 in gfing?

I consistently dominated topfragged every linebattle I went to even amongst the best in 18th it was usually me at the top top fragging, carried 58e to the top...schooling you kids daily on NA gf even had a 3.5 kd when noone else broke 2.5kd on NA gf...I could play with my eyes closed back then

idk man I think maybe you should fix your top gfer list pal

The King has spoken

Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: IcePimpDaddy on February 02, 2022, 01:51:07 pm
you deleted my post though buddy, why am I not on the list of top gfers cuz I for sure outperformed everyone on that list late 2014-2016 in gfing?

I consistently dominated topfragged every linebattle I went to even amongst the best in 18th it was usually me at the top top fragging, carried 58e to the top...schooling you kids daily on NA gf even had a 3.5 kd when noone else broke 2.5kd on NA gf...I could play with my eyes closed back then

idk man I think maybe you should fix your top gfer list pal

The King has spoken

Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on February 03, 2022, 01:28:49 am
Here's a neat lil thing I drew up today - groupfighting playstyles across League 1! I don't know the secret to teambuilding for groupfighting leagues but I figure it has something to do with playstyles, so I broke them down into categories and then looked at it per team. Big disclaimer - this is an analysis of style, not of skill or performance! Please do not cry like a baby about someone who you think is trash in your category! I will physically hurt you if you do!

Playstyle Explainer and breakdown
Who fits where and by team

This, along with a breakdown of previous winning teams by playstyle, and some insights from that will be the long-awaited Chapter 5!
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Glenn on February 03, 2022, 01:56:28 am
good read theodin I will be taking this all into account in my very small brain
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: ~NickCole~ on February 03, 2022, 02:06:15 am
good read theodin I will be taking this all into account in my very small brain
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on February 03, 2022, 02:14:57 am
Fully fleshed out in chapter 5!
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: sidney crosby on February 03, 2022, 06:12:50 pm
not sure if I consider piktons to be a methodical, unless were talking about methodically toggling 3rd party software
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Piktonss on February 03, 2022, 09:47:03 pm
not sure if I consider piktons to be a methodical, unless were talking about methodically toggling 3rd party software
You're in the same category as me. Be honored noob.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on February 03, 2022, 10:41:10 pm
not sure if I consider piktons to be a methodical, unless were talking about methodically toggling 3rd party software
Maple’s in dynamo for dynamically selling bags so anything goes
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Dan the Seagull Chef on February 03, 2022, 11:36:33 pm
hello fartknocker I have developed my east coast offense groupfighting system
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Maple™ on February 04, 2022, 12:09:00 am
not sure if I consider piktons to be a methodical, unless were talking about methodically toggling 3rd party software
Maple’s in dynamo for dynamically shutting down every "top gfer" after a 3 year hiatus
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: BillTheButcher on February 04, 2022, 04:05:25 am
not sure if I consider piktons to be a methodical, unless were talking about methodically toggling 3rd party software
;D ;D ;D ;D ::) ::) ::) 8) 8) 8)
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Fartknocker on February 04, 2022, 08:12:04 am
hello fartknocker I have developed my east coast offense groupfighting system

Coach Dan > Coach Lombardi
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Godsworn Alexiel on February 04, 2022, 08:40:14 am
someone should make an NW card game
what are the rules what kinda game are we talkin here
nw players as cards? maybe like gwent that would be cool and fit with nw groupfighting

Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: MikeyBruh on February 04, 2022, 08:46:18 am
someone should make an NW card game
what are the rules what kinda game are we talkin here
nw players as cards? maybe like gwent that would be cool and fit with nw groupfighting

bad ass
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Phil The Thril on February 04, 2022, 09:01:38 am
someone should make an NW card game
what are the rules what kinda game are we talkin here
nw players as cards? maybe like gwent that would be cool and fit with nw groupfighting

Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Godsworn Alexiel on February 04, 2022, 10:01:13 am
someone should make an NW card game
what are the rules what kinda game are we talkin here
nw players as cards? maybe like gwent that would be cool and fit with nw groupfighting



back to overtime work now ig lol


An NW card game would put need to put heavy focus on board control along with reflecting the effect numbers have in battle compared to only having the strongest cards on the field (Beatsticks). This would allow a variety of play styles from both heavy impact melee decks and board flood “63e” token decks.

The follower types would have to be Officer, Duelist, and Groupfighter. Officers would focus on effects that manipulate your deck or other followers, while groupfighters would get stronger after relying on effects that work in tandem with eachother with lower costs to allow playing multiple in a turn. Duelist types would have higher base stats and single impact effects that don't focus much on teamwork.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Sleek on February 04, 2022, 01:49:18 pm
Why is this not an ebook yet
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on February 04, 2022, 03:23:47 pm
Why is this not an ebook yet
Audiobook narrated by Ghost?
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: LEVIS on February 04, 2022, 05:31:49 pm
Lawb came back to post this... based ngl
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Fartknocker on February 05, 2022, 12:34:32 am
Waiting for the league 2 post Theodin
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on February 05, 2022, 12:42:46 am
Waiting for the league 2 post Theodin
gotta be honest i dont know half the l2 players i wouldnt be able to
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Glenn on February 05, 2022, 12:48:21 am
Waiting for the league 2 post Theodin
gotta be honest i dont know half the l2 players i wouldnt be able to

write about the ones you know about then
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on February 05, 2022, 12:57:52 am
Waiting for the league 2 post Theodin
gotta be honest i dont know half the l2 players i wouldnt be able to

write about the ones you know about then
damn ok fine
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on February 05, 2022, 01:09:44 am


in fairness to the EUs like big reap and achilles I've seen you play and have an idea of what style but you're clearly held back by ping so im reserving judgement

everyone else who i didnt do is either unknown to me or your style isn't developed to a point where i can recognize a philosophy behind it
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: No0B on February 05, 2022, 01:57:30 am


in fairness to the EUs like big reap and achilles I've seen you play and have an idea of what style but you're clearly held back by ping so im reserving judgement

everyone else who i didnt do is either unknown to me or your style isn't developed to a point where i can recognize a philosophy behind it
your saying I play the same as Jazz booooo
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: HiReaper on February 05, 2022, 02:02:46 am
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Cwater on February 05, 2022, 02:17:06 am
I don’t think it’s intentional, but that Wolfe placement does make me wonder if he stole your favorite waifu body pillow Theo.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Vertildr on February 05, 2022, 02:54:22 am
I feel offended
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Truth4none on February 05, 2022, 03:21:32 am


in fairness to the EUs like big reap and achilles I've seen you play and have an idea of what style but you're clearly held back by ping so im reserving judgement

everyone else who i didnt do is either unknown to me or your style isn't developed to a point where i can recognize a philosophy behind it
oof I'm not on this :(
I've been done dirty.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Moraine on February 05, 2022, 06:51:27 am
not sure if I consider piktons to be a methodical, unless were talking about methodically toggling 3rd party software
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: JollyCanadian on February 05, 2022, 07:39:50 am
How dare you call me off beat. I'd love to beat that ass  :o
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Fartknocker on February 05, 2022, 08:41:41 am


in fairness to the EUs like big reap and achilles I've seen you play and have an idea of what style but you're clearly held back by ping so im reserving judgement

everyone else who i didnt do is either unknown to me or your style isn't developed to a point where i can recognize a philosophy behind it

I’m pretty good at edging so this is fair
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on February 06, 2022, 03:37:59 am
I don’t think it’s intentional, but that Wolfe placement does make me wonder if he stole your favorite waifu body pillow Theo.
Too many things on this spreadsheet woops

Sorry T really haven’t seen you play enough
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: |Viper| on February 07, 2022, 07:57:56 am
Jazz is a pussy
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Jazzcommander on February 07, 2022, 07:58:41 am
jazz is a pussy
says your mom
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: IcePimpDaddy on February 07, 2022, 03:21:15 pm


in fairness to the EUs like big reap and achilles I've seen you play and have an idea of what style but you're clearly held back by ping so im reserving judgement

everyone else who i didnt do is either unknown to me or your style isn't developed to a point where i can recognize a philosophy behind it

I dont think pedro is a gambler i think he is a methodical retard
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Professor on February 08, 2022, 02:22:55 am
this is cool and all but can u rate my dick pls
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: BlitzkriegMBNW on February 16, 2022, 11:02:35 pm
this is cool and all but can u rate my dick pls
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Cytiuz on February 19, 2022, 09:13:42 pm
this is cool and all but can u rate my dick pls
Quality post
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: MikeyBruh on February 21, 2022, 04:07:07 am
EU Structuralist style did prevail theo.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on February 21, 2022, 04:09:30 am
EU Structuralist style did prevail theo.
no bruh the edge specialists showed that they're key, my edge specialist theory is legit
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Glenn on February 21, 2022, 04:10:20 am
EU Structuralist style did prevail theo.
no bruh the edge specialists showed that they're key, my edge specialist theory is legit

I love edging
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: IcePimpDaddy on February 21, 2022, 04:10:58 am
EU Structuralist style did prevail theo.
no bruh the edge specialists showed that they're key, my edge specialist theory is legit

I love edging

I think theo does as well maybe u guys should link
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: David_Schrein on February 21, 2022, 05:38:12 am
a whole book but not mentioned on vetros list. justice for heot
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Theodin on February 21, 2022, 06:39:58 am
a whole book but not mentioned on vetros list. justice for heot
No cap bro, where’s the NW top 10 thinkers list
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Fartknocker on February 21, 2022, 07:57:16 am
a whole book but not mentioned on vetros list. justice for heot
No cap bro, where’s the NW top 10 thinkers list

Me and Cytiuz would be #1a and #1b respectively
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Cytiuz on February 21, 2022, 02:58:12 pm
a whole book but not mentioned on vetros list. justice for heot
No cap bro, where’s the NW top 10 thinkers list

Me and Cytiuz would be #1a and #1b respectively
Cant ever beat Vindica strat book. One of those playbooks that you just had to witness to appreciate.
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: BabyJesus on February 21, 2022, 05:07:10 pm
a whole book but not mentioned on vetros list. justice for heot
No cap bro, where’s the NW top 10 thinkers list

Me and Cytiuz would be #1a and #1b respectively
Cant ever beat Vindica strat book. One of those playbooks that you just had to witness to appreciate.
literally everyone has beaten the Vindica playbook
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Fartknocker on February 21, 2022, 06:09:36 pm
a whole book but not mentioned on vetros list. justice for heot
No cap bro, where’s the NW top 10 thinkers list

Me and Cytiuz would be #1a and #1b respectively
Cant ever beat Vindica strat book. One of those playbooks that you just had to witness to appreciate.
literally everyone has beaten the Vindica playbook

Hard work beats talent in the real world but in this game you can be an actual ape and get by with a better monitor than other people have
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: suns on March 16, 2022, 04:13:57 am
how can you be tier 4 more like tier 5 and type a book for NW ?

Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: suns on March 16, 2022, 04:15:22 am
someone should make an NW card game
what are the rules what kinda game are we talkin here
nw players as cards? maybe like gwent that would be cool and fit with nw groupfighting



back to overtime work now ig lol


An NW card game would put need to put heavy focus on board control along with reflecting the effect numbers have in battle compared to only having the strongest cards on the field (Beatsticks). This would allow a variety of play styles from both heavy impact melee decks and board flood “63e” token decks.

The follower types would have to be Officer, Duelist, and Groupfighter. Officers would focus on effects that manipulate your deck or other followers, while groupfighters would get stronger after relying on effects that work in tandem with eachother with lower costs to allow playing multiple in a turn. Duelist types would have higher base stats and single impact effects that don't focus much on teamwork.

yo "alpha male chadlite" make me a card game for hoi4
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: IcePimpDaddy on March 16, 2022, 12:34:50 pm
How about u stop making a book about nw and make a book about some bitches?
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: BillTheButcher on March 16, 2022, 12:58:43 pm
You know something isn't accurate when the king is not on the top gf list, back when I use to topfrag every single match and pick people off with ease at the begging of ever gf round, just the timing and skill was unmatched back then

Funny how my man Jackie gave props after our rivalry cooled down but his 71st flunkies like theodin wont
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: IcePimpDaddy on March 16, 2022, 02:03:55 pm
You know something isn't accurate when the king is not on the top gf list, back when I use to topfrag every single match and pick people off with ease at the begging of ever gf round, just the timing and skill was unmatched back then

Funny how my man Jackie gave props after our rivalry cooled down but his 71st flunkies like theodin wont

Instead of worrying about being on the top of a gf list how about u worry about being on the the top of some bitches lists
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: suns on March 16, 2022, 04:22:39 pm
How about u stop making a book about nw and make a book about some bitches?

Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Piktonss on March 16, 2022, 04:38:59 pm
How about u stop making a book about nw and make a book about some bitches?

Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Windflower on March 16, 2022, 05:38:47 pm
JackieChan's Bayonet Melee Guide:
Theodin's Book of Melee:
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: suns on March 16, 2022, 05:47:29 pm

"ill never be like him ):"
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: BillTheButcher on March 16, 2022, 07:46:10 pm
You know something isn't accurate when the king is not on the top gf list, back when I use to topfrag every single match and pick people off with ease at the begging of ever gf round, just the timing and skill was unmatched back then

Funny how my man Jackie gave props after our rivalry cooled down but his 71st flunkies like theodin wont

Instead of worrying about being on the top of a gf list how about u worry about being on the the top of some bitches lists
NGL i got like fihh, six bitches rn playboy im not one of you NW nerds
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: Hawkince on March 16, 2022, 07:49:45 pm
JackieChan's Bayonet Melee Guide:
Theodin's Book of Melee:


"ill never be like him ):"

You know something isn't accurate when the king is not on the top gf list, back when I use to topfrag every single match and pick people off with ease at the begging of ever gf round, just the timing and skill was unmatched back then

Funny how my man Jackie gave props after our rivalry cooled down but his 71st flunkies like theodin wont

Instead of worrying about being on the top of a gf list how about u worry about being on the the top of some bitches lists
NGL i got like fihh, six bitches rn playboy im not one of you NW nerds
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: BabyJesus on March 16, 2022, 07:51:20 pm
You know something isn't accurate when the king is not on the top gf list, back when I use to topfrag every single match and pick people off with ease at the begging of ever gf round, just the timing and skill was unmatched back then

Funny how my man Jackie gave props after our rivalry cooled down but his 71st flunkies like theodin wont

Instead of worrying about being on the top of a gf list how about u worry about being on the the top of some bitches lists
NGL i got like fihh, six bitches rn playboy im not one of you NW nerds
I bet you only got those bitches cause you told them you were a king
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: suns on March 16, 2022, 07:53:56 pm
LMAOOOO everyone lighting Theodin up
Title: Re: Theodin's Book of Melee
Post by: IcePimpDaddy on March 16, 2022, 08:07:16 pm
You know something isn't accurate when the king is not on the top gf list, back when I use to topfrag every single match and pick people off with ease at the begging of ever gf round, just the timing and skill was unmatched back then

Funny how my man Jackie gave props after our rivalry cooled down but his 71st flunkies like theodin wont

I see why the call u king

King of fat bitches

Instead of worrying about being on the top of a gf list how about u worry about being on the the top of some bitches lists
NGL i got like fihh, six bitches rn playboy im not one of you NW nerds