The Chinese Mount and Blade Community
As someone who has been attending Chinese Napoleonic Wars events for over a year. I would like to invite anyone willing to the mount and blade warband Napoleonic Wars community. The Chinese community has strict regulation for foreigners and as far as I know, I do not believe any chinese host will accept any other foreign regiment than the 61e to attend their events.
If you do happen to be interested in taking part, please leave a reply down below if you would like to merc for the 61e in the event. The Chinese community is very strict in what can be said in the game chat (Sorry, I dont make the rules) so there is a chance I may not let you come due to the fact that you coming could anger the hosts of the event.
"But wait, I want to play for a chinese regiment, not the 61e!": You are able to contact colonels of the Chinese community through steam. I am not going to give out their information due to privacy. In order to join, you are probably going to need to download a QQ and YY which are the main means of communication in the Chinese NW community. Some regiments i'd recommend looking at are the 60thHNV, SailCoprs and the FexFG which are all regiments that have been around for a while. HOWEVER, there did used to be a Korean regiment. I have not seen the Korean regiment in a while though so I assume they have disbanded. If you do want to check for yourself if infact the Korean regiment is still alive, there name was the 2ndCSG if I recall correctly.
EVENTS ARE HOSTED EVERY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 8pm Beijing time/ 8AM EST. Expect 180-200 Attendance
ADD Fleance#6694 for more information on joining. replying here not necessary