Battle Cry of Freedom > Community
Possible Idea: Multiple autonomous Companies
So this is an idea I have been playing with for over a year, and I think it's good enough to be brought to the community. I know that on the initial release of North and South Millander attempted this with the 33rd Virginia (I was a member of Company E If I recall correctly).
My idea is having multiple (2-4) autonomous companies within a regiment that all report to a unified battalion staff. While I know this sounds risky, I think there a couple of things to take into consideration in order to make something like this even potentially possible.
1. Chain of Command
All of the Captains of the individual companys, as well as the men in those companys, have to be aware of and respect the chain of command. The battalion staff will be in charge of making sure that the companys are up to the standards previously agreed upon by the captains and the battalion leadership (Col, Lt.Col, Major). And it is the primary concern of the captain to meet said standards. IF they do not meet these standards they can/will be removed and either a new captain is found, or a battalion staff member takes the company under temporary control.
2. Understanding Ideals
I understand that different regiments have different ideals, and different aims, so the only way for this system to work, is if both the staff running the regiment (Col, Lt.Col, Major) set a clear set of standards and expectations for the regiment that each company Captain is responsible for upholding. The Captains must agree with said standards to make sure that they will uphold them, and that the regiment is functioning as both sides wish it to.
A good way of making ideals understood is by creating a document that specifies the goals/ideals of the regiment to help everyone fully understand what said regiment is about. By having and understanding these ideals, you will have people with link minded ideals that come together to form the multiple company regiment.
3. Communication
Communication would be probably one of the most important parts of the regiment. If anyone has a complaint or suggestion make sure that they have the ability to voice it to their direct superiors (Company officers) or battalion officers, officers within the companys should also be able to talk about their concerns/complaints with the battalion officers.
4. Checks and Balances.
Almost in juxtaposition to chain of command, a series of checks and balances should be put in place to make sure complete power does not come from the battalion staff. Potential ways to do this are:
- Have the regiment officers be a council, where if a certain amount of subordinates agree to a change, they can outvote higher ranking officers
- Have the Colonel be able to Veto or make executive decisions if need be, but at his own risk, if he loses favor with his officers and men, they may leave him.
-Vote! Allow the men to vote and voice their opinions democratically.
The balance of power may potentially work since the companys are autonomous, and if they are unsatisfied with the regiment/it's officers, they can easily just leave with their intact company. This will make it so the system works for both the mutual benefit of the battalion staff and the comapnys.
5. Organization and duties
Having a set organization to each company, and regiment, with assigned duties to each member and rank of the company will eliminate large amounts of variables in between companys, and set a standard for which each company must meet for ranks. If members of either the company or the battalion staff do not meed the standards/do the duties assigned to them, they will be removed.
Potential Company Structure
1 - Captain (In Charge of Company)
1 - 1stLt (In charge of 1st Platoon)
1 - 2ndLt (In charge of 2nd Platoon)
1 - 1stSgt (Sergeant Major)
2 - Sgt (1 per platoon)
2 - Cpl (1 per platoon)
32- Pvt (16 per platoon)
Each company will not be able to change this organization unless voted on as a regiment as a whole, or on individual cases brought up with the staff.
Each rank will have specifically assigned duties (ie. Corporals take attendance)
6. Respect
Of course none of this will be possible without respect from both sides, from the officers to the men, from the men to the officers, and from the officers to the officers.
7. The Autonomy
Each company captain will do the following
- Select and promote subordinates to his choosing as long as it follows proper company structure
- Keep their own steam group
- Be in charge of their own roster and attendance
- Be in charge of recruiting for the comapny (?)
- Lead the company as it's own line in the field
- Make sure his subordinates do their job
- Muster their own men before events
- Train as a company during trainings
However the captain will be required to listen to the staff on the field (through use of commander chat) and must be tolerant of his men and other officers. His company is his to make and mold how he chooses, as long as he follows the ideals and standards set by the staff.
Will probably add some more later.
What do you guys think? Do you agree disagree? What would you add?
Seems like grand idea although I think something like this was done by the 7NA a while ago. I think it was the 1stEPL where they had a bunch of zuges and kompanies. But of course this is very risky
Its a good idea the 29th and now the 9th function on using company's and having the Capts Report to Co and during battle the company's were told were to go and what to do as what Hugo liked to call it the grand strategy most of your idea comes straight out of what the 29th did xD. Though the 2 big things though with using companys is you must have the numbers to full out a company and 2 a Good Officer and NCO core. Most regiments lack one or the other or both to do this in the right. But if done in the right way it makes a regiment feel like a real regiment and crushing enemys with strategy all the more better.
It is a good idea.
This entire thing is actually what is already been done in the more serious ArmA clans.
And it does indeed work very well, you just need to make sure everyone knows it.
I'd imagine it would work as long as the game has decent VOIP, proximity based VOIP and not global, think ACRE for Arma. That would also create the need for a messenger/runner role. Theoretically you could also accomplish this through Teamspeak whispers, but it would be much cooler through VOIP.
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