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Messages - Grozni

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Competitive EU Events/Tournaments / Re: Cavalry 2v2 Tournament
« on: January 24, 2021, 05:44:59 pm »
Its cool that its your opinion but I dont get what your problem is. Not that hard to imagine what an early dismount is.

It is indeed very easy to imagine what anything means. But can you explain what an early dismount really means? In your own words?
Dismounting at the start of the round. One of you got killed? Easy the round has progressed far enough to dismount if you want to.

Well that's the problem. What is the start of the round?

A) Start of the round is when you spawn? If you consider that the rule is extended with "..unless opponent is dismounted" the rule could not possibly mean dismounting at spawn. Unless your arm and the arena are of the same length, your team cannot possibly dismount opponent from the spawn, therefore the rule cannot mean dismounting at spawn.
B) All the time it takes before one of the players dies? Will you call that the start of the round even if it takes ages for one of players to die?
C) Some undefined amount of seconds that is up to referees to decide? Not very elegant.

As admitted, the rule was badly phrased and there is no need to flame further by derogatory remarks.

Competitive EU Events/Tournaments / Re: Cavalry 2v2 Tournament
« on: January 24, 2021, 05:24:08 pm »
Its cool that its your opinion but I dont get what your problem is. Not that hard to imagine what an early dismount is.

It is indeed very easy to imagine what anything means. But can you explain what an early dismount really means? In your own words?

Competitive EU Events/Tournaments / Re: Cavalry 2v2 Tournament
« on: January 24, 2021, 04:03:48 pm »
Thanks for hosting, it was very fun and went fairly well considering the amount of matches that were involved.

One issue that could be improved on is that on some occasions both the players and the referees couldn't agree exactly on what the current score of the matches was. It seems score tracking was left to the players, which is not a great solution as those focusing on the fight can easily lose track, and the score was decided by general consensus. There were probably no errors in the end, but still it doesn't feel very competitive that referees have to consult with players on score, seeing how sometimes the players couldn't agree among themselves as well.

A bigger issue is that referees allowed rule breaking in our round 1 elimination match vs Gimps, at the crucial moment when score was 4:4 (as far as we can agree that this is what the score was), where Shadey dismounted his horse, gaining the advantage of 2 dismounted vs 1 mounted. Since some referees (or those with admin rights, can't remember exactly) went as far as to say "it wasn't an early dismount" I can only presume they witnessed this and chose to do nothing, or at least were ignorant of the meaning of the rule that forbids this. While players may be forgiven not knowing all the rules, referees really shouldn't be. We hold no grudges against Gimps, who were a good team and had a fair chance to go to next stage without cheating, but ending our involvement in tourney with the referees' failure to be fair kind of tainted the tourney experience for us.

Those with referee tags present in spec when this happened: Thorvic, CokeTail, Treiz, OuRaNos
+ some players with admin rights, who need not be named as they weren't the ones who applied to do referee duty with diligence.

Again, thanks organizers for hosting this ambitious and fun event, this definitely wasn't your fault.

The rule states that early dismounting is forbidden, unless there are no remaining mounted opponents.
The rule does not say : No dismounting, unless there are no remaining mounted opponents.

We just didnt want people to complain if someone managed to dismount the 2 opponents right in the begining of the round and then dismount, because that would be early yet should be allowed.

I will try to make every rule as clear as possible for next time to avoid any problem like that again.

If you say so, I just couldn't help but believe that the rule was misinterpreted at the time by clinging onto the word "early". In this unclear form, "early" should by default mean "before you get dismounted by an opponent" and not an "undefined amount of time decided by referees on the spot". So I hope you will define the rule better, for if this margin is decided by referees on the spot, the players will not really know if they are allowed to dismount or not, and the final decision will be down to who is in referee's favor or not.

But imho, giving the option to dismount vs mounted opponents seems an abusable loophole, that will make this less of a cavalry showdown and allow more tactics than needed. For example in this case, we ended up with two dismounted vs one mounted. That one mounted will not dismount as he will be in clear disadvantage of having to ground melee two opponents at the same time. Rather, he will be forced into the most patient cavalry play, in order to kill at least one of the two dismounted enemies. This may bring on accusations of "delaying", when in fact that lone cavalrymen is just trying to be as tactical as his opponents were when they chose to be a dismounted pair. This rule really needs some more thought.

10 min circling around is early if you compare it to the age of the universe, rules are not clear!!  >:(

You are just shit talking now, the whole circling thing didn't last more than couple minutes top, and as explained above the one mounted guy has all the right in the world to take his time if his sneaky opponents decide to become a pair of dismounts, especially considering he spent some time writing in chat about what seemed a clear case of rule breaking.

Competitive EU Events/Tournaments / Re: Cavalry 2v2 Tournament
« on: January 24, 2021, 01:41:04 pm »
Thanks for hosting, it was very fun and went fairly well considering the amount of matches that were involved.

One issue that could be improved on is that on some occasions both the players and the referees couldn't agree exactly on what the current score of the matches was. It seems score tracking was left to the players, which is not a great solution as those focusing on the fight can easily lose track, and the score was decided by general consensus. There were probably no errors in the end, but still it doesn't feel very competitive that referees have to consult with players on score, seeing how sometimes the players couldn't agree among themselves as well.

A bigger issue is that referees allowed rule breaking in our round 1 elimination match vs Gimps, at the crucial moment when score was 4:4 (as far as we can agree that this is what the score was), where Shadey dismounted his horse, gaining the advantage of 2 dismounted vs 1 mounted. Since some referees (or those with admin rights, can't remember exactly) went as far as to say "it wasn't an early dismount" I can only presume they witnessed this and chose to do nothing, or at least were ignorant of the meaning of the rule that forbids this. While players may be forgiven not knowing all the rules, referees really shouldn't be. We hold no grudges against Gimps, who were a good team and had a fair chance to go to next stage without cheating, but ending our involvement in tourney with the referees' failure to be fair kind of tainted the tourney experience for us.

Those with referee tags present in spec when this happened: Thorvic, CokeTail, Treiz, OuRaNos
+ some players with admin rights, who need not be named as they weren't the ones who applied to do referee duty with diligence.

Again, thanks organizers for hosting this ambitious and fun event, this definitely wasn't your fault.

Competitive EU Events/Tournaments / Re: The Fighting Pit - 5v5 Tournament
« on: January 16, 2021, 02:41:11 pm »
The Muffins would like to thank organizers for hosting a fun and intense experience! The whole thing went smooth as far as we could tell.

Our group stage was brutal since both Wookies and Cereal Killers were excellent teams, but we will take pleasure in having managed to win two rounds against the 2nd best team of the tournament.

The muffins would also like to thank each other:

Apollo - for accepting the responsibility of the captain, and single handedly carrying on a few occasions.
Parigon - for gracing our team with his skill and reputation.
Grozni - he must have done a few useful things as well.
Ilyipa - for encouraging the team in crucial moments.
Smylie - for coming on time to be the fifth muffin, and postponing his suicide until the tourney was over.
Norwegian - for managing to come despite his busy schedule, and improving our overall performance.
Ironfist - for agreeing to be in the team, sadly he couldn't bring his iron fist in time to play.

Servers / Re: ♞ Cavalry Groupfighting Official
« on: January 15, 2021, 03:22:17 pm »

Your name: Grozni
Time and Date: About 10 AM GMT, on the 15th of January, in the year of Our Lord 2021
Evidence (If any): Can send video if requested, and also the intention to stall is clear if you read the logs.
Name of the rule breaker: Egos_United_Coco_Ayala
Description of the incident: It started by LaSalle and me criticizing Coco slightly for his/her/their extremely passive play, which was evident as soon as I joined the server. I believe both of us had purest intentions and wanted to help Coco improve. It wasn't a clear case of stalling yet, even though Coco's teammate quit due to boredom, and for the remaining of the incident it was LaSalle and me vs Coco. Coco then tried to play less passively, which resulted in him/her/them getting slaughtered for a few rounds.

Then Coco switched back to passive style and has managed to kill LaSalle and dismount me, after which he/she/they announced a clear intention to stall by saying "3 min 44 left, enjoy LaSalle". Even though Coco did sort of move in for an attack once or twice, these safe attacks were separated by minutes of obvious stalling. During this time it has been revealed to me by Coco that my mom is pathetic and that I should have been "avorted". Needles to say, it was very stressful for me to find this out in such manner, yet I have managed to keep my composure and hold the tears in, and have continued with attempts to reach the elusive troll with my sword, but to no avail, my legs were too short to compete against maneuverability of Coco's hussar horse. And so, as if Coco's words were a self fulfilling prophecy, the 3 minutes and 44 seconds have passed, with the round ending in a draw.

Then after couple of rounds of Coco dying due to not playing passively, Coco has repeated the incident after managing to dismount me, which has resulted in another 4 minutes of obvious stalling, and round ending with a draw (after again remarking in public chat that there are 4 minutes left). His/her/their occasional cautious attacks were separated by up to a minute of keeping distance, and not maneuvering in any sort of way which could possibly lead to an attack. The ultimate result was a complete boredom.

I never report people but this person needs a break, getting onto cav GF this early in the morning just to stall must be a cry for help.

I'll link the vid to an admin if requested.

Competitive EU Events/Tournaments / Re: The Fighting Pit - 5v5 Tournament
« on: January 09, 2021, 04:47:49 pm »
Idk if this will make us the 13th team, but here is the signup

Steam (Captain): Apollo
Team Name: Muffins (actually it is TBA)
Team Tag: TBA
Players: Apollo - 817802 | Parigoniculus - 801349 | Grozni - 510578 | Ilypa - 1704636 | Ironfist - 1471725 | Smylie - 1467774 | TBA
Did you read and accept the rules? Yes

Updated, though we are waiting for a certain mr grumpy to appear online and send his player ID, but this is pretty much it for now.

Competitive EU Events/Tournaments / Re: The Fighting Pit - 5v5 Tournament
« on: December 30, 2020, 04:46:03 pm »
Idk if this will make us the 13th team, but here is the signup

Steam (Captain): Apollo
Team Name: Muffins (actually it is TBA)
Team Tag: TBA
Players: Apollo - 817802 | Parigoniculus - 801349 | Grozni - 510578 | Ilypa - 1704636 | Ironfist - 1471725 | Smylie - 1467774 | Norwegian - 495944
Did you read and accept the rules? Yes

Competitive EU Events/Tournaments / Re: The Fighting Pit - 5v5 Tournament
« on: December 29, 2020, 09:58:19 pm »

The Mess Hall / Re: ♞ Hussars Rated (EU) ♞ UPDATED 15-12-2020
« on: December 18, 2020, 06:03:42 pm »
Even if the list is unfair and wrong, This "list" is updated which is more than others list can say.

If something is unfair and wrong, updating it only serves to keep up the unfairness and wrongness of it.

But in your comment I see one clear example of an argument against statements such as "this is just a list", "you take it too seriously", etc... If it is so unimportant why do so many players want it to exist? Why do you so much like to see it updated even if it is unfair and wrong?

Clearly this list has two states of existence in our minds, it is both important and not important at the same time. And those who were fooled into validating it can switch between the two states as it suits them whenever they argue, to convince others or themselves into something.

Me, who argues that the list has a negative effect and is corruptly run, have no choice but to be locked into "the list is important" state. Therefore, anyone who opposes that view will easily jump to the "the list is not important" argument, without realizing that their words and actions on some other occasions will prove exactly the opposite. In occasions such as being thankful to the editor for running it, or just simply opening the page to look at the latest results. With this in mind, anyone who's argument is "the list is not important" is not providing anything meaningful to the discussion and can be ignored.

With this out of the way, my main point is that the person editing it is a proven liar and authoritarian, and whatever hard work he is doing he is shitting all over it with his words and actions. And everyone who despite that rushes to excuse him and defend him only manage to prove that their main mindset is that "the list is important". Which may as well be the one and only true state of the list, while "the list is not important" is just an illusion and something one tells himself (or more often to others) when he wants to feel morally correct.

We all agree that playing in "big" regiments brings more visibility. On the other hand, visibility doesn't necessarily bring more points in the list, it just brings a more precise vision of what the players have of you, so also of those who rate you. So someone can be very good on "cav gf" but bad in 1v1 matches simply because they don't play this kind of matches. So his tier will probably be inaccurate, because other players will not know the he's bad in 1v1 matches, but they will know that he's good on the cav gf server.

I just don't really understand the drama, because let's imagine that this is real and that this list was designed to bring players into the top 4. It's not this list that is going to influence players who are greedy for skills or notoriety to switch to a "better" regiment. If they are already in this mentality they will do so whether this list exists or not.

This is a list that represents the opinion of some recognized players, but that's all. If you don't like it that is your right and you should not pay any more attention to it.

You are right in that players who would switch regiments to achieve rank increase are unworthy of discussion.

But what is your opinion when it comes to a case of a player who did not fully switch regiments, yet Ciiges intentionally mislabels him on the list, as if his main regiment is one of those four regiments, and then refuses to change the label even when that player privately asks him to?

And then makes his public response to be in the lines of "I have chosen to put him down as a member of 1er because your regiment is shit, not competitive, inactive, and ..." (add further untrue insults).

To not misquote, I will put that piece of writing down here:
The fact of the matter is that your shitty little reg doesn't play enough 1v1's and isn't active enough to be considered an active hussar regiment. Therefore I have decided to put Parilomeus' second reg (the 1er) in his active regiment; because they do play actively and not against shitty teams because they poop themselves at the thought of losing.

What is your opinion on that I wonder? How does this help the idea that this list is not a tool of a few main competitive regiments? How long until some other regiment will be non-competitive enough to be shown on the list, even though that regiment's member somehow ended up on it before even joining one of those competitive regiments?

Furthermore, this kid started lying whenever he opens his mouth

Some example? Apart from Ciiges lying that he has zero input on what is on the front page, but then admits that he can decide what the player's main regiment is? You don't have to go far for the latest example.

Furthermore it was always a joke in the 4e and it was quite obvious I was joking.

Let's look at what that obvious joke was:

Funny you were ok being in the list when you were 2.9, but now you're 3.2 you want to be removed

Ah ah, a real kneeslapper that one, but don't quit your dayjob to become a full blown comedian yet. There is still something missing in your jokes, perhaps humor, rather than aggression caused by panic when you believe that someone will reduce the validity of your list by asking to be removed from it.

The Mess Hall / Re: ♞ Hussars Rated (EU) ♞ UPDATED 15-12-2020
« on: December 17, 2020, 06:50:34 pm »
I put too much time into making, coding, balancing, producing the list and gathering data, to write out huge paragraphs with whatever I think of anything on here. You literally have no arguments for saying I am unfit to run a fucking list besides "he wont change pari's regiment to the 10thRH" boo fucking hoo Groczni.

People also seem to forget that I literally have ZERO input in any of the ratings, whatever is on the front page is not my opinion. It's a shared opinion between (initially 12) of the most knowledgeble, respected and/or skilled hussar players. Ofcourse it's an opinion you buffoon, it always is. But atleast it's the average opinion of a wide portion of regiments, and interpretation on how skill should be represented.

The fact of the matter is that your shitty little reg doesn't play enough 1v1's and isn't active enough to be considered an active hussar regiment. Therefore I have decided to put Parilomeus' second reg (the 1er) in his active regiment; because they do play actively and not against shitty teams because they poop themselves at the thought of losing.

Whatever is on the front page is not your opinion? And then you change a player's main regiment, against his wishes, entirely based on your (wrong) opinion of that regiment's activity? What a way to eat your own words.

You literally cheated for the benefit of your regiment, since the result is yet another member of 1er on the list, according to your stats which you just admitted to have tampered with, entirely based on your "opinion".

If you did that, who knows what else you tampered with that we don't know about yet, and what you manage to get away with by continuously sucking up to those who give out ratings, seriously what a joke of a list if this guy is running it. And how someone like Dokletian who is an actual tier 1 can stand sharing the tier with this pavian is beyond me.

To the members of the 8th, alright we get it, you have won the championship, now you can be a gang of obnoxious apes spreading good humor everywhere, including massively trolling as admin on cavalry groupfighting, I am sure your parents are proud of you all.

The Mess Hall / Re: ♞ Hussars Rated (EU) ♞ UPDATED 15-12-2020
« on: December 17, 2020, 05:27:10 pm »
I'm fucking dying, how you can still find the keys on your keyboard with your head so far up your own ass is truly magnificent.

I have a miniature keyboard in my ass. And all my arguments are valid while you have none.

And it would be nice if some guys stop spamming Dutch on English speaking forum, you guys didn't fully take over NW quite yet.

doubt, most of ur arguments are useless since you misinterpret everything Dokle said. You blame the creator & raters because you only get rated "properly" if you are in the top 4 regiments which is klinklare onzin. We can't do anything about it that smaller/worse regiments only fight other regiments at their level so we don't get a proper look at their skill level.

For example: Players from 33rd like Giorno, SirLegion, Uganda are rated worse than they would be in regiments which are more competitive, simply because their regiments don't allow them to show their skill by not organizing a training match vs a higher skilled regiment.

You are correct. As you keep confirming my point, which is that this list's ranking concept allows players to rank up only if they fight in big 1v1s, thereby they have to be a member of one of the very few big competitive regiments.

Therefore, initially including so many players who are not members of these regiments, without even asking them, gave this list all the qualities of a recruitment scam, that hooks the players by showing them an initially low rank that will be fixed once they join one of few regiments.

If something has qualities of a scam it is a scam, and rather than defending it you should think about how to fix it further. I can't say for sure to what extent this was planned, or was it even on purpose, but some facts remain:

1) The list started with a claim that *all* active players who were forcibly added, no matter what regiment they are in, will be rated according to their skill. This is a naive claim and an impossible task, therefore the list has quickly deformed into what it is now.

2) To believe that members and captains of a tiny amount of regiments who are giving out ranking will have the accuracy of the list in their dearest concern is naive. Since this was "fixed" by involving an equal number of members of a few regiments, the list is still just a recruiting tool whose power is shared among a small number of regiments.

3) By its nature, the list will be autistically defended by those who were given high rank in it.

4) Not quite a fact yet but an important point, Ciiges is in my opinion not fit to run such a list, apart from being seen acting like an angry kid in some occasions, in my personal case I can say his refusal to fix Parigon's regiment label shows that he is not a servant to all that he is supposed to be, but rather forces his will on the list whenever he sees fit. Yes, he may have done the work of starting it, but if he is the only guy who can use excel sheets then this corrupt list should just stop.

One constructive solution I can offer is stop pretending this is an all encompassing ranking list of active hussars, and turn it into some sort of a major league player ranking that is clearly limited to only a certain number of regiments. Then it will stop being a scam, even though it started as one, and will evolve into a toxic but valid ranking list.

The Mess Hall / Re: ♞ Hussars Rated (EU) ♞ UPDATED 15-12-2020
« on: December 17, 2020, 03:45:52 pm »
I'm fucking dying, how you can still find the keys on your keyboard with your head so far up your own ass is truly magnificent.

I have a miniature keyboard in my ass. And all my arguments are valid while you have none.

And it would be nice if some guys stop spamming Dutch on English speaking forum, you guys didn't fully take over NW quite yet.

The Mess Hall / Re: ♞ Hussars Rated (EU) ♞ UPDATED 15-12-2020
« on: December 17, 2020, 03:03:50 pm »
You know what is even funnier? How some players who leave their regs and join 1er or 4e automagically gain a significant jump in their rank.

It is almost as if this list is a scam and a recruitment tool for selected few regiments.
I'd rather explain it in a different way: players who are not in highly competitive regiments are often (unfortunately) not recognized as high tier players, simply because they do not get the opportunity to really shine, except maybe on Cavalry_Groupfighting. Due to this list being solely a summa of different opinions, it is only natural that - once these kind of players get their chance to stand out - they will be rated higher.

I have two examples for that: Giorno, a player originally from the 33rd, who recently joined the 4e and also was in the UK team, really stepped up because suddenly people in competitive regiments and the national teams finally watched him play unbound from a counterproductive team surrounding him (sorry 33rd, but I hope you get what I mean).
My second example would be Parigonicalus, who used to be in your regiment, a regiment that rarely played any 1v1's and did not paricipate in a league so far (which is totally fine of course), and really had a chance to shine in the BNL team and in addition to that more recently in the 1er and - as a result of this new acknowledgement -  improved on the list as well.

My point is, if you like it or not, the recognition of individuals will always be connected to the framework they play in. Changes in personal opinions due to players changing their regiment is systemic in this list and not necessarily bad; especially nothing as mysterious and manipulative as you potrayed it. Don't lose yourself in wild conspiracies, Grozni.

Ah, the "framework". I just know I am being bullshitted when someone uses such a word in a situation like this, it is a nice way to say "you will play by our rules".

Well thank you for confirming everything I said, and then calling it a wild conspiracy right after. So unless you are within a "framework" of being a member of one of about four big competitive regiments, your ranking will be kept low. Since not only are all the rating givers loyal members or captains of these regiments, but also they happen to only care about your performance in these big 1v1s.

The list is a recruitment scam, for this simple reason: it started by adding *all* the half-decent players they could think of, even members of non-competitive regiments. As if it is going to justly rate *all* the active hussar players in the game. Your appetites for recognition are weated.

But then, you feel like your ranking is too low? "Well", they say, "you have to shooow us". And then it turns out, you can't possibly show them, unless you are a member of one of four big competitive regiments. Not only are they exclusively interested in your performance in big 1v1s, but accidently all the other regiments are just not good enough for your performance to really shine. There is no epic feat that you can pull out against all odds that will go noticed. But hey no worries, as soon as you join one of these regiments, who's members and leaders also happen to be the ones who give out ratings, you can start hoping that your rank will go up and closer to, or at least what you imagine is closer to your true deserved rank.

There may be a tiny amount of deviation from this rule sprinkled here and there, which is only suitable as a mask to hide the true intentions of this list.

My point is, at least stop lying, rename this list into some sort of big league individual player rating table and make it clear which regiments are supposed to be in it. It will still have a toxic effect on the community in my opinion, but at least you won't be those black ops bastards who have to hide their deeds and panickingly insult people who ask to be removed from it. Maybe.

My second example would be Parigonicalus, who used to be in your regiment
Parigon is still in the 10thRH, the only reason it says 1er is because Ciiges labeled him this way by his own will, which proves many of my points.  This is the second time Parigon has been mislabeled, he already asked once in the past for the "nr10" label to be replaced with "10thRH". And now on the next update suddenly he is "1er", and still is, even though Parigon has asked him to set that label back to 10thRH, again, and the 10thRH is marked as his favorite group on his steam profile.

Ciiges has this time refused to make the update. This only goes to show in what tyrannical way he wields the power of being the editor of the list. This is the guy whom you let run the list that decides on your ranking, and you let him do it due to greed for recognition, ridiculous.

Ciiges is clever to pull this out, but is not smart enough to hide his bad personality completely. In the past pages of this thread there are plenty of examples of him being a raging kid whenever someone questioned his skill or asked to be removed from the list. For example he refuses to remove some players from the list for a few days "just to teach them a lesson", as if he has some divine right of authority to teach anyone a lesson.

Though some of these removal requests were not very much polite (not as if you have to be polite to someone who has put you on a corrupt list without your approval), what about the last example? St0m asked to be removed in a pretty polite and straightforward way, and Ciiges immediately reacted by trying to publicly ridicule him. The "oh you don't want to be in my list, you must be butthurt over the drop in your rank" attitude.

And there is no mystery as to why Ciiges would be enraged by removal requests, each person less on the list makes the list less valid, therefore less power to him, making him less useful to the handful of others who benefit from it. 

Any player of integrity should ask to be removed from the list. Even though you will be attacked and ridiculed for doing so, showing some spine will earn you self esteem which will be more useful to you than a number on a corrupt piece of paper.

The Mess Hall / Re: ♞ Hussars Rated (EU) ♞ UPDATED 15-12-2020
« on: December 16, 2020, 01:43:41 pm »
You know what is even funnier? How some players who leave their regs and join 1er or 4e automagically gain a significant jump in their rank.

It is almost as if this list is a scam and a recruitment tool for selected few regiments.

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