Released Modifications

Child Boards

[-] Skins & OSP Resources

[-] Bello Civili - The Roman Civil War

[-] North & South: First Manassas

[-] The Anglo-Zulu War

[-] Blood & Iron

[-] Iron Europe

[-] Red and Blue 1936

[-] War of 1812

[-] Whigs & Tories

[-] Pike & Shotte


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[1] A.C.A.B. - Riot Mod [Download Available]

[2] Swissys Work :D

[3] Wüstis Negermod - Fashion Week

[4] Baillie's Client-Side Immersion Mod Pack (Sounds,Smoke,Skins)

[5] Custom Crosshairs

[6] Looking for Cheering Mod

[7] is weg

[8] Auto Admin: The end of FOL and Rambo. (Includes ID checker)

[9] Zombies! - Server side scripts


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