Flying Squirrel Entertainment

Language boards => Forum Français => Topic started by: Ted on April 26, 2016, 06:45:56 pm

Title: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: Ted on April 26, 2016, 06:45:56 pm
           Willkommen in der Deutschen Botschaft des französischen FSE

              Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE

Chers visiteurs,

Bienvenue sur le portail de l’ambassade d’Allemagne à FSE!

Les relations entre nos deux pays sont exceptionnelles. Notre coopération, d’une densité unique au monde, couvre tous les domaines (politique, économie, sciences, éducation, énergie, culture, etc.) Pas un jour ne passe sans que des rencontres franco-allemandes aient lieu à tous les échelons de la société, jusqu’au plus haut niveau. Ensemble, nous sommes, de plus, capables de réaliser de grandes choses. Notre amitié, conquise sur les haines de l’histoire, est depuis l’origine le moteur de l’intégration européenne. Nous sommes complémentaires. C’est en partie ce qui fait le prix, la richesse et, bien sûr, le plaisir de nos relations. Toutefois, gardons ceci à l’esprit : pour vivre pleinement, cette amitié a besoin de chacun d’entre nous.

Dans cette perspective, je me réjouis de vous accueillir sur ces pages. Quels que soient l’information que vous y cherchiez, le service que vous sollicitiez ou la curiosité qui vous guide, j’espère qu’elles répondront à vos attentes. Et pourquoi pas, qu’elles vous donneront envie de découvrir davantage le pays voisin.

In Deutsch
Liebe Besucherinnen und Besucher,

herzlich willkommen auf der Seite der Deutschen Botschaft FSE.

Die Beziehungen zwischen unseren beiden Ländern sind außergewöhnlich. Unsere enge, in der Welt einzigartige Zusammenarbeit erstreckt sich auf alle Gebiete (Politik, Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft, Bildung, Energie, Kultur usw.). Kaum ein Tag vergeht, ohne dass deutsch-französische Treffen auf allen Ebenen der Gesellschaft stattfinden, bis hin zur höchsten Ebene. Gemeinsam sind wir in der Lage, Großes zu vollbringen. Unsere Freundschaft, die den historischen Hass überwunden hat, war von Anfang an der Motor der europäischen Integration. Wir ergänzen uns gegenseitig. Das erklärt auch, warum unsere Beziehungen so wertvoll und so bereichernd sind und so viel Freude bereiten. Eines sollten wir jedoch im Gedächtnis behalten: Damit diese Freundschaft sich voll und ganz entfalten kann, braucht es jeden und jede von uns.

In diesem Sinne freue ich mich, Sie hier auf diesen Seiten willkommen heißen zu können. Ganz gleich, welche Information Sie suchen, welche Dienstleistung Sie in Anspruch nehmen möchten oder ob Sie einfach die Neugier hierher geführt hat – ich hoffe, dass unsere Seiten Ihren Erwartungen gerecht werden und dass sie Ihnen vielleicht auch Lust darauf machen, das Nachbarland noch besser kennenzulernen.

The President


On 12 February 2017 Frank-Walter Steinmeier was elected by the Federal Convention and became the twelfth President of the Federal Republic of Germany.

He has been awarded numerous honours and prizes for his work, including the  Ignatz-Bubis-Preis für Verständigung, the Willy-Brandt-Preis, the European Prize for Political Culture and several others.

He has been married to Elke Büdenbender since 1995. He has one daughter.
The Chancellor


Olaf Scholz has been Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany since December 2021.

Scholz was born in the German city of Osnabrück in 1958, grew up in Hamburg and is married. In 1985, he completed his law degree at the University of Hamburg. He joined the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) in 1975; since then, he has served in various positions within the party. He was a member of the German Bundestag from 1998 to 2001 and from 2002 to 2011.

In 2007, Scholz became Federal Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, a position he held until 2009. Following this, he was appointed deputy chair of the SPD parliamentary group. From 2011 to 2018, he served as Mayor of Hamburg. From February until April 2018, he was acting chair of the SPD. He was Federal Minister of Finance and Vice-Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany from March 2018 until his election as Chancellor. .

The Community Representative


Snowwi has been elected EU Community Representative in January 2022. He has been part of this community for quite some time, having played the game when it was still Mount&Musket.

He brings the different parts in this community more together by building a bridge between the more competetive side of this game and the more casual side, using the last year(s) of this game to build a friendly community and leave all the personal conflicts and hatred some people have for one another aside and just enjoy playing this game together.

The Ambassador


Ted has been Admin of various servers in multiple Mount & Blade modifications. He has been part of the Napoleonic Wars Community for several years and used to be member of various regiments, having lead positions both in the artillery and cavalry. He is Scene Designer and Deputy Project Manager for Sword&Musket in Bannerlord. As German language moderator, he looks forward to bringing German culture and friendship to your subboard.

Although having failed to anschluss the French board to the German forums, his clear intention is to spread German lifestyle and sense for humor all over FSE. He is very keen in informing the public about the democratic values of modern Germany and is therefore self-proclaimed leader of the FSE German Diplomatic Corps.

Good-bye Dr. Angela Merkel!


Dr. Angela Merkel was Federal Chancellor from 2005 till 2021. She focused on international cooperation with partners in the eurozone and outside it. She believes in budgetary discipline, solidarity and incentives for more growth. France was and is a particularly important partner.

Having earned a doctorate as a physical chemist, Merkel entered politics in the wake of the Revolutions of 1989.

Merkel has been described as the de facto leader of the European Union. Merkel appeared on the Forbes Magazine's List of The World's Most Powerful People as the world's second most powerful person, selected by Forbes magazine in 2012 and 2015. In December 2015, Merkel was named as Time magazine's Person of the Year, with the magazine's cover declaring her to be the "Chancellor of the Free World." On 26 March 2014, Merkel became the longest-serving incumbent head of government in the European Union. Merkel served as Senior G7 leader. In May 2015, Merkel was named the most powerful woman in the world for a record ninth time by Forbes.[/left]


The German FSE-Community

The German Community is one of the main Communities in Mount & Blade: Napoleonic Wars.

The German Community is proud to be one of the largest and most active communities in FSE, hosting dozens of active Regiments with more than thousand active players.

Being administrated by Lightning, Nightwing, Lukasoh, Chainsor, and Ted, the German Community is a place full of ideas, culture and interesting as well as constructive discussions.

By having the words "Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit" in our forum's description many players show their loyalty to European and German values. Unity, Law and Freedom - these are the key principles which the Bundesrepublik Deutschland as well as the German Board are built upon.


           Geschichte der Deutsch-Französischen FSE-Beziehungen

              Relations entre l'Allemagne et la France à FSE

January 22, 2013 - GERMAN BOARD - Specimen starts talking ( German in the board to improve his skills. He is given a warm welcome.

October 6, 2013 - GERMAN BOARD - Mac Aaron tries to take over ( by founding the "l'Armée de Libération Française de FSE ".

October 6, 2013 - FRENCH BOARD - Turin Turambar starts talking about Leberkäs ( in the French board - the thread is read nearly 7000 times.

June 15, 2014 - FRENCH/GERMAN BOARD - French members try to take over the German board. They fail - Dusan's glorious reaction ( goes down to history.

August 22, 2014 - GERMAN BOARD - French members try to invade Germany again ( However, KArantukki is able to hold them back and deletes their posts.

April 9, 2016 - FRENCH BOARD - Ted tries to anschluss ( the French board to the German one. A referendum takes place, victory is near - however, Carabino manages to stop the invasion. The anschluss-threads are closed.

April 26, 2016 - FRENCH/GERMAN BOARD - The German Embassy is founded.

Ambassador's Statement

As you can see the relationship between the French and the German Community has improved over time. The first interaction that took place ended with a good, constructive discussion - but soon, France seeked to invade the German Board. Germany fought back and therefore a war of trolling, anschlussing each other, and invading evolved.

It is time to end trolling, spam, and hate, and time go back to the good relationship of 2013: Polite discussions, constructive conversations and a good sense of humor is everything it takes.

I am looking forward to multiple other years of friendly, good relationships!



FSE German Diplomatic Corps

Taking a major interest in expanding the relationship between the national communities, the German Diplomatic Corps' task is to represent the German Community in a polite and respectful, but still humorous way.

The German Diplomatic Corps will inform members of other national language boards on the latest news and political matters of the Bundesrepublik Deutschland as well as of the German Community.

The German Diplomatic Corps does not only represent the German Community but will do its best to represent the Bundesrepublik Deutschland by sharing information and news on reallife political matters.


You can contact the German Diplomatic Corps by sending Ambassador Ted or Moderator VonBergen a PM or by posting here.

Please make sure to keep your requests and posts in one of the following languages:

- German
- English
- French
- Spanish
- Dutch

Languages that will be supported soon:

- Russian

Important Links

Federal Government of Germany (

The Federal President (

*Note*: This is not in any way related to official Federal German authorities.

Title: Re: Deutsche Botschaft
Post by: Cazasar on April 26, 2016, 06:50:05 pm
Jeez Ted, you are not even active in NW anymore. Besides, a polish embassy would be more usefull atm ::)
Title: Re: Deutsche Botschaft
Post by: Ted on April 26, 2016, 06:51:54 pm
a polish embassy would be more usefull atm ::)

We will need someone who speaks Polish for that though. This can be discussed in the German Board.
Title: Re: Deutsche Botschaft
Post by: Fixou on April 26, 2016, 07:12:13 pm
Can you fucking stop posting shity deutsh thread here pls??

You are useless asf.
Title: Re: Deutsche Botschaft
Post by: Clikenforce on April 26, 2016, 09:08:25 pm
Ey schönes thread. Wenn du hilfe brauchst mit dem Übersetzung schreib mir mal. Freut mich wenn ich es machen kann
Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: Artichaut on April 26, 2016, 09:45:45 pm
Willkommen in der Französisch-Forum ! 
Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: mowiegan on April 26, 2016, 10:40:35 pm
Du steigerst dich ja richtig rein  ;)
Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: Cara on April 27, 2016, 12:52:51 am
I don't have words  :'( Only müdigkeit

Just : it's your last topic here or I seriously mute you for spam.
Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: Ted on April 27, 2016, 07:09:24 am
Clikenforce, Artichaut: Thank you very much for your kind words.

Fixou: Yes, you insulted me ("You are useless asf"). Get out of this thread if you can't take polite conversations and humorous but still serious threads.

Carabino: Read ypur PM. This thread is in no way spam or trolling. We even are working on translating it into French! It was an idea that was NOT carried by me alone but multiple guys, to work on a better, but still humorous relationship between our boards. If you want to stay sitting in your corner you can simply write "No foreign threads"
The amount of SERIOUS work that went into this thread is outstanding. It would be more useful for our two communities if we would finally start interacting more with each other - but this will work only if you can bear polite conversations.

I am going to show the staff today as well as do a new announcement in French.
Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: Tournesol on April 27, 2016, 08:46:52 am
Mais quel forceur celui là ^^
Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: Tardet on April 27, 2016, 10:04:12 am
Typically German. They try to invade you, and when they fail, they start being "diplomatic". x)

On a more serious note, I do believe we should also consider being a bit less sensitive about what foreigners post on our forum. I find Ted's posts way funnier and constructive than many of the other topics/posts which have been seen so far on this subforum like "Baguette Thread" or the usual "Voulez-vous couchez avec moi?".

And in the case he is like simply purely trolling, just relax guys, take it easy, and instead acting like typical frenchmen, give him a quick response.

Don't mind too much the fact he has been a bit insisting with his "German Invasion" topics, because some years ago, we were the ones going with that kind of thread other all the different language subforums and we used to find ourselves pretty funny. (Which I think we were!)


Plus sérieusement, je pense qu'on devrait être un peu moins sensible à ce que les étrangers postent sur notre forum. Personnellement je trouve le post de Ted bien plus drôle et constructif que beaucoup d'autres topics/posts que l'on à vu jusque là sur notre forum, du genre "Baguette Thread" ou l'habituel, "Voulez-vous couchez avec moi?".

Et même dans le cas ou c'est du pur troll, pas besoin de monter sur ces grand chevaux les gars, et vous conduire comme des français typiques, soyez un peu plus malin, ayez de la répartie.

Enfin, faites pas trop gaffe à ses anciens topics, sur "L'Invasion Allemande", ou ce genre de connerie parce que quelques années en arrière, c'était nous qui allions mettre le bordel sur les autre forums de langues, et on se trouvait vachement drôles. (Ce que je pense que nous étions!).
Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: Velociraptor on April 27, 2016, 10:14:59 am
Wilkomen ! Hab eine gut Aufhentalt zum unseren Land !

Entschuldigung für meine Deutch...
Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: Benallo on April 27, 2016, 12:09:50 pm
Lol Ted What's that ? xD
Title: Re: Histoire du Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: Ted on April 27, 2016, 01:40:38 pm
           Geschichte der Deutsch-Französischen FSE-Beziehungen

              Relations entre l'Allemagne et la France à FSE

January 22, 2013 - GERMAN BOARD - Specimen starts talking ( German in the board to improve his skills. He is given a warm welcome.

October 6, 2013 - GERMAN BOARD - Mac Aaron tries to take over ( by founding the "l'Armée de Libération Française de FSE ".

October 6, 2013 - FRENCH BOARD - Turin Turambar starts talking about Leberkäs ( in the French board - the thread is read nearly 7000 times.

June 15, 2014 - FRENCH/GERMAN BOARD - French members try to take over the German board. They fail - Dusan's glorious reaction ( goes down to history.

August 22, 2014 - GERMAN BOARD - French members try to invade Germany again ( However, KArantukki is able to hold them back and deletes their posts.

April 9, 2016 - FRENCH BOARD - Ted tries to anschluss ( the French board to the German one. A referendum takes place, victory is near - however, Carabino manages to stop the invasion. The anschluss-threads are closed.

April 26, 2016 - FRENCH/GERMAN BOARD - The German Embassy is founded.

Ambassador's Statement

First, I would like to thank everyone for the kind words and overall warm welcome that has been given to the GDC by the French community.

As you can see the relationship between the French and the German Community has improved during this time. The first interaction that took place ended with a good, constructive discussion - but soon, France seeked to invade the German Board. Germany fought back and therefor a war of trolling, anschlussing each other and invading evolved.

It is time to end this relationship based on trolling, spam and hate to go back to the good relationship of 2013: Polite discussions, constructive conversations and a good sense of humor is everything it takes.

I am looking forward to multiple other years of friendly, good relationships!


Current Reallife Politics

( (

Les États‑Unis et l’Europe doivent se concerter étroitement pour résoudre les questions de sécurité, voilà le message qu’a lancé Angela Merkel après avoir rencontré MM. Obama, Hollande, Cameron et Renzi. Il faut empêcher la migration illégale et stabiliser la Libye, a‑t‑elle poursuivi.
Il s’agit avant tout de combattre les causes de l’exode et de la migration illégale, a déclaré la chancelière fédérale lundi à l’issue de sa réunion avec le président américain Barack Obama, le président français François Hollande, le Premier ministre britannique David Cameron et le Premier ministre italien Matteo Renzi à Hanovre. Pour ce faire, il importe de mettre en œuvre l’accord entre l’UE et la Turquie à travers la mission de l’OTAN en mer Égée. Les États‑Unis ont également l’ intention de soutenir la lutte contre la migration illégale.
Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: DHDraker on April 27, 2016, 03:35:16 pm
D'ac, manif demain.
Title: Re: Histoire du Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: Ted on May 08, 2016, 01:53:07 pm


Ambassador's Statement

As I personally am Volunteer for the Rescue Service of the German Red Cross I would like to bring today's international Red Cross Day to your attention.  The Red Cross has provided medical and basic help in the name of humanity all over the world since 1863. The Red Crescent Movement is also showing that most people in countries characterised by Islam share the same values.

Humanity - Impartiality - Neutrality - Independence - Voluntary Service - Unity - Universality

Let us all remember the hard work and long time it took to etablish these values as international standards - the Red Cross will allways stay with them. 17 million volunteers strong.

To give you an idea on how much the Red Cross is doing every year I've brought some numbers for you:

- 26.2 Million conflict-affected people are given access to clean drinking water - every year.
- 1.4 Million children under the age of 5 are vaccinated
- 20.8 Million People donate Blood
- 4.3 Million people were given household essentials
- 3.3 Million people receive goods to help them etablish a better livelihood
- 9.1 Million people received food.
- 160.7 Million people are given access to long-term services and development programmes
- 110 Million people are reached by disaster response every year

Members of the Red Cross have also taken an incredible important part in the quick medical response to the terror attacks that hit Europe over the last months - risking their own life to safe others. My highest respect and congratulations to all of them!

Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: PennyS on May 08, 2016, 02:39:39 pm
Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: Ted on May 08, 2016, 05:49:59 pm


Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: Ghost9447 on May 16, 2016, 11:15:50 am
Oh mon dieu
Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: Ted on May 16, 2016, 05:43:47 pm
Please ignore Ghost. He is not representing the community in any way, but spamming every thread he finds.
Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: PennyS on May 16, 2016, 08:20:14 pm
Guten Abend, Ich mag Wurst, und du?
Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: Ghost9447 on May 16, 2016, 08:23:33 pm
Guten Abend, Ich mag Wurst, und du?

Sehr große wurst
Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: PennyS on May 16, 2016, 08:27:01 pm
Jaja sehr gut
Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: Ted on May 29, 2016, 08:28:02 pm



Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: Maharbaal on June 04, 2016, 08:47:35 pm
Ich bin ein berliner
Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: John F. Kennedy on June 05, 2016, 01:03:29 am
Ich bin ein berliner
ah non c'est moi sa !!
Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: Ted on June 05, 2016, 09:04:51 pm
Ich bin ein berliner
Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: Ted on June 22, 2016, 05:10:21 pm
Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: huanmpth on June 23, 2016, 09:41:45 pm
C'est beau.
Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: DayBoul on June 26, 2016, 10:55:00 pm
If it interests you, the 15th October has been declared as the French Day of the 15thYR Regiment.

This day, there were 2 birthdays of french ppl and this day 4.5 french people topscoared at the event (Melsyo is half french so ye, 4.5)
Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: Maxonovien on July 03, 2016, 10:25:08 pm
Ich werde nur ein Wort sage : Sauerkraut

Und willkomen im Französische Teil des Forum, obwohl es ein bisschen spät ist :p
Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: Ted on July 07, 2016, 10:42:11 pm
Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: saf on July 07, 2016, 10:54:49 pm
Good bye
Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: John F. Kennedy on July 07, 2016, 10:56:52 pm
Auf Wiedersehen  8)
Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: Owaine on July 07, 2016, 10:58:17 pm
rekt deutschland get panzerdivision back to home
Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: Nerza on July 07, 2016, 10:59:11 pm

Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: Haze on July 07, 2016, 11:01:16 pm
Goodbye ger
Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: Maharbaal on July 07, 2016, 11:29:35 pm
Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: Nock on July 07, 2016, 11:31:39 pm
rekt deutschland get panzerdivision back to home
Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: Owaine on July 08, 2016, 01:10:42 am
D'où tu me cites ? T'as demandé a l'accueil avant ?
Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: PennyS on July 08, 2016, 08:02:05 pm
Germany will win the cup after beating France with 3-1

No hate D:

Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: Ted on July 09, 2016, 04:36:29 pm
Good bye
Auf Wiedersehen  8)
rekt deutschland get panzerdivision back to home

Goodbye ger

Ambassador's statement: We are going to come back.

Title: Re: Histoire du Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: Ted on July 10, 2016, 05:46:43 pm


Thank you for a great event!


~Ted, Ambassadeur
~Engel, Austrian Consul
Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: Owaine on July 10, 2016, 06:16:48 pm
Ich finde dass, die Event toll ist. (German Skill +1)
Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: Ted on July 14, 2016, 08:39:57 pm

In the name of the whole German team of this Thread and therefore representing the German Community I would like to wish you the very happiest of national holidays.

May your Nation stay strong and wealthy inside our Union of European Nations, may it stay a close friend of Germany and may we go into the future together.


Ted, Botschafter der Deutschen Community
Engel, Beauftragter für Österreichische Angelegenheiten
Bergen, Stv. Botschafter der Deutschen Community

Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: Nerza on July 15, 2016, 12:05:47 am

In the name of the whole German team of this Thread and therefore representing the German Community I would like to wish you the very happiest of national holidays.

May your Nation stay strong and wealthy inside our Union of European Nations, may it stay a close friend of Germany and may we go into the future together.


Ted, Botschafter der Deutschen Community
Engel, Beauftragter für Österreichische Angelegenheiten
Bergen, Stv. Botschafter der Deutschen Community

Thanks, we just have been attacked by terrorists again ( it seems ) in Nice...
Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: Velociraptor on July 15, 2016, 11:03:56 am
Danke sehr Ted !
Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: Ted on July 27, 2016, 02:10:47 pm

Nothing to add.


Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: Nock on July 27, 2016, 02:20:20 pm
Mein Beileid an die Familien der Opfer.
made with google translate, don't judge me please QQ
Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: Ted on July 27, 2016, 02:22:26 pm
Mein Beileid an die Familien der Opfer.
made with google translate, don't judge me please QQ

That's perfect German here, thank you very much! However, the same goes back to France - sad times we are living in....
Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: Ted on August 26, 2016, 10:38:45 am


Today the national anthem of the Federal Republic of Germany turns 175 years old. Written by August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben in 1841, the "Deutschlandlied" has shaped German history and politics all over the time. The melody was written by Haydn and used for the Austro-Hungarian Imperial Anthem first.
In 2016 all three strophes of the Deutschlandlied are part of the anthem, however on official occasions only the third one is sung to avoid negative connotations with the Third Reich.

The version as sung on official occasions - a good version from 2005:

The full anthem:

Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: PennyS on August 30, 2016, 12:35:38 am
Its a sad day for the French community, we've lost one of the best French structures, the BI, pray for their souls, Im crying but we need to be strong. RIP.
Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: Fixou on August 30, 2016, 10:38:11 am
Its a sad day for the French community, we've lost one of the best French structures, the BI, pray for their souls, Im crying but we need to be strong. RIP.
Title: Tag der Deutschen Einheit
Post by: Ted on October 03, 2016, 05:46:57 pm
( National Holiday:
Tag der Deutschen Einheit

Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: MaxLam on October 03, 2016, 08:53:29 pm
Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: Ted on May 11, 2017, 07:57:16 pm
~The Embassy is still open~

I would like to wish you best of luck with your team ( for the Battle of Bucharest!
Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: Tardet on May 11, 2017, 10:03:10 pm
Merci ;)
Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: Ted on June 08, 2017, 10:47:23 am
Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: Fixou on June 08, 2017, 10:50:44 pm
Pls not you here get back to pw and do your admin job faguette!!!
Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: Argolas on June 14, 2017, 05:49:38 pm
German Player is Co-Cpt of a French GF Team  ;) o.O "Der Beginn einer wunderbaren Freundschaft?"


45e One Of the best French Regiments :-*

Since (08/07/16) in the 45e!  ;D
Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: Ted on July 15, 2017, 05:15:29 pm
Pls not you here get back to pw and do your admin job faguette!!!

Don't try telling me what I am meant to do!11!11  ;)

A bit late, but still....  :D

Title: Congratulations
Post by: Ted on July 15, 2018, 07:49:48 pm
Congratulations on a well-deserved victory!

Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: Ted on February 18, 2021, 05:43:39 pm
Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: Ted on January 25, 2022, 09:39:26 am

#Edit: 2nd Update 31.01.2022

The Chancellor


Olaf Scholz has been Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany since December 2021.

Scholz was born in the German city of Osnabrück in 1958, grew up in Hamburg and is married. In 1985, he completed his law degree at the University of Hamburg. He joined the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) in 1975; since then, he has served in various positions within the party. He was a member of the German Bundestag from 1998 to 2001 and from 2002 to 2011.

In 2007, Scholz became Federal Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, a position he held until 2009. Following this, he was appointed deputy chair of the SPD parliamentary group. From 2011 to 2018, he served as Mayor of Hamburg. From February until April 2018, he was acting chair of the SPD. He was Federal Minister of Finance and Vice-Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany from March 2018 until his election as Chancellor. .

The Community Representative-Elect


Snowwi has been elected EU Community Representative in January 2022. He has been part of this community for quite some time, having played the game when it was still Mount&Musket.

He brings the different parts in this community more together by building a bridge between the more competetive side of this game and the more casual side, using the last year(s) of this game to build a friendly community and leave all the personal conflicts and hatred some people have for one another aside and just enjoy playing this game together.

Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: Ted on February 13, 2022, 02:47:37 pm


Today, Frank-Walter Steinmeier has been reelected as Federal President by the Federal Convention.
Title: Re: Ambassade d'Allemagne à FSE
Post by: charle_Lebrun on February 21, 2022, 11:54:49 pm