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Author Topic: Polar's Factory (NEW! Prussian Shakos!)  (Read 10604 times)

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Polar's Factory (NEW! Prussian Shakos!)
« on: December 24, 2018, 06:01:13 am »
Hello, this is my Skin/Animation/Music/Sounds Factory!

Everything here is compatible with Vanilla!
I promise there will be a skin for each major country of the Napoleonic Wars with great historical authenticity.
Please reply with any inaccuracies or bugs you may find, I will try to fix it right away.
If you want a skin in a different faction, message me and I will try to do that.

Im also working on a mod that will be compatible with multiplayer. It will change every skin. (Napoleonic Wars 2.0)

Please check out my history youtube channel! I will be posting shortly.


Taking Requests!
If you see something listed here and you want to see it, please reply on the thread and ill prioritize it.

2 Italian Skins requested by Italian Regiment


Italian Line Infantry (Not accurate but regiment requested that way) & Artillery
I will release this later with the line inf being corrected to Italian Voltigeurs.


Other Addons

New Menu Screen #1


If you want to replace the starting menu screen with this picture:

Here is the download for that:




New 6pdr Cannon (Coming very soon! Already Finished)

Music & Sounds

Polar's Music Pack

This music pack took me 2 weeks to make due to the sheer size of it, but im extremely proud of the 457 pieces I have garnered. This music pack if you played it all together would probably be 10+ hours. All these tracks are of the Napoleonic era (except the Napoleonic Soundtrack pieces) and were exhaustively and extensively researched with some exceptions (the pieces with exceptions are few and sound if it had been made in the era.) If you would like to download the tracks for listening, videos, etc there is a link if you scroll down. The contents range from military, classical, and OSTs.

Most of it was taken from my 5 yr old Youtube playlist of over 1000 Classical and Military songs of the Napoleonic Era (beware some are repeats and not Napoleonic): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLetXD-ZSle7hvqH7fRFCjTbIQIh5xA0Ak

Also if you are wondering why I didn't just convert all the music to OGG. files and add to the Music.txt, I have tried that but it does not work. Other music packs that have done that do not work as well. Either way if there is a way im not creating a new one to do that..

This is a list of every piece in the pack and what song file it is contained in. Some pieces will have a descriptive history of the piece. The pieces that have a description will be underlined. Every piece will have in order, the author, the title of the piece, and the date it was composed.

(Classical Music)

All music in order in Name in the Music folder -


Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) Bach was a baroque genius. His pieces were popular and influential. His pieces were still being referenced and played in the Napoleonic era. Bach met with many influential people such as Frederick the Great.

Bach, Orchestral Suite No. 2 in B minor, Badinerie

(Bach's pieces stand out during the Baroque Era, his pieces were admired in his day and even to the present day. His Brandenburg Concertos were considered the best orchestral compositions of the Baroque era.)

(Vanilla) Bach, Brandenburg Concerto Movement 1
Bach, Orchestral Suite No. 2
(Vanilla) Bach, Cello Suite No.1
Bach, Symphony in G minor Op.6 No.6
(Vanilla) Bach, Concerto for Two Violins, First Movement
Bach, Partita No.3 Gavotte en Rondeau
(Vanilla) Bach, Gavotte
Bach, Adagio
(Vanilla) Bach, Orchestral Suite No.3 "Air"


Gaspare Spontini (1774-1851) Italian composer who part of the Académie Impériale de Musique was popular among the imperial court of France. He would compose the Prussian anthem, "Borussia" in 1820.

(Fernand Cortez was a French Opera made by Gaspare Spontini. It is said Napoleon had recommended the theme to Spontini he was even at the Premiere, Napoleon's military bands loved Fernand Cortez so much they played pieces from the opera on the battlefield. The Old Guard band played the pieces on the battlefield of Waterloo. The Opera in a sense was a product of political product supporting the Peninsular  War. Its popularity would wane due to losses and grief in Spain, it was also criticized for being too loud. The Opera though was nonetheless a masterpiece for its time and admired by Cherubini, future composers Berlioz and Wagner.)

Spontini, Fernand Cortez, Pas de Soldats 1809
Spontini, Fernand Cortez, Overture 1809

(In 1805 with the encouragement of Empress Josephine Spontini wrote the legendary La Vestale opera. It premiered in 1807 and was a huge success. Its fame spread to Naples in 1811, Stockholm in 1823, New Orleans in 1828, Wagner conducted it in Dresden in 1844. It would see over 230 performances by 1830. La Vestale would be Spontini's biggest success.)

Spontini, La Vestale, Overture 1807

(My personal favorite classical piece in this whole list is the Olympie Overture. Spontini started writing it in 1815. It would be premiered in 1819.)

Spontini, Olympie, Overture 1815-1819
Spontini, Li Puntigli delle Donne, Excerpt 1796


Giovanni Paisiello (1740-1816) Italian Composer who was praised by Haydn, Salieri, Mozart, and Beethoven. Invited to Paris in 1802 by Napoleon he was treated very freely compared to other famous composers (Cherubini, Mehul). Paris treated Paisiello's Operas so poorly so bad that he went back to Italy. In Naples he worked for Joseph Bonaparte, and Joachim Murat. Paisiello would be Napoleon's favorite Opera composer, he would send Napoleon every year for his birthday special compositions, and presented Marie Louise with a song for her marriage to Napoleon in 1810.

(Paisiello's Barber of Seville would be premiered in St. Petersburg. This would be Paisiello's biggest success inspiring Rossini to create his own Barber of Seville. Rossini's Barber of Seville blew up in popularity overshadowing Paisiello's version into obscurity. It would be revived though in recent decades.)

Paisiello, Il barbiere di Siviglia, Saper bramante 1782
Paisiello, Piano Concerto No. 4 in G minor
Paisiello, 6 Quartets, Op. 23 for flute violin, viola & cello
Paisello, Il re Teodoro in Venezia Overture


Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) German/Austrian Composer who needs no introduction. A figure that made a large mark in musical history. His music itself is a great perspective of the Napoleonic era.

Beethoven, Coriolan Overture 1807

(Using a set of music pieces by Goethe based on the 16th century Count of Egmont, Beethoven composed this narrative piece. Egmont's Overture has become one of Beethoven's popular pieces. The overture has even been an anthem at one point.)

Beethoven, Egmont Overture 1810
Beethoven, Sonata Pathetique No. 8 1798

(Beethoven's Violin Sonata No.8 was dedicated to the Russian Tsar Alexander I. Pretty interesting.)

Beethoven, Violin Sonata No.8 1803

(Doesn't have to do with Emperor Napoleon. This is probably Beethoven's most beautiful and heartfelt piece. Don't cry when you listen to the whole entire piece the first time. Just to remind you this piece was made when Beethoven couldn't hear very well (he became fully deaf by the 9th symphony).

Beethoven, Piano Concerto No.5 "Emperor" 1811

(This is not the song by Jah, but rather a piece by Beethoven made in his depressed early years. Published in 1802 this piece was dedicated to one of Beethoven's pupils the Countess Giuliette Guicciardi. There are three parts to the Sonata, the third, Presto Agitato is an insane piano piece that you will have to listen to yourself to really comprehend.)

Beethoven, Piano Sonata No.14 "Moonlight"


(The legendary Symphony No.5 literally needs no introduction. The symphony was composed when Europe was in flames and just a few months before Austria invaded Bavaria in a surprise attack inciting the war of the Fifth Coalition. The Symphony premiered on a cold December day in 1808 alongside the 6th Symphony. Not only is the symphony lovely in music, it changed music as well. E.T.A. Hoffmann described the symphony as ""one of the most important works of the time". The symphony reads out as a battle inside Beethoven's mind. You could also say the symphony is the Napoleonic Wars in music, the first movement being Napoleon's sudden rise to power and the fourth movement is a glorious monument to a coalition victory. Whatever the meaning of the symphony is, the relevancy of the 5th symphony most likely will continue, its influence already reaching many modern composers and even being a part of WW2.)

Beethoven, Symphony No.5 "Dun dun dun dunn" 1808

(It has English horns, pretty interesting right? Its a very cheerful almost march-like melody in contrast to the 5th.)

Beethoven, Trio in C major for Two Oboes and English Horn Op.87 1804


(Quite possibly Beethoven's greatest work. Alongside Symphony No.5 this work has reached large amounts of fame and praises. The fourth movement resonates with anyone especially the Ode to Joy part. It premiered in 1824 but it is one exception. The hour long symphony will make your game more heavenly. Also he was fully deaf when he composed this. When it was premiered and finished the audience gave a standing ovation but Beethoven being deaf didn't hear it, he had his back towards the audience. One of the vocalists turned him around and only then did he see the ovations and the cheering.)

Beethoven, Symphony No.9 1824

(A guitar piece written during the reign of Henri IV. Pieces such as these would survive throughout time becoming traditional pieces.)

du Caurroy, Charmante Gabrielle pre 1609

(Purcell was one of many English baroque era composers. His masterful pieces are still being performed today.)

Purcell, Abdelazar Suite, Rondo 1695

(Handel's pieces are still being played today as well. This legendary English composer would also compose many marches for the British Army that you will find in this mod.)

Handel, See the Conqu'ring Hero Comes, March from Judas Maccabaeus 1746


(Performed for the public in 1805 in Vienna just a few months before Napoleon entered Vienna. The symphony was originally dedicated to Napoleon when he was consul, infact the original name for the symphony was gonna be, "Buonaparte". When he crowned himself Emperor, Beethoven when hearing the news tore up the symphony cover page with his name on it in half as shown in the picture of the original manuscript, he changed the dedication/name to Eroica. Sinfonia Eroica, or the Heroic Symphony would be composed to celebrate the memory of a once great man. Beethoven also exclaimed, "So he is no more than a common mortal! Now, too, he will tread under foot all the rights of Man, indulge only his ambition; now he will think himself superior to all men, become a tyrant!")

Beethoven, Symphony No. 3 "Eroica" 1805

(The origin of the name is quite curious, it was dubbed the "Ghost trio" due to the eerie and slow sounding movement.)

Beethoven, Piano Trio In D Major Opus 70, No. 1 "Ghost" 1808

(The iconic Turkish March from Beethoven is not the famous Mozart one but rather another famous Turkish march piece. It tells the story of the history of Athens. This march depicts the Turks entering Athens. This piece was not originally part of The Ruins of Athens piece but rather, Six Variations on an Original Theme from 1809.)

Beethoven, The Ruins of Athens, Turkish March 1812

(Beethoven wrote a variation piece from the duo from 'La Molinara'. La Molinara was an opera written by Paisiello. The reason why I put this aside from the lovely melody, is because the duo from 'La Molinara' was one of Napoleon's favorite pieces.

Beethoven, 6 Variations on 'Nel cor piu non mi sento', WoO 70 "La Molinara"

(That one L'Aigle piece thats not Salieri.)

Beethoven, String Quartet No. 6 in B Flat Major, I. Allegro con brio 1801


(The Ruins of Athens is one of Beethoven's most underrated pieces. The Turkish march is well known but aside from that it is rarely performed. Its a musical piece that tells a story of the history of Athens. It was first performed for the opening of a new theater at Pest in 1812. The second overture was written in 1822 for a reopening of a Viennese theater.)

Beethoven, The Ruins of Athens 1812 (Second overture written in 1822)

(The iconic "Kreutzer" Sonata is a very difficult and unusual piece. It was originally dedicated to George Bridgetower an African-American violinist from the West Indies, Beethoven revoked the dedication after an altercation between both of them. It was rededicated to the french violinist Rodolphe Kreutzer who strongly disliked the piece describing it as "unintelligible", he would never play it. The "Kreutzer" sonata is still one of Beethoven's most iconic pieces living on even being one of Tolstoy's novels, "The Kreutzer Sonata".)

Beethoven, Violin Sonata No. 9 "Kreutzer" 1803

(A beautiful piece dedicated to the ten year old daughter of Antonie Brentano to help encourage her piano playing.)

Beethoven, Allegretto for Piano Trio, WoO 39 1812


(Boccherini's Minuet is one of the most famous Classical pieces alongside Mozart's Eine kleine Nachtmusik and Beethoven's Ode to Joy.)

(Vanilla) Boccherini, The String Quintet in E major, Op. 11, No.5 1771

(One of the greatest works of the late 18th century it would important to music history and even Napoleonic history. The first performance of "The Creation" was invitation only, this meant only a few high officials and prominent people were allowed inside. This did not stop over 300 common folk crowding the theater. 30 special policemen were dispatched to guard the theater. The lucky enough people to listen to the piece wrote raving reviews, one said, "Already three days have passed since that happy evening, and it still sounds in my ears and heart, and my breast is constricted by many emotions even thinking of it." The first public performance was sold out and booked in advance. When Napoleon's armies occupied Vienna in 1809 the dying Haydn was greeted by a French cavalry officer who sang the aria, "Mit Würd' und Hoheit angetan", Haydn was deeply moved and appreciative. Haydn's last performance would be "Gott Erhalte Franz den Kaiser" on May 26th 4 days after the battle of Aspern-Essling, he would die on May 31st 1809. Napoleon was on his way to the first premiere of "The Creation" in France in 1800. While on his way to the theater he narrowly avoided death when the "Machine Infernale" blew up seconds after the carriage past, Hortense, Josephine's daughter's hand was lacerated. Casualities aren't certain but atleast seven may have died, twenty wounded.)

Haydn, The Creation 1798


Joseph Haydn (1732-1809) The "Father of Symphony" and the "Father of the String Quartet". He was truly a genius and mastermind of the Classical period. Born in Rohrau, Austria he was an Austrian patriot. He composed the Austrian royal anthem, "Gott Erhalte den Franz Kaiser" which lives on in the instrumentals of the German anthem. In 1808 during a performance of "The Creation" organised in his honour he was carried on an armchair and met Beethoven and Salieri who conducted the performances, this alone says enough about his character and the respect he was given. In 1790 Haydn met Beethoven and took him as a pupil upon seeing the talent in the young man, influencing his music greatly.  When Napoleon's armies occupied Vienna in 1809 the dying Haydn was greeted by a French cavalry officer who sang an aria from the "The Creation", "Mit Würd' und Hoheit angetan", Haydn was deeply moved and appreciative. Haydn's last performance would be the Emperor's Hymn, or "Gott Erhalte Franz den Kaiser" on May 26th 4 days after the battle of Aspern-Essling, he would die on May 31st 1809. An underrated figure in music history he is alongside Mozart, Bach, and Beethoven as one of the greatest and most underrated composers of all time.

(Quite possibly one of Haydn's most popular concertos. This piece is very popular with trumpet players.)

Haydn, Trumpet Concerto in E-flat major 1796

(At a time where Revolutionary France was invincible and had a foothold in the Rhine and Italy and Napoleon was advancing into Syria the mass was performed. Unknown to the Austrian crowd the news that France had been dealt a stunning defeat at Aboukir Bay in Egypt by Admiral Nelson. When the news reached Austria the Mass was termed the "Nelson" mass.)

Haydn, Mass No. 11 in D minor, "Nelson Mass" or "Missa in Angustiis" 1799
Haydn, Symphony No. 100 "Military" 1794


François-Adrien Boieldieu (1775-1834) A French composer that served as the court composer to the Tsar up until 1810 which he returned to Paris under Napoleon and the Restoration. He would compose many brilliant yet unknown works. He was called the "French Mozart".

(Quite possibly the best harp piece ever made and one of my favorite pieces (The third movement is something other-worldly). Boieldieu unleashed his genius into making this piece. This recording uses period accurate instruments that have different sounds to the present day instruments that orchestras use today, this gives off a different performance then one you would hear today.)

Boieldieu, Concerto pour Harpe 1801
Boieldieu, Jean de Paris, Overture 1812

(Boieldieu would win the strict Parisian audiences by releasing the triumphal opera "Le Caliph de Bagdad".)

Boieldieu, Le Caliph de Bagdad Overture 1800


François-Joseph Gossec (1734-1829) A French composer that composed many songs during and before Napoleonic rule. Him and Mehul were conductors of the Garde Nationale during the French Revolution. He is relatively unknown in the present day despite being the inspiration and friends to Cherubini, Mehul, and Grétry.

Gossec, Symphony in F Op 12 No.6 pre 1776
Gossec, Aux Mânes de la Gironde 1795

(Gossec's most famous piece by far. The Gavotte is still being played commonly in the present day.)

Gossec, Gavotte 1750


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) A prolific and influential composer of the classical era, he was originally a child prodigy known throughout Europe for his skills. Once he became older he wrote hundreds of works all of which are masterpieces. He died relatively young and poor yet after his death he became even more famous. His "Requiem" piece was played at numerous funerals across the 19th century including Beethoven's. He importantly influenced Beethoven greatly when he was a teenager he also took Hummel as a pupil. His influence stretches with other composers and musicians. Many have made variations of his pieces, Chopin, Tchaikovsky, and Glinka. He is simply a legend that needs no introduction.

(Fun fact, when the symphony was performed in the home of Baron Gottfried van Swieten, Mozart who was listening to the piece being played had to leave due to the performance being so terrible.)

Mozart, Symphony No. 40 in G minor 1788

(Nicknamed the "The Turkish" it premiered in 1775 in the Christmas season."

Mozart, Violin Concerto No. 5 1775

(The young Beethoven greatly admired this piece and played it often.)

Mozart, Piano Concerto No. 20 in D minor 1785
Mozart, Piano Concerto In E Flat, 3rd Movement 1785


(Written in the Turkish style the iconic piece is heard everywhere.)

Mozart, Turkish March 1784

(Mozart's best piece is the legendary Requiem. He died in the middle of making the piece. Many famous composers of the time teamed up to finish the legendary piece in honor of Mozart. This piece was been played at many funerals including Beethoven's.)

Mozart, Requiem in D minor 1791
Mozart, Idomeneo March 1781

(The original manuscript was written in red, green, blue, and black ink. Some say the purpose was to confuse the performer but some say its a secret code.)

Mozart, Mozart - Horn Concerto No. 4 in E flat 1786


(Vanilla) Geminiani, Concerto Grosso No.3

(Literally completed only four weeks after Mozart created another concerto.)

Mozart, Piano Concerto No. 21 in C major 1785
(Mozart was only 17 when he written this symphony. It is
supposedly completed two days after his Symphony No.24 was completed)

Mozart, Symphony No. 25 in G minor 1773
Mozart, Violin Concerto No. 3 in G major 1775
Mozart, Magic Flute, Overture 1791

(One of the most popular and common operas, the Marriage of Figaro changed operas greatly.)

Mozart, Marriage of Figaro, Overture 1786


Luigi Cherubini (1760-1842) An Italian classical composer who was influential in France and in church music. He is regarded by Beethoven as one of the greatest of his contemporaries. When Napoleon occupied Vienna in 1805 he was appointed the director of music in Vienna. In 1808 he was an elected member of the Royal Institute of the Netherlands. In France he lost popularity, Boieldieu and Spontini were stealing the spotlight. Cherubini angered and tired of not doing well moved to Church music.

Cherubini, Les Deux Journées, Overture 1800

(Sung at the funeral ceremony for General Hoche on the Champ de Mars. It was loved by many composers who supported the Revolution.)

Cherubini, Hymne Funèbre sur la mort du Général Hoche 1797
Cherubini, Le Crescendo, Overture 1810

(Written in occassion for the entry of Napoleon into Milan. This piece was made for the eventual French victory over Austria in Italy.)

Cherubini, Hymne a`la Victoire 1796

Pierre Rode (1774-1830) was a French violinist who served as Napoleon's violin soloist. He toured extensively in Germany, the Netherlands, England, and Spain. He was great a friend to Boieldieu joining him in his St. Petersburg journey. When he returned the Parisian public found his playing too "Russian", or cold. Beethoven dedicated his last violin sonata to Rode when he visited Vienna. When Rode made one last attempt to play in Paris the performance was such a fiasco that it hastened his death and died in his native Aquitaine (that sucks).

Rode, Violin Concerto No.7 in A Minor 1803


Johann Nepomuk Hummel (1778-1837) An Austrian composer who under Haydn blossomed his career. After Haydn died he was chosen by the Esterhazy family to be the next Konzertmeister. He was dismissed in 1811 for neglecting his duties. Hummel would become friends with many famous composers during the Napoleonic Era including Beethoven and even Schubert later on.

(One of my favorite pieces on the list is Hummel's trumpet concerto. It was created for Anton Weidinger who invented an early version of the modern day trumpet. His trumpet had valves which was a new experimental thing. Valves were formally invented in 1815 in Berlin.)

Hummel, Trumpet Concerto 1803

(Hummel's take on "Ach, du lieber Augustin" a popular Viennese/Austrian folk song.)

Hummel, "Ach, du lieber Augustin" Variations Before 1812

(Could find no info about this piece, but it is made by Hummel and its Vanilla.)

(Vanilla) Hummel, Rondo

(The pieces after Hummel are pieces made for the French Revolution.)

Jean-Baptiste Davaux, Symphonie Concertante mélée d'airs Patriotiques for 2 Violins & Orchestra
François Martin, Symphony No.2 in G minor
Carl Ditters von Dittersdorf, Symphony in C "La Prise de la Bastille"
François-Joseph Gossec, Symphony in D major


(Vanilla) Handel, Messiah, Hallelujah Chorus 1741
(Vanilla) Handel, Soloman, The Arrival of the Queen from Sheba 1749

Jean-François Le Sueur (1760-1837) Was a French composer who was first a pressor in the School of the National Guard in 1793. Unable to find real success he wrote a violent pamphlet against the French institutes getting him dismissed. Living in poverty he was saved by Napoleon who appointed him chapel master of the Tuilleries in 1804. Le Sueur would go on to compose the coronation music for Napoleon and performing the Opera, "Ossian, ou Les bardes" which was one of Napoleon's favorite Operas. Napoleon awarded him with the Chevalier de la Légion d'honneur.

Le Sueur, Oratorios pour le couronnement des princes souverains de la chrétienté 1804

(Napoleon loved the Opera so much that after the first two acts he invited the composer to the imperial viewing box during the third act. The next day he sent Le Sueur a gold casket engraved, "The Emperor Napoleon to the author of Les bardes" containing the Légion d'honneur.)

Le Sueur, Ossian ou les Bardes, airs de danses 1804


Anton Reicha (1770-1836) A Czech-born, later naturalized French composer he would play an important role in classical and the future of romantic music. He would also be a contemporary and lifelong friend to Beethoven. In 1805 French occupation of Vienna frustrated Reicha, he traveled to Leipzig to arrange a performance of his new work. His performance was cancelled due to a blockade by French troops. He finally returned in 1808 but by then Austria was preparing for war. Frustrated by the never ending conflict he decided to move to Paris where he wouldn't encounter occupation nor conflict. His works failed to please the strict Parisian audiences and rather than being a successful composer his work on theorism and as a teacher had more success. In his later years after 1814 he influenced many future romantic composers such as Liszt, Berlioz, and Cohen.

Reicha, Symphony No.3 in F-major 1808
Reicha, Grand Duo Concertant
Reicha,  Octet in E-flat major, Op.96 1807

Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757) Composed 555 keyboard sonatas, he spent much of his life in the service of the Portugese and Spanish royal families.

Scarlatti, Sonata in B Minor, K.27 1738


Jean-Baptiste Lully (1632-1687) was an influential French baroque composer under the reign of Louis XIV. He was considered a master of the French Baroque style not allowing any Italian influence. His military marches were still being played under Napoleon as seen in this mod.

Lully, Gavotte
Lully, Marche pour la cérémonie des Turcs
Lully, Idylle Sur La Paix, Air Pour Madame La Dauphine

Theodor Körner (1791-1813) A German nationalist, poet, and soldier. He fought in the War of Liberation and would go on to create many famous poems such as "Lützows wilde Jagd" and "Schwertlied" which was created before his death in battle.

Körner, Schwertlied, Instrumental and Vocal 1813

Nicolas Roze (1745-1819) Roze's Vivat would be played proudly under Lesueur during Napoleon's coronation.

Roze, Vivat in Aeternum 1804

Jean-Paul-Égide Martini (1741-1816)

(A French classical love song which was popular during the Napoleonic and Revolutionary Era.)

Martini, Plaisir d'Amour 1784

(Beethoven's take on a popular Ukrainian folk song, "The Cossack Rode Beyond the Danube" or "Ikhav Kozak za Dunaj". He may have heard this from some passing Cossacks.)

Beethoven, Schöne Minka

(One of the best examples of Vivaldi's famous crazy pieces.)

Vivaldi, Juditha triumphans, Armatae face et anguibus

(John Field (1782-1837) An Irish pianist and composer, he influenced Chopin, Brahams, Schumann, and Liszt. He became a very famous and sought-after concert pianist.)

Field, Nocturne no. 9 in E Major

Bartolomeo Bortolazzi (1773-1820) A travelling musician, co poser, and author he became very famous for creating many pieces using guitar and the mandolin. He is credited by many on saving the mandolin from obscurity.

Bortolazzi, Andante from Sonata for Mandolin  and Piano in D major

Chevalier de Saint-Georges (1745-1799 ) Born a mulatto slave in Guadeloupe he was taken in by his recently ennobled father to France where he was freed. In France he went on to learn how to become a gentleman. After his father's death he would go on to continue to look after his plantations and compose many pieces. During the French Revolutionary Wars he led the Légion Saint-Georges.

Saint-Georges, Symphony Op. 11 No. 1 in D major, Overture

Ivan Khandoshkin (1747-1804) A composer of Ukrainian Cossack origin. He is described as "the finest Russian violinist of the eighteenth century".

Khandoshkin, Variations on the Song, "You are my Dear Mother" 1804
Handel, Dixit Dominus 1707

(The iconic "Sarabande" is that one piece in every movie that takes place in the 18th or 19th century.)

Handel, Keyboard Suite in D minor "Sarabande"

(First played at the coronation of King George II in 1727 it is now played at every British monarch's coronation since its composition.)

Handel, Zadok the Priest 1727

(Fernando Sor (1778-1839) A Spanish classical guitarist and composer he is best known for his guitar compositions. His take on the classic song, "Marlborough s'en va t'en Guerre". The history of "Marlborough s'en va t'en Guerre" is interesting as well. The French folk song was extremely popular before and after the French Revolution. The song depicts the "death" of the British general Marlborough at Malplaquet which never happened. The song was so insanely popular that when the legendary Goethe traveled to France he hated Marlborough because of the amount of times he heard the tune. Before Napoleon crossed the Memel in 1812 he hummed the tune. Marlborough s'en va t'en Guerre lives on in America with the song "The Bear goes over the Mountain".)

Sor, Variations sur Marlborough s'en va t'en Guerre
Buffardin, Concerto à 5 in E minor

(You may notice that this piece resembles Handel's sarabande. The reason for this is because they all use the same theme, the "Folia". The "Folia" is one of the oldest European themes. Variations of the Folia are popular, one being Handel's Sarabande.)

Marais, Les Folies d'Espagne


Franz Schubert (1797-1828) An Austrian composer of the early romantic era he left a huge mark and a vast collection of pieces. A young man with a promising career and already a vast amount of iconic pieces he would find himself sick with typhoid fever and dying at at the young age of 31. His pieces such as "Ave Maria" and "Serenade" continue to be loved and listened to by millions.

Schubert, String Quartet No.7 1814
Schubert, Der Teufel als Hydraulicus, Overture 1811
Schubert, Der vierjährige Posten, Overture May 1815
Schubert, Schubert Fantasie in G Major 1810


Étienne Méhul (1763-1817) Arguably the most important and famous French composer during the Revolution and Napoleonic Eras. Considered as the first "Romantic" composer his career was shaped around the Revolution and Napoleon. Creator of the French Empire's anthem, "Chant du départ" he was great friends with many important French figures of the era including Napoleon. He helped found the Institut de France and became one of the first people to be awarded the Légion d'honneur.

Mehul, Chant pour le Retour de la Grande Armee 1808

(A piece created to celebrate Napoleon's peace over the Austrians in 1797 at Campo Formio.)

Marie-Joseph Chénier, Chant de Retour or Hymne pour la Paix 1797

(One of the many revolutionary pieces Mehul created.)

Mehul, Chant National 1800

(When it was premiered the libretto was hissed and booed for his poor quality at but Mehul was cheered for his work. Parisian audiences were hard to please.)

Mehul, La Jeune Henri, Overture 1797
Mehul, Suite d'airs Revolutionnaires, Hymne pour la fete de Bara et  Viala


Anton Eberl, Symphony in E-flat Major 1803
Carl Czerny, Piano Concerto in C major for four hands


(The iconic "Little Night Music" is more than one act. Infact its four. This iconic piece has more to offer than that one famous piece.)

Mozart, Eine kleine Nachtmusik 1787
(Vanilla) Mozart, Great Mass in C Minor "Gloria"
Friedrich Kuhlau, Piano Concerto in C-major 1810
Louis Spohr, Nonet in F major 1813


(That one classical song that is pretty beautiful but overplayed.)

(Vanilla) Pachelbel, Canon

(That one song in Master and Commander.)

Boccherini, La Musica Notturna delle Strade di Madrid
Boccherini, Piano Concerto in E-flat major 1768
Frederich Witt, Symphony No.6 in A-minor "Alla Turca" 1810


Antonio Salieri (1750-1825) An Italian composer who didn't contribute to Mozart's death. Director of the Italian opera in the Habsburg court until 1792 he was an important figure of the late Classical period. His influence reaches Beethoven, Schubert, Liszt, Hummel, and Mozart's son.

(That one L'Aigle song.)

Salieri, Twenty six variations on "La Folia de Spagna" 1815
Beethoven, Sonata No.21 in C Major "Waldstein" 1804
Salieri, Sinfonia Veneziana in D major 1780
(Vanilla) William Boyce, Symphony 1 in B Minor, 1st Movement


Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741) An Italian baroque musical composer, virtuoso violinist, teacher, and priest. He influenced many violinists and his "Four Seasons" would become one of the most famous classical compositions ever.

(The iconic "Four Seasons" will forever be one of the most iconic and famous classical compositions ever.)

Vivaldi, The Four Seasons 1725
Vivaldi, La Stravaganza 1713
Vivaldi, Concerto for Two Violins in A Minor 1711
(Vanilla) Vivaldi, Concerto No.10, III. Allegro
(Vanilla) Vivaldi, Concerto for Flute, Violin and Continuo in C Minor, Allegro
(Vanilla) Vivaldi, Concerto Grosso No. 8, Allegro


(Wellington's Victory and the Battle of Prague are some rare selections of "Battle Symphonies" featuring muskets and cannon fire in the pieces. Wellington's Victory was written for the allied victory at the Battle of Vitoria. It is also considered Beethoven's worst piece. To his critics he responded with, "What I shit is better than anything you could ever think up!")

Beethoven, Wellingtons Victory 1813

(Based on the Battle of Prague that occurred in 1757 pitting Prussia against Austria. The "God Save of King" near the end must be "Heil dir im Siegerkranz" but it also wouldn't make sense considering that anthem wouldn't be created until 2 years later. (A better explanation is that virtually all of Europe agreed that tune of "God Save the King" was a virtual European royal anthem.) Another interesting thing to note is how Kotzwara died, here is what the Wikipedia says.. "On September 2, 1791 while he was in London, Kotzwara visited a prostitute named Susannah Hill in Vine Street, Westminster. After dinner with her in her lodgings, Kotzwara paid her two shillings and requested that she cut off his testicles. Hill refused to do so. Kotzwara then tied a ligature around the doorknob, the other end fastened around his neck, and proceeded to have sexual intercourse with Hill. After it was over, Kotzwara was dead. His is one of the first recorded deaths from erotic asphyxiation." Uhm, yeah..)

Frantisek Kotzwara, The Battle of Prague 1788

(This song depicts the British Light Dragoons in Spain catching an off guard French force sacking a Spanish village.)

Beethoven, 20 Irish Songs, The British Light Dragoons 1814

(Composed at the request of King George II for the fireworks display in celebration of the piece of Aix-la-Chapelle ending the War of the Austrian Succession in 1748.)

Handel, Music for the Royal Fireworks 1749

(Haydn's Mass in Time of War was written in 1796 when the French were constantly beating up the Austrians. Haydn wrote this piece which calls out for a victory. Sadly none came and Vienna was almost occupied. Some say the piece is anti-war but that is not confirmed. Interesting to note how the government banned any mention of peace until the "enemy was driven back to it's borders.")

Haydn, Missa in tempore belli, Gloria 1796

(Haydn integrated elements of a battle in the Agnus Dei.)

Haydn, Missa in tempore belli, Agnus Dei 1796


Niccolò Paganini (1782-1840) An Italian virtuoso violinist, guitarist, and composer. He was the most celebrated violin virtuoso of his time and left his mark as one of the pillars of the modern violin technique. He was also known as the "Devil's Violinist" and is associated with the devil.

(One of the most famous violin pieces ever made, this violent piece is a signature Paganini piece.)

Paganini, Caprice for Solo Violin No. 24 1802-1817
Paganini, Composition for Violin and Guitar in D major No.8 1805
Paganini, La Streghe, Op.8 for Violin and Piano 1813

(A very happy yet violent piece, though made in 1826 some exceptions are made.)

Paganini, La Campanella 1826


For the military marches years and composers are very hard to find so the ones that I found I will be listed. But I know for fact that most of them are Napoleonic era. Also you will notice that many of these pieces are not brass but of wind instruments and sounds almost classical. This was the standard of military music at the time, many marches coming from Operas. Valves for brass instruments would be invented in 1815 by a Prussian which is why their military music is a lot more brass-y, louder, and more military-like.

(You may also notice that these pieces are labelled with "AM" this means "Armeemarschsammlung" or the "Prussian Army March Collection". Under the "Armeemarschsammlung" marches from Russia, Prussia, German States, and Austria were conserved and forever documented since 1817.)

[Military Marches/Songs]


(Austrian Empire)


Beethoven, March for Military Music in F Major 1809

(Composed by Louis-Luc Loiseau de Persuis, composed in 1812 in a ballet. During the Congress of Vienna the march became a favorite march of the Tsar Alexander I of Russia. In Austria the march was assigned to the Ungarischen Infanterie Regiments Alexander I. Kaiser von Rußland Nr. 2.)

Persuis, Wiener (Alexander) Marsch 1812

(You may know this better as Yorkscher Marsch. It was originally made for the Bohemian Landwehr but Beethoven rededicated it to General Yorck for his decision for Prussia to go to war against France starting the Wars of Liberation and the downfall of Napoleon.)

Beethoven, Marsch für die Böhmische Landwehr 1809
Mozart, Marsch nach Motiven der Oper Titus von Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Mozart, Marsch nach Motiven der Oper Die Zauberflöte

(Better known to the British as Figaro March or Opera lovers as "Non piu andrai" a song about a soldier joining an army and the soldierly life.)

Mozart, Marsch nach Motiven der Oper Die Hochzeit des Figaro 1764

(A march dedicated to the nobleman who made the march. Pretty unique. It is a
concert piece but this piece could be played at parade grounds.)

Hieronymus de Colloredo, Marsch des Collardo, ein Konzertstück 1819

(There is a name for this March other than "Defile March" but I do not remember it nor can I find it. So if you know please comment!)

Anonymous, Defile March 1800

(A Czech-German military song popular during the Napoleonic Wars. Fun fact, there were more Czech/Slovak regiments in the Austrian army then Austrians or Hungarians.)

Anonymous, Do pole vpred Steh ich im Feld

(A patriotic German song created by Ernst Moritz Arndt. A hardcore German nationalist who's song "Des Deutschen Vaterland (1813)" is very famous among military music fans. He was one of the first German nationalists and wrote this song on the eve of the War of the Fifth Coalition. The war itself was suppose to be a German uprising against Napoleon but the Confederation of the Rhine fought with Napoleon and history didn't go so well for the Austrians.)

Arndt, Oh du Deutschland 1809

(Yes this isn't Napoleonic. In fact this might be the most out of date song in this whole list I believe along with Petersburg Marsch, but I love the march.)

Strauss I?, Geschwindmarsch nach Motiven aus Quadrillen
Beethoven, March for Sextet in B Flat Major 1810
Anonymous, March of the 3rd Landwehr Battalion of Wieden 1809



(The iconic Prinz Eugen marsch is popular in many march repertoires. The melody is from a Saxon song from 1683 and lyrics from Strauss.)

Anonymous, Prinz Eugen, der edle Ritter 1683

(A march written by Haydn dedicated to Coburg Josias an Austrian general. It is written as a cavalry review march. It is also the regimental march of the 57th Galician Infantry Regiment.)
Haydn, Coburger Josias Marsch 1793

Anonymous, 34th Hungarian, Antal Esterhazy Regiment's March 1783

(You may notice that this march has "Où peut-on être mieux qu'au sein de sa famille" in it. This march was played in the allied entry of Paris in 1815 by all nations of the coalition. This meant that the Bourbons were back in power, and their unofficial anthem was "Où peut-on être mieux qu'au sein de sa famille". This march was also in use by the Prussians since the occupation of France in 1815 at Metz as a presentation march.)

Anonymous, Pariser Marsch 1815

(You can actually hear some of Finska Rytteriets Marsch in this march.)

Anonymous, The Hungarian Nobility's Insurgent Army's March 1809

Anonymous, The Imperial and Royal 12th Nador-Hussars' march

(Yes this is just Wiener Marsch but played a bit different.)

Anonymous, The Imperial and Royal 2nd Hungarian Line Infantry Alexander I Regiment's March 1812

(Yes this is just Yorkscher Marsch again but played a bit different.)

Beethoven, Für die Böhmische Landwehr 1809

(This specific recording is interesting due to the prevalence of the Triangle instrument which would be one of the common instruments you would find on a Napoleonic field band.)

Beethoven, Zapfenstreich no. 2 in C 1810

(French Empire)


(I believe this is a march played during a presentation of a promotion or honor. Im not sure though.)

Anonymous, Champ d'Honneur

(This revolutionary song would be the official anthem of the French Empire. This "second Marseillaise" is itself a narrative of a story. Each stanza a story from an ordinary Frenchman/Frenchwoman during the Revolutionary Wars. Some of the stanzas narrate the lives of Revolutionary heroes, one stanza praising Viala and Bara, the child soldiers who died heroically in the name of the Republic. Hearing this played on a battlefield would be quite common during both Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars. For anyone distracted by the female stanza should remember the Vivandières that sometimes actually fought in combat.)

Mehul, Chant du Départ 1794

(Military march version of Chant du Depart alternatively called La Marche vers la Gloire.)

Mehul, La Marche vers la Gloire 1794

(The "official" march of the Grande Armée. Originally from an Opera the "La Caravane du Caire".)

André Grétry, La Victoire est à Nous 1783

(This march was composed 1812 and was intended to maintain the pace and step of the wounded soldiers. Considering the losses in 1812 it makes sense..)

Anonymous, La Marche des Eclopés 1812

(The Consulate Guard was created in 1799 in order to protect the First Consul, Napoleon. This march may have been composed on the eve of the Battle of Marengo and played during the battle. It is one of the few marches that date back to Napoleon that is still played during French military parades today.)

Anonymous, Marche de la Garde des Consuls 1799

(As the name suggests it may have been a march used to maintain the pace and steps of conscripts in training. Imagine, as a Marie-Louise conscript in 1813 being sent to Mayence (Mainz) to train for 2 weeks before being sent to the battles of Lutzen, Dresden, Bautzen, Leipzig, etc. That is what a conscript would have experienced in those times.)

Anonymous, La Marche des Trainards

(A march composed for the Chasseurs de la Garde.)

Anonymous, La Marche pour Cornets de la Garde

(This piece from Spontini's opera "Fernand Cortez" was one of the many pieces the Old Guard band played at Waterloo. We know this due to memoirs of officers hearing the marches at the battle.)

Spontini, Marche aux motifs de l'Opéra Fernand Cortez 1809

(This march is not a battle march but more like a parade ground march. This march as the name states is a march dedicated to the marriage between Marie-Louise and Napoleon it is also the 3rd march out of 4 that Paer composed.)

Ferdinando Paer, 3e Marche pour le Mariage de Napoléon et Marie-Louise 1810

(A French naval song about Robert Surcouf's exploits against the British navy. This song depicts a specific event when Surcouf captured the British ship "Kent" on August 31st 1800.)

Anonymous, Au 31 du mois d'Août

(The history of this popular march is quite unknown. It is most likely an ordinary march piece made during the Napoleonic Wars made by François-René Gebauer, brother of the legendary musician Michel-Joseph Gebauer the Elder who was a famed military composer for the French who died in Russia. But still it is not certain.)

Gebauer, La Marche de la Garde a Leipzig

(Traditional French folk-song that dates back to the Franco-Dutch war in the late 1600s. Also known as the "Le Prisonnier de Hollande" it is about a lady who laments to birds about her spouse's imprisonment in Holland.)

Anonymous, Auprès de ma Blonde (pre Napoleonic)

(This march would be terrifyingly heard during an advance by fearsome grenadiers. It is recounted many times in memoirs that the Old Guard when advancing before a charge into battle played this rousing march.)

Anonymous, La Grenadière

(Originally a piece from an Opera by Mehul the Chanson de l'Oignon has become a popular song among military music fans. Legend has it that before the battle of Marengo Napoleon had been looking at a couple of Grenadiers rubbing onions on their bread. Napoleon questioned what they are doing and the Grenadiers responded with, "rubbing onion on bread." To which Napoleon responded with, "Very good, there is nothing better than an onion for marching on the road to glory.")

Mehul, Chanson de l'Oignon

(This march is the same situation with La Marche de la Garde a Leipzig. This piece may have or may have not been played at Waterloo. Memoirs of officers say that pieces of "Fernand Cortez" by Spontini and other pieces composed by the band masters were played. I originally thought this was not Napoleonic but it seems that it may have been.)

Gebauer, La Marche de la Garde Impériale à Waterloo

(A traditional folk song dated back to the reign of Louis XIV. This song became popular again during the reign of Napoleon.)

Anonymous, Sur la route de Dijon



(This anthem needs no introduction, quite possibly the most famous anthem in history. Composed by Rouget de Lisle it was original a patriotic song dedicated to the Army of the Rhine it exploded in popularity and became the official anthem of the First Republic in 1795. It was played at every battlefield during the Revolutionary Wars when there was a military band famously at Valmy, and it became a symbol of France. It is almost an understatement when talking about the popularity and dangerous meaning of the song when it reached the rest of Europe. Monarchies of Europe banned the song and any mention of it was an imprisonable offense especially in Austria. Under Napoleon the song was banned due to the association of guillotining leaders, revolution, etc. The ban was loosely maintained and Napoleon's armies would play the Marseillaise in battle often playing it during the entry of Berlin in 1806. Napoleon himself sang the song proudly in private. During the Hundred Days he unbanned the song in an attempt to rouse patriotic feelings and it became an unofficial anthem. Before the Battle of Waterloo the imperial bands started playing the Marsellaise and it could be heard proudly being played by the bands until "Vive L'Empereur! and other shouting" drowned out the song when Napoleon passed by starting the beginning of the battle.)

Rouget de Lisle, La Marsellaise 1792

(Lyrics written by Adrien-Simon Boy and melody from the Opera by Nicolas Dalayrac this song would become the unofficial anthem of the Empire. Despite the peaceful tune this song would be played during battles. In one instance in 1812 Napoleon surrounded by his Old Guard was riding along a firing line was so heartfelt by the song, "Où peut-on être mieux qu'au sein de sa famille" which was being played by the band broke out in tears crying demanding that "Veillons au Salut de l'Empire" to be played instead.)

Nicolas Dalayrac, Veillons au Salut de l'Empire 1792

(The melody was created by the step-daughter of Napoleon and Queen of Holland, Hortense de Beauharnis. The text is by Alexander de Laborde. Inspired by the Egyptian campaign it speaks of a handsome crusader praying for love. It was very popular during the First Empire and under Napoleon III the song became an unofficial anthem for the Second Empire.)

Hortense de Beauharnis, Partant pour la Syrie 1807

(The unofficial anthem of the short lived Republic of Liège. The reason why the French Revolution was so scary for Monarchs was not just the murdering of a King but the revolution spreading to their borders. The Liège Revolution was a prime example of the spreading of the Revolution. The Republic was in danger of an Austrian invasion and in the midst of the chaos the song was composed. The Republic would be annexed by France but the song continued to live on.)

Abbot Gilles-Joseph-Evrard Ramoux, Valeureux Liégeois 1790

(When Napoleon abdicated in 1814 not everyone was happy, the Imperial Guard was furious. Sadly the war was "over" and soldiers that formed friendships along the way had to be separated. The Chasseurs à Cheval de Garde Imperiale were Napoleon's bodyguards and alongside the legendary 1er Régiment des Chevaux-légers Polonais de la Garde Impériale they were one of the best light cavalry regiments in Europe. The Polish lancers had to go back to Poland and the Chasseurs wrote a farewell march for the Poles, their friends. In 1815 when the Chasseurs and Polish regiments were reinstated, I'm sure the reunion was quite heartfelt.)

Anonymous, Les Adieux des Chasseurs à Cheval aux Lanciers Polonais 1814

(A song about the ravaging of the Palatinate by Louis XIV's forces. Everything else is debated and disputed. Melody is from 1678 but the lyrics have been mixed and combined since the 1960s.)

Lully?, Les Dragons de Noailles 1678

Anonymous, Les Retraites Françaises

(Composed in Queen Hortense de Beauharnis' music salon by Luigi Cherubini in the presence of the drum major of the regiment of the Pupils of the Guard. The "Pupiles de la Garde" were originally a small Vélite force following the Dutch Grenadiers of the Guard composed of teenagers aged 12-15. These children were originally going to be sent to the French Navy but when Napoleon reviewed the troops he wanted them to serve in his Imperial Guard. He expanded the regiment letting orphans of the dead soldiers and of hospices to join the ranks. After the 1812 disaster the Pupiles de la Garde would replace the severe losses of the Young Guard. This mixed Dutch-French regiment would serve on multiple fronts in 1813-1814 distinguishing themselves. They had an interesting light green coat with a Young Guard shako with green cords and a yellow pom pom. They wore breeches and gaiters and were armed with a Dragoon musket, a smaller version of the infantry Charleville. The depot battalions wore white coats instead of light green.)

Cherubini, Marche des Pupiles de Garde or "La Favorite"

(Composed in the reign of Louis XV by the Chevalier de Lirou for the Mousquetaires du Roi. This march was used for training troops in maintaining step and pace.)

Chevalier de Lirou, Marche Tactique

(Composed in the reign of Louis XIV it is a song about one of the greatest French generals Viscount Turenne or formally known as, Henri de la Tour d'Auvergne-Bouillon. The lyrics are interesting as it portrays Turenne talking to the French minorities in battle telling them to seize a cannon or to storm a fort, but he speaks to them not as Frenchmen but as "Breton" or "Provençaux". As this was an era before nationalism there was no integration so each respectively spoke their own language and maintained their own cultures until the Revolution. Also in the song instead of "France" being their united reason it is the "King". This traditional song would still be prevalent in the Napoleonic Era where France was faced against Coalitions like in Turenne's time.)

Lully, Monsieur de Turenne

(A march for the Old Guard or the "Grognards" "Grumblers". This march was composed after 1807 because the Guard wouldn't be officially named the "Grognards" until 1807.)

Anonymous, Marche des Grognards after 1807
Anonymous, Marche de Austerlitz

(When it was played it was a signal that the men had to regroup. It was also played to close the ranks when the unit was collected.)

Anonymous, Le Rappel

(Either played when presenting the imperial eagle to new regiments or simply a marching into battle piece.)

Anonymous, Le Salut des Aigles

(This march is a skeptical one, it doesn't quite sound Napoleonic but rather a bit modern. Im leaving it in though because some marches are different than others..)

Anonymous, Marche Impériale

(You may have heard this at Aspern-Essling or at Waterloo.)

Anonymous, Retraite

(As the name suggests the step is accelerated. This may suggest that this piece was used prior to an advance or even a charge.)

Anonymous, Pas Accéléré

(This march is intended for military processions and perhaps on marches. The Sans-Culottes were radical revolutionaries during the French Revolution.)

Anonymous, Pas Cadencé des Sans-Culottes

(A story of a Breton soldier who is a good at fighting. He is given a medal by King Louis but he doesn't know what it means.)

Pelot d'Hennebont pre 1799

(Supposedly created by Lassalle the night before the Battle of Marengo. According to legend, at the table of the First Consul Bonaparte he sung the song. The melody is much older though created around 1757. The song is about the women of the French army, the Vivandières. The song speaks about the admiration and gives praise to the women.)

General Antoine Lassalle?, Fanchon 1800

(This song was sung by the Grenadiers who assaulted the Pratzen Heights. The origins are bit sketchy, but there is reason to believe that this song was also sung during the Revolution making it much older than previously thought.)

Anonymous, On Va Leur Percer le Flanc Pre 1805

(There is an actual historical mention of this March specifically surprisingly. This march was played when the Austrian General Mack surrendered his army. All the Guard units in review position were all decked out in gold laces and in full parade uniforms. The hardened Drum Major Senot raised his mace and signal the march, "To the Emperor" or "Pour L'Empereur".)

Anonymous, Pour l'Empereur pre 1805

(Kingdom of Prussia and German States)


(In the chaos of the Wars of Liberation in 1813 Theodor Körner and his fellow patriots in the Lützow Freikorps were battling against the French in long bloody skirmishes. Combined with Carl Maria von Weber's music and his fiery lyrics the legendary "Lützows wilde Jagd" was born.)

Carl Maria von Weber, Lützows Wilde Jagd 1813

(You may notice that this march sounds like "Yegersky" Marsch from Russia. This is because of massive Russian influence on the Prussian army during and after 1813. You can see examples of these by seeing how the Prussians adopt Russian-like shakos and Russian style gear. Even military marches such as this one is originally Russian, this borrowing of military culture gave birth to a new Prussian army that we all know and attribute Germans with.)

Dörfeldt?, Marsch der Freiwilligen Jäger 1813

(Very few changes were made to the 1813 variation of Für die Böhmische Landwehr. The only real change is the change of dedication from the Bohemian landwehr to General Yorck.)

Beethoven, Yorckscher Marsch 1813

(Bavarian March, I was able to obtain really good information on this piece for some reason.. Anyways, Wilhelm Legrand was the head of all military music in the Kingdom of Bavaria.)

Wilhelm Legrand, Parademarsch der Kgl. Bayer. Grenadier-Garde 16 July 1814

(Württemberger March)

Anonymous, Marsch des Schwäbischen Kreis-Rgt. Durlach-Baden 1700

(Hessian March)

Landgraf Ernst Ludwig von Hessen-Darmstadt, Hessischer Fahnen-Präsentier-Marsch 1681

(Prussian March, still in use today as intended, a review.)

König Friedrich Wilhelm III, Präsentiermarsch von König Friedrich Wilhelm III before 1800
Anonymous, Der Rheinströmer 1745
André Campra, Marsch aus dem Ballett-Oper Les Amours de Vénus von André Campra

(Prussian Marches)

Anonymous, Regimentsmarsch des Regiments Kenitz Nr. 39 1806
Anonymous, Regimentsmarsch des Regiments Prinz Moritz Nr. 22 1760
Anonymous, Regimentsmarsch des Regiments Bornstedt Nr. 1 1806
Anonymous, Marsch vom Regiment Herzog von Braunschweig 1806

(Hannoverian Marches)

Anonymous, Marsch des II. Btl. Kurhannoversches 2. Infanterie Regiment 1788
Anonymous, Marsch des I. Btl. Kurhannoversches 3. Infanterie Regiment 1756

(Hannoverian March, Its just Coburger Marsch.)
Haydn, Marsch der Hannoverschen Artillerie 1806

(Hannoverian March)

Bach, March vom Ersten Bataillon Garde-Regiments von Hannover in E flat major

(Played upon the entrance into Paris in 1815.)

André Grétry, Pariser Einzugsmarsch, Trio mit Themen aus der Oper Lucile 1815

(You may notice that this march has "Où peut-on être mieux qu'au sein de sa famille" in it. This march was played in the allied entry of Paris in 1815 by all nations of the coalition. This meant that the Bourbons were back in power, and their unofficial anthem was "Où peut-on être mieux qu'au sein de sa famille". This march was in use by the Prussians since the occupation of France in 1815 at Metz as a presentation march.)

Anonymous, Pariser Marsch 1815

(Theodor Körner fought in the War of Liberation and would go on to create many famous poems such as "Lützows wilde Jagd" and "Schwertlied" which was created before his death in battle.)

Körner, Schwertlied 1813



(A well known march that was made prior to 1800. This march was probably composed for a Prussian entry to Paris march in 1792 but of course this did not happen and the Prussians were repulsed at Valmy. This was instead was played in 1814 many years later during the formal entry of German troops into Paris. This specific recording of the march is what you would've heard in Paris in 1814 due to different instruments which means different sound.)

Johann Heinrich Walch, Pariser Einzugsmarsch 1800

(Melody by Dmitry Bortniansky and German text by Gerhard Tersteegen together makes Ich bete an die Macht der Liebe a prayer that is held during the Grober Zapfenstreich. This tradition originates from the close relationship Prussia and Russia had in 1813. In 1814 during the Prussian Zapfenstreich, Alexander I was present and he introduced "Kol Slaven" the unofficial Russian anthem. Using the melody and changing the Russian text to a different German text created the prayer call.)

Dmitry Bortniansky, Ich bete an die Macht der Liebe 1814

(Mecklenburger March)

Anonymous, Mecklenburger Marsch 1800

(Prussian Marches)

Anonymous, Marsch des I. Bataillons Regiment Garde Nr. 15 1806
Anonymous, Marsch I. Bataillon Garde 1806

(Saxon March)
Anonymous, Marsch der Kursächsischen Leibgarde
Anonymous, Marsch der Leib-Grenadier-Garde
Anonymous, Marsch des Regiments Prinz Gotha
Anonymous, Marsch des Regiments Von Dresky
Anonymous, Marsch vom Regiment General von Hartitzsch
Anonymous, Marsch vom Regiment Prinz Maximilian
Anonymous, Parademarsch der Sächsischen Leibgarde
Anonymous, Marsch der Grenadier Garde Nr. 6 1806
Anonymous, Zweiter Regimentsmarsch des Regiments Braunschweig-Bevern Nr. 7 1806
Anonymous, Erster Regimentsmarsch des Regiments Anhalt-Zerbst Nr. 8 1806
Anonymous, Zweiter Regimentsmarsch des Regiments Anhalt-Zerbst Nr. 8 1806
Anonymous, Regimentsmarsch des Regiments Holstein Nr. 11 1806
Anonymous, Regimentsmarsch des Regiments Lehwaldt Nr. 14 1806

(Prussian March)

Anonymous, Marsch des Infanterie Regiments von Treskow Nr. 17 1800

(Prussian March, The melody originates from Italy in Lombardy and was borrowed by the Prince of Anhalt-Dessau after he heard it due to him liking the tune so much.)

Anonymous, Der Dessauer-Marsch 1705

(Russian Empire)


(You may notice that the tune is actually "Vivat in Aeternum" as a marching piece. That is true, Roze definitely didn't officially compose the march but he did create the "Vivat melody". Its also interesting to see how Russians marched to Napoleon's coronation music.)

Nicolas Roze, Russischer Marsch (AM II 7 AMS)
Anonymous, Russischer Marsch pre 1813 (AM II 7 AMS)

(Just before Boieldieu left Russia on his Russian journey back to France he composed this march for the Russian army.)

Boieldieu, Marsch von François Adrien Boieldieu 1810 (AM II 9 AMS)
François Devienne, Marsch von François Devienne 1803 (AM II 30 AMS)
Joseph Koslowsky, Marsch von Joseph Koslowsky 1800 (AM I 13 AMS)

(After the war ended in 1814 Kaiser Franz I of Austria received the honorary position of the Kexholmski Grenadier regiment earning the regiment distinction and many marching dedications.)

General Major Alexei Nikolajewitsch Titov, Marsch des Kexholmski Grenadier Regiments Kaiser von Österreich 1814
Anonymous, Marsch des Arhangelogorski Infanterie Regiments Mid 18th Century
Anonymous, Russischer Marsch 1800 (AM I 19 AMS)
Christoph Willibald Gluck, Alter Russischer Marsch or Marsch des Leib-Garde Grenadierregiments zu Pferde (AM I 26 AMS)

((Anton Dörfeldt 1781 - 1829) was the chief bandmaster of the Russian Guard. A young German Bohemian from Prague he moved to Russia to assume his military music career. Half of all these Russians are by Anton Dorfeldt. He introduced Europe to the Russian tradition of using the trumpet for military bands, this was important for Germany especially.)

Dorfeldt, Russischer Marsch (AM I 26 AMS)
Dörfeldt, Langsamer Marsch 1809 (AM I 28 AMS)
Anonymous, Langsamer Marsch des Polotzki Infanterie Regiments 1807 (AM I 41 AMS)
Dörfeldt, Geschwindmarsch Nr. 1 1809-1810 (AM I 1 AMS)
Dörfeldt, Écosaisse von Anton Dörfeldt 1810 (AM II 10 AMS)

(A Cavalry march.)

Catterino Cavos, Marsch von Catterino Cavos (AM 12 AMS)
Catterino Cavos, Marsch von Catterino Cavos (AM 13 AMS)
Anonymous, Marsch des Sibirischen Grenadier Regiments 18th Century (AM II 14 AMS)
Dörfeldt, Marsch von Anton Dörfeldt (AM II 15 AMS)
Dörfeldt, Geschwindmarsch Nr. 2 "Pausenmarsch" 1809-1810 (AM II 2 AMS)
Dörfeldt, Marsch des Fanagorijski Grenadier Regiments
Dörfeldt, Marsch von Anton Dörfeldt (AM II 26 AMS)

(Played upon the entrance into Paris in 1815.)

André Grétry, Pariser Einzugsmarsch, Trio mit Themen aus der Oper Lucile 1815

(This piece is a concert piece, but there is always the possibility of it being a parade ground piece, it cannot be disproven.)

Dörfeldt, Marsch von Anton Dörfeldt (Konzertstuck) (AM II 27 AMS)



("Let the Thunder of Victory Rumble!" was the unofficial anthem of the Russian Empire. It glorified the Russian victories in Crimea and Catherine the Great's other victories.)

Osip Kozlovsky, Grom pobedy, Razdavaysya! 1791

(This version is a period accurate version and not the modern day brass recordings you hear today.)

Anonymous, Marsch des Leib-Garde-Preobraschenski Regiments 1720 (AM I 30 AMS)

(A traditional Russian folk song that originated during the French capture of Moscow.)

Anonymous, Seizure of Moscow by the French 1812

(The Marsch aus Petersburg is one of the most widespread military marches. Made by a Finnish composer for the Russian Finnish Guards and played commonly by the Germans. The complicated history gets even more confusing due to the origin of the march. New information seems to have found the march originating before Napoleonic times.)

Erik Eriksson, Marsch aus Petersburg 1792? or 1830

(Cossack song about the Invasion of Russia.)

Anonymous, Rusichi Ty, Rossija 1812

Dörfeldt, Marsch der Russischen Reserve-Artillerie 1815 (AM II 32 AMS)

(Unofficial Russian anthem that was played many times for military and non military uses. It is a prayer call and was even adopted by the Prussians.)

Ferdinando Paer, Marsch von Ferdinando Paer 1815 (AM II 34 AMS)

(Traditional cossack song. Officially published in 1790.)

Semen Klimowski, The Cossack Rode Beyond the Danube pre 1790

(The iconic Yegersky Marsch is the original Jäger march, not the German Alter Jägermarsch or Marsch Der Freiwilligen Jäger who are all German copies of the original Russian march.)

Dörfeldt?, Yegersky Marsch pre 1813
Dörfeldt, Marsch von Anton Dörfeldt (AM II 35 AMS)
Anonymous, Marsch des Russischen Leib-Garde Sapeur Bataillons 1815 (AM II 86 AMS)
Dmitry Bortnyanskiy, Gatchina March 1787

(Traditional Cossack song.)

Anonymous, Snow, the Time Has Come
Stepan Degtyarev, March C-Dur 1811
Mozart, Marche Militaire Pas Ordinaire des Gardes Impériales Russes No.68 1764
Dörfeldt?, Marsch der Russischen Leib Garde Artillerie zu Fuss 1793 (AM I 22 AMS)
Catterino Cavos, Marsch des Russischen Grenadier Regiments König von Preußen 1814 (AM II 25 AMS)
Dörfeldt, Marsch von Anton Doerfeldt (AM I 6 AMS)
Anonymous, Quick of Life Guards Yegersky Regiment (AM II 85 AMS)

(Legend has it that Korsakov, the unlucky General to Suvorov composed this march for the regiment. Korsakov was blamed for the failure of the Russian army in Switzerland's task to destroy Massena's army.)

General Alexander Rimsky-Korsakov, Slow march of Life Guards Semeonovsky Regiment 1796

(You may notice that this march has "Où peut-on être mieux qu'au sein de sa famille" in it. This march was played in the allied entry of Paris in 1815 by all nations of the coalition. This meant that the Bourbons were back in power, and their unofficial anthem was "Où peut-on être mieux qu'au sein de sa famille". This march was also in use by the Prussians since the occupation of France in 1815 at Metz as a presentation march.)

Anonymous, Pariser Marsch 1815

(United Kingdom of Great Britain & Ireland)


("Rule Britannia! Britannia rule the waves! Britons will never-ever-ever will be slaves!")

Thomas Arne, Rule Britannia 1740
Anonymous, St Patrick's Day 1745

(This Scottish march actually has vocals (yelling) in it.)

Anonymous, The Black Bear 1700s
Anonymous, The British Grenadiers 1686   
Christopher Eley, The Duke of York March 1789
William Shield, Old Towler 1789

(Legend has it that when Mozart as a child was in England he saw the Coldstream Guards on parade. He at once in just a few minutes wrote the "Figaro March" for the Guards.)

Mozart, Figaro March 1764

(A anti-Irish British folksong that celebrated the defeat of the 1798 Irish Rebellion. When the British entered Paris in 1815 the British bands were playing the "Downfall of Paris", Wellington found the song quite inappropiate and ordered them to play "Croppies Who Will Not Lie Down" instead.)

George Watson-Taylor, Croppies Who Will Not Lie Down pre 1815
Anonymous, Fare Thee Well Inniskilling 1814
Handel?, Grenadiers Slow March 1700s
Reginald Spofforth, Hail Smiling Morn 1810
William Boyce, Heart of Oak 1760
Anonymous, Highland Laddie 1690
(Composed during Haydn's England trip.)
Haydn, March for the Prince of Wales 1791-1795
Haydn, March No. 1 for the Derbyshire Cavalery Regiment 1794-1795
Haydn, March No. 2 for the Derbyshire Cavalery Regiment 1794-1795
James Hook, Lass on Richmond Hill 1789
Anonymous, Let Erin Remember pre 1808

(The unofficial anthem of Yorkshire. This is a unique song because it is sung in the unique Yorkshire dialect.)

Thomas Clark?, On Ilkla Moor baht 'at 1805

(You may notice that this march has "Où peut-on être mieux qu'au sein de sa famille" in it. This march was played in the allied entry of Paris in 1815 by all nations of the coalition. This meant that the Bourbons were back in power, and their unofficial anthem was "Où peut-on être mieux qu'au sein de sa famille". This march was also in use by the Prussians since the occupation of France in 1815 at Metz as a presentation march.)

Anonymous, Pariser Marsch 1815
Anonymous, Queen Charlotte's March
Elizabeth Grant, Rising of the Lark
Anonymous, Men of Glamorgan pre 1808

(The song is set to the French Revolutionary song, "Ça Ira" which was composed by a simple French private, Ladré. Legend has it the West Yorkshire regiment in battle against the Revolutionaries was ordered by its officers to play the "Ça Ira" to beat the French with "their own damn tune" this birthed the most famous and common fife and drum piece of the 19th century.)

Ladré, Downfall of Paris 1793
Handel, Scipio March 1726
Anonymous, The Buffs March Pre 1759
Anonymous, The Campbells Are Coming 1715
Anonymous, The Farmer's Boy 1815
General John Reid, The Garb of Old 1756
Henry Fielding, The Roast Beef of Old England 1731

(United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Spanish Empire, United Provinces of the Río de la Plata,  First Republic of Venezuela)


Anonymous, Garryowen 1785

(First recording is from Spongebob. So..)

Anonymous, The Girl I Left Behind Me 1758
Anonymous, White Cockade 1687
Anonymous, The Keel Row March 1770
Anonymous, The Minstrel Boy 1787
Anonymous, Wha Wadna Fecht for Charlie 1745

(Iberian Marches)
Anonymous, Marsch Matadura 1819
Anonymous, Asamblea de las Guardias Walonas

(The nicknamed, "Venezuelan Marseillaise" was composed in 1810 as an anthem for the First Republic of Venezuela.)

Juan José Landaeta?, Gloria al Bravo Pueblo 1810

(First performed in Buenos Aires in 1810 the original composition had no mention of Argentina. The original song was actually about Spain being conquered by France in the Peninsular War. The political climate changed when Independence was looming, the ruling triumvirate ordered that a new anthem be made which gave birth to the "Patriotic March".)

Blas Parera, Himno Nacional Argentino 1813

(Spanish Marches)

Anonymous, Marcha de las Guardias Walonas
Anonymous, Generala pre 1788
Anonymous, Marcha Fusilera pre 1788
Anonymous, Retreta de Suyssos pre 1788

(I could not find any Napoleonic era Portugese marches. The only Napoleonic era Portugese song I could find was the Hymno Patriótico but it was played on piano. This is the closest other I could get.)

King Pedro IV, Hino da Carta 1821

(Duchy of Warsaw, Kingdom of Sweden, Kingdom of Denmark, Kingdom of Norway, Ottoman Empire, Revolutionary Serbia.

(Polish Marches)
(A very popular war song in the time of Napoleonic Wars. Its origins go back to the 1500s.)

Adam Czahrowski?, Idzie Zolnierz 1500s
Adam Czahrowski, Duma ukrainna 1599
(Unofficial anthem of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
Ignacy Krasicki, Hymn do Milosci Ojczyzny 1774

(This song may have originated from the "Deluge" period. Hearing this from some Polish or Lithuanian lancers would have not been uncommon.)

Anonymous, Oi šermukšnio

(Written in Northern Italy in order to boost the Polish Legion's morale this song/anthem has reached legendary status. The song reflects Poland's prevailing history as a whole and one verse actually mentioning Napoleon. Another prominent figure mentioned a lot is Jan Henryk Dabrowski a Polish general serving under Napoleon.)

Józef Wybicki, Mazurek Dabrowskiego 1797

(Swedish-Finnish Marches)

(This march was composed for a Swedish regiment stationed in Straslund in Swedish Pommerania.)

Anonymous, Marsch Nr. 1 der Schwedischen Märsche 1745-1790
Anonymous, Björneborgarnas Marsch 1709

(One of the oldest marches in this list. Its origins are from the Thirty Years war.)

Anonymous, Finska Rytteriets Marsch 1630s

(One of Gustav III's favorite songs. It became the unoffical anthem of Sweden during his reign.)

Carl Michael Bellman, Gustafs Skål  1772

(A song glorifying the Swedish participation in the Wars of Liberation in 1813. It narrates the Swedish armies' journey to Germany to fight Napoleon, then the Danes at Lubeck and Kiel. Their last journey in Holland at Maastricht. The last verses praise Bernadotte/Karl Johann. The song is believed to be created by the Södermanland Regiment.)

Anonymous, Karl Johan beordrar oss bröder 1815
Carl Braun, Svenska Armens Paradmarsch 1788-1835
Anonymous, Upplands Regementes Marsch

(Norwegian Marches)

(Originally created as a drinking song for a Norwegian literary society in Copenhagen. Music is by Ernest Modeste Grétry. It was banned for being anti-Danish and was known as the "Norwegian Marseillaise".)

Johan Nordahl Brun, Norges Skaal 1777

(Also known as "Old Norse Hunter March".)

Frederik Schiöldberg, Gammel Jegermarsj 1799

(Danish Marches)
(Adopted in 1780 as the official anthem of Denmark it is one of the oldest anthems in the world.)

Johannes Ewald, Kong Christian stod ved højen mast 1778

(Ottoman Marches)

(Lyrics are from the 20th century but the melody is quite old.)

Anonymous, Ceddin Deden 17th Century

(Turkish March by Mozart played by a mehter.)

Mozart, Türk Marsi 1784
Anonymous, Attack March 16th Century

(Serbian Marches)
(Little known to many the First Serbian Uprising was an ongoing part of the Napoleonic Era. With the promise of Russian aid the Serbs had a real chance of gaining independence but then Napoleon invaded Russia ruining any chance of Serbian independence. The song recalls the Serbian Empire.)

Dositej Obradovic, Vostani Serbije 1804

(Dutch Republic/Batavian Republic/Kingdom of Holland/Kingdom of the United Netherlands,Liége Republic, Cisalpine Republic/Kingdom of Italy/Papal States/Kingdom of Two Sicilies/Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia/United States of America/Lower & Upper Canada)

(Dutch Marches)
(The current national anthem of the Kingdom of the Netherlands today. Though it wasn't the official anthem it was a popular hymn and march.)

Adrianus Valerius, Wilhelmus 1568

(After liberation by the Allied powers in 1814 the House of Orange needed an anthem. The "Wilhelmus" didn't become an anthem due to political interests and religious conflicts. The resulting result was "Wien Neêrlands Bloed" which was the official anthem from 1815 to 1932.)

Johann Wilhelm Wilms, Wien Neêrlands Bloed 1815

(This march is quite popular in Germany as "Holländischer Ehrenmarsch" or "Präsentiermarsch der Marine".)

Jacob Rauscher, Mars voor de Gewone Pas nr. 2 1815
Anonymous, Mars De Staten van Holland 18th Century
Anonymous, Oranien-Gelderland 1741-1743
Anonymous, Oranien-Friesland 1741-1743
Anonymous, De Jonge Prins van Friesland Mars 1688
Anonymous, Marsch van de Heer van der Duyn early 18th Century

(Liégeois' Marches)
(The unofficial anthem of the short lived Republic of Liège. The reason why the French Revolution was so scary for Monarchs was not just the murdering of a King but the revolution spreading to their borders. The Liège Revolution was a prime example of the spreading of the Revolution. The Republic was in danger of an Austrian invasion and in the midst of the chaos the song was composed. The Republic would be annexed by France but the song continued to live on.)

Abbot Gilles-Joseph-Evrard Ramoux, Valeureux Liégeois 1790

(Italian Marches)
(The unofficial anthem of the Cisalpine Republic it was the "Italian Marseillaise". Composed in 1800 by patriotic Italian republicans. There is no info on the popularity or the legality of the song during the Kingdom of Italy but I'm sure it may even have served as the unofficial anthem of the Kingdom of Italy.)

Cimarosa, Inno dell'Albero della Libertà 1800

(Neapolitan Marches)

(The year is 1799 and Naples has been conquered and the Parthenopean Republic has been established. The peasant class of Naples that were given the new freedoms were not happy with their new French overlords, they paid lots of expensive taxes and conscription was wildly unpopular. Under Cardinal Fabrizio Ruffo they gained success in their revolts by fighting in irregular terrain and with one goal in mind, to restore the Bourbon Monarchy of Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies. Under this song they besieged Naples with help from the Royal Navy destroying the Republic.)

Anonymous, Il Canto dei Sanfedisti 1799

(Papal Marchhes)
("Noi Vogliam Dio, Vergine Maria" became the national anthem of the Papal States in 1808 but it wouldn't last long because Napoleon invaded the Papal States in 1809. In 1814 when the Papal States came back to power in Rome the anthem remained the same until 1857.)

Anonymous, Noi Vogliam Dio, Vergine Maria 1808

(Papal Marches)

Anonymous, Geschwindmarsch des Königlich-Sardinischen Garde-Jäger-Regiments 1817

(A traditional Piedmontese folk song sung in French. The original tune was called "The Departure of Piedmontese Soldiers of Chambery". The last lyrics indicate the creator of the tune were three soldiers from Fort Brunette in Susa.)

Anonymous, Villa de Chambéry 18th Century

(Canadian Marches)
(Believed to been written by a private in the Third York Militia's First Flank Company marching in the Detroit Campaign, the song passed throughout Canada and was used for recruitment.)

Cornelius Flummerfelt, Come all You Bold Canadians 1812

(American Marches)
(Inspired by the large American flag flying over Fort McHenry amidst the bombardment Francis Scott Key wrote a short poem about the flag. This poem was later set to the tune "The Anacreontic Song" by John Stafford Smith. The song became wildly popular in America. In 1932 it became the national anthem.)

John Stafford Smith, Star-Spangled Banner 1814

(Considered one of the first unofficial anthems of the United States it was composed in 1789 for George Washington's Inauguration. It remained a popular march to play in honor of the President until "Hail to the Chief" as composed in 1810.)

Philip Phile, Hail Columbia 1789

(First performed in New York City on May 8th 1812 just a month before the War of 1812 started. It was associated with the President and Presidential ceremonies. To celebrate the end of the war in 1815 the march was first played for the President honoring the end of the war and Washington.)

Anonymous, James Sanderson, Hail to the Chief 1812
Anonymous, Washington's Artillery March Medley pre 1815

(The origins of Yankee Doodle is a mystery. The melody well known throughout Europe from Hungary to Spain.

Anonymous, Yankee Doodle pre 1776

(The first campaign song that helped John Adams in his 1800 election. It is set to tune of "To Anacreon in Heaven".)

Robert Treat Paine Jr., Adams and Liberty 1798


(Non-Napoleonic Pieces)


(Napoleonic Game & Film Soundtracks)

(Napoleon Total War 2010)
(That song that always play on the deployment phase.)

Richard Beddow, Napoleon: Total War OST Track 33: The Fields of War

(That song that always plays in Naval Battles.)

Richard Beddow, Napoleon: Total War OST Track 23: HMS Victory

(That song that always plays at the critical point of the battle.)

Richard Birdsall, Napoleon: Total War OST Track 06: Naval Battle at St. Vincent

(That song plays when the action of the battle begins.)

Richard Birdsal, Napoleon: Total War OST Track 34: Waterloo

(That song that always plays in the middle of battles.)

Ian Livingstone, Napoleon: Total War OST Track 05: The Battle at Arcole

(That song that always plays at the climax of the battle.)

Simon Ravn, Napoleon: Total War OST Track 25: The Battle at Austerlitz

(That song that always plays when the battle ends.)

Richard Birdsal, Napoleon: Total War OST Track 04: Preparing the Arcole Charge

(Waterloo 1970)

Nino Rota, Waterloo Original Soundtrack - Napoleon Returns
Nino Rota, Waterloo Original Soundtrack - Ney's Cavalry Charge

(Napoleon 2002)

Richard Grégoire, Napoléon (2002) OST - 01. Napoléon
Richard Grégoire, Napoléon (2002) OST - 14. La bataille d'Iéna
Richard Grégoire, Napoléon (2002) OST - 12. Austerlitz
Richard Grégoire, Napoléon (2002) OST - 16. La bataille d'Eylau
Richard Grégoire, Napoléon (2002) OST - 20. Vers la Russie
Richard Grégoire, Napoléon (2002) OST - 11. Vers Strasbourg


(New Intro Songs)
(Intros, the music on the start screen. These pieces are from the music pack.)


mm_intro2 - French Anthem, Chant du Départ
mm_intro3 - French Anthem, Veillons au Salut de l'Empire
mm_intro4 - British, Prussian, etc Anthem, God Save the King
mm_intro5 - Prussian Anthem, Borussia
mm_intro6 - Russian Anthem, Grom pobedy, razdavaysya!
mm_intro7 - Russian Anthem, Kol Slaven
mm_intro8 - Duchy of Warsaw, Mazurek Dabrowskiego
mm_intro9 - Austrian Anthem, Gott Erhalte der Franz den Kaiser
mm_intro10 - Denmark-Norway, Kong Christian stod ved højen mast
mm_intro11 - French Republic Anthem, La Marsellaise
mm_intro12 - Liègeois Anthem, Valeureux Liégeois
mm_intro13 - United Netherlands Anthem, Wien Neêrlands Bloed
mm_intro14 - Papal Anthem, Noi Vogliam Dio, Vergine Maria
mm_intro15 - Swedish Anthem, Gustafs Skål
mm_intro16 - Bourbon Naple's Anthem, Inno al Re
mm_intro17 - Spanish Anthem, Marcha de Granaderos
mm_intro18 - American Anthem, Hail Columbia
mm_intro19 - Portugese Anthem, Hymno Patriótico
mm_intro20 - Saxon Anthem, Königs Hymnus
mm_intro21 - Venezuelan Anthem, Gloria al Bravo Pueblo
mm_intro22 - Argentine Anthem, Himno Nacional Argentino
mm_intro23 - Napoleon 2002, La Grande Armee
mm_intro24 - Pas accéléré
mm_intro25 - Waterloo 1970, The White Horse
mm_intro26 - Napoleon Total War Theme
mm_intro27 - Le Salut des Aigles
mm_intro28 - Napoleon Total War String Quintets
mm_intro29 - La Marche des Eclopés & Marche de la Garde des Consuls
mm_intro30 - Jolie Tambour
mm_intro31 - Geschwindmarsch nach Quadrillen
mm_intro32 - Champ d'Honneur
mm_intro33 - Marche des Cornets de la Garde Impériale
mm_intro34 - Marlborough s'en va t'en Guerre
mm_intro35 - Pour les Drapeaux
mm_intro36 - Waterloo 1970, Napoleonic War
mm_intro37 - Napoleon Total War, The Napoleonic Code
mm_intro38 - Napoleon Total War, The End
mm_intro39 - Waterloo 1970, Prelude to Batttle
mm_intro40 - Pour l'Empereur
mm_intro41 - Les Dragons de Noailles


(Piano & Organ tunes)


(Organ Music)

organ_wagner_bridal_chorus - Handel's Sarabande in D minor
organ_tiny_fugue - Mazurek Dabrowskiego

(Piano Music)

piano_erik_satie_gymnopedie_3 - O du lieber Augustin
piano_lift_motif - God Save the King
piano_schubert_ave_maria - La Marseillaise
piano_wagner_bridal_chorus - Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser
piano_beethoven_ecossaise - Moonlight Sonata, 3rd Movement
piano_beethoven_laendler - Sonata Pathetique 1st Movement


The other sounds such as "loose1, win2, enemy_point_taken" are replaced with the respective anthems and other sounds. If you want to listen to these without downloading click on the drive link below.

Download the Pack for Game: http://www.mediafire.com/file/8k5e6idpx6zoa43/Polar%2527s_Music_Pack.rar/file

(These are the original rough versions of the songs I used. I made it sound better for the game so this may be of worse quality. If you have errors trying to listen to the files then click on Music Player for Google Drive and it open a new tab with the music being able to play. Another solution is going on incognito mode where you can listen and download it.)
For Listening/Private Use Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1l4NL2IWkJgXna3KZpc_9vi8EMGb5la9Q?usp=sharing

Hope you enjoy. Please leave feedback!


Polar's Sound Pack *NEW*


This sound pack replaces all the vanilla musket, cannon, explosion, reload, pistol, and rifle sounds in the game.

All the musket/rifle/pistol/cannon sounds are all taken from real live loaded weaponry. Live loaded muskets, etc all sound different from blanks that reenactors use. It took me a while to find the perfect sound bites for this sound pack but these are all authentic live loaded weapon sounds.

This pack sounds great in commander battle, and is infact very immersive!

Watch this YouTube video if you want to take a listen to all the sounds yourself.

Disclaimer: Audio may sound choppy in the video, that is due to lag and the recording software. Ingame it sounds much cleaner.

Here is the download:





Mounted Sword Animation

This animation will replace the vanilla mounted animation. Images include unreleased Prussian Garde du Corps that I will release later.



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Musket Idle Animation (Coming very soon! Already Finished)

Running with Musket Animation (Coming very soon! Already Finished)


Napoleonic France

18e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne ("Le Brave")
Replaces the 45e on the French side.
By popular vote of 5 against the other 13 votes here it is.

One of the bicornes used in this skin is from the 1812 Russian Campaign mod by Котофей and was used with his permission. Please try it out! https://www.moddb.com/mods/1812-russian-campaign

(The inaccuracies I'm aware of are the pants but that is a situation I cannot fix without changing other aspects of the game. In the mod im working on the problem is fixed though, and that fix is shown through the pictures below. When ingame though the pants will look different and look more like the pants for the basic 45e trousers. Also, the officer's hat is the same as the surgeon's hat which is historically accurate as well since French surgeons had bicornes with those types of plumes.)

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Colonel, Jean Baptiste Ambroise Ravier
(Fought for the French since 1792. He was commander of the Legion d' Honneur. He was promoted to Baron of the Empire in 1808 and Brigadier General in 1809.  He was appointed commander of the garrison at Stettin after 1812. He was captured at Stettin and was a prisoner for the remainder of the war. Fought in the Hundred Days under Marshal Brune. He died in 1828.)

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More Pictures

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Tirailleurs-Chasseurs de la Garde (1st & 2nd Voltigeurs de la Garde)
Replaces the 15e Lights on the French side.
There was a tie between the Russian guard and this skin so i'll make the Russian guard later.

Sorry for not posting in a while,  I got pretty unmotivated. I was hoping for any feedback, but I got nothing so I just kinda quit. I upload this one and the other ones I have made already. Ill take suggestions instead, so no more polls.

(The inaccuracies I'm aware of are the backflaps should have a green eagle, I tried making one but for some reason it kept glitching out and the weird white glow of the white shirt is something I need assistance with on how to fix it. I also tried to input a troop.txt but it kept breaking the game so I left it alone.)

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Fanion Bearer
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Colonel, Jean Louis Gros
(Joined the French army in 1785 and left in 1789. He would rejoin in 1791 as a lieutenant in the Aude volunteer battalion. He was promoted to Baron of the Empire in 1807 and Adjutant General in 1813.  He was described by Stendhal as, "un des sabreurs les plus stupides de la Garde impériale". He died in 1824.)

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More Pictures

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Oh no turn around man, oh god, oh no, he has airpods on...

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Campaign Uniform Dragoons (Coming soon! Almost Done)

Chasseurs a Cheval of the Young Guard (Coming soon! Almost Done)

1807 French Line Infantry (Coming soon! Working on it)

Heavy Carabiniers in Greatcoats (Coming soon! Working on it)

Grenadiers a Cheval in Campaign Uniform (Coming very soon! Already Finished)

French Young Guard Artillery (Coming very soon! Already Finished)

French Foot Artillery (Coming soon! Working on it)

Campaign Uniform Chasseurs a Cheval de Garde (Coming soon! Already Finished)

Russian Empire

Russian Footguards 1807 (Coming very soon! Already Finished)

Bashkir Cossacks (Coming very soon! Already Finished)

1814 Russian Line Infantry in Greatcoats (Coming very soon! Already Finished)

1812 Russian Grenadiers (Coming very soon! Already Finished)

Austrian Empire

Campaign Austrian Grenadiers (Coming very soon! Already Finished)

Austrian Artillery (Coming very soon! Already Finished)

Reworked Austrian Regiments (Coming soon! Almost done)

Kingdom of Prussia

New Prussian Shakos *NEW*
Replaces the Prussian Shakos.

The Prussian army in 1813 had the shakos as depicted in the Vanilla version in the game, but those were for the parade grounds only. So on campaign and in battle the Prussian shako was covered in an Oilskin cover giving its distinctive look. This is a small visual change which to be honest, makes Prussia a lot more fun to play in my opinion. There are two versions of the shakos you can get ingame (since its random) you can get the basic regular oilskin one, or the oilskin one with a black and white cockade on the front. The cockade was used in 1812 during the French Invasion of Russia to tell friend from foe and was largely removed by 1813. I kept it because it looked nice. Hope you enjoy!

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Shako with Cockade
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Shakos Ingame


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Sources/References/Contemporary Images


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1815 Berliner Garde-Landwehr *NEW*
Replaces the Prussian Foot Guard on the Prussian side. (obviously)
(This skin is pretty much accurate and i'm proud with how it came out. There are some small inaccuraccies which are the belts, they are of an older model but for the sake of Mount and Blade making everything difficult I left it be and colored it black. Around the Sabre Briquet the belt is white since I cannot change the Sabre Briquet's original white colour without changing every units' sabre. The images below have a different pants then the one ingame, that is because the original pants are the Austrian boots which are coded to the Prussian Foot Guards. I wish I could leave the gray pants I made in, but in order to do that you will need to change the whole entire Austrian faction, so the Austrian boots will have to remain. The Berliner Garde Landwehr never served in battle during the Napoleonic Wars but were going to be sent to the Waterloo campaign, after Waterloo their assistance was not needed. Their uniform is largely ceremonial, and also very Russian based as you can see in the coat and unique shako. This is due to the massive Russian influence the Russians had over the Prussian Army.)

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Colour Bearer
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Berliner Garde Landwehr on the Paradeground


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Sources/References/Contemporary Images


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1814 Garde du Corps (Coming very soon! Already Finished)

1813 Prussian Fusiliers (Coming very soon! Already Finished)

Silesian Landwehr (Coming very soon! Already Finished)

Hellwig Freikorps Hussars (Coming very soon! Already Finished)

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland

1st Light Foot, Kings German Legion (Coming very soon! Already Finished)

Napoleon's Satellites

Westphalian Carabinier, Elite Company Jager Garde 
Replaces the Hessian Light Infantry on the Rheinbund side.
By popular vote of a whopping 2 votes here it is.
(The inaccuracies i'm aware of are really unknown since there isn't a lot of detail or pictures of the Elite Company Jager Guards. One of the bugs for this skin involves the flag which doesn't wave, please post a solution here. I also had some issues with making the file so if there are any errors please tell me!)

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Hessian Guard Chevaulegers/Hessischer Garde-Chevaulegers 
Replaces the Baden Light Dragoons on the Rheinbund side.
(I don't believe there are any inaccuracies in this one, do message me if Im wrong though, with supported images,etc.      You may notice that the NCO has a cavalry carbine with a bayonet fitted on it. The Hessian Guard Chevaulegers never had a standard so I had a choice to put a trumpet or carbine. I decided to put the carbine since there is already a hornist.)

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Combat of Stockerau, July 8th 1809
(Hessians under the French, General Jacob Marlauz clash with Austrian Hussars under General Ludwig Wallmoden. This rearguard action was fought after the Austrians retreated from Bavaria. The Hessians were massively outnumbered against 16 squadrons of Austrian hussars. They fought bravely but the regiment was driven back and almost destroyed. Marlauz later told the Emperor about his satisfaction and his admiration of the Hessians. This small skirmish would not be important to the bigger theatre and Vienna was occupied. Before the War of the Fifth Coalition they participated in the war against Prussia at Straslund. The Hessians would fight in the fateful battle of Aspern-Essling and Wagram after Stockerau. They participated in the Invasion of Russia and the Invasion of France fighting against their former masters at Mainz.)

Photographs of the Combat


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Sources/References/Contemporary Images


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Duchy of Warsaw Infantry (Coming soon! Working on it)

Baden Artillery (Coming very soon! Already Finished)

Berg Lancers of the Guard (Coming very soon! Already Finished)


Kingdom of Italy, 5th Regiment
*Will not switch sides mid-battle*
Replaces the Saxon line infantry on the Rheinbund side.
(The inaccuracies i'm aware of are the cartridge box, musket, and maybe the cockade? Cockade is something i'm unsure of since there are sources with White-Red-Green cockades and Red-White-Blue.)

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More Pictures

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Kingdom of Naples, Dragoons
The Kingdom of Naples militarily during the Napoleonic Wars didn't do so well, but the uniforms were nice.
Replaces the French dragoons on the French side.
(Weird white glow in pictures is fixed.)

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Ensign and Officer
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1806 Kingdom of Italy Artillery (Coming in 6 months! Already Finished)

Kingdom of Italy Voltigeurs (Coming in 6 months! Already Finished)

Kingdom of Italy Grenadiers of the Guard (Coming soon! Working on it!)

More Pictures

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Spain and Portugal

Denmark and Sweden

Swedish Foot Artillery (Coming very soon! Already Finished)

Danish Light Dragoons (Coming very soon! Already Finished)

Netherlands (Republic, Kingdom, United)

Ottoman and Persian Empires

Canadians and Americans

Please vote on the polls for the next skins or give suggestions by posting here!

« Last Edit: September 11, 2020, 12:40:34 am by PolarMaths »
Anton Żółćszczęściepszczynanastępstwzdźbłobezwzględnyszymankowszczyznabrzęczyszczykiewiczgliński

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Re: Polar's Skin Factory (New Tirailleur Skin!)
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2019, 07:43:12 am »
New Tirailleur Skin! Please suggest more skins I can make, advice and feedback is appreciated.
Anton Żółćszczęściepszczynanastępstwzdźbłobezwzględnyszymankowszczyznabrzęczyszczykiewiczgliński

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Re: Polar's Skin Factory (New Tirailleur Skin!)
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2019, 10:56:37 am »
ooohhh very interesting

Offline Dasdenz

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Re: Polar's Skin Factory (New Tirailleur Skin!)
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2019, 12:48:48 am »
Weird white glow of the white shirt is something I need assistance with on how to fix it.

I am pretty sure that white glow appears due to lack of material shaders. In OpenBRF, select the materials, Find "Shader" field in "Data" box, and insert standart_shader_skin_bump_nospec_high. After some experimentation, it seemed to have fixed that issue for me.

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New Hessian Chevaulegers and a new Animation!

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Anton Żółćszczęściepszczynanastępstwzdźbłobezwzględnyszymankowszczyznabrzęczyszczykiewiczgliński

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New Music & Sound pack! + New Menu Screen!

I have new sounds for muskets, cannons, explosions which I will release soon since I already finished that. I will also release a couple things for Prussia very shortly! I have it finished, I just need to make everything ready. Here is a sneak peek of the Prussian oilskin covered shako!(Surprisingly no one had made one yet)

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« Last Edit: August 23, 2019, 01:57:58 pm by PolarMaths »
Anton Żółćszczęściepszczynanastępstwzdźbłobezwzględnyszymankowszczyznabrzęczyszczykiewiczgliński

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u did great job!

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Hey, sorry for the inactivity. I will be posting all the "already finished" skins in the coming weeks and days. I will start with Prussia first since it is the most polished and ready to be posted on here. Im glad to see Mount and Blade NW is still alive and with a small but strong community. I hope you enjoy the new skins! Pog

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Anton Żółćszczęściepszczynanastępstwzdźbłobezwzględnyszymankowszczyznabrzęczyszczykiewiczgliński


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I’m kinda curious to the new sounds that are already finished but not posted yet. :D

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I’m kinda curious to the new sounds that are already finished but not posted yet. :D

Thank you for reminding me about posting the sounds! Thankfully they were polished enough to post. I have posted it on the thread now, hope you enjoy the sounds!  ;D
Anton Żółćszczęściepszczynanastępstwzdźbłobezwzględnyszymankowszczyznabrzęczyszczykiewiczgliński


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Re: Polar's Factory (NEW! Sound Pack and Berliner Garde-Landwehr skin!)
« Reply #11 on: August 26, 2020, 09:11:12 am »
They sound amazing. Great work! :D

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Re: Polar's Factory (NEW! Sound Pack and Berliner Garde-Landwehr skin!)
« Reply #12 on: August 26, 2020, 09:14:41 am »
They sound amazing. Great work! :D

Thank you! Glad you liked it!
Anton Żółćszczęściepszczynanastępstwzdźbłobezwzględnyszymankowszczyznabrzęczyszczykiewiczgliński

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Re: Polar's Factory (NEW! Sound Pack and Berliner Garde-Landwehr skin!)
« Reply #13 on: August 27, 2020, 09:41:21 pm »
You have some really good work. I am not sure if you are busy, but are you able to make some French Royalist skins from the French Monarchy before the Revolution? It would legit be a dream of mine haha.

Offline PolarMaths

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Re: Polar's Factory (NEW! Sound Pack and Berliner Garde-Landwehr skin!)
« Reply #14 on: August 28, 2020, 12:46:33 am »
You have some really good work. I am not sure if you are busy, but are you able to make some French Royalist skins from the French Monarchy before the Revolution? It would legit be a dream of mine haha.

Today is your lucky day then, I happened to just be researching French monarchy uniforms right before the French Revolution, this should be a fairly easy one to make. Which unit do you want it to replace?
Anton Żółćszczęściepszczynanastępstwzdźbłobezwzględnyszymankowszczyznabrzęczyszczykiewiczgliński