Mount & Blade Warband: Napoleonic Wars > Modifications

Hi baes! modder angel here to help x

(1/3) > >>

When i was a young lady, i used to mod quite a lot
i cant be arsed with nw anymore but id like to share my knowledge with people

any questions about modding ask me

Lilja Mariasdóttir:

--- Quote from: mmveteran on August 04, 2020, 03:30:27 pm ---When i was a young lady, i used to mod quite a lot
i cant be arsed with nw anymore but id like to share my knowledge with people

any questions about modding ask me

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Hi Ted,

how can I autoban everyone on a server?


--- Quote from: Lilja Mariasdóttir on August 04, 2020, 03:34:07 pm ---
--- Quote from: mmveteran on August 04, 2020, 03:30:27 pm ---When i was a young lady, i used to mod quite a lot
i cant be arsed with nw anymore but id like to share my knowledge with people

any questions about modding ask me

--- End quote ---
Hi Ted,

how can I autoban everyone on a server?

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theres a super easy way just modify a couple of words
under scripts when it checks their uniform, instead of kicking from server if they have the wrong uniform
change it so the punishment happens when they have the right uniform
and its a ban

thats one of the many ways to do it
also why you want to ban everyone

How could you make a horse driven cart like in The Deluge ?


--- Quote from: Lilja Mariasdóttir on August 04, 2020, 03:34:07 pm ---
--- Quote from: mmveteran on August 04, 2020, 03:30:27 pm ---When i was a young lady, i used to mod quite a lot
i cant be arsed with nw anymore but id like to share my knowledge with people

any questions about modding ask me

--- End quote ---
Hi Ted,

how can I autoban everyone on a server?

--- End quote ---


I like how, although Betty can't be arsed with NW, he keeps coming back every now and then


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