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Messages - ๖ۣۜFreddie

Pages: 1
Community Name: Fredovic
Name to be used: Fredovic
Steam Name:
Regiment: 85e

Name: Fredovic
Steam profile link:
I have read and agreed the rules: Yes

The following players need a replacement character photo:

Marquez: Need a screenshot without a skin pack.
Bobertini: Need a potato, not a broccoli ffs.
Normanguy: Screenshot where you don't dab.
Gi: Need a clean face, send a screenshot from the NW character customization tool.
Golden: Face too zoomed in.
Tigere: Face too zoomed in.
Frittentime: Photo without a skin pack.
Darklight: Send a screenshot from the NW customization tool.
Heinrich Davout: Your face is too far away, send a screenshot from the NW customization tool
Eespike: Photo without a skin pack.
Blacktham: Face too zoomed in.

edit: Blackbeard accepted, didn't notice you added a proper screenshot later on.

Quick update about signups. Please edit your character screenshot to be same as the ones below where you can see both shoulders and the top of the head. It also has to be a screen from the profile customization in NW. We're doing this to make the thread easier to do and prettier to look at once we begin posting the participants on the 1st page. It will also allow us to begin posting some of the signups earlier! Thank you in advance.

Examples of good screenshots:


4. Players will be put in separate skill brackets and their starting price will depend on it.
Just a thought, how will you decide the price and skill brackets?

achievements, experience..

it's gonna be heavily subjective though

can't wait for the shit storm about prices of individual players  ;D ;D ;D

Starting prices won't matter anyway because the players will keep bidding on that price by +100k, 250k or whatever that minimal bid value will be set. It's basically a shortcut to make the auction less time-consuming because from what I've heard, the native one lasted around 3 hours and we don't want to make the same mistake. So for example if it's a really good player that can easily go for 6 million for example, I'll make the starting price 3-4 million € instead of 0€ to make things go quicker. If nobody wants to make a bid on the initial price that I've put, I'll lower the price tremendously and have the captains bid on the player again. Obviously this is just a rough explanation but don't worry, there won't be any problems and the captains will be fully informed on how the auction will work once it begins.

Now that I'm looking at it, I can also start the price with 0€ and just make the minimal bid value about 1 million and lower the value every time people don't wanna continue bidding. We'll see what works best with the captains when the day comes as our goal here is to make the auction process enjoyable but not too long.

4. Players will be put in separate skill brackets and their starting price will depend on it.
Just a thought, how will you decide the price and skill brackets?

achievements, experience..

it's gonna be heavily subjective though

can't wait for the shit storm about prices of individual players  ;D ;D ;D

Starting prices won't matter anyway because the players will keep bidding on that price by +100k, 250k or whatever that minimal bid value will be set. It's basically a shortcut to make the auction less time-consuming because from what I've heard, the native one lasted around 3 hours and we don't want to make the same mistake. So for example if it's a really good player that can easily go for 6 million for example, I'll make the starting price 3-4 million € instead of 0€ to make things go quicker. If nobody wants to make a bid on the initial price that I've put, I'll lower the price tremendously and have the captains bid on the player again. Obviously this is just a rough explanation but don't worry, there won't be any problems and the captains will be fully informed on how the auction will work once it begins.

1. Bids will be anonymous, the auctioneer will say the bids out loud on Teamspeak.

that is something interesting pretty sure a big part of the community knows each other in terms of there voice :P

The bids will be teamspeak pokes or steam messages, hopefully it doesn't get too messy for whoever will be the auctioneer.

Name: Fredovic
ID: 1364893
Character screenshot:
Interested in captaining (yes/no): No, unless necessary.
Do you agree to the rules?: Yes
Do you accept the captaining responsibilities?: /

Note to other signups, try to make your character screenshot high quality resolution as it the screenshots will be posted on the Participants post.

If you have any suggestions or need an explanation regarding the rules add me.

How about we remove you and Herishey from the admin team so I can take all the credits for your hard-work?

I'm sure you'll be working hard on moderating this thread!

If you have any suggestions or need an explanation regarding the rules add me.


Nous te connaissons bien tkt pas.

Please lebrave, this is no place to post your wanking material

Team Name : Angry Kittens
Captain's Steam: Dren | Freddie
Roster : Dren, Troister, SpaceKiller, Fredovic, Maurice, ClaSh, Moskito, Ledger, Axiom, Melton, DarkTemplar, Tardet


Team Name : Angry Kittens
Captain's Steam: on phone so cba
Roster : some shit players

X coming in with the quick maffs

Pages: 1