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Messages - SirJellybean

Pages: 1
Events: EU / Re: ♞ 2Lr’s Cavalry Battle | 2017 [NEW] ♞
« on: May 20, 2017, 01:59:29 pm »
Regiment Name: 10th "Prince of Wales" Own Regiment of Hussars
Preferred faction:Any
Class (Hussars, Cuirassiers, Lancers, Dragoons):Hussars
Expected attendance (min. 5 needed):8 - 15
Do you want to attend regularly? (Yes/No):Yes
Regiment leader's Steam Name (at least two):Sir Jelly'of'bean, Rhen, Nerza
Have you read and do you agree to the rules?:Yes

Note: We would like to attend starting from the 5th June 2017 if this is okay and possible.

Regiment name:10th "Prince of Wales" Own Regiment of Hussars
PREFERRED NATION - Any. (as they all have light cavalry)

Servers / Re: ♞Cavalry Groupfight Server - EU
« on: August 29, 2016, 05:38:46 pm »
Your Nickname: [13th_Huss] Sir Jelly'Of'Bean
Who banned you: Goodest? (whoever the head admin is I think - been a while ago now so i have forgot the name)
Tell us your story: I was having a bad day and was a little gruntled by things. Had an altercation with the admin over chat (use an offensive word I think and got told to stop)
Later on the in the game I was dismounted and ended up being last alive on my team. The last alive on the opposing team was Goodest or the head admin (if they are different I honestly can not remember :( )
Before coming to attack me he rode round the map killing any left horses so I could not mount up. However, while doing this, he missed one of them and seemed not to have seen it. Before I could run for the horse he came at me whilst still mounted. At this point I managed to stab the horse but did not kill it.
It was a short while of teasing each other to attack and then he dismounted to face me on the ground. (felt he had a better chance which is fair enough.) As he dismounted I decided to bolt for the horse that had been left as I did not stand a chance on the ground. (or so I thought based on what I had seen.)
When I started to run for the other horse he had not noticed and killed his own horse. (facing away from me for a moment.)
When he turned round he then put into admin chat for me to stop delaying. as I was nearly at the horse I stopped and went to type and told him I was not delaying.)
I then carried on the running and was just at the horse when he Permanently kicked me from the server.

Why should we unban you: Although it was a sneaky move to try and win the round I was not doing anything against the specified rules on the server. Granted I understand the altercation earlier heightened tensions. However, the action I was banned for was not out of the rules at all. After the incident I tried to contact some of the admins to help me and hear my case. Some of them agreed that it was a bit harsh to ban me but notified me that they could not anything to help and that I would have to speak to the head admin. (who happens to be the person who permanently banned me for running after a horse. )
I would like to train and join in with other regiment members on this server like I have always have done prior to this incident and don't feel it was fair or justified.


I regret to inform everyone the following:

Vince is not active at the moment. Currently no one knows what has happened to him. it is concerning as we have heard nothing as to his whereabouts irl either.
He has not been active on this thread or in his regiment role (13th Hussars) for over 4 weeks now.

If anyone has any info on Vince and his activity then please let me know.

Thanks, and good gaming all! :)

Group: B
Harford vs Ofir
OUTCOME: Harford WINNER (8 - 2)

Group: G
Chichile vs Rastignac
OUTCOME: Chichile WINNER (7 - 3)

Group: F
Jellybean vs Chrossy
OUTCOME: Chrossy WINNER (6 - 4)

Group: F
Caylor vs Chrossy
OUTCOME: Chrossy WINNER (6 - 4)

Group: G
Chichile vs Tomas Cadarn

Group: A
Victor vs Emperor

In-Game Name: 13th_Huss_Cpt_Jellybean
Steam Profile Link:
Preferred Nation, Hussar or Cuirassier/Heavy Cavalry: UK, Hussar

Thanks! See you then!  :D

Regiment Name: The 13th Royal Hussars
Preferred Faction: either
Preferred Class: Cav
Expected Attendance: 8-15
Will you be attending once, or weekly: Would like to come weekly but will settle for whenever there is space :P
Do you confirm you have read and agree to the rules?: Yes.

Regiment Name: The 13th Royal Hussars
Preferred faction: either :)
Class (Line, Guard, Skirmishers, Cavalry, Artillery): Cavalry
Expected attendance: 12-ish
Do you want to attend once, or weekly ?: Weekly
Regiment leader's Steam name:
Do you have read and agree to the rules ?: yes

(I understand that cav slots are taken atm, However thought I would apply for the soonest gap possible!)

Regiments / Re: ♞The 13th Queens Royal Hussars Reformation♞
« on: March 21, 2016, 10:30:56 am »
Jesus christ? I remember when you guys were the 83rd's cav detachment.

Good luck boys.

I remember that also Chris! Good to hear from you, hope all is well etc.

Pages: 1