1. If one member of your reg/line is in melee combat - this means the whole regiment is now in melee combat. This means you are in a charge. You may not Fire in Charge (FiC). In addition, you cannot Fire out of Line FoL (Fire Out of Line) or Reload out of Line (RoL).
2. Line Infantry and Foot Guards need keep tight (shoulder to shoulder) spacing when firing; meanwhile, Light Infantry and Skirmishers can have 6 men spacing maximum when firing. If either unit does not keep proper spacing and shoots out of formation - it counts as a FoL and will result in a warning/slay. Lights can fire while in melee combat, but not ric!!!
3. When your line has 3 or less men you will have to join another line, or continue a charge if you were in one, or you may go and re-enforce the arty. (Unless you are in a town; will be explained in rule 9.)
4. Rambo is not allowed. Rambo is when you are charging towards the enemy on your own. If your reg died and you are returning to friendly lines, this is not Rambo. The distance for you to be considered a Rambo is 10 spaces from your unit.
5. When the "All Charge" is called you may not FiC (Fire In Charge) or RiC (Reload In Charge) this is forbidden. Cavalry does have to dismount. You must also exit buildings and get off roofs. You may not hold defensive positions; charging the enemy is compulsory. Shooting in AC will result in the victim being revived.
6. Team-kills will only be revived if an officer messages an admin and requests the person to be revived + provide a short explanation on what happened.
7. When playing as dragoons they are classed as "mounted skirmishers". They can FiC but not in an "All Charge" - in addition dragoons are to keep up formation of a cavalry group (with bonus of allowing 6-8 men spacing). When dismounted and joining a normal Line Infantry, they are no longer skirmishers and must follow rule 1. (This counts for all cav with guns.) If three or more dragoons are dismounted and together, they can play as skirms.
8. If theres 2 or less cav, you must either join another cav unit or dismount and join infantry. (Unless you are in a town; will be explained in rule 9.)
9. Inside a building, and when you are stationed next to man made structures - You may ric, rol, fol, and fic. When you are attacking a defensive position you are allowed to Fic, Ric, Fol, Rol when coming to a 10 spacing radius to attack. You can attack man made structures with same rules as defenders holding em. You do not need 3 or more men to be considered a line whilst in a town/building. (This also counts for cav.)
10. Intentional teamkilling will result in a warning followed by a slay, if done again it will be a temp ban.
11. Spamming the chat will first be warned followed by a kick, then finally a temp ban if said behaviour continues.
12. You will be spawned and healed until the first kill has happened, after which you can no longer be spawned or healed.
13. Your reg must all go the same unit. If you are a mix of different units (on purpose), the wrong units will be slayed after first blood.
14. Make sure you have tags. Any no tag people will be warned after the first round has started. If you dont change your tags after this, you will be kicked. Wrong tags are allowed, as long as it has your reg name in it.
15. Continuous toxicity towards other people will also result in a temp ban, like rule 11.
16. If you are killed by a rambo, fic, or fol, you will be revived and the offender slayed. Repeated slays will result in a kick, followed by a ban.
17. Building onto roofs / building forts is allowed, as long as the way up/in is accessible.
18. Your reg must all go the same unit. If you are signed up as skirms, all go skirms. (Unless asked otherwise.) Do not go inf and skirms combined. Same for cav, if you sign up as hussars, do not go hussars and heavy cav. Do not go units you did not sign up as unless you got permission from admin team or Slavomir.
19. If you wish to go as specs, the following numbers are required: 7 minimum and 10 max for cav and lights, 3 minimum and 9 max for arty, and no requirements for line. Arty can only bring a max of 3 cannons to battle, but may use any amount of arty on the map. Only 2 regs total per cav, lights, and arty.
20. If you are with a cannon, you must either go sapper or an arty unit (arty guard, arty train, etc.). If you go any other unit youll be warned, followed by a slay, and finally a temp ban.
21. Garrison rules apply to arty units, however you may not be further than 10 spaces from an active cannon (in order to shoot).
22. If you sign up as specs but dont come, you will be warned. If it happens again, you will not be allowed to sign up as specs for at least a month.
23. Balance numbers are as follows: 20/20/18 (Lights, cav, arty) for both sides.