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Offline Fietta

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Re: Hall of Fame - Posted!!
« Reply #510 on: July 05, 2022, 04:17:12 pm »
Why am I not a top content creator being the finest twitch streamer!

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Re: Hall of Fame - Posted!!
« Reply #511 on: July 05, 2022, 04:27:34 pm »
all of this work and it only has 23k views

Offline Vegi.

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Re: Hall of Fame - Posted!!
« Reply #512 on: July 05, 2022, 05:39:50 pm »
all of this work and it only has 23k views
People do anything to stay relevant my dude
Stop looking at my posts Fietta #RentFree

The Master of stack, the voice of racism.

Offline Herishey

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Re: Hall of Fame - Coming Soon
« Reply #513 on: July 05, 2022, 06:04:26 pm »

These are players that either used their content to keep the history of NW going be that by recording tournaments or
events for people to look back on or players who used their YouTube to help keep the community with fresh faces to fill the ranks of the many regiments/teams.


About him
Malakith was one of the more popular YouTubers that was actually heavily involved in the community be that with 77y or his time as a moderator on FSE. He made a lot of videos over his time active on Mount & Blade's NW DLC which included 77y promotions, linebattles, sieges and other events. His 77y siege event videos tended to be the most popular of the series which helped him get his forty thousand plus subscribers and hundreds of thousands of views. These videos helped bring countless people into the community.

About him
Chadman who was friends with Malakith is another of the more popular Youtubers that was also heavily involved in the community. He often still comes to this day to record tournament finals or NWWC matches when requested. His channel Chadtopia has over ten thousand subscribers and his videos have varied from special mod events, tournaments, commentaries, linebattles and pretty much anything Mount & Blade. He is probably one of the longest lasting NW YouTubers and many of his popular Mount & Blade videos had over ten thousand views each in the channels prime. His videos helped many people get into the community.

About him
FrenchMonk is another of the longer lasting Mount & Blade YouTubers and has also been rather involved over NW's lifespan. Running several regiments over his years in NW. His videos include mod events, linebattles and anything regimental he was involved with. He also keeps his subscribers up to date on Holdfast or any other Napoleonic style game. During the channels most successful periods his videos often racked in over one thousand views and his channel had around two thousand subscribers.

About him
Diplex was another highly popular YouTuber who towards the start of its lifespan was heavily involved in NW. He hasn't made an NW video in quite some time now but during his years he made the 63e which was a well known entry regiment for those around at the time. His videos include linebattles, mod events and regimental events. During the channels period on NW he had several videos with over 100 thousand views, there's no doubt that he also helped direct a lot of traffic to the NW scene much like Malakith.

About him
IECGaming is a YouTuber who unlike most the others we've mentioned here's channel souly kept to Mount & Blade and mainly NW videos. His channel has remained active over pretty much the entirety of NW and he has almost four thousand subscribers. During the channels prime years when NW videos were more popular he often got over one thousand views in many videos especially with the 91st. His videos pretty much include anything and everything from mod events to promotions to causal or competitive linebattles.


About him
Flopz was a popular French Mount & Blade Youtuber for many years of what many people would consider NW's prime. He has made more recent videos on occasion when 14e have returned for reunion events but before this he made a lot of Mount & Blade coverage. His videos consisted of NWEC matches with France, linebattles and other events with the 14e as well as some mod and update videos. During this period he gained twenty-three thousand subscribers and his channel commonly went well over 5 thousand views with some videos reaching heights of up 
to six-hundred thousand views.

About him
The IVeCorps channel is another French channel that has been running for pretty much the majority, if not the entirety of NW's lifespan. Its videos include anything that relates the the IVe be that updates on the Corps, linebattles, competitive events or promotional videos. During its prime years the channel often hit over 5 thousand views with highs of eighty-two housand.

About him
Jampads channel was a bit different from most of the others listed here he was a 17e Officer first and firemost in the early-mid years of NW. He started his YouTube channel in 2013 nad made videos up until around 2016 though the majority of these were on Persistent World. Towards the start of his YouTube lifespan he made videos of the 17e's competitive or casual linebattles until a year or so in where he began to make more comedy based videos on PW showing off his rage and comedic value. His channel had over two thousand subscribers and generally  ot over ten thousand views peaking at 14 thousand views.

About him
GunZo also known as YoloSwagMasterGunZo. Was one of the renowned bush pirates and made NW videos for around three years from 2013, much like Jampad these were another style of video based on comedy and trolling/winding specific players up rather than events or update style videos. His videos included assassinations on well known players or regiment leaders (generally leaders/officers). These may have just been for their fame or may have been for their actions towards GunZo or his friends. He'd try to infiltrate an event and record himself taking out the colonel or specific player in the regiment. His channel had over one thousand subscribers and most videos had over give thousand views with his highest viewed video hitting nine-teen thousand.

About him
Herishey was another long standing YouTuber making videos over several years whilst being heavily involved in the community. His channel never hit the heights of some of the others but made over three hundred Mount & Blade videos in this period. These included linebattles, tournaments, mod events, comedy style videos, highlight videos and pretty much anything else mount & blade from fantasy league auctions to top servers videos. He recorded the majority of tournaments or at least major tournaments over his 6 years of YouTube. Depending on the regiment he was playing in at the time his videos normally had over 250 views with many of them reaching over one thousand views and and his highest viewed video reaching twenty one thousand views.

Special Mentions:


These are players that dedicated time to creating many maps for players, regiments or events to use and are known for their skilful craft.


About him
Aztir has been a well known name in the mapping seen since the early days of NW. He made a lot of the mini-siege maps especially the earlier ones, a lot of maps for the 77y servers/events such as their long lasting siege event and several other maps.

About him
Zebaad is probably one of the most known mappers in the game due to the way he publicised his maps on both FSE, Steam groups and his website (Bastion Maps). Not only has he made maps for major tournaments such as the NWWC, minor tournaments, his own events such as his melee only siege, linebattle maps, groupfighting maps he's done pretty much anything including specific requests such as death run or bulldog maps. Even for his more casual maps he's one of the mappers that takes the most time to make sure the map is as polished as possible.

About him
Python only started mapping a couple of years ago but during those years has made the vast majority of modern tournament maps that are used both now and in that period. He's made several 'fun' event maps such as the hunger games event but his main claim to fame here is his vast variety of tournament maps that have been used in EGS, NWWC, Hunger Games and other areas. He has also been known to edit Full Invasion Maps.

About him
Herishey created many of the commonly used groupfighting maps, be that on the GroupfightingServer or just used by regiments in events. He also created several tournament maps that were the most commonly used maps in the competitive scene until around 2017-18 from around 2014. He also created a couple of training maps as well as many linebattle maps used in events such as the 3rdFG Linebattles, K-KA Linebattles and the 17e Linebattles.

About him
Dekkers is one of the more famed early mapping names. He made a lot of maps on NW that were well used in the earlier years such as his D-Daay map, training maps or specialist linebatlte maps. He was one of the first more 'famed' mappers rather than some of those who worked behind the scenes more. He also made several groupfighting maps such as the first attempt at making the collosseum. It is worth also noting that he was actually the scene editor behind the very first custom maps on the 33rd NW siege server, which ended up becoming the most popular server after the 84e hegemony came to an end after a good long run.


About him
GoKiller was another of the more famed early mappers, though not to do with quality less so than Dekkers. He created several high quality historical, conquest, linebattle and maps for several mods too. Some of his works include the Battle of Friedland and Village at the Nile. The mods he worked on were North & South, L'Aigle, Bearforce, Bellum Imperii and A World of Ice and Fire.

About him
Friedrich was a mapper known by many but probably also missed by many of the players who would have played on his maps. He created most of the early siege maps used on servers such as 84e Siege. Aside from this he also made several other maps used in casual events and a lot of maps for mods such as Bello Civili and North & South.

About him
Spoons is another of the more modern map names though that being said he has been making maps for quite some years now. He created many of the Humans vs Bots maps used on the newer rendition of the 15ths Humans vs Bots servers and anyone who has attempted this before knows how much work these type of maps can be. He also made a large portion of the 33rd event maps over the years as well as King of the Hill maps and on the competitive side he also made the maps for TGL (The Groupfighting Ladder).

About him
Kincaid has also been making maps for a few years now. He did all of the NWBC (Napoleonic Wars Battle Championship) maps on the casual/competitive
event, the regimental 2v2 tournament maps, the commander battle campaign maps and contributed to a large portion of the maps used in the varying 33rd events like Spoons.
Lord Gax


About him
Lord Gax was one of the longer lasting mappers and made well over 100 maps between 2012 and 2018. This included trenchbattle maps, training maps, killbox maps, jailbreak maps, pirate battle maps, NRP (Napoleonic Role Play) maps, groupfighting maps and even more. As one of the highest work rate mappers over the years there was no doubt he'd be mentioned.

Special Mentions:


These are players that dedicated plenty of time to helping less equippedusers create threads
or graphics to use on FSE helping make their thread or profile look more professional..


About him
Herishey was one of the first FSE users to create thread templates for users to essentially edit into their own unique thread without much understanding of how the BB code worked. His thread workshop includes several templates for regiments, armies/corps and events. As well as this he has made graphics/sgnatures for both his own events and others including NWWC, RGT and the [FG] series. Due to being a senior moderator (and a community representitive for a long period before that) he has helped many regiments/users/organisers over the years with their posts/threads as well as his own. Some of his works include the original international 15thYR Thread, the NWWC threads, the 3rdFG thread and several other regiments.

About him
Another one of the first names that comes to mind when you think of graphics, threads or helpers on FSE. He has had his own artwork and thread workshop for many years and has helped out many users/regiments/organisers with their threads/graphics as well. Some of his works include Enigma's thread, 92nd's thread, the 45th's thread and this very Hall of Fame thread (thank you Skaenn!). he is also one of the only names here still actively running a thread workshop. Or even using the forums for that matter.

About him
Evanovic may not have been active on the forums for a few years now but his impact during the time he was there raised the quality of graphics to an all time high, and many tournaments now still do not reach the heights he did with these. He didn't make too many threads or complicated tables but the graphics he did over the years for the NWEC (Napoleonic Wars European Cup) as well as the 91st/Tavington hosted 5v5 tournaments were always a work of art and looked at a professional standard. He did the majority of graphics for the early tournaments as well as some others for regiments/teams he was a part of.

About him
Bravescots work on FSE may not be as extensive a list as many of the other names here but they were impactful. He made hundreds of rank icons used in TeamSpeaks by the majority of regiments in the earlier years of NW. Many of these are still used to this day by several older regiments or even some new ones that are lucky enough to come across his thread. He did make some other header graphics that were used for regiments too but his main focus was the rank icons and any rank icon requests he may receive.

About him
For around 3 years Phillyz ran a thread, header, signatures and icons workshop. He hasn't been on the forums for some time now but some of his works include the 65y regiments header, the 19te thread, the 41sts signature and a set of French rank icons. His thread workshop was one of the most used over these busy years of NW so of course much more was done than this, 10's of headers and signatures as well as several threads and sets of rank icons.


About him
Over the more recent years Shadey has helped a lot of events with threads and graphics. Generally these have been upon a personal request as Shadey doesn't run any kind of thread workshop. He has made several threads such as the 84e thread, Cavalry Fantasy League and the RGL threads. As well as this he has helped many events such as the NWWC or the Cavalry Fantasy League.

About him
Over a rather large period of time, even when not particularly active in NW Moskito made high quality graphics, almost reaching the heights of Evanovic. I personally remember several headers he made for myself to use in NWWC such as an animated header for the NWWC in 2015. He did make several threads for his own tournaments/regiments over the years but never for anyone else as far as I'm aware. Any users of Mosktio knew that his graphics may take some time to get to you but were always worth the wait. During the earlier years when it was more common to be rewarded a signature after a tournament he made several for both major tournaments like NWWC or the more minor ones like the [FG] tournament series.

About him
Johny Nawalony created regimental headers/signatures and banner packs upon request in his workshop for around 2 years. The banner packs were a popular feature here as not many offered to do this around this time. Aside from that he also made a high quality cartoon artwork designed around NW. Examples of these cartoons can stil be seen on his old workshop thread on FSE. During his period here he also made several skinpacks in his skinpack workshop too.
JanSnieg | JonSnow

About him
JanSnieg used many names over the years on FSE but was probably most known as JonSnow. He ran a graphics thread where he created signatures, headers, profile pictures and really anything along those lines that were requested for several years. He also helped some of the Polish communities make regimental threads such as the 4pp.

About him
DoctorWarband had a thread workshop for around a year. During this time it was very popular and it was around 2014-15 so there was a high demand at the time. He worked up quite the request load during this period making threads such as the 54e and 5. Lützowsches Freikorps. Prior to opening this thread workshop he had also still been helping users make threads and made quite a few from the start till the end of 2013 and any graphics needed to go with these.

These are the players that have been playing with the NW community for the longest time without any major breaks.

Rikimaru     In 2011 (Mount & Musket) his first regiment was the 77y.
Henkka    In 2011 (Mount & Musket) his first regiment was the 77y.
Aztir    In 2011 (Mount & Musket) his first regiment was the 77y.
Steinnmann    In 2011 (Mount & Musket) his first regiment was the 1er.
Tardet    In 2011 (Mount & Musket) his first regiment was the 4e Grens.
Kore    In 2011 (Mount & Musket) his first regiment was the 47e.
Nosswill    In 2011 (Mount & Musket) his first regiment was the 33rd.
Nozza    In September 2011 (Mount & Musket) his first regiment was the 54e.
Skaen    In 2011 (Mount & Musket) his first regiment was the 54e.
LeBrave    In In 2011 (Mount & Musket) his first regiment was the 4eGrens.

Special Mentions:

El Presidente - February 2012 54e
Gaz - April 2012 77y
Lama - April 2012 Nr59

These are the regiments that have stuck around the longest through NW's

Nr59 (10 years)

About them
The Nr.59 started in the Mount & Musket mod in 2011 but
existed as a community since all the way back in 2006 as the 'EliteTeam' and played in Star Wars Battle front 2, they
changed name to something more relevant to the Napoleonic Era once moving to
Mount & Blade. The regiment was founded by Feldmarschall Ben.
18tes_KPR (10 years)

About them
The 18tes_KPR formed also in 2011 in the Mount & Musket
mod, founded by Jan though Buchler is who made the regiment have real structure.
They also formed before this date playing in a musket mod in battle grounds 2
before this on the 16th of May 2009. Sadly the 18tes disbanded in mid-late 2021.
32nd (10 years)

About them
The 32nd formed January 2011 by Lance.
77y (10 years)

About them
The 77y formed well before this date but in 2011 they began to
play in the Mount & Musket mod which lead to the Napoleonic Wars DLC we play
today, they were founded by Aztir and Malakith. The community actually formed
back in 2009.
IVe (10 years)

About them
The IVe community first started playing the Mount & Musket mod
in 2011 but originally formed in 2010 by Bastien.

III_KBR (10 years)

About them
The III_KBR formed on January 24th 2012 on the Napoleonic Wars DLC,
founded by Loren and Carban..
33rd (9.5 years)

About them
The 33rd was formed on 5th of June 2012 by Lowlander. They ran the 33rd
Siege server and had a few popular YouTubers (popular by NW's standards at
least) such as SilentMusket, as well as their constant presence in both casual
and competitive events allowed them to have a great and constant flow of
recruits. Their siege server was always very popular and outlasted the first
popular NW siege server (84e Siege) in the end. They are one of the largest and
longest-standing regiments throughout NW's history and throughout that entire
period they have been a constant fixture in competitive events/leagues. At times
they truly have been a force to be frightened of just like the 77y but over the
years as they shifted to a more casual focus they have fallen a bit down the
ladder to being more of a 'top of league 2' or 'bottom of league 1' side in most
events. Over their NW lifetime they've had a number of leaders such as MrSt3fan,
Gurkha and Bobmahlog.
15thYR (8 years)

About them
The 15thYR originally formed on the 1st of September 2012 as
a German regiment by Falk but opened up internationally in 2014. The German 15th
had a short break because Falk went on holiday for 2 weeks and Dusan took over,
the regiment instantly fell apart.
65y (7.5 years)

About them
The 65y was founded on the 18th of January 2014 by Rhinosmyth
and Mishapoch.
16th (7 years)

About them
The 16th was founded on the 28th of December 2014 by

Special Mentions:

K-KA (7 years)
56e (7 years)
2Lr (5.5 years)


What is the criteria for Top content creator?

Shouldn't "Euer GeneralPilophas" be mentioned? He got so many german speaking players involved in NW back in the days

Youtube Channel:

Youtube NW Playlist:
I tried to include a mixture of channels so some that were more casual and got a lot of people into the game like Malakith, some more competitive like myself and some with a more comedy factor like Jampad or Gunzo, all of which have a high view count over the years. I also tried to take some longevity into account e.g. if they only made 4-5 vids on NW I wouldn't include them over someone who made 15+ with a good view count.
I won lots of things, I came 2nd and 3rd in lots of things, I guess I did some other shit too........ I'm also an FSE legend, probably most commonly described as a cunt. If the shit I do doesn't make sense in your head, well fuck you because it makes sense in mine.

Which i did, against known and reputed player, some of them considered legend, such as, Mandarin, Ledger, Tiberias, Herishey, Hokej, Troister, Axiom, Evanovic, Stark, Eddie, Jammo, Bagins, Freddie, Python. I didn't had a good relationship with most of them, but i congratulate them for what they did, and i had pleasure facing them.

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Re: Hall of Fame - Coming Soon
« Reply #514 on: July 05, 2022, 10:32:28 pm »

These are players that either used their content to keep the history of NW going be that by recording tournaments or
events for people to look back on or players who used their YouTube to help keep the community with fresh faces to fill the ranks of the many regiments/teams.


About him
Malakith was one of the more popular YouTubers that was actually heavily involved in the community be that with 77y or his time as a moderator on FSE. He made a lot of videos over his time active on Mount & Blade's NW DLC which included 77y promotions, linebattles, sieges and other events. His 77y siege event videos tended to be the most popular of the series which helped him get his forty thousand plus subscribers and hundreds of thousands of views. These videos helped bring countless people into the community.

About him
Chadman who was friends with Malakith is another of the more popular Youtubers that was also heavily involved in the community. He often still comes to this day to record tournament finals or NWWC matches when requested. His channel Chadtopia has over ten thousand subscribers and his videos have varied from special mod events, tournaments, commentaries, linebattles and pretty much anything Mount & Blade. He is probably one of the longest lasting NW YouTubers and many of his popular Mount & Blade videos had over ten thousand views each in the channels prime. His videos helped many people get into the community.

About him
FrenchMonk is another of the longer lasting Mount & Blade YouTubers and has also been rather involved over NW's lifespan. Running several regiments over his years in NW. His videos include mod events, linebattles and anything regimental he was involved with. He also keeps his subscribers up to date on Holdfast or any other Napoleonic style game. During the channels most successful periods his videos often racked in over one thousand views and his channel had around two thousand subscribers.

About him
Diplex was another highly popular YouTuber who towards the start of its lifespan was heavily involved in NW. He hasn't made an NW video in quite some time now but during his years he made the 63e which was a well known entry regiment for those around at the time. His videos include linebattles, mod events and regimental events. During the channels period on NW he had several videos with over 100 thousand views, there's no doubt that he also helped direct a lot of traffic to the NW scene much like Malakith.

About him
IECGaming is a YouTuber who unlike most the others we've mentioned here's channel souly kept to Mount & Blade and mainly NW videos. His channel has remained active over pretty much the entirety of NW and he has almost four thousand subscribers. During the channels prime years when NW videos were more popular he often got over one thousand views in many videos especially with the 91st. His videos pretty much include anything and everything from mod events to promotions to causal or competitive linebattles.


About him
Flopz was a popular French Mount & Blade Youtuber for many years of what many people would consider NW's prime. He has made more recent videos on occasion when 14e have returned for reunion events but before this he made a lot of Mount & Blade coverage. His videos consisted of NWEC matches with France, linebattles and other events with the 14e as well as some mod and update videos. During this period he gained twenty-three thousand subscribers and his channel commonly went well over 5 thousand views with some videos reaching heights of up 
to six-hundred thousand views.

About him
The IVeCorps channel is another French channel that has been running for pretty much the majority, if not the entirety of NW's lifespan. Its videos include anything that relates the the IVe be that updates on the Corps, linebattles, competitive events or promotional videos. During its prime years the channel often hit over 5 thousand views with highs of eighty-two housand.

About him
Jampads channel was a bit different from most of the others listed here he was a 17e Officer first and firemost in the early-mid years of NW. He started his YouTube channel in 2013 nad made videos up until around 2016 though the majority of these were on Persistent World. Towards the start of his YouTube lifespan he made videos of the 17e's competitive or casual linebattles until a year or so in where he began to make more comedy based videos on PW showing off his rage and comedic value. His channel had over two thousand subscribers and generally  ot over ten thousand views peaking at 14 thousand views.

About him
GunZo also known as YoloSwagMasterGunZo. Was one of the renowned bush pirates and made NW videos for around three years from 2013, much like Jampad these were another style of video based on comedy and trolling/winding specific players up rather than events or update style videos. His videos included assassinations on well known players or regiment leaders (generally leaders/officers). These may have just been for their fame or may have been for their actions towards GunZo or his friends. He'd try to infiltrate an event and record himself taking out the colonel or specific player in the regiment. His channel had over one thousand subscribers and most videos had over give thousand views with his highest viewed video hitting nine-teen thousand.

About him
Herishey was another long standing YouTuber making videos over several years whilst being heavily involved in the community. His channel never hit the heights of some of the others but made over three hundred Mount & Blade videos in this period. These included linebattles, tournaments, mod events, comedy style videos, highlight videos and pretty much anything else mount & blade from fantasy league auctions to top servers videos. He recorded the majority of tournaments or at least major tournaments over his 6 years of YouTube. Depending on the regiment he was playing in at the time his videos normally had over 250 views with many of them reaching over one thousand views and and his highest viewed video reaching twenty one thousand views.

Special Mentions:


These are players that dedicated time to creating many maps for players, regiments or events to use and are known for their skilful craft.


About him
Aztir has been a well known name in the mapping seen since the early days of NW. He made a lot of the mini-siege maps especially the earlier ones, a lot of maps for the 77y servers/events such as their long lasting siege event and several other maps.

About him
Zebaad is probably one of the most known mappers in the game due to the way he publicised his maps on both FSE, Steam groups and his website (Bastion Maps). Not only has he made maps for major tournaments such as the NWWC, minor tournaments, his own events such as his melee only siege, linebattle maps, groupfighting maps he's done pretty much anything including specific requests such as death run or bulldog maps. Even for his more casual maps he's one of the mappers that takes the most time to make sure the map is as polished as possible.

About him
Python only started mapping a couple of years ago but during those years has made the vast majority of modern tournament maps that are used both now and in that period. He's made several 'fun' event maps such as the hunger games event but his main claim to fame here is his vast variety of tournament maps that have been used in EGS, NWWC, Hunger Games and other areas. He has also been known to edit Full Invasion Maps.

About him
Herishey created many of the commonly used groupfighting maps, be that on the GroupfightingServer or just used by regiments in events. He also created several tournament maps that were the most commonly used maps in the competitive scene until around 2017-18 from around 2014. He also created a couple of training maps as well as many linebattle maps used in events such as the 3rdFG Linebattles, K-KA Linebattles and the 17e Linebattles.

About him
Dekkers is one of the more famed early mapping names. He made a lot of maps on NW that were well used in the earlier years such as his D-Daay map, training maps or specialist linebatlte maps. He was one of the first more 'famed' mappers rather than some of those who worked behind the scenes more. He also made several groupfighting maps such as the first attempt at making the collosseum. It is worth also noting that he was actually the scene editor behind the very first custom maps on the 33rd NW siege server, which ended up becoming the most popular server after the 84e hegemony came to an end after a good long run.


About him
GoKiller was another of the more famed early mappers, though not to do with quality less so than Dekkers. He created several high quality historical, conquest, linebattle and maps for several mods too. Some of his works include the Battle of Friedland and Village at the Nile. The mods he worked on were North & South, L'Aigle, Bearforce, Bellum Imperii and A World of Ice and Fire.

About him
Friedrich was a mapper known by many but probably also missed by many of the players who would have played on his maps. He created most of the early siege maps used on servers such as 84e Siege. Aside from this he also made several other maps used in casual events and a lot of maps for mods such as Bello Civili and North & South.

About him
Spoons is another of the more modern map names though that being said he has been making maps for quite some years now. He created many of the Humans vs Bots maps used on the newer rendition of the 15ths Humans vs Bots servers and anyone who has attempted this before knows how much work these type of maps can be. He also made a large portion of the 33rd event maps over the years as well as King of the Hill maps and on the competitive side he also made the maps for TGL (The Groupfighting Ladder).

About him
Kincaid has also been making maps for a few years now. He did all of the NWBC (Napoleonic Wars Battle Championship) maps on the casual/competitive
event, the regimental 2v2 tournament maps, the commander battle campaign maps and contributed to a large portion of the maps used in the varying 33rd events like Spoons.
Lord Gax


About him
Lord Gax was one of the longer lasting mappers and made well over 100 maps between 2012 and 2018. This included trenchbattle maps, training maps, killbox maps, jailbreak maps, pirate battle maps, NRP (Napoleonic Role Play) maps, groupfighting maps and even more. As one of the highest work rate mappers over the years there was no doubt he'd be mentioned.

Special Mentions:


These are players that dedicated plenty of time to helping less equippedusers create threads
or graphics to use on FSE helping make their thread or profile look more professional..


About him
Herishey was one of the first FSE users to create thread templates for users to essentially edit into their own unique thread without much understanding of how the BB code worked. His thread workshop includes several templates for regiments, armies/corps and events. As well as this he has made graphics/sgnatures for both his own events and others including NWWC, RGT and the [FG] series. Due to being a senior moderator (and a community representitive for a long period before that) he has helped many regiments/users/organisers over the years with their posts/threads as well as his own. Some of his works include the original international 15thYR Thread, the NWWC threads, the 3rdFG thread and several other regiments.

About him
Another one of the first names that comes to mind when you think of graphics, threads or helpers on FSE. He has had his own artwork and thread workshop for many years and has helped out many users/regiments/organisers with their threads/graphics as well. Some of his works include Enigma's thread, 92nd's thread, the 45th's thread and this very Hall of Fame thread (thank you Skaenn!). he is also one of the only names here still actively running a thread workshop. Or even using the forums for that matter.

About him
Evanovic may not have been active on the forums for a few years now but his impact during the time he was there raised the quality of graphics to an all time high, and many tournaments now still do not reach the heights he did with these. He didn't make too many threads or complicated tables but the graphics he did over the years for the NWEC (Napoleonic Wars European Cup) as well as the 91st/Tavington hosted 5v5 tournaments were always a work of art and looked at a professional standard. He did the majority of graphics for the early tournaments as well as some others for regiments/teams he was a part of.

About him
Bravescots work on FSE may not be as extensive a list as many of the other names here but they were impactful. He made hundreds of rank icons used in TeamSpeaks by the majority of regiments in the earlier years of NW. Many of these are still used to this day by several older regiments or even some new ones that are lucky enough to come across his thread. He did make some other header graphics that were used for regiments too but his main focus was the rank icons and any rank icon requests he may receive.

About him
For around 3 years Phillyz ran a thread, header, signatures and icons workshop. He hasn't been on the forums for some time now but some of his works include the 65y regiments header, the 19te thread, the 41sts signature and a set of French rank icons. His thread workshop was one of the most used over these busy years of NW so of course much more was done than this, 10's of headers and signatures as well as several threads and sets of rank icons.


About him
Over the more recent years Shadey has helped a lot of events with threads and graphics. Generally these have been upon a personal request as Shadey doesn't run any kind of thread workshop. He has made several threads such as the 84e thread, Cavalry Fantasy League and the RGL threads. As well as this he has helped many events such as the NWWC or the Cavalry Fantasy League.

About him
Over a rather large period of time, even when not particularly active in NW Moskito made high quality graphics, almost reaching the heights of Evanovic. I personally remember several headers he made for myself to use in NWWC such as an animated header for the NWWC in 2015. He did make several threads for his own tournaments/regiments over the years but never for anyone else as far as I'm aware. Any users of Mosktio knew that his graphics may take some time to get to you but were always worth the wait. During the earlier years when it was more common to be rewarded a signature after a tournament he made several for both major tournaments like NWWC or the more minor ones like the [FG] tournament series.

About him
Johny Nawalony created regimental headers/signatures and banner packs upon request in his workshop for around 2 years. The banner packs were a popular feature here as not many offered to do this around this time. Aside from that he also made a high quality cartoon artwork designed around NW. Examples of these cartoons can stil be seen on his old workshop thread on FSE. During his period here he also made several skinpacks in his skinpack workshop too.
JanSnieg | JonSnow

About him
JanSnieg used many names over the years on FSE but was probably most known as JonSnow. He ran a graphics thread where he created signatures, headers, profile pictures and really anything along those lines that were requested for several years. He also helped some of the Polish communities make regimental threads such as the 4pp.

About him
DoctorWarband had a thread workshop for around a year. During this time it was very popular and it was around 2014-15 so there was a high demand at the time. He worked up quite the request load during this period making threads such as the 54e and 5. Lützowsches Freikorps. Prior to opening this thread workshop he had also still been helping users make threads and made quite a few from the start till the end of 2013 and any graphics needed to go with these.

These are the players that have been playing with the NW community for the longest time without any major breaks.

Rikimaru     In 2011 (Mount & Musket) his first regiment was the 77y.
Henkka    In 2011 (Mount & Musket) his first regiment was the 77y.
Aztir    In 2011 (Mount & Musket) his first regiment was the 77y.
Steinnmann    In 2011 (Mount & Musket) his first regiment was the 1er.
Tardet    In 2011 (Mount & Musket) his first regiment was the 4e Grens.
Kore    In 2011 (Mount & Musket) his first regiment was the 47e.
Nosswill    In 2011 (Mount & Musket) his first regiment was the 33rd.
Nozza    In September 2011 (Mount & Musket) his first regiment was the 54e.
Skaen    In 2011 (Mount & Musket) his first regiment was the 54e.
LeBrave    In In 2011 (Mount & Musket) his first regiment was the 4eGrens.

Special Mentions:

El Presidente - February 2012 54e
Gaz - April 2012 77y
Lama - April 2012 Nr59

These are the regiments that have stuck around the longest through NW's

Nr59 (10 years)

About them
The Nr.59 started in the Mount & Musket mod in 2011 but
existed as a community since all the way back in 2006 as the 'EliteTeam' and played in Star Wars Battle front 2, they
changed name to something more relevant to the Napoleonic Era once moving to
Mount & Blade. The regiment was founded by Feldmarschall Ben.
18tes_KPR (10 years)

About them
The 18tes_KPR formed also in 2011 in the Mount & Musket
mod, founded by Jan though Buchler is who made the regiment have real structure.
They also formed before this date playing in a musket mod in battle grounds 2
before this on the 16th of May 2009. Sadly the 18tes disbanded in mid-late 2021.
32nd (10 years)

About them
The 32nd formed January 2011 by Lance.
77y (10 years)

About them
The 77y formed well before this date but in 2011 they began to
play in the Mount & Musket mod which lead to the Napoleonic Wars DLC we play
today, they were founded by Aztir and Malakith. The community actually formed
back in 2009.
IVe (10 years)

About them
The IVe community first started playing the Mount & Musket mod
in 2011 but originally formed in 2010 by Bastien.

III_KBR (10 years)

About them
The III_KBR formed on January 24th 2012 on the Napoleonic Wars DLC,
founded by Loren and Carban..
33rd (9.5 years)

About them
The 33rd was formed on 5th of June 2012 by Lowlander. They ran the 33rd
Siege server and had a few popular YouTubers (popular by NW's standards at
least) such as SilentMusket, as well as their constant presence in both casual
and competitive events allowed them to have a great and constant flow of
recruits. Their siege server was always very popular and outlasted the first
popular NW siege server (84e Siege) in the end. They are one of the largest and
longest-standing regiments throughout NW's history and throughout that entire
period they have been a constant fixture in competitive events/leagues. At times
they truly have been a force to be frightened of just like the 77y but over the
years as they shifted to a more casual focus they have fallen a bit down the
ladder to being more of a 'top of league 2' or 'bottom of league 1' side in most
events. Over their NW lifetime they've had a number of leaders such as MrSt3fan,
Gurkha and Bobmahlog.
15thYR (8 years)

About them
The 15thYR originally formed on the 1st of September 2012 as
a German regiment by Falk but opened up internationally in 2014. The German 15th
had a short break because Falk went on holiday for 2 weeks and Dusan took over,
the regiment instantly fell apart.
65y (7.5 years)

About them
The 65y was founded on the 18th of January 2014 by Rhinosmyth
and Mishapoch.
16th (7 years)

About them
The 16th was founded on the 28th of December 2014 by

Special Mentions:

K-KA (7 years)
56e (7 years)
2Lr (5.5 years)


What is the criteria for Top content creator?

Shouldn't "Euer GeneralPilophas" be mentioned? He got so many german speaking players involved in NW back in the days

Youtube Channel:

Youtube NW Playlist:
I tried to include a mixture of channels so some that were more casual and got a lot of people into the game like Malakith, some more competitive like myself and some with a more comedy factor like Jampad or Gunzo, all of which have a high view count over the years. I also tried to take some longevity into account e.g. if they only made 4-5 vids on NW I wouldn't include them over someone who made 15+ with a good view count.

and what is the exact reason Pilophas is not involved? Hes probably the reason why the majority of the current German (speaking) NW community exist and many more who already left the game/went inactive

also i feel like Resonant (+Pixelated Apollo) deserves a small shoutout/special mention aswell, since he also did quite a lot NW content in his old NW days. Its probably too late anyway but its still weird though

Offline Herishey

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Re: Hall of Fame - Coming Soon
« Reply #515 on: July 06, 2022, 03:06:12 am »

These are players that either used their content to keep the history of NW going be that by recording tournaments or
events for people to look back on or players who used their YouTube to help keep the community with fresh faces to fill the ranks of the many regiments/teams.


About him
Malakith was one of the more popular YouTubers that was actually heavily involved in the community be that with 77y or his time as a moderator on FSE. He made a lot of videos over his time active on Mount & Blade's NW DLC which included 77y promotions, linebattles, sieges and other events. His 77y siege event videos tended to be the most popular of the series which helped him get his forty thousand plus subscribers and hundreds of thousands of views. These videos helped bring countless people into the community.

About him
Chadman who was friends with Malakith is another of the more popular Youtubers that was also heavily involved in the community. He often still comes to this day to record tournament finals or NWWC matches when requested. His channel Chadtopia has over ten thousand subscribers and his videos have varied from special mod events, tournaments, commentaries, linebattles and pretty much anything Mount & Blade. He is probably one of the longest lasting NW YouTubers and many of his popular Mount & Blade videos had over ten thousand views each in the channels prime. His videos helped many people get into the community.

About him
FrenchMonk is another of the longer lasting Mount & Blade YouTubers and has also been rather involved over NW's lifespan. Running several regiments over his years in NW. His videos include mod events, linebattles and anything regimental he was involved with. He also keeps his subscribers up to date on Holdfast or any other Napoleonic style game. During the channels most successful periods his videos often racked in over one thousand views and his channel had around two thousand subscribers.

About him
Diplex was another highly popular YouTuber who towards the start of its lifespan was heavily involved in NW. He hasn't made an NW video in quite some time now but during his years he made the 63e which was a well known entry regiment for those around at the time. His videos include linebattles, mod events and regimental events. During the channels period on NW he had several videos with over 100 thousand views, there's no doubt that he also helped direct a lot of traffic to the NW scene much like Malakith.

About him
IECGaming is a YouTuber who unlike most the others we've mentioned here's channel souly kept to Mount & Blade and mainly NW videos. His channel has remained active over pretty much the entirety of NW and he has almost four thousand subscribers. During the channels prime years when NW videos were more popular he often got over one thousand views in many videos especially with the 91st. His videos pretty much include anything and everything from mod events to promotions to causal or competitive linebattles.


About him
Flopz was a popular French Mount & Blade Youtuber for many years of what many people would consider NW's prime. He has made more recent videos on occasion when 14e have returned for reunion events but before this he made a lot of Mount & Blade coverage. His videos consisted of NWEC matches with France, linebattles and other events with the 14e as well as some mod and update videos. During this period he gained twenty-three thousand subscribers and his channel commonly went well over 5 thousand views with some videos reaching heights of up 
to six-hundred thousand views.

About him
The IVeCorps channel is another French channel that has been running for pretty much the majority, if not the entirety of NW's lifespan. Its videos include anything that relates the the IVe be that updates on the Corps, linebattles, competitive events or promotional videos. During its prime years the channel often hit over 5 thousand views with highs of eighty-two housand.

About him
Jampads channel was a bit different from most of the others listed here he was a 17e Officer first and firemost in the early-mid years of NW. He started his YouTube channel in 2013 nad made videos up until around 2016 though the majority of these were on Persistent World. Towards the start of his YouTube lifespan he made videos of the 17e's competitive or casual linebattles until a year or so in where he began to make more comedy based videos on PW showing off his rage and comedic value. His channel had over two thousand subscribers and generally  ot over ten thousand views peaking at 14 thousand views.

About him
GunZo also known as YoloSwagMasterGunZo. Was one of the renowned bush pirates and made NW videos for around three years from 2013, much like Jampad these were another style of video based on comedy and trolling/winding specific players up rather than events or update style videos. His videos included assassinations on well known players or regiment leaders (generally leaders/officers). These may have just been for their fame or may have been for their actions towards GunZo or his friends. He'd try to infiltrate an event and record himself taking out the colonel or specific player in the regiment. His channel had over one thousand subscribers and most videos had over give thousand views with his highest viewed video hitting nine-teen thousand.

About him
Herishey was another long standing YouTuber making videos over several years whilst being heavily involved in the community. His channel never hit the heights of some of the others but made over three hundred Mount & Blade videos in this period. These included linebattles, tournaments, mod events, comedy style videos, highlight videos and pretty much anything else mount & blade from fantasy league auctions to top servers videos. He recorded the majority of tournaments or at least major tournaments over his 6 years of YouTube. Depending on the regiment he was playing in at the time his videos normally had over 250 views with many of them reaching over one thousand views and and his highest viewed video reaching twenty one thousand views.

Special Mentions:


These are players that dedicated time to creating many maps for players, regiments or events to use and are known for their skilful craft.


About him
Aztir has been a well known name in the mapping seen since the early days of NW. He made a lot of the mini-siege maps especially the earlier ones, a lot of maps for the 77y servers/events such as their long lasting siege event and several other maps.

About him
Zebaad is probably one of the most known mappers in the game due to the way he publicised his maps on both FSE, Steam groups and his website (Bastion Maps). Not only has he made maps for major tournaments such as the NWWC, minor tournaments, his own events such as his melee only siege, linebattle maps, groupfighting maps he's done pretty much anything including specific requests such as death run or bulldog maps. Even for his more casual maps he's one of the mappers that takes the most time to make sure the map is as polished as possible.

About him
Python only started mapping a couple of years ago but during those years has made the vast majority of modern tournament maps that are used both now and in that period. He's made several 'fun' event maps such as the hunger games event but his main claim to fame here is his vast variety of tournament maps that have been used in EGS, NWWC, Hunger Games and other areas. He has also been known to edit Full Invasion Maps.

About him
Herishey created many of the commonly used groupfighting maps, be that on the GroupfightingServer or just used by regiments in events. He also created several tournament maps that were the most commonly used maps in the competitive scene until around 2017-18 from around 2014. He also created a couple of training maps as well as many linebattle maps used in events such as the 3rdFG Linebattles, K-KA Linebattles and the 17e Linebattles.

About him
Dekkers is one of the more famed early mapping names. He made a lot of maps on NW that were well used in the earlier years such as his D-Daay map, training maps or specialist linebatlte maps. He was one of the first more 'famed' mappers rather than some of those who worked behind the scenes more. He also made several groupfighting maps such as the first attempt at making the collosseum. It is worth also noting that he was actually the scene editor behind the very first custom maps on the 33rd NW siege server, which ended up becoming the most popular server after the 84e hegemony came to an end after a good long run.


About him
GoKiller was another of the more famed early mappers, though not to do with quality less so than Dekkers. He created several high quality historical, conquest, linebattle and maps for several mods too. Some of his works include the Battle of Friedland and Village at the Nile. The mods he worked on were North & South, L'Aigle, Bearforce, Bellum Imperii and A World of Ice and Fire.

About him
Friedrich was a mapper known by many but probably also missed by many of the players who would have played on his maps. He created most of the early siege maps used on servers such as 84e Siege. Aside from this he also made several other maps used in casual events and a lot of maps for mods such as Bello Civili and North & South.

About him
Spoons is another of the more modern map names though that being said he has been making maps for quite some years now. He created many of the Humans vs Bots maps used on the newer rendition of the 15ths Humans vs Bots servers and anyone who has attempted this before knows how much work these type of maps can be. He also made a large portion of the 33rd event maps over the years as well as King of the Hill maps and on the competitive side he also made the maps for TGL (The Groupfighting Ladder).

About him
Kincaid has also been making maps for a few years now. He did all of the NWBC (Napoleonic Wars Battle Championship) maps on the casual/competitive
event, the regimental 2v2 tournament maps, the commander battle campaign maps and contributed to a large portion of the maps used in the varying 33rd events like Spoons.
Lord Gax


About him
Lord Gax was one of the longer lasting mappers and made well over 100 maps between 2012 and 2018. This included trenchbattle maps, training maps, killbox maps, jailbreak maps, pirate battle maps, NRP (Napoleonic Role Play) maps, groupfighting maps and even more. As one of the highest work rate mappers over the years there was no doubt he'd be mentioned.

Special Mentions:


These are players that dedicated plenty of time to helping less equippedusers create threads
or graphics to use on FSE helping make their thread or profile look more professional..


About him
Herishey was one of the first FSE users to create thread templates for users to essentially edit into their own unique thread without much understanding of how the BB code worked. His thread workshop includes several templates for regiments, armies/corps and events. As well as this he has made graphics/sgnatures for both his own events and others including NWWC, RGT and the [FG] series. Due to being a senior moderator (and a community representitive for a long period before that) he has helped many regiments/users/organisers over the years with their posts/threads as well as his own. Some of his works include the original international 15thYR Thread, the NWWC threads, the 3rdFG thread and several other regiments.

About him
Another one of the first names that comes to mind when you think of graphics, threads or helpers on FSE. He has had his own artwork and thread workshop for many years and has helped out many users/regiments/organisers with their threads/graphics as well. Some of his works include Enigma's thread, 92nd's thread, the 45th's thread and this very Hall of Fame thread (thank you Skaenn!). he is also one of the only names here still actively running a thread workshop. Or even using the forums for that matter.

About him
Evanovic may not have been active on the forums for a few years now but his impact during the time he was there raised the quality of graphics to an all time high, and many tournaments now still do not reach the heights he did with these. He didn't make too many threads or complicated tables but the graphics he did over the years for the NWEC (Napoleonic Wars European Cup) as well as the 91st/Tavington hosted 5v5 tournaments were always a work of art and looked at a professional standard. He did the majority of graphics for the early tournaments as well as some others for regiments/teams he was a part of.

About him
Bravescots work on FSE may not be as extensive a list as many of the other names here but they were impactful. He made hundreds of rank icons used in TeamSpeaks by the majority of regiments in the earlier years of NW. Many of these are still used to this day by several older regiments or even some new ones that are lucky enough to come across his thread. He did make some other header graphics that were used for regiments too but his main focus was the rank icons and any rank icon requests he may receive.

About him
For around 3 years Phillyz ran a thread, header, signatures and icons workshop. He hasn't been on the forums for some time now but some of his works include the 65y regiments header, the 19te thread, the 41sts signature and a set of French rank icons. His thread workshop was one of the most used over these busy years of NW so of course much more was done than this, 10's of headers and signatures as well as several threads and sets of rank icons.


About him
Over the more recent years Shadey has helped a lot of events with threads and graphics. Generally these have been upon a personal request as Shadey doesn't run any kind of thread workshop. He has made several threads such as the 84e thread, Cavalry Fantasy League and the RGL threads. As well as this he has helped many events such as the NWWC or the Cavalry Fantasy League.

About him
Over a rather large period of time, even when not particularly active in NW Moskito made high quality graphics, almost reaching the heights of Evanovic. I personally remember several headers he made for myself to use in NWWC such as an animated header for the NWWC in 2015. He did make several threads for his own tournaments/regiments over the years but never for anyone else as far as I'm aware. Any users of Mosktio knew that his graphics may take some time to get to you but were always worth the wait. During the earlier years when it was more common to be rewarded a signature after a tournament he made several for both major tournaments like NWWC or the more minor ones like the [FG] tournament series.

About him
Johny Nawalony created regimental headers/signatures and banner packs upon request in his workshop for around 2 years. The banner packs were a popular feature here as not many offered to do this around this time. Aside from that he also made a high quality cartoon artwork designed around NW. Examples of these cartoons can stil be seen on his old workshop thread on FSE. During his period here he also made several skinpacks in his skinpack workshop too.
JanSnieg | JonSnow

About him
JanSnieg used many names over the years on FSE but was probably most known as JonSnow. He ran a graphics thread where he created signatures, headers, profile pictures and really anything along those lines that were requested for several years. He also helped some of the Polish communities make regimental threads such as the 4pp.

About him
DoctorWarband had a thread workshop for around a year. During this time it was very popular and it was around 2014-15 so there was a high demand at the time. He worked up quite the request load during this period making threads such as the 54e and 5. Lützowsches Freikorps. Prior to opening this thread workshop he had also still been helping users make threads and made quite a few from the start till the end of 2013 and any graphics needed to go with these.

These are the players that have been playing with the NW community for the longest time without any major breaks.

Rikimaru     In 2011 (Mount & Musket) his first regiment was the 77y.
Henkka    In 2011 (Mount & Musket) his first regiment was the 77y.
Aztir    In 2011 (Mount & Musket) his first regiment was the 77y.
Steinnmann    In 2011 (Mount & Musket) his first regiment was the 1er.
Tardet    In 2011 (Mount & Musket) his first regiment was the 4e Grens.
Kore    In 2011 (Mount & Musket) his first regiment was the 47e.
Nosswill    In 2011 (Mount & Musket) his first regiment was the 33rd.
Nozza    In September 2011 (Mount & Musket) his first regiment was the 54e.
Skaen    In 2011 (Mount & Musket) his first regiment was the 54e.
LeBrave    In In 2011 (Mount & Musket) his first regiment was the 4eGrens.

Special Mentions:

El Presidente - February 2012 54e
Gaz - April 2012 77y
Lama - April 2012 Nr59

These are the regiments that have stuck around the longest through NW's

Nr59 (10 years)

About them
The Nr.59 started in the Mount & Musket mod in 2011 but
existed as a community since all the way back in 2006 as the 'EliteTeam' and played in Star Wars Battle front 2, they
changed name to something more relevant to the Napoleonic Era once moving to
Mount & Blade. The regiment was founded by Feldmarschall Ben.
18tes_KPR (10 years)

About them
The 18tes_KPR formed also in 2011 in the Mount & Musket
mod, founded by Jan though Buchler is who made the regiment have real structure.
They also formed before this date playing in a musket mod in battle grounds 2
before this on the 16th of May 2009. Sadly the 18tes disbanded in mid-late 2021.
32nd (10 years)

About them
The 32nd formed January 2011 by Lance.
77y (10 years)

About them
The 77y formed well before this date but in 2011 they began to
play in the Mount & Musket mod which lead to the Napoleonic Wars DLC we play
today, they were founded by Aztir and Malakith. The community actually formed
back in 2009.
IVe (10 years)

About them
The IVe community first started playing the Mount & Musket mod
in 2011 but originally formed in 2010 by Bastien.

III_KBR (10 years)

About them
The III_KBR formed on January 24th 2012 on the Napoleonic Wars DLC,
founded by Loren and Carban..
33rd (9.5 years)

About them
The 33rd was formed on 5th of June 2012 by Lowlander. They ran the 33rd
Siege server and had a few popular YouTubers (popular by NW's standards at
least) such as SilentMusket, as well as their constant presence in both casual
and competitive events allowed them to have a great and constant flow of
recruits. Their siege server was always very popular and outlasted the first
popular NW siege server (84e Siege) in the end. They are one of the largest and
longest-standing regiments throughout NW's history and throughout that entire
period they have been a constant fixture in competitive events/leagues. At times
they truly have been a force to be frightened of just like the 77y but over the
years as they shifted to a more casual focus they have fallen a bit down the
ladder to being more of a 'top of league 2' or 'bottom of league 1' side in most
events. Over their NW lifetime they've had a number of leaders such as MrSt3fan,
Gurkha and Bobmahlog.
15thYR (8 years)

About them
The 15thYR originally formed on the 1st of September 2012 as
a German regiment by Falk but opened up internationally in 2014. The German 15th
had a short break because Falk went on holiday for 2 weeks and Dusan took over,
the regiment instantly fell apart.
65y (7.5 years)

About them
The 65y was founded on the 18th of January 2014 by Rhinosmyth
and Mishapoch.
16th (7 years)

About them
The 16th was founded on the 28th of December 2014 by

Special Mentions:

K-KA (7 years)
56e (7 years)
2Lr (5.5 years)


What is the criteria for Top content creator?

Shouldn't "Euer GeneralPilophas" be mentioned? He got so many german speaking players involved in NW back in the days

Youtube Channel:

Youtube NW Playlist:
I tried to include a mixture of channels so some that were more casual and got a lot of people into the game like Malakith, some more competitive like myself and some with a more comedy factor like Jampad or Gunzo, all of which have a high view count over the years. I also tried to take some longevity into account e.g. if they only made 4-5 vids on NW I wouldn't include them over someone who made 15+ with a good view count.

and what is the exact reason Pilophas is not involved? Hes probably the reason why the majority of the current German (speaking) NW community exist and many more who already left the game/went inactive

also i feel like Resonant (+Pixelated Apollo) deserves a small shoutout/special mention aswell, since he also did quite a lot NW content in his old NW days. Its probably too late anyway but its still weird though
Quite simply because no one suggested him until now and I'd never heard of him, I don't intend to make any changes now anyway unless there are actual mistakes with any of the info. Resonant and Apollo however I did consider but they didn't make too many NW specific focused videos from what I could see their channel wasn't ever completely focused on NW itself for very long.
I won lots of things, I came 2nd and 3rd in lots of things, I guess I did some other shit too........ I'm also an FSE legend, probably most commonly described as a cunt. If the shit I do doesn't make sense in your head, well fuck you because it makes sense in mine.

Which i did, against known and reputed player, some of them considered legend, such as, Mandarin, Ledger, Tiberias, Herishey, Hokej, Troister, Axiom, Evanovic, Stark, Eddie, Jammo, Bagins, Freddie, Python. I didn't had a good relationship with most of them, but i congratulate them for what they did, and i had pleasure facing them.

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Re: Hall of Fame - Posted!!
« Reply #516 on: July 06, 2022, 07:20:48 pm »
lol resonant definitely does not belong on this list
One of the best side blockers in the game. Often reffered as 'the Sideblock King'.

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Re: Hall of Fame - Posted!!
« Reply #517 on: July 06, 2022, 08:32:06 pm »
Resonant is the biggest sell-out, would rather him not make any warband videos

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Re: Hall of Fame - Posted!!
« Reply #518 on: July 07, 2022, 12:43:23 am »
back in the days SurrealBeliefs used to make a lot of warband videos as well

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Re: EU Hall of Fame
« Reply #519 on: January 07, 2024, 07:09:35 pm »
Can’t believe GlennofNW isn’t in for a leader 😭
Wanna help the Wiki, join the Discord! Here are also the FSE Thread and Taleworlds Thread.

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Re: EU Hall of Fame
« Reply #520 on: January 08, 2024, 12:21:00 pm »

Skaen In 2011 (Mount & Musket) his first regiment was the 54e.

Still the funniest part of this thread
Knightmare is from Albania, no?
Sorry, I can't accept this team.

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Re: EU Hall of Fame
« Reply #521 on: January 08, 2024, 12:23:47 pm »

Skaen In 2011 (Mount & Musket) his first regiment was the 54e.

Still the funniest part of this thread
Still true though.

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Re: EU Hall of Fame
« Reply #522 on: January 11, 2024, 04:19:38 am »
Can’t believe GlennofNW isn’t in for a leader 😭