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Happy to use our serv again but I was told the match needed to be on a german serv. If French is okay let me know tho.
Team name: Home For The Retarded
Captain Steam link (required):
Bulge - Muha - 953106
France - Bluewinx - 1146243
England - phatman1 - 10681
Regiments / Re: 12th South Essex Regiment of Foot
« Last post by Pumti on April 15, 2024, 10:49:04 pm »
Where’s my flag carry medal and rank btw wut  :-* 8)

Flagger sounds like a nice rank, or 12th_professional_flagger  8)

Shit im bored this evening
Events: EU / Re: HLI Tuesday Flag Spawn Event "LF Lines"
« Last post by Wise Mystical Tree on April 15, 2024, 10:23:32 pm »
Regiment Name: 83rd Regiment of Podolia
Regiment Leader's/Representatives Steam:
Class applying for: Line
Numbers attending: ~15
Would you like to join weekly?: weekly
Do you agree to follow all the rules stated?: yes

Accepted as Line, Welcome to the Event!

Changed the name of his regiment and somehow weaseled his way back into the community. Well done.
Events: NA / Re: [NA][Public]Saturday Linebattle +3 Years +120 attendance
« Last post by King_Macbeth on April 15, 2024, 09:37:32 pm »
This is the new challonge for who want :
Competitive EU Events/Tournaments / Re: Infantry Battle Tournament
« Last post by Witold on April 15, 2024, 08:17:59 pm »
2024 drama ?
96y defeated them once, so they should again. Also, is the 96y not complaining all the time that they cannot find competitive events? No offence to my boy Desant blyat, but I have the feeling Tommy and the other lil kids rather want to secure a 2024 palmare lmao
We complain that no one wants to play against us. But let's be honest, 45e is stack for a tournament (like movement reg). And it's obvious because they don't play other events\gf\1v1.
It's funny to hear about the achievement from people who have been playing stacks all their lives.
If the admins tell us to play a match, we'll play a match.
you are the best 1v1 leader in this game atm, you have defeated stacks before including mine so dw
Competitive EU Events/Tournaments / Re: Infantry Battle Tournament
« Last post by Desant on April 15, 2024, 08:05:07 pm »
Vegi we all know i wont be a one siding referee lol, during 33rd matches i also slayed 33rd members if they broke a rule for example.
BUT if everyone feels the same way then maybe someone like lvov can referee IF he wants to.
"We all know" nice fallacy xD, I'm just saying that if you make a harsh decision against 45e it will look biased af :))
Who cares
Competitive EU Events/Tournaments / Re: Infantry Battle Tournament
« Last post by Ri0T on April 15, 2024, 08:03:51 pm »
Vegi we all know i wont be a one siding referee lol, during 33rd matches i also slayed 33rd members if they broke a rule for example.
BUT if everyone feels the same way then maybe someone like lvov can referee IF he wants to.
"We all know" nice fallacy xD, I'm just saying that if you make a harsh decision against 45e it will look biased af :))

Not even a fallacy, but ye you are right, if i even slay one of their members during the match it will look biased asf
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