Today our regiment, The 96y Dneprovskiy Pehotniy Polk hosted a randomized 5v5 tournament for its members. 30+ Players have participated in the event. Despite a few last second drop outs and small changes to the teams, everyone had fun and enjoyed the tournament. We are going to continue hosting tournaments for the members of our regiment, next tournament being a duel tournament on the 14th of April. If things continue as they have we will host a draft 5v5 in the near future.
1st Place - Amazons (Plushka, Desant, Ghrosse, Alex123, Russzin, Giorgi)
2nd Place - Lebrun Team (Lebrun, Yoda, Bagration, Pain, Spoon, Darkstar
3rd Place - MikoNeeko (Tommy, Bluewinx, Bubble, Fatimac, 8lados)