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Topics - PeopleRegiments

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30 Ağustos Zafer Bayramı Etkinliği

Merhaba arkadaşlar, 30 Ağustos Zafer Bayramı haftası sebebiyle General Shepherd'ın 2015 yılında kuruculuğunu NW içerisinde yapmış olduğu PRO Paktı yani "Halk Alayları Birliği" içerisinde 30 Ağustos Organizasyonunu baz alarak, Türk camiasında ki alaylar için eğlenceye yönelik günlük etkinliğimiz olacaktır, etkinlik tarafımızca yapılmış olup yönetim organizasyonu tarafından katılımcı alayların etkinliğe dahili tarafımızca garanti altına alınır ve etkinliğe yönelik koşulları kabul etmiş olur..

PRO Organizasyon'u ile ilgili bir bilgi; PRO Pact

Organizasyon'a katılım koşulları

  • Günün anlam ve önemi adına küfür, hakaret ve kışkırtıcı söylemlerde bulunmak yasaktır yapan kişiler "Perm" cezası alacaklardır.
  • Etkinlik içerisinde saçma sapan hareketler'de bulunmak "*mk, a.* v.s. gibi yazıları yazanlar "Perm" cezası alacaklardır.
  • Etkinliğin konusu dışında konudan bağımsız söylemler yasaktır, yapan kişiler "Temp" cezası alacaklardır.
  • Misafir oyuncuların oynaması, sadece "Misafir_" tagı altında gerçekleşecektir, ve bu konuda bir alay'ın içerisinde oynaması gerekmektedir.
  • NWL-TR ve PRO Saturday Linebattle kuralları çerçevesince oynanılacaktır.
  • Etkinliğin başlangıç saatinde tüm katılımcıların etkinlikte bulunması zorunludur.
  • Etkinliğin resmi Team Speak 3 adresinde yöneticilerin bulunması şarttır.

Katılımcı Alaylar;

Oynanılabilecek Sınıflar;

Not; Başvurduğunuz sınıflar Arty, Cavalry olabilir fakat buna doğrudan etkinlik karar vermektedir.. Yani başvuran takımların doğrudan başvuru atmaları dışında oynayabilecekleri sınıfları da yazmaları etkinlik zamanında ki sayı bakımına göre belirlenecektir..

Alay Adı?;
Etkinliğin şartlarını kabul ediyor musunuz?;
Oynamak istediğiniz sınıf?;
Ortalama kişi sayısı?;
Ne mutlu?;

Etkinlik Tarihi

30 Ağustos Cuma akşamı; 21.00'da..
Alaylar ise; 20.30'da hazır olmaları gerekmektedir..

Şimdiden katılımcı bütün topluluk liderleri başta olmak üzere, oyuncularına başarılar dileriz..

Her hangi bir tören olmayacaktır, geçtiğimiz zamanda yaşanılan vakaların tekrar yaşanmaması ve insanların uzun bir süre beklememesi için doğrudan PRO Organizasyonu olacak bu etkinliğe katılmanızı dört gözle bekliyoruz..

İyi forumlar.

Sunucu desteği için; 96ncı Alay'ın Major'u olan Ibrahim Pasha'ya organizasyonumuza vermiş olduğu destek için teşekkür ederiz.

Bu bir People Regiments Official topluluğu ürünüdür..


Sunucu Hakkında


Sunucumuz, People Regiments Official (PRO) topluluğunun bir üyesi olan 82nci Alay’ın bir projesi sonucu ortaya çıkmıştır ve PRO topluluğunun katkısı ve desteği ile yürütülmektedir. Sunucunun bütün hakları PRO topluluğu kurucusu General Shepherd’a saklıdır.

Sunucu Lokasyonu: Şu anda(Türkiye) | Planlanan; Fransa
Yönetici alımları: Başvurular açıktır.

Quote from: Fantasy Groupfighting Oyuncu Sözleşmesi!
Sunucuya giren bütün oyuncular, sunucu kurallarını biliyor kabul edilir ve uygulamakla yükümlülerdir, söz konusu olabilecek her türlü sorunlarda doğrudan oyuncuların GUİD esas alınacaktır..

Quote from: Projelerinizi bekliyoruz!
Sunucumuz hakkındaki projelerinizi bekliyoruz. Harita bağışı ve tekliflerinizi bizlere özel mesaj yoluyla belirtiniz. Yapılan bütün haritaların kim tarafından yapıldığı gizli kalacaktır, bu ilkeye uymak gibi bir düşünceniz yoksa, harita bağışı ve tekliflerinizi yapmamanızı tavsiye ederiz..

Quote from: Script v.b.!
Sunucumuzun diğer Groupfighting Sunucularından tek farkı, Fantastik Haritalarda savaşmanın yanı sıra, normal GF sunucularında da olduğu gibi GF-Scripti mevcuttur, ayrıca farklı bir Script çalışmamız olan Molotov Kokteyli, Slay yediğiniz ve İzleyici geçtiğiniz zaman 'Yıldırım' scripti mevcuttur, ve aynı zamanda sunucumuza giren oyuncular 'Hoşgeldin' mesajı ile karşılanmaktadır.. Aynı zamanda Script konusunda her zaman geliştirme aşamasında olduğumuzu belirtmek istiyoruz..

Sunucu Kuralları

♟ Ateş etmek yasaktır..
♟ Bayonet(Süngü) dışında oynamak yasaktır..
♟ Irkçılık, Ayrımcılık v.b. türevde hareketlerin hepsi yasaktır..
♟ 1v1(Duel)  yasaktır..
♟ PRO Topluluğu üyesi olan topluluklar ve sponsorlar haricinde, Recruit(Oyuncu Alımı)  yasaktır..
♟ GF savaşını uzatmak(delaylemek), veya kasıtlı olarak AFK kalmak yasaktır..
♟ Sohbetten spam, flood v.b. türevde yorum atmak yasaktır..
♟ Admin komutları çıkar amaçlı/boş yere kullanılamaz..
♟ Yalnızca hat piyadesi kullanılacaktır..
♟ Başkasıymış gibi davranmak/onu taklit etmek etmek yasaktır..
♟ Tahrik edici konuşmak yasaktır.  yasaktır..
♟ Auto-block, Auto-chamber v.b hile programlarını kullanmak.  yasaktır..
♟ Bir başka Alay/Topluluk ait oyuncu ismiyle katılmak ve o isim ile Trollemek yasaktır..
♟ Kasten takım arkadaşını öldürmek (tk atmak) yasaktır..

Quote from: Teşekkür ederiz.!
Çevirmenlik konusunda yardımcı olan 49ncu Alay Lideri Col. Ging Freecss


Fantasy Groupfighting Duyuru ve Başyöneticinin Seyir Defteri

28.04.2018 Sunucumuzun planı ve araştırması tamamlanmıştır..
01.05.2018 Sunucumuzun forum konusu açılmıştır.
03.05.2018 Sunucumuzun açılışı yapılacaktır..

Sunucu Steam Grubu

Yasak Kaldırma Temyizi


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Yasaklanma günü, saati ve zamandilimi:

(Örn: UK= GMT)
(Örn: Almanya= GMT +1)
(Örn: Türkiye = GMT +2)

Yönetici Listesi

General Shepherd 

Yasaklama Talebi

Sorun çıkaran kişinin adı:
Kişinin işlediği suç:
Suçun tarihi ve saati:
(Gerekli olması durumunda) İşlenen suçtaki konumunuz:
Spoiler içerisinde verilmek kaydıyla varsa kanıtınız (ekran görüntüsü vb):

Yönetici Başvuru Formu

Steam Adresi;
Mensubu Olduğunuz Alay(Opsiyonel);
Neden Yönetici Olmak İstiyorsunuz?;

Ceza Listesi

Servers / Fantasy Groupfighting [Public]
« on: May 01, 2018, 09:49:45 pm »
This is a product of People Regments Official..




Our server, resulted as a project of 82nd Regiment which belongs to Prople Regments Official (PRO) community and it is run with the contributions and support of the PRO community. All rights of the server are reserved to General Shepherd who is the founder of PRO community.

Server Location: For the time being (Turkey) | Planned: France
Admin applications: ON.

Quote from:  Fantasy Groupfighting Player Agreement:!
All the players who enter the server are regarded as they accept every rule. Players’ GUIDs will be predicated about very possible problem..

Quote from: We are waiting for your projects!
We are waiting for your projects for our server. Send your map donations and suggestions through PM. The name of the creators of the maps would remain private, if you cannot abide by this principle we suggest you not to make any map donations or suggestions..

Quote from: Script etc.!
The only difference of our server from other Groupfighting Servers is, in addition to fighting on Fantasy Maps our server has the same GF-Script as the other GF servers. Also, we have our other script works such as Molotov Coctail and the Thunder script when you are Slayed or went into Spectator mode. Besides, the players who enter our server are welcomed with a “Welcome” message. Last but not least, we are in a work of process about the scripts continuously..

Server Rules

♟ Shooting is  forbidden..
♟ Only play BAYONET..
♟ Racism, Discrimination, etc. all of the derivative movements are  forbidden..
♟1v1 (Duel) is forbidden..
♟ Only the PRO members and sponsors can recruit people. Recruiting is forbidden..for any other clans. 
♟ To delay the GF war (delay), stay AFK or intentionally forbidden..
♟Chatting spam, flood etc. absolutely forbidden..
♟ Admin commands can not be used for personal gain / Unecessarily.
♟ Only play Line Infantry..
♟ It is pretend to be someone else and imitate it.
♟It is  forbidden.. insult other players/regiments
♟ Auto-block, auto-chamber etc cheat programs to use. it is  forbidden..
♟ Trolling with some other regiments's/communties nickname that you do not love is forbidden..
♟Teamkilling(TKing) deliberately is forbidden ..

Quote from: Thank you.!
Thanks to 49th Regiment’s leader Col. Ging Freecss for helping in translation.


Announcements about the Fantasy Groupfighting and the Log Book of the Head Admin

28.04.2018 The planning and the research of the server is completed..
01.05.2018 The forum topic of the server is opened.
03.05.2018 The opening of the server will be done..

Server Steam Group

Unban Request


In-game Name:
Admin Who Banned You (If Known):
Reason For Ban:
Time/date (If Known):
Apology/Statement Against Ban:
Player ID (If Known):

Admin List

General Shepherd 

Ban Request

Your In-game Name:
Their In-game Name:
Reason For Ban:
Evidence (screenshots):
Time/date (this is very helpful to us)

Admin Application

In-Game Name:
Steam Name:
Regiment/Rank(If Any):
Admin Experience:
Spoken Languages:
Banned before? (If yes, state why):
Reason Why You Want This Role (Make it detailed and unique):

Ban List

Modifications / İs have a problem my scripts.?
« on: April 06, 2018, 12:33:39 am »
Hey guys,

This update before we can use the server 'Lighting Bolt(slay)' and 'Hello Message' scripts,

but now is not working, do you know who is make it ?

Community / İs have a problem my scripts.?
« on: April 04, 2018, 02:42:59 pm »
Hey guys,

This update before we can use the server 'Lighting' and 'Hello Message' scripts,

but now is not working, do you know who is make it ?

Competitive EU Events/Tournaments / What do you think? [For the board]
« on: February 25, 2018, 08:16:36 am »
Hi Gentlemen

What do you think about this new chapters? Do you have any friends who have idea about a new tournament? Actually there are some ideas in my mind .. Here we can share our thoughts about this topic.

Events: EU / PRO-Saturday Event [EU]
« on: February 14, 2018, 07:02:14 pm »
PRO-Saturday Event [EU]

Click here to check out our Wednesday-Linebattle
Click here to check out our Friday-Siege
Click here to check out our Sunday-Linebattle
Click here to check out our Mapping Thread

Greetings to all Regiments of the everlasting NW-Community! We, the People Regiments Official (PRO), consisting of the 1st Rhenish Infantry-Regiment No. 25 of Lützow
in cooperation with the 8 Pułk Kirasjerów and founded by the 82nd Regiment of Foot 'General Shepherd's Volunteers', invite you warm-hearted to our Saturday-Linebattle.
We host our event every Saturday at 7pm BST. We still hope for a large attendance and pretty evenings.

Server: TS
Password: TS
Time: 7pm BST
Sign up: 6:30pm BST
Next Event: 05.10.19


The registration for a week ends after our Saturday-LB at 8pm BST. Then we accept new registrations.

When a regiment with permanent slot is missing without excuse the regiment has to count with the loss of its slot. If it is absent without valid excuse twice the regiment will lose its slot immediately.

In case of a deregistration you have to contact the admin directly. So you are not allowed to checkout at the forum.

It is still possible to sign-up short-term. The sign-ups start at 6:30pm BST at our TeamSpeak-Server.
In addition, the representatives have to come at our TeamSpeak to tell the admin its current numbers.

You totally accept the rules with your attendance.

Award Ceremony

Map 1:
Team France         1Rhein_Stab_Maj_Babarossa          9/1
Team France     65y_Rgl_Young_Reefah     7/3
Team United Kingdom         [DL]KB_4IR_Rek_Stummel          9/1
Team United Kingdom         21pp_XW_Rek_polek          7/3
Team United Kingdom     21pp_XW_Fiz_Ghostface     7/3
Map 2:
Team Austria         65y_Sgt_Dyatlov          11/2
Team Austria     1Rhein_Stab_Maj_Babarossa     9/3
Team United Kingdom         1PLWP_Gvar_MrAlex         8/4
Team United Kingdom     21pp_XW_Rek_WiecznyRekrut     6/3

Congratulation to the todays best players! We can only consider the first eight rounds.


The Linebattle will last up to five rounds. Two maps will be played.

Officers may request to slay, kick or ban any of his members.

Every player on the server has to play with a tag. If the admin does not know to which regiment the player belongs to he will kick
the concerning player from the server.

After a mapchange the leading officers can vote on whether to "keep" or "change" the map. The majority wins the voting process.

Reviving in admin's sole discretion relating to teamkills, OA, wrong unit type etc.

In case three players from a regiment have been banned from the server the whole regiment must leave.

The admin must find a new balance when the "skill" is not equally shared.

Buildpoints: 100/1000
Bonuses: Off
Chance to fall: Off
Damage, when cavalryman falls: Off
Teamdamage: On (100% to friends)

Do not teamkill on purpose.
Trolling is not allowed.
No glitching! (Stones, trees, …)
Do not destroy the structures from an allied sapper unless he tells you to.

Only officers are allowed to use the all chat. The all chat of the dead and the team chat can
be used by everybody.

The admins will stay on the TeamSpeak after the event and are available for requests or complaints.

Please use the chat in a respectful and appropriate way. This includes no insults, provoking, political statements, advertisements
or recruiting.

You may use any language you want.

Concerning Units
If a unit is not exceeding the maximum number of allowed players, supporting units such as musicians
or flag bearers are allowed to pick up muskets in order to exceed the given limit again.

Only 1 General per team is allowed. In addition, only 2 officers are allowed per unit at most.

Attending regiments may change their unit unless they do not change their unit type.

If the admin calls an Allcharge (“AC”), everybody has to follow his order and you may not fire during an Allcharge. Cavalry has to dismount. If
they are in charge at the same time the AC is called then they are allowed to stay mounted until the local charge is over.

Only artillery may use sappers!

Sailors and Partizani are not allowed.

Shotguns are not allowed.

OA is generally allowed for gunners and riflemen but forbidden for any other unit type.


OA is allowed when
the officer charges,
the officer stands in or behind the line,
the officer stands in an open formation,
the officer stands inside a square,
the officer joins another line,
the officers line counts only 2 in total,

but not allowed when
the officer takes cover,
the officer is leading a line,
the officers stands next to his line and
the officer stands on a hill by himself (or something similar).

OA is related to all officers and generals and it is abrogated if they have a musket equipped.

Firing out of formation ("FooF") is not allowed. If you join another line you adopt their unit rules.

Ramboing is not allowed. Units with less than three men do not count as a unit. They have to join another unit or fall back to the
artillery to reload and shoot. Cavalry has to dismount. In addition, cavalry may only attack one unit except there is another unit closeby.

You are not allowed to join another unit with three or more than three men.

Every unit is allowed to take cover at the artillery position. It is only allowed to take cover behind defences like sandbags or earth works.
You may split up behind defensive structures and take cover behind them. FiC and RiC is still forbidden.

FiC and RiC are forbidden.

Only exceptions are:
- FiC and RiC are only allowed inside a square at the artillery position
- At urban terrain you may do FiC but no RiC
- Riflemen are allowed to FiC but not to RiC

Unit Rules

The general may choose two guards playing as heavy cavalry.

The general staff is allowed to move as one unit with less than three men.

If dismounted the general and his guards count as line infantry and adopt the rules of line infantry.

The general is not allowed to attack on his own unless an Allcharge has been announced.

The general is allowed to defend himself and to support allies in close-combat.

Officers may leave their unit in order to scout.

Officers may shoot with their pistol out of formation at the beginning of a charge and during "Officer-Duels".

Only 1 medic per line is allowed at most. He does not count towards the unit limits.

Medics may move next to the line.

Medics may defend themselves in melee.

Medics are not allowed to participate in ranged combat until they reinforce their unit.

Medics are allowed to reinforce a unit. When merged with a unit medics adopt the unit rule that they attached to.
Medics are not allowed to exceed the given limit of a unit by attaching to it.

Musician/Flag bearer
Only 1 musician and flag bearer per line is allowed at most. They do not count towards the unit limits.

Supporting units may move next to the line.

Supporting units may defend themselves in melee.

Supporting units may not participate in ranged combat unless they reinforce their unit.

Supporting units are allowed to reinforce the unit. If merged, supporting units count as normal soldiers. Supporting units
are not allowed to exceed the given limit of a unit by attaching to it.

5 to 12 people

Only one sapper per team is allowed. If two regiments share one artillery slot it is allowed to pick 1 sapper for each regiment.

Only 2 cannons/howitzers per team are allowed (Exchange rate: 1 cannon/howitzer = 2 rocket launcher).

There are no restrictions on how far away the artillery pieces are deployed from each other.

It is not allowed to build flying platforms, towers or similar constructions.

FiC is not allowed for guards or artillerymen.

Explosives are not allowed.

5 to 12 rifles

Riflemen are allowed to fire in a light formation with a 5 men spacing at most

Riflemen are allowed to move in a loose formation.

Allowed to fire while retreating.

Riflemen are allowed to crouch and fire in an open formation.

Riflemen are allowed to pick up any weapons but muskets, lances or spears. Officers are still allowed to pick up muskets.

Light Infantry
5 to 14 muskets/carabiners

Lights are allowed to fire in a light formation with 2 men spacings.

Lights are allowed to move in a line or a light line.

No firing while retreating!

Lights are allowed to crouch and fire in an open formation.

It is allowed to pick up any weapons.

Lights may take any infantry they wish.

Cavalry – Hussars, Cuirassiers
5 – 15 Horses

If 2 or less cavalrymen remain on a horse they have to dismount after disengaging combat.

Dismounted cavalry adopts the rules of line infantry.

It is allowed to pick up any weapons.

Cavalry– Dragoons
5 – 12 Carabiners

Dragoons are only allowed to fire when standing in a line.

Dismounted dragoons adopt the rules of the light infantry.

It is allowed to pick up any weapons.

Line Infantry
5 – 30 Muskets

Lines are only allowed to move and fire in line formation.

Crouching is allowed behind hills, walls and fences. You may reload but do not fire.

Double ranks and columns are legal formations.

Lines are not allowed to split themselves into several smaller lines unless they have at least 20 men and 2 officers on the top.

It is allowed to pick up any weapons.

Attending Regiments
It is possible that a regiment can not attend so their slot is usable for other regiments. Just ask the admin if there is space.

Artillery (FULL)
2 artillery pieces each Team

4th "Royal Artillery Company" (Weekly)
8 Pułk Kirasjerów (Weekly)
46e (Weekly)
65y Moskovskiy Polk (Weekly)

Riflemen (FULL)
1 each Team

Filson Korps Grenadiers (Weekly)
95th Rifles (Weekly)
Königlich Bayrisches 4. Jäger Battalion (Weekly)

Light Infantry (FULL)
1 each Team

1 Pułk Ludowego Wojska Polskiego (Weekly)
65y Moskovskiy Polk (Weekly)

Cavalry (FULL)
1-2 each Team

12e Régiment de Cuirassiers (de la Garde Royale) (Weekly)
8 Pułk Kirasjerów (Weekly)
RRA_10th (Weekly)

Line Infantry (FREE)

21y Pułk Piechoty Xięstwa Warszawskiego (Weekly)

You want to participate?
Great! Please use our sample for the sign-up here in the forum…

Name of the regiment:
Preferred Unit:
Sign-up period: (Once/Weekly)

… or visit us spontaneous on our TeamSpeak-Server before the event starts. We try to place regiments even short-termed.

With the sign-up you accept our rules. Please tell us your manpower before the event starts.






⁂ Major Babarossa
Headadmin of the PRO Organizations and vice-leader the 1st Rhenish Infantry-Regiment No. 25 of Lützow

⁑ Colonel Filson
Co-Admin and Co-Organizator of the PRO Event and leader of the 8 Pułk Kirasjerów/Filson Korps Grenadiers

⁎ Colonel Ryan
Assistant of the PRO Organizations and leader of the 65y Moskovskiy Polk


We are considering a "2nd Division - Summer Season" again and for this we need refs. Refs need to be impartial and have to know NWL Rules. İf you want to apply or want to have some information please message me.

Additional links,424.0.html,364253.0.html

Applications for Referee. :,365119.msg8743585.html#msg8743585

Name (İngame):
Steam Link:
Referee experience,  and reference

Note:They are in Turkish. We recommend that people who knows the rules to apply.

Servers / Tropical World War
« on: June 11, 2016, 10:05:25 pm »

The people who want to taste the "Napoleonic Wars" come to our server!


There was a project that we were thinking about and now it's finally here, admin applications are open and people who wants to support us we will be glad.

Tropical World War is a  casual deathmatch server which aims at to make you have fun with challenging experince. We have an array of trench based maps with cannons,barricades all around the map.This server does not have specific rules or regulation so that the players can have as much freedom as they want(except trolling). Every map is based around trenches,holes,barricades with a artirelly batteries available to defend or attack. Whether you're here for some action or simply want to challenge your skills with unseen seen experince,this server is the most suitable server for you.

Server Rules


1) Insulting eachother (such as family members or national) will result a temporarily ban from the server
2) Radical and ISIS, Nazism, Comunism, Socialist, Fasist nicknames are not allowed       

3) Insulting other religions will result a permanent ban from the server

4) Explosive crate and artillery is not allowed

5) Cavalary is not allowed

6) Recruiting is not allowed. Will result a temporarily ban from the server if happened


1) All languages.

2) Only infantry and marines are allowed (Ensigns, musicians, officer's are allowed as well)


Unban Request

Unban Request
Steam Name:
Name of which you were banned:
Date when you were banned:
Action leading to ban:
Why should you be unbanned:

Admin Application

Admin applications are open!

Server Status

Steam Group

Our Steam groupLink

Remember to have fun and favourite the server, community!

Thank you!

Servers / PSO_Siege_Official
« on: February 13, 2016, 09:28:31 pm »
People Siege Official

We have a need new admin.

Server is only all siege time.

PSO Event :


Hi everybody!

Here we are with the Nizam-ı Cedid Division Sponsorship!
Here we are with the Viejas Guardias Castellanas Sponsorship!

General information for Linebattle

-PRO/PSO Event Organizations is the hosted PeopleRegiments and Sponsorship the Regimental Leaders.
-PRO Linebattle Event will be hosted every week on Saturday at changed  19.00(7PM) GMT.
-Server Name : PRO_Official_Linebattle and the password will comunicating 15-20 minutes before the event on our
- Only Line Infantry, Light ,Rifle ,Cavalry and Artillery spot available.
- We use desert & snow cold map :D
- FIC is not allowed, No RIC , No FoL 
- Officer Aim is the only just allowed the Rifles.
- Be careful the Chat rules, only just Global Chat Officers and NCO's.
- No swearing because temp banned!
- We play on 2 different maps but they are linked.


Line Infantry
Minimum 10men - Maximum 20men

Light Infantry
Minimum 12men - Maximum 20men

Minimum 12men - Maximum 20men

Minimum 10men - Maximum 20men

Minimum 4men - Maximum 12men

General Staff
Minimum 2men - Maximum 5men

Name of the Regiment:
How many members can you bring:
Are you attending for every week or once:
Which nation would you be with:
Have you read and accepted the rules:
Leader's steam name:

Referee Team & Steam İnformation

Original Steam Name ;

General Shepherd - Knime 🌟

Referees List!

" title="

" title="

" title="

Searching referees, take a PM |FSE| to application and tell me about your skills please!



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