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Messages - Kieran

Pages: 1 2 3 ... 44
Events: EU / Re: 19th Saturday Linebattle [EU] [Line Open] [New Maps]
« on: April 20, 2024, 07:47:53 pm »
Regiment Name: 83rd Regiment of Podolia
Unit: Line
Expected Attendance: 10-15
Regimental Rep' and Steam:
Once or Weekly: Once for now
I have read and accepted the rules: Yes
Accepted as LIne. Welcome to the event.

Events: EU / Re: 19th Saturday Linebattle [EU] [Line Open] [New Maps]
« on: April 20, 2024, 07:47:40 pm »
Regiment Name: 1st Infantry Regiment of the Kingdom of Daewden (Rovid's Marchia) | 1stDaewden
Unit: Line
Expected Attendance: 5+
Regimental Rep' and Steam: Rudolf
Once or Weekly: Once for now, we'll see how it goes later on.
I have read and accepted the rules: Yes
Accepted as LIne. Welcome to the event.

Community / Re: 23rd and 71e terrorist activities
« on: March 29, 2024, 09:27:11 pm »
Öncelikle hayırlı forumlar, hayırlı akşamlar, bendeniz Baran Duman yani kodmaster. Arkamdan atıp tutan Ankara'nın gülü Eternal kardeşim, seni ajansıma photoshop ustası olarak işe almak istediğimi gururla belirtirim. Ayda 2 bira ve 1 karton sigaraya anlaşırsak fevkalade. Normalde forum kültürüm yok, burada neler dönüyor neler çevriliyor bilmem bilmekte istemem uzak dururum bu tür yerlerden milletin bide ağız kokusunu mu çekeceğiz. Neyse.

Velhasıl kelam benim yanımda adminlik yapan bir velet için çok ağır sözler sarfetmişsin, anlıyorum kuyruk acın var. Bide bana terörist demek nedir lan eşşşek sıpası. Seni götünden tavana asarım çocuk haddini bil. Photoshop yapıp (bu kim la amk?) biriyle beni arkadaş gösterip beni NW oynuyor mu gösteriyon la sen? Bu fotoğraflar ne oğlum? Lan discord dm'den niye mesajları siliyosun neyi neyden saklıyosun sen :D. Seni senden iyi tanırım oğlum ben. Sunucu dilendiğin günleri ne çabuk unuttun la? Oğlum sen klan liderisin, daha düne kadar abi abi abi sunucuma ddos atıyolar şunlar atıyo şunlar yapıyo diye bana yalvarıyodun la. Engel ol diye ayağıma kapanıyodun la.  23rd ne oğlum? 71e ne la? Bide bak bak bak hele bak bak. 23rd beni ddos için kullanıyomuş bak bak bak bak. Oğlum bu Warband'da DDoS atmadığımı bilen insanlardansınız bide ucube ucube gelip benim arkamdan yok bu ddosçu yok bu saldırıyo bu sikiyo bu yakıyo falan? Discord dm'de abi şu sunucunun ip'sini gönder diye yazdığın yazıları niye sildin la? Önce bunları açıkla sonra ben sana sağlam bir cevap veririm. Klanınıda senide yerle bir ederim. Beni karşına alarak büyük hata yaptın oğlum sen. Tropical'e niye ddos atayım la ben? Oynamadığım modülde nasıl adım geçsin, 2 kere evente girdim diye anasını avradını sikiyim yapmadığım şeyleri yaptırmışsınız la :DDD Event'e gelcen event'e gelcen?? acermonitor olarak 1 kere senin eventine girdim zaten o günde hazır yakaladım enayiyi yaptırayım birşeyler diye diye diye başımın etini yediğin zamanı da atsaydın la. Yok yok yok çekmeme rağmen beni darlıyodun knk..
Yavrum canım çiçeğim, aklını başına topla. Toplamazsan o küçük götünü sikerim.

Bide ingilizce öğren la translate kullanıp köpek duruma düşme. She falan filan nedir mk

Dear friends on the forum, I apologize for the inconvenience. These articles are false, they are photoshop. I quit DDoS attacking a long time ago. This dog bothered me and bothered me and bothered me, I just joined the server for IP address and msg it, I have no problem with anyone. It's 2024 man, what is ddos, are we from ancient times? I have nothing to do with the DDoS that was attack at the Tropical Paradise server. The person above was someone who fell at my feet, a beggar, if you know what I mean. I haven't played Warband for months already, I don't know about new things. There's nothing to tell, there's no need to get into a futile argument. Have a nice day.
"The person above was someone who fell at my feet, a beggar, if you know what I mean." this made my laugh ngl, yeah. Us engish speakers i think know what you mean haha

Community / Re: 23rd and 71e terrorist activities
« on: March 29, 2024, 08:57:58 pm »
Seems like no side is innocent and its kind of bad that we have this sort of drama in 2024. The game has been dying for years and with less and less regiments every year, instead of fighting, we should be working together to make the best 200 player event servers we can make. Many of us have been playing this game since 2011 (Mount and Musket mod and days) and just want to enjoy the game with the lads until we finally all decide to stop. Got no time for drama nowadays.

Events: EU / Re: 19th Saturday Linebattle [EU] [Line Open]
« on: March 06, 2024, 11:20:14 pm »
Line slot open

Events: EU / Re: 19th Saturday Linebattle [EU] [Line Open]
« on: January 10, 2024, 12:50:05 am »
Event is returning on the 13th/01/24

Events: EU / Re: 19th Saturday Linebattle [EU] [Line Open]
« on: November 12, 2023, 06:55:47 pm »
Line slot open.

Events: EU / Re: 19th Saturday Linebattle [EU]
« on: October 28, 2023, 06:31:45 pm »
Regiment Name: 63rd Regiment of Avaria
Unit: Line
Expected Attendance: +10
Regimental Rep' and Steam:
Backup Rep' and Steam:
Once or Weekly: Once for now
I have read and accepted the rules: Yes
Accepted, Welcome to the event.

Events: EU / Re: 19th Saturday Linebattle [EU] [Line Open]
« on: October 16, 2023, 02:03:20 am »
Regiment Name: 115 Art
Unit: Arty
Expected Attendance: 4+
Regimental Rep' and Steam:
Backup Rep' and Steam:
Once or Weekly: Once
I have read and accepted the rules: Yes
Sorry, Arty is full atm.

Events: EU / Re: 19th Saturday Linebattle [EU] [Line Open]
« on: September 04, 2023, 08:47:02 pm »
Regiment Name: 45thN
Unit: Arty
Expected Attendance: 5+
Regimental Rep' and Steam: JamD0dger
Backup Rep' and Steam: Wolf115
Once or Weekly: Once
I have read and accepted the rules: Yes
rejected sorry. Arty is currently full atm.

Events: EU / Re: 19th Saturday Linebattle [EU] [Line Open]
« on: August 27, 2023, 12:56:54 am »
Regiment Name: 76e
Unit: Line Inf - Riflemen
Expected Attendance: 5+
Regimental Rep' and Steam:
Backup Rep' and Steam:
Once or Weekly: Once for now
I have read and accepted the rules: Yes
Accepted as line as you agreed as riflemen slot is full at the minute.

Events: EU / Re: 19th Saturday Linebattle [EU] [Line Open]
« on: August 06, 2023, 07:43:21 pm »
Line slot open.

Events: EU / Re: 19th Saturday Linebattle [EU] [Line Open]
« on: July 06, 2023, 10:58:26 pm »
Regiment Name: Corps Libres d'Artillerie (CLdA)
Unit:Line Infantry
Expected Attendance: 6 - 10
Regimental Rep' and Steam:
Backup Rep' and Steam:
Once or Weekly: Once (for now)
I have read and accepted the rules: Yes
Accepted as Line. Welcome. See you Saturday lads.

Events: EU / Re: 19th Saturday Linebattle [EU] [Line Open]
« on: July 05, 2023, 08:59:22 pm »
Going into the summer months we have a Arty and Line spots available!

Events: EU / Re: 19th Saturday Linebattle [EU]
« on: May 29, 2023, 02:14:52 am »
Line And Cav combo open.

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