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Messages - FatherDamien

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Regiments / Re: 111e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne "Les Léopards"
« on: July 06, 2015, 01:55:34 am »
Good luck Marceaux!

Regiments / Re: 111e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne "Les Léopards"
« on: July 06, 2015, 01:54:49 am »
That whole "Damien we will continue 84e legacy" thing lasted quite a while didn't it?

Jk, goodluck.
No need to be a dick in the first place :/

Its been a fun time with you guys  but ive decided to quit NW due to multiple reasons of course certain people but overall im tired of the game, Marceaux of course will take over leadership I wish the 84e good luck!

The Mess Hall / Re: What would your last meal be?
« on: July 04, 2015, 10:26:40 am »
A Beef Wellington Ensemble with Lettuce


Weight: 20 LongSwords
Steam link:
Wrestler Name:The Crusader's Wrath

When the 84e leaders aren't around
Ahahaha Damien's inner self has been opened!  ;)

The leaders rue this day.
What they were talking about before i start recording was worst than this xD
Worse than our Catholics vs Atheism talk?  ;)
Hey I have you know those arguments and debates are fun

btw here is john sanders ID  [31e]FukBoi_John~Sanders has joined the game with ID: 1190323

Community Name: Damien
Steam Profile (link):
Regiment:  84e Régiment d'Infanterie de ligne "Un Contre Dix"
Why do you want to be a referee?I love NWL and I want to ensure all rules are covered unlike TNWL
Why do you think you would be a good referee?Ive read over the rules plenty of times I lead in 1v1s and im not bias
Admin Experience:hosted the 84e linebattle
Did you read all the rules thoroughly?Of course
Will you admin fairly and unbiased?Yes

good 8-2 against the 8th was very fun



84e is one of the most prestigious and long-standing regiments in the community, not many are able to boast the longevity and existential stability of the 84e and as such the first thing 84e can offer is a prolonged and reliable place in a respected and tightly-knit community.
84e is primarily a melee focused regiment and reflects this in its training and battlefield tactics, but not in its selection processes! No one is ever refused admission for inadequate skills, nor kicked from the regiment for lack of progress; all that 84e asks is activity and maturity, with emphasis placed on a fun and communal experience for all involved. We have some of the best and most experienced players in the game who strive to pass on their knowledge to new recruits, who soon themselves become seasoned veterans with unquenchable blood-lusts, and it is this perpetual skill base and not an elitist recruitment policy that has allowed 84e to remain as one of the premier regiments since its founding.


This regiment fights for the La Garde Impériale

|Application Format|

In-Game Name:
Previous Regimental Experience:
Steam Name:

*You must be 14 or above to join the 84e.

Make sure  to add one of the officers on Steam!


Commissioned Officers:

Colonel FatherDamien

Non-Commissioned Officers:


Enlisted Men:

Enlisted Men



Commissioned Officers

Colonel (Col)

Major (Maj)

Capitaine (Cpt)

Lieutenant (Lt)

Sous-Lieutenant (SLt)

Non-Commissioned Officers



Sergent (Sgt)

Enlisted Men

Caporal-Fourrier  (CplFo)


Soldat de Première (SoP)

Soldat Deuxième (SoD)

Soldat (Sdt)

Cadet (Cad)



Historically, the 84th Line, created in 1684 was known by the Battle of Graz .On 25 and 26 June 1809, two battalions of the 84th defended a church cemetery for many hours against thousands of Austrian soldiers. In the end, the regiment broke through and escaped their enemies. In honor of the regiment's outstanding bravery on this occasion, the 84th was allowed to add the words UN CONTRE DIX (One Against Ten) on their colors.
Battle Record


Steam: Colonel Damien


If you would like to organise an event with the 84e or talk to one of its members or officers then either add the Steam link above or come to the TeamSpeak and talk there. Also if you are a member of the regiment you are expected to have Damien on Steam.



Thread credits go to Rebel and Herishey for the format

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