Mount & Blade Warband: Napoleonic Wars > Servers

13te_Rifles_Public [TDM]


Hello Everybody!  We currently host a Team DeathMatch server with 200 slots.

With our new server, we will no longer interrupt the gameplay of the people on our public server. Enjoy! :D

Here are the rules to abide by:
1.) No team killing, as this is a pointless, and trolly thing to do, and will not be tolerated on our server.
2.) No exploits, as we like to actually play the game, and your glitches/exploits screw that up for everybody who likes to play.  This also will not be tolerated.
3.) Recruiting is not allowed. (Except for 13te, of course) If you want to recruit, get your own server.
4.) No training on our public server, ever. If you are in dire need of a server. (Like your own server is down or you don't have access to it) Contact me and I may set something up for you.
5.) No blocking doorways. I know you can reverse this now, but I still consider it trolling.
6.) No using offensive names or language.
7.) Be respectful to all players and admins.

   If you do happen to break these rules, an admin will usually give one or two warning slay(s), If you proceed to break the rules, you will be kicked, even more rule breaking will result in a temp/perm ban (depending how much you've pissed the admin(s) off).

 These are not set rules for admins. This is not an official server, so we do as we please. We are generally kind people,  but if you personally piss us off we'll ban you without regret and without appeal.

Also, we are actively trying to recruit more men for the regiment, so expect recruiting messages through out you playing time.

If you need somebody dealt with, post below with the name of the player, reason for ban, and your in game name.  We hold the final say in the ban, so if a player doesn't get banned, DO NOT COMPLAIN. Thanks.

Hauptmann Sivart


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