Author Topic: Suggestions  (Read 1574 times)

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Offline AngelofWar

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« on: March 08, 2022, 06:52:51 am »
1. Bayonets - Please give an option where you do not need to remove them after every spawn.

2. Bayonets - Can the person be allowed to put on / remove the bayonet while walking at least. The need to stand still seems silly.

3. Shot gun - I dont remember which one I was using, but two enemy were rushing me practically shoulder to shoulder. When I shot at them, roughly 10 yards away, I didnt even get a hit. This definitely needs to be reviewed.

4. River - I walked into a river and couldnt get out. Sorry I dont remember the map. I did ask other players for suggestions, but eventually had to respawn.

5. Weapons - Any chance we could increase the speed of cycling through the weapons / items while in the game?

6. Kills - Several of my kills were not counted. In the game it stated I killed someone, but when I checked the scoreboard, it was not added. I supposed this doesnt really matter since I couldnt find anywhere with career kills.

7. Medic - Is there a way to identify who is injured and who I need to help as a medic? I wasnt able to determine who was injured and who was not.

Thank you for reviewing the suggestions above.

Offline HuntehPetros

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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2022, 07:34:43 am »
1. That one can be toggled by the admins, todays NA linebattle had players spawn without bayonets. Not too much of an issue at present though I think, especially at the beginning of a round (only 1 second to take it off is a very minor inconvenience)

2. Yeah fair enough, might be something worth looking into eventually for quality of life

3. Could be a genuine bug or it could be just the inherent nature of a shotgun + type of ammo, could honestly be anything

4. Might be a bug to do with the map or something.

5. A bit annoying I agree, definitely feels a lil long but that might be intentional and again not toooo inconvenient ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

6. If you suicide iirc or teamkill it counts against your kills and subtracts from your killcount for that round, which might've happened to you.

7. There is a red blood drop above injured players which you should be looking for- However, it is a bit dim especially with all the visual effects of the surrounding game (lights, flashes, trees etc.) and I definitely think that the symbol should be a fair bit larger and/or more brightly coloured for the medics to see, I also struggle sometimes with that.

There's also an FSE discord ( which has areas for bug reports, feedback and suggestions which tends to be a bit more active in regards to reviewing devs, if you'd like to say something there!

Offline AngelofWar

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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2022, 12:43:21 pm »
Thank you for the clarification and quick responses on everything. I appreciate it. Ill check out the discord channel as well.