Author Topic: Why melee is too bad on BCoF and Holdfast  (Read 4551 times)

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Why melee is too bad on BCoF and Holdfast
« on: February 22, 2022, 01:09:00 pm »
Hello my name is fred2 before all i don't wanna insult or trashtalk the devs who did a great job on this games , but i can't understand why they don't keep what made Napoleonic Wars a good Game , am talking about it melee , that made the game more competitive and more funny , like just look how NW developped and how its community had a big evolution just look EGS or NWWC , how we can dev this type of things on a game where the melee is pretty slow not gonna lie , doing chambers and blockchambers have no valor because of the slow mod of the game on BCoF and Holdfast , if yu wanna the community immigrate from a game like NW to BCoF make the melee great again look how a game survived some people play to NW since 2010 or more .
Do yu realise that the melee system of NW is better than some games created on our days XD , so plz just make the melee system of NW come back and am pretty sure that BCoF can be and will be the Successor of NW is the melee was the same .
Btw as i said am not here to trash talk the devs i love what they add on BCoF the new muskets and cannons are incredible , line system love it too the only bad thing is the melee yu need to make this game more competitive for the community so we can develop around it and organise our favorite GF and other tournaments which everyone love !!!

« Last Edit: February 22, 2022, 01:22:55 pm by Fred2 »

Offline charle_Lebrun

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Re: Why melee is too bad on BCoF and Holdfast
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2022, 01:11:16 pm »
Hello my name is fred2 before all i don't wanna insult or trashtalk the devs who did a great job on this games , but i can't understand why they don't keep what made Napoleonic Wars a good Game , am talking about it melee , that made the game more competitive and more funny , like just look how NW developped and how its community had a big evolution just look EGS or NWWC , how we can dev this type of things on a game where the melee is pretty slow not gonna lie , doing chambers and blockchambers have no valor because of the slow mod of the game on BCoF and Holdfast , if yu wanna the community immigrate from a game like NW to BCoF make the melee great again look how a game survived some people play to NW since 2010 or more .
Do yu realise that the melee system of NW is better than some games created on our days XD , so plz just make the melee system of NW come back and am pretty sure that BCoF can be and will be the Successor of NW is the melee was the same .
Btw as i said am not here to trash talk the devs i love what they add on BCoF the new muskets and cannons are incredible , line system love it too the only bad thing is the melee yu need to make this game more competitive for the community so we can develop around it and organise our favorite GF and other tournaments which everyone love !!!

Offline MarjioviçR

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Re: Why melee is too bad on BCoF and Holdfast
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2022, 01:20:35 pm »
even tw couldnt establish a gud melee system for bannerlord so im not surprised that holdfast and bcof failed in melee system.

hello my name is marjixd btw

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Re: Why melee is too bad on BCoF and Holdfast
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2022, 04:48:06 pm »
Opinion disregarded.

BCoF melee is at a place where it can be improved greatly through animations and speed. I suggest going to melee feedback and providing them with information that could help your cause rather than writing a Churchill speech about a dead game. (NW).

Besides, the melee is actually pretty decent right now, you can't expect every line battle game to be a clone of Warband melee.

Offline Zeyden 狼

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Re: Why melee is too bad on BCoF and Holdfast
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2022, 04:59:28 pm »
Hello my name is fred2 before all i don't wanna insult or trashtalk the devs who did a great job on this games , but i can't understand why they don't keep what made Napoleonic Wars a good Game , am talking about it melee , that made the game more competitive and more funny , like just look how NW developped and how its community had a big evolution just look EGS or NWWC , how we can dev this type of things on a game where the melee is pretty slow not gonna lie , doing chambers and blockchambers have no valor because of the slow mod of the game on BCoF and Holdfast , if yu wanna the community immigrate from a game like NW to BCoF make the melee great again look how a game survived some people play to NW since 2010 or more .
Do yu realise that the melee system of NW is better than some games created on our days XD , so plz just make the melee system of NW come back and am pretty sure that BCoF can be and will be the Successor of NW is the melee was the same .
Btw as i said am not here to trash talk the devs i love what they add on BCoF the new muskets and cannons are incredible , line system love it too the only bad thing is the melee yu need to make this game more competitive for the community so we can develop around it and organise our favorite GF and other tournaments which everyone love !!!


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Re: Why melee is too bad on BCoF and Holdfast
« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2022, 05:15:17 pm »
Hello my name is fred2 before all i don't wanna insult or trashtalk the devs who did a great job on this games , but i can't understand why they don't keep what made Napoleonic Wars a good Game , am talking about it melee , that made the game more competitive and more funny , like just look how NW developped and how its community had a big evolution just look EGS or NWWC , how we can dev this type of things on a game where the melee is pretty slow not gonna lie , doing chambers and blockchambers have no valor because of the slow mod of the game on BCoF and Holdfast , if yu wanna the community immigrate from a game like NW to BCoF make the melee great again look how a game survived some people play to NW since 2010 or more .
Do yu realise that the melee system of NW is better than some games created on our days XD , so plz just make the melee system of NW come back and am pretty sure that BCoF can be and will be the Successor of NW is the melee was the same .
Btw as i said am not here to trash talk the devs i love what they add on BCoF the new muskets and cannons are incredible , line system love it too the only bad thing is the melee yu need to make this game more competitive for the community so we can develop around it and organise our favorite GF and other tournaments which everyone love !!!


based žabson
Ban kubitch of nw warband because is childish moron unhappy antisocial person, have at 2023 meeting with lawyer about him.  kubus mental disease

Offline Fred2

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Re: Why melee is too bad on BCoF and Holdfast
« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2022, 05:58:38 pm »
Opinion disregarded.

BCoF melee is at a place where it can be improved greatly through animations and speed. I suggest going to melee feedback and providing them with information that could help your cause rather than writing a Churchill speech about a dead game. (NW).

Besides, the melee is actually pretty decent right now, you can't expect every line battle game to be a clone of Warband melee.
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Offline charle_Lebrun

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Re: Why melee is too bad on BCoF and Holdfast
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2022, 09:43:51 pm »
Opinion disregarded.

BCoF melee is at a place where it can be improved greatly through animations and speed. I suggest going to melee feedback and providing them with information that could help your cause rather than writing a Churchill speech about a dead game. (NW).

Besides, the melee is actually pretty decent right now, you can't expect every line battle game to be a clone of Warband melee.
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Offline Copot

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Re: Why melee is too bad on BCoF and Holdfast
« Reply #8 on: February 23, 2022, 12:43:58 am »
If you really want to be heard then drop somewhat detailed feedback in the respective discord channel. We've been giving specifics for weeks now so any additional people that agree will confirm the fixes that have been suggested. It will certainly be updated again post launch.

Offline ArtOfKilling

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Re: Why melee is too bad on BCoF and Holdfast
« Reply #9 on: February 23, 2022, 10:29:09 am »
New gens werent enough, now we got newnewgens

Offline Rikkert

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Re: Why melee is too bad on BCoF and Holdfast
« Reply #10 on: February 23, 2022, 01:56:10 pm »
I put some feedback in the discord during the closed beta. Instantly a couple of roleplay boys came out of their hidey holes telling the devs that the melee was fine and that they should instead focus on other things. I think some of the 77y guys (gaz and henkka) even had a direct conversation with one of the devs about what needed to be changed about the melee. I doubt the devs did a single thing with any of this since the melee has barely changed since then (this was more than a year ago).

This game is taking the exact same path that Holdfast did so I'm not particularly confident about it's future. That being said the commander battle is pretty fun, although I'd like to have more than 30 fps when engaging in melee.

Offline ArtOfKilling

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Re: Why melee is too bad on BCoF and Holdfast
« Reply #11 on: February 23, 2022, 03:07:58 pm »
i have only played this on the duration of the demo, fps can be a problem even with people with high end pcs, melee is bad (i wont elaborate, many more experienced players have talked about it, as mentioned above). Commander battles are something that is good about the game.

I find surprising how a supposed "dead game" (NW) still has more people playing than the free demo of this "new game" (which feels at some instances worse than NW). Developers will promise fixing things, but hey release is just about the corner, meaning another game that will release unfinished. At least bannerlord had the curtesy to release as an early access.

I believe this could be something like the good old north and south, after the NW event, you can come and play an 8pm fun event. That would be justification enough for someone to buy it. Although, if event hosts decide to host at 7pm, ill have many doubts about the future of this. (talking about EU always)

Offline Fred2

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Re: Why melee is too bad on BCoF and Holdfast
« Reply #12 on: February 23, 2022, 03:56:23 pm »
i have only played this on the duration of the demo, fps can be a problem even with people with high end pcs, melee is bad (i wont elaborate, many more experienced players have talked about it, as mentioned above). Commander battles are something that is good about the game.

I find surprising how a supposed "dead game" (NW) still has more people playing than the free demo of this "new game" (which feels at some instances worse than NW). Developers will promise fixing things, but hey release is just about the corner, meaning another game that will release unfinished. At least bannerlord had the curtesy to release as an early access.

I believe this could be something like the good old north and south, after the NW event, you can come and play an 8pm fun event. That would be justification enough for someone to buy it. Although, if event hosts decide to host at 7pm, ill have many doubts about the future of this. (talking about EU always)
yeah North and South was a really good extension of NW with the same melee and with new contents i think devs should take inspiration from this

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Re: Why melee is too bad on BCoF and Holdfast
« Reply #13 on: February 23, 2022, 04:16:45 pm »
The blocking seems very off, in both Native and NW there's a very slight block delay to allow a full mouse movement, however, in BCoF even if you move your mouse to the right of your mouse pad, if it even slightly goes down, the block will change to a down. I feel you have to continuously drag in the direction you want for it to block in that direction as surprisingly enough, it's too sensitive.

I can't really point at what's wrong with the blocking, but there's something weird about it.

Offline MikeyBruh

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Re: Why melee is too bad on BCoF and Holdfast
« Reply #14 on: February 23, 2022, 04:59:05 pm »
The blocking seems very off, in both Native and NW there's a very slight block delay to allow a full mouse movement, however, in BCoF even if you move your mouse to the right of your mouse pad, if it even slightly goes down, the block will change to a down. I feel you have to continuously drag in the direction you want for it to block in that direction as surprisingly enough, it's too sensitive.

I can't really point at what's wrong with the blocking, but there's something weird about it.
Maybe your just a noob?
Also, I'm not friends with HiReaper, dudes a complete weirdo