Author Topic: Why melee is too bad on BCoF and Holdfast  (Read 4389 times)

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Re: Why melee is too bad on BCoF and Holdfast
« Reply #15 on: February 23, 2022, 06:30:43 pm »
The blocking seems very off, in both Native and NW there's a very slight block delay to allow a full mouse movement, however, in BCoF even if you move your mouse to the right of your mouse pad, if it even slightly goes down, the block will change to a down. I feel you have to continuously drag in the direction you want for it to block in that direction as surprisingly enough, it's too sensitive.

I can't really point at what's wrong with the blocking, but there's something weird about it.
yeah apparently some people also have noticed this prblm , on the FSE discord they said that the dev was working about normally an update will come after the game release

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Re: Why melee is too bad on BCoF and Holdfast
« Reply #16 on: February 28, 2022, 01:00:08 pm »
You guys should stop shitting on this game so much tbh. Just accept that its a different game with different mechanics/features. Personally I think it's refreshing to have some new elements like the aim down sights etc. I don't understand why people want to pay money for a new game and want it to just mirror the old game exactly.

If this game was a REMAKE I would understand the issues people have, but it isn't, it is it's own developed game with it's own mechanics made by the same devs. It's good giving feedback for things that you don't think feel natural or are buggy etc, but you shouldn't discount an entire feature just because it doens't match with some other game you play that is over a decade old.

I know this is an unpopular opinion and will get hate for it but I really enjoy the game so far and I look forward to the improvements that come along in future.

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Re: Why melee is too bad on BCoF and Holdfast
« Reply #17 on: February 28, 2022, 01:21:45 pm »
Holdfast is too far gone, I have come across loads of newgen holdfast players who just accept that the melee is what it is and it's criminal.

Offline ArtOfKilling

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Re: Why melee is too bad on BCoF and Holdfast
« Reply #18 on: February 28, 2022, 02:04:26 pm »
You guys should stop shitting on this game so much tbh. Just accept that its a different game with different mechanics/features. Personally I think it's refreshing to have some new elements like the aim down sights etc. I don't understand why people want to pay money for a new game and want it to just mirror the old game exactly.

If this game was a REMAKE I would understand the issues people have, but it isn't, it is it's own developed game with it's own mechanics made by the same devs. It's good giving feedback for things that you don't think feel natural or are buggy etc, but you shouldn't discount an entire feature just because it doens't match with some other game you play that is over a decade old.

I know this is an unpopular opinion and will get hate for it but I really enjoy the game so far and I look forward to the improvements that come along in future.
Opinions like this, is why the gaming industry is making massive amounts of money while delivering half arsed, unfinished games. Critisism to make a game better shouldnt be consieved as "oh no we want this to be like the old game". (we enjoy the game too, ill buy it, it has some interesting stuff, but also has many negatives, that need a lot of work)

Holdfast is too far gone, I have come across loads of newgen holdfast players who just accept that the melee is what it is and it's criminal.
Said it above, new newgens are the worst
« Last Edit: February 28, 2022, 02:06:55 pm by ArtOfKilling »

Offline TheBaker

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Re: Why melee is too bad on BCoF and Holdfast
« Reply #19 on: February 28, 2022, 02:10:39 pm »
You guys should stop shitting on this game so much tbh. Just accept that its a different game with different mechanics/features. Personally I think it's refreshing to have some new elements like the aim down sights etc. I don't understand why people want to pay money for a new game and want it to just mirror the old game exactly.

If this game was a REMAKE I would understand the issues people have, but it isn't, it is it's own developed game with it's own mechanics made by the same devs. It's good giving feedback for things that you don't think feel natural or are buggy etc, but you shouldn't discount an entire feature just because it doens't match with some other game you play that is over a decade old.

I know this is an unpopular opinion and will get hate for it but I really enjoy the game so far and I look forward to the improvements that come along in future.
Opinions like this, is why the gaming industry is making massive amounts of money while delivering half arsed, unfinished games. Critisism to make a game better shouldnt be consieved as "oh no we want this to be like the old game". (we enjoy the game too, ill buy it, it has some interesting stuff, but also has many negatives)

I totally agree with you that feedback is necessary to improve games, I was more aiming at the fact that there will be people that will refuse to play the game just because it isn't similar to NW. Sure the melee is a bit weird and it would be nice to have it improved, but as you said, it won't stop you playing the game because it has other features you do like.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2022, 04:18:45 pm by TheBaker »

Offline ArtOfKilling

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Re: Why melee is too bad on BCoF and Holdfast
« Reply #20 on: February 28, 2022, 03:54:52 pm »
Yeah (at first i didnt see your message lol). Personally speaking ill treat this like mod events for now, if down the line it improves then i might put some effort in it, it has potential, although one last thing, im concerned on the numbers it got on the free demo, higher chances of splitting a community rather than bringing new people in the genre. Hopefully post release things will look better.

Offline TheBaker

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Re: Why melee is too bad on BCoF and Holdfast
« Reply #21 on: February 28, 2022, 04:22:06 pm »
Yeah (at first i didnt see your message lol). Personally speaking ill treat this like mod events for now, if down the line it improves then i might put some effort in it, it has potential, although one last thing, im concerned on the numbers it got on the free demo, higher chances of splitting a community rather than bringing new people in the genre. Hopefully post release things will look better.

Yeah I deleted something I shouldn't have rip. Yes the numbers during the demo on the first couple of days were ok but the past 4 or so days have been a bit worrying. Splitting the community is the last thing we need... I'm taking a similar approach, we are continuing with all of out NW events and just playing BCOF events when we have free days.

Offline John Price

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Re: Why melee is too bad on BCoF and Holdfast
« Reply #22 on: February 28, 2022, 04:27:18 pm »
That was my thought with it as well really. I will say there are deffo more people waiting to buy it and play in community hosted events so that number will go up, but its probably best to just treat it like N&S for the moment and see how it goes.
Knightmare is from Albania, no?
Sorry, I can't accept this team.

Offline Rikkert

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Re: Why melee is too bad on BCoF and Holdfast
« Reply #23 on: February 28, 2022, 04:40:20 pm »
I don't understand why people want to pay money for a new game and want it to just mirror the old game exactly.
That's not the point of what people are saying and that way of reasoning shouldn't be used as a default response to protect the game (and specifically the melee) from any scrutiny. It is a game made by the same devs that made NW and those devs actively targeted the NW player base (by marketing it on FSE throughout the development process and more recently by inviting a bunch of regiments to the closed beta). So I think it is completely fair to compare the two games. And even then, if you try to look at it as a completely unrelated game from NW the current melee system is not enjoyable at all. But that is just my opinion. The shooting is cool and the commander battles are fun so I think the game will be able to have enjoyable linebattles if the devs improve the FPS a bit. But that doesnt take anything away from the fact that the melee is wank.

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Re: Why melee is too bad on BCoF and Holdfast
« Reply #24 on: February 28, 2022, 10:27:29 pm »
I don't understand why people want to pay money for a new game and want it to just mirror the old game exactly.
That's not the point of what people are saying and that way of reasoning shouldn't be used as a default response to protect the game (and specifically the melee) from any scrutiny. It is a game made by the same devs that made NW and those devs actively targeted the NW player base (by marketing it on FSE throughout the development process and more recently by inviting a bunch of regiments to the closed beta). So I think it is completely fair to compare the two games. And even then, if you try to look at it as a completely unrelated game from NW the current melee system is not enjoyable at all. But that is just my opinion. The shooting is cool and the commander battles are fun so I think the game will be able to have enjoyable linebattles if the devs improve the FPS a bit. But that doesnt take anything away from the fact that the melee is wank.
I managed to make it through the last linebattle of 450 players on medium at 40 fps which was good enough for me on a random generated map.
Main problem with the game is that melee is wack during groupfights and whatnot it feels better because (not 450 players on the server). But the stuns to be looked at again and the animations. The hit boxes work strangely well in groupfights movement speed is a bit low in melee because you have to play at longer ranges cuz the bayonets are longer. Making 1v2s annoying

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Re: Why melee is too bad on BCoF and Holdfast
« Reply #25 on: March 12, 2022, 10:22:56 am »
Imma revive this to say that A.) The devs don't have alot of money, B.) They don't have an animator on the team and C.) Unity is a bitch. If they could port the NW melee over they would but it's impossible. For the roleplayers aye I heard something like that but the melee dev made it clear to me that they still want it to be based off of NW. Also the melee dev does listen and most of the time there is now more sensible people giving feedback, there's always going to be the oddball but its filled with experiences players rn

Offline Chainsor

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Re: Why melee is too bad on BCoF and Holdfast
« Reply #26 on: March 12, 2022, 11:26:55 am »
Imma revive this to say that A.) The devs don't have alot of money, B.) They don't have an animator on the team and C.) Unity is a bitch. If they could port the NW melee over they would but it's impossible. For the roleplayers aye I heard something like that but the melee dev made it clear to me that they still want it to be based off of NW. Also the melee dev does listen and most of the time there is now more sensible people giving feedback, there's always going to be the oddball but its filled with experiences players rn

BCoF (FSE) devs at least listen compared to Talewords. The problem on porting the NW melee over to BCoF is, that NW melee is Mount&Blade melee which is made by Taleworlds. I think everyone wishes the same melee like NW has, many people wished this when Holdfast came out. Holdfast never came close to the melee we know and failed (sort of).

BCoF is still in the beginning and will improve over time. Melee will be a thing that will definitely get changed. For now the players should concentrate on giving suggestions on reworking/updating/fixing other things. Like Stryker said, the melee animator is missing.

But i feel like i wouldnt call the current state of melee "bad". I know the perfomance problems many players have during melee or big size battles, but a few big games had performance problems in the beginning too (e.g. PUBG) and they fixed it.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2022, 11:28:33 am by Chainsor »

Offline Saxon

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Re: Why melee is too bad on BCoF and Holdfast
« Reply #27 on: March 12, 2022, 12:07:31 pm »
Hello my name is fred2 before all i don't wanna insult or trashtalk the devs who did a great job on this games , but i can't understand why they don't keep what made Napoleonic Wars a good Game , am talking about it melee , that made the game more competitive and more funny , like just look how NW developped and how its community had a big evolution just look EGS or NWWC , how we can dev this type of things on a game where the melee is pretty slow not gonna lie , doing chambers and blockchambers have no valor because of the slow mod of the game on BCoF and Holdfast , if yu wanna the community immigrate from a game like NW to BCoF make the melee great again look how a game survived some people play to NW since 2010 or more .
Do yu realise that the melee system of NW is better than some games created on our days XD , so plz just make the melee system of NW come back and am pretty sure that BCoF can be and will be the Successor of NW is the melee was the same .
Btw as i said am not here to trash talk the devs i love what they add on BCoF the new muskets and cannons are incredible , line system love it too the only bad thing is the melee yu need to make this game more competitive for the community so we can develop around it and organise our favorite GF and other tournaments which everyone love !!!

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