Guys what do you think about poll for the most disliked player of NW cavalry community? I wanted to call It " Golden dick award " but Lightning told me that's not nice. I'm looking for a nice title. Any advice?
Instead of wanting to write this kind of thing, you should have helped your team who fought 10vs12 against Germany tonight. It's easy to play in big teams, pick up the kills and then say "I'm good" when you then let your team down in matchs you think are too difficult or trying. It's also easy to betray your teammates and spit in their backs while in front of them you say the sweetest words. So as far as the lists are concerned, if I had to make a list of the biggest assholes in the community you would be very well ranked. When I think of all the shit you and Husarion did just to become Captain and Vice Captain of Poland and then in the final only play the matches you are interested in, I find it revolting.
1. I'm not Capitan or Vice Capitan of Poland
2. I told my team yesterday that I will be late or I won't come ( I was writing about it even with Stom)
3. Who the fuck are you to comment whole situation?
4. I know that I would be well ranked in disliked players list and I don't care about that. ( at least I would be good opponent for you)
5. I was on every match of the SNC, almost every training match. I have written to people multiple times and begged them to come. A lot them didn't give a shit about it. It's not my fault that for some people LB, Bannerlord or other events are more important than matches and trainings.
6. You shouldn't comment something about you have no idea
Well, I promised myself I wouldn't write any more messages, but I'm going to answer you anyway so that I won't have to do it later.
1-1: you're not a vice captain but unofficially you're paired with Husarion and I think everyone knows that
2-2: okay, very well I see
3-3: I'm the guy who had to deal with your little war between Poles and who in the end is extremely disappointed with what he sees. I comment on this nonsense
4-4: Wait, it wasn't a troll? Are you really going to do this according to FSE rules? I knew that the community was starting to look like a big pile of toxicity and trolls but actually, I think you're going to hit the jackpot with your list. You can put me in first place directly if you want that I won't give a shit
5-5: Yet it seems to me that you had been absent during the France vs Poland train. I don't know about the others.
6-6: I'm sending this advice back to you. Once again, I pity the fact that there were only 10 of you and that one of the two parts of the team was abandoned, but nevertheless fought with panache. But indeed, it is not my problem but yours
I don't think I have anything to add after that. Honestly, I am saddened to see players within the NW Cavalry community appearing who are turning the NW Cavalry community into a nest of toxicity and trolls. They are just not funny they are mean. Now, I'm not going to argue about this because I've said what I had to say.
Sorry Ciiges for polluting this Thread with these messages :p