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Messages - LaSalle

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Team name: Duck Hunt Duo
Team roster: Octanidas et lasalle
Player1 (GUID) -
Player2 (GUID) - 428325

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes/No yes oui

Name: lasalle
GUID: 428325
Steam contact URL:
Do you agree to follow the rules?: yup Yes/No

If anyone wants to play just dm me

The Mess Hall / Re: ♞ Hussars Tier List ♞ UPDATED 01-5-2023
« on: June 10, 2023, 11:23:00 am »
kinda sad seeing the list growing smaller with each update. Are there even events happening rn

damn carlos how u doin

(there're only 1v1s and events)

The Mess Hall / Re: ♞ Hussars Tier List ♞ UPDATED 01-5-2023
« on: May 02, 2023, 09:53:52 am »
Thanks to Lasalle for making a new tier list. It‘s actually perfect!

Hope we can keep this one updated from time to time.

thank you swissy ! <3 , don't forget olof, he helped me a lot for the making of this superb tier list

The Mess Hall / Re: ♞ Hussars Tier List ♞ UPDATED 01-5-2023
« on: May 01, 2023, 10:46:17 pm »
Do me the favor and remove me from the list. Lists are getting worse and worse from year to year. I guess you are still mad since our last 1v1 :P

I'm not actually obligated to remove you even if you ask me to, rules are rules... I've honestly never seen a tier list that perfect

The Mess Hall / Re: ♞ Hussars Tier List ♞ UPDATED 01-5-2023
« on: May 01, 2023, 09:49:11 pm »
sucking off goodest but not me is a crime

Hussars Tier List

Anyone who question it will be reported and ban from FSE thanks to our moderation.

The Mess Hall / Re: ♞ Hussars Tier List ♞ UPDATED 01-5-2023
« on: May 01, 2023, 09:05:01 pm »
Coco is too high

I don't actually think he's too high, everybody placed him at this rate, it's for good reasons

The Mess Hall / Re: ♞ Hussars Tier List ♞ UPDATED 01-5-2023
« on: May 01, 2023, 09:00:12 pm »

Goodest has been placed in tier 1, considering his late performances and his amazing spirit

The Mess Hall / ♞ Hussars Tier List ♞ UPDATED 01-5-2023
« on: May 01, 2023, 08:45:31 pm »
Hussars Tier List

Yes, it's the second one, BUT, it's the real one. Ciiges' list was in my opinion biaised, Olof and me have decided to improve the ratings and make it more realistic. Anyone who question it will be reported and ban from FSE thanks to our moderation. We believe cav community has been put aside from main stage, and so we hope that this tier list will bring competitiveness to the few players remaining.

A massive thanks to: Leensab, Domi, Posh, Olof and Simon for their valuable input on these ratings.

We've decided to use the same ciiges tier method but this time we consider individual performances at the same level as good spirit, sportsmanship and how creative your name is.

If there are any inaccuracies in names, regiments or nationalities, let us know.


Hussar Ranking - Europe

Tier 1

1.00 LaSalle
1.00 Leensab14
1.00 Domi
1.00 DeLaBedoyère
1.20 Soartex

Tier 2

2.00 Aless
2.00 Harbringer
2.00 Thorvic
2.00 Octanidas
2.00 Swissy

2.20 Gabriel
2.20 Parigonicalus
2.20 Krishna
2.25 Olof
2.40 Goodest
2.40 Feezy
2.40 Graczol
2.40 Simon
2.40 Law
2.60 Destroy
2.60 Apollo
2.60 Graczol
2.60 Simon
2.60 FreyrDS
2.80 Ozikan
2.80 Zorius
2.80 Atlatan

Tier 3

3.00 Sebi
3.00 ACE
3.00 Posh
3.00 Lifedream
3.00 Ozajasz
3.00 Grozni
3.20 Uganda888
3.20 Basilikum
3.20 Mark
3.20 Semon
3.20 Ironfist
3.40 Pepsiwonder
3.40 Pouwelicious
3.40 Ossi
3.60 Lapierre
3.60 Lefèvre_Charles
3.60 Razz
3.60 Duffman
3.60 Beeatyrr
3.80 Minatoor
3.80 Levox
3.80 Felix
3.80 Titus
3.80 Movement

Tier 4

4.00 DanTheNugget
4.00 Prince
4.00 RiOT
4.20 Ansgarr
4.20 Alexander
4.20 Browarx
4.20 Coco_Ayala
4.20 Bilbo
4.20 Filson
4.20 Seba
4.40 Emperor
4.40 Joker
4.60 Boc
4.60 WhiteFromUK
4.60 Merman
4.60 Severus

Tier 5

4.80 Rewolverina
4.80 Troyard
4.80 Kamminsky
4.80 JerzyBurza
5.00 Alex02
5.00 Stephanie
5.00 Naruto
5.00 George
5.00 Imera
5.00 Oranged
5.00 Dirt
5.00 Kommandant
5.00 Carrolix
5.00 Eizmann
5.00 WRX3

I want to remind to all of you players that this list is 100% serious, if you have any advices or intelligent remarks to do for this tierlist, don't hesitate to contact any of the voters.


Nickname: LaSalle
Steam Contact (Link required):
Sword or Bayonet: Sword

In case you need a saber

The Mess Hall / Re: ♞ Hussars Rated (EU) ♞ UPDATED 16-2-2021
« on: October 28, 2022, 03:08:33 pm »
Cav community doesn't exist, Cav family does  :'(

Competitive EU Events/Tournaments / Re: ♞2vs2 Cavalry Tournament♞
« on: September 11, 2022, 11:30:18 pm »
g g

Competitive EU Events/Tournaments / Re: ♞2vs2 Cavalry Tournament♞
« on: September 06, 2022, 02:50:37 pm »
Need to disappoint you Lasalle, but we are friends on steam :D

fuck I looked for dusbled, you are saphyro...  :-\

Competitive EU Events/Tournaments / Re: ♞2vs2 Cavalry Tournament♞
« on: September 04, 2022, 10:55:57 am »
Stay tuned for new informations coming soon!

When exactly is that "new information" (not informationS ...) thingy happening?

it seems those new informations are only the date of the event lmao

Competitive EU Events/Tournaments / Re: ♞2vs2 Cavalry Tournament♞
« on: July 30, 2022, 10:03:48 pm »
Team Name: Les vainqueurs du tournoi
Teamleader Name(link Steam,GUID): LaSalle 428325
Team roster(with GUID's): Leensab14 1476538
Do you agree to follow the rules?: Ouais

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