Competitive EU Events/Tournaments / Maskman & sHype 6v6 Tournament Spring Edition [19th February] [19/20]
« on: February 09, 2023, 03:57:54 pm »GET INVOLVED with the first Maskman sHype tournament - a crossover we all love to see
A classic 6v6 said really enough said, happening 19th of February. The server WILL BE WHITELISTED so if you want to help admin please do sign up as a referee
A classic 6v6 said really enough said, happening 19th of February. The server WILL BE WHITELISTED so if you want to help admin please do sign up as a referee
Rules (Can be edited!)
1. Rules are the standard for a groupfight. Teamhitting, Teamkilling or just general trolling will result in your teams immediate removal from the tournament. Admins are to be listened too at all times. When you don't obey the admin commands, this will result in one round playing with one member less, and the 2nd time the guy insulting will get banned from the tournament, and the team has to play with 6 players
2. Matches will be ft5 during the group-stage, matches will be ft7 during the knock-out stage and ft10 in the finals and semi-finals.
3. There will be a group-stage and a knock-out stage. 4 Groups of 5 Teams per group with the top three going through.
3b. We will try our best to balance, however we cannot guarantee anything.
4. Rosters will be locked 3 hours before the event. Players can not be taken off or added after this unless under extreme circumstances (highly unlikely).
5. Only 8 members of your team will be able to be signed up to a teams roster with only 6 playing at any given point
6. Only use of the 45e and 33rd units. Its a simple rule to follow, anyone caught another unit will be slayed even if it is during a round.
7. No trash-talk (banter is fine). This rule is for use at the admins discretion, following rule 1.
8 Deadline for sign-ups is 1 day before the start of the tournament.
9. Details for the tournament will be send to all captains at least one hour before the start of the tournament
10. One Member of the team has to be on the server 10mins before it starts.
11. Teams are only allowed TWO minutes of delay between each round then an auto go will occur on that specific given match. This rule also counts when matches have just been being called out - teams have two minutes to reach the given set arena
1. Rules are the standard for a groupfight. Teamhitting, Teamkilling or just general trolling will result in your teams immediate removal from the tournament. Admins are to be listened too at all times. When you don't obey the admin commands, this will result in one round playing with one member less, and the 2nd time the guy insulting will get banned from the tournament, and the team has to play with 6 players
2. Matches will be ft5 during the group-stage, matches will be ft7 during the knock-out stage and ft10 in the finals and semi-finals.
3. There will be a group-stage and a knock-out stage. 4 Groups of 5 Teams per group with the top three going through.
3b. We will try our best to balance, however we cannot guarantee anything.
4. Rosters will be locked 3 hours before the event. Players can not be taken off or added after this unless under extreme circumstances (highly unlikely).
5. Only 8 members of your team will be able to be signed up to a teams roster with only 6 playing at any given point
6. Only use of the 45e and 33rd units. Its a simple rule to follow, anyone caught another unit will be slayed even if it is during a round.
7. No trash-talk (banter is fine). This rule is for use at the admins discretion, following rule 1.
8 Deadline for sign-ups is 1 day before the start of the tournament.
9. Details for the tournament will be send to all captains at least one hour before the start of the tournament
10. One Member of the team has to be on the server 10mins before it starts.
11. Teams are only allowed TWO minutes of delay between each round then an auto go will occur on that specific given match. This rule also counts when matches have just been being called out - teams have two minutes to reach the given set arena
Team Application
Captain Name:
Steam ID:
Do you agree to the rules?:
[spoiler=ID Roster]
Captain / GUID
Player 1 / GUID
Player 2 / GUID
Player 3 / GUID
Player 4 / GUID
Player 5 / GUID
Player 6 / GUID
Player 7 / GUID
Free Agent Application
Steam ID:
Referee Application
Steam ID:
Teams signed up
Captain Name: Maskman
Teamname: NSS
Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/getinvolveddonate/
Do you agree to the rules?: YesID Roster1091418 Maskman
286828 Fenton
651079 Mr_T
1349640 lonedoge
10811 Louis
1784036 Aras
1704636 Ilypa
892796 Melsyo[close]
Team Name: The Round Table (RT)
Team Captain (Steam Link required): Achilles - https://steamcommunity.com/id/Ach1llesTheOne/
Team Captain2 (Steam Link required): Fietta - https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198038673354
Did you read all the rules and accept them?: yes
Roster (IDs/Nations required):SpoilerAchilles 1556384
DOMI 414917
Fietta 87988
Jakob 1123134
Narrow 351969
Python 927368
sHype 1472629
Smallest 436978[close]
Captain Name: Ri0T
Teamname: Impact
Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/RetardLeRi0T/
Do you agree to the rules?: YeshID RosterRi0T / 2086845
Dario / 527657
Xispas / 2138263
Henkka / 62611
Rikus / 2203720
EpicPizza / 777908
Player 6 / GUID
Player 7 / GUID[close]
Team Name: Emojis
Team Captain: Giorno - https://steamcommunity.com/id/giorno_/
Team Captain2: Zenon - https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198206217881/
Did you read all the rules and accept them?: Yes
Roster:SpoilerQuenouille 1958749
Naatsuu 1984814
Twister 1783914
Trexons 2135034
HiReaper 1978524
Giorno 372274
Zenon 1513490[close]
Captain Name: Gi
Teamname: Snappers
Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Giqq/
Do you agree to the rules?: YesID RosterCaptain / GUID
Player 1 / GUID
Player 2 / GUID
Player 3 / GUID
Player 4 / GUID
Player 5 / GUID
Player 6 / GUID
Player 7 / GUID[close]
Captain Name: Coco
Teamname: Animals
Steam ID:
Do you agree to the rules?: yesID RosterCoco / 1462072
Flo / 1681176
Kennedy / 2003478
Stoiki/ 1916824
Bluewinx / 1146243
Catastrophe / 1459259
Lebrave / 62821
Blackbeard / 346885[close]
Captain Name: Ronaldinho ( black_panther )
Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/RonaldinhoO_/
Do you agree to the rules?:YesID RosterRonaldinho ( black_panther ) / 1786021
Ikops ( green_panther )/ 1846673
Tomppa ( Turqoise_panther ) / 957270
Mxter ( white_panther ) / 1213248
Domi ( cyan_panther ) / 212126
Darki ( red_panther ) / 1288381
Gull ( pink_panther ) / 1284970
Weri ( yellow_panther ) / 1144938[close]
Captain Name: Spooky
Teamname: Guardians of Japan
Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/SpookyGamingST/
Do you agree to the rules?: yesID RosterSpooky 2234378
Xaos 1677879
Shneider 956996
Chada 1494058
Dundi 1928138
Ciom 1835039
Straw 1581354
Stex 1237916[close]
Captain Name: Jamd0dger
Teamname: Children of Chaos
Steam ID: you have him
Do you agree to the rules?: YesID Roster
Jamd0dger - 677279
Glenn - 793812
SouljaBoy - 1211154
Saitama - 1320871
PLAYER 7 / GUID[close]
Captain Name: Desant
Teamname: Renaissance
Steam ID: have me
Do you agree to the rules?: yID RosterCaptain / GUID
Player 1 / GUID
Player 2 / GUID
Player 3 / GUID
Player 4 / GUID
Player 5 / GUID
Player 6 / GUID
Player 7 / GUID[close]
Captain Name: Ceed
Teamname: Assassins
Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/profilityofgamer/
Do you agree to the rules?: yesID RosterCaptain / GUID
Player 1 / GUID
Player 2 / GUID
Player 3 / GUID
Player 4 / GUID
Player 5 / GUID
Player 6 / GUID
Player 7 / GUID[close]
Captain Name: Mitchell
Teamname: Sherwood Foresters 1
Steam ID: you have him
Do you agree to the rules?: YesID RosterCaptain / GUID
Player 1 / GUID
Player 2 / GUID
Player 3 / GUID
Player 4 / GUID
Player 5 / GUID
Player 6 / GUID
Player 7 / GUID[close]
Captain Name: Pumti
Teamname: Sherwood Foresters 2
Steam ID: you have him
Do you agree to the rules?: YesID RosterCaptain / GUID
Player 1 / GUID
Player 2 / GUID
Player 3 / GUID
Player 4 / GUID
Player 5 / GUID
Player 6 / GUID
Player 7 / GUID[close]
Captain Name: MrKnighrt
Teamname: Lycoris
Steam ID: 1191610
Do you agree to the rules?: yes , he's basicly badID RosterRatsu
Captain Name: Mbozz/Herishey
Teamname: Sunbros
Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/spikecon1/
Do you agree to the rules?: YeahID RosterMbozz / 521274
Troister / 395813
Hypno / 436430
Blitzkrieg / 1691357
Ruler / 788804
Dren / 439480
Chuckster / 1115342
Marquez / 8768[close]
Captain Name: Mikey
Teamname: GVT
Steam ID: You got me
Do you agree to the rules?: YesID RosterMikey / GUID
James / GUID
Risk / GUID
Hunteh / GUID
Horse / GUID
Theodin / GUID
TBA / GUID[close]
Captain Name: probably me
Teamname: tba
Steam ID: got shype
Do you agree to the rules?: sure
rune and me are looking for some teammates to fuck about with, lmkID Rostermovement
Captain Name: Hearthland
Teamname: Le H and its flowers
Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/hearthland/
Do you agree to the rules?: YesID RosterHearthland / 1600001
Wargy / 353554
Ingram / 350611
McSpartacus / 636418
Maxence / 388607
Levis / 782640
Faisan / 1431695
Player 7 / GUID[close]
Captain Name: Maxi
Teamname: kk_IR_Nr59
Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/dirtblocks1/
Do you agree to the rules?: yupID RosterTBA[close]