Jake has already done more than Russianfury. What a guy.
Thank you Thank you...
I would like to send my appreciation to all those who has helped me so far in my term from the 84th motivating me every step of the way to the 45thN granting me Admin on their server. From Glenn & Dan's help on the fourms and on the teamspeak, to maskman and mitchell's help in game and getting involved.
I've also been getting help from many members in the community, though the list is long I would like to shout out a few notable people like; Colonel_Sanders, Dio, Jolly_Canadian, Jam_D0dger, Veto, Nova, lonedoge, Ajax, Klark, Cabbage, Aquilax, and basically everyone im in contact with on a daily basis.
Big Shoutouts to RussianFury for constant motivation for me being a CR and SouljaBoy for reminding me why anime is so great.
If i didnt mention you its not because you dont help me or that i dont like you. I just have a really bad memory for names especially since recently everyone knows me and theres so many players on NW. I promise you are important to me and the whole community of NW and im glad for your consistent approval and support.
Again if any regiment leaders or server admins need to get ahold of me you can contact me anytime through the links below
This is my
SteamThis is my
FSEand my Discord is: Jake_Mu#4423