Author Topic: Leib-Grenadier-Regiment "König Friedrich Wilhelm III.“ Thread 2 - NANWL CHAMPS!  (Read 142854 times)

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Offline Wastee

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  • Nick: Steam: [LG] Wastee
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Back Story

First Nr.37: April 30th, 2013 - June 11th, 2013 (2 Months)
Second Nr.37: May 19th, 2014 - January 24th, 2015 (8 Months)
Third Nr.37/LG: November 1st 2016 - Present

The Nr.37 was originally formed on April 30th, 2013 by Ryner and Waste. Ryner and Waste were two leading officers in the 1stEPG at the time but decided they wanted to move on so they left to form the Nr.37. With them came a small amount of members such as Boob, Dom13, Guapo, Five, and Dragoon, the originals. Later more members came to the small regiment. The regiment went on doing well winning most linebattles and eventually joining the Renegade Army with the 12th East Suffolk and 9te Lieb Gvardi. Eventually Waste went inactive and the regiment fell to ashes officially disbanding June 11th 2013.
On May 19th, 2014, nearly a year later the Nr37 came back. After the 12th disbanded Waste, Johnny, Killershark, Boob, and Bishop formed the Nr37 again with many other 12th members and long time Nr37 members. They were at the top of the scene and even won season 3 league 2 of NANWL unefeated but still struggling with regiments such as the 63e and 71st. The reign lasted for nearly three months until the forming of the 18th where core members who were in the 12th left to join the 18th. The Nr.37 was disbanded but quickly came back four days later, Waste wasn't done. The regiment trudged along continuing to fight against top tier regiments. Lawbringer and AsianP joined and brought about a new era of Nr37 where they started winning again. This continued for 8 months until January 24th, 2015 the regiment renamed to 58e under new leadership of Lawbringer and AsianP after Waste went inactive again. The 58e went on to become the best regiment in North America for many months.
Throughout the two Nr37's and up to this new Nr37 there have been a few regiments worth mentioning that had many Nr37 members in them such as, the 1stGG, 2teEPG and the 11th North Devonshire.

Now it is time for a new era of reign as the Leib Grenadiers.

Regimental Command

Hauptmann Wastee

Major RussianFury

1. Kompanie

Major RussianFury

Hauptmann Wastee

Feldwebel Yoshie

Unter-Offizier Theodin
Unter-Offizier Boob

Korporal Bauer
Korporal Roggeh
Korporal CluelessWill

Ober-Gefreiter NickCole
Ober-Gefreiter Swerp
Ober-Gefreiter Predurrdurr
Ober-Gefreiter Nevino
Ober-Gefreiter Orcaryo

Gefreiter Gandalf
Gefreiter Dom13
Gefreiter Gi
Gefreiter Saltyy
Gefreiter MATT

Grenadier Domino
Grenadier Elite
Grenadier Kristine
Grenadier Iheadshotya
Grenadier Price
Grenadier Vader
Grenadier That_Guy
Grenadier Essex
Grenadier Dyre
Grenadier Lurvy
Grenadier SkyZ
Grenadier Sanders
Grenadier Oatmeal

Fusilier Free2u2
Fusilier Dickhardrock
Fusilier Gman
Fusilier Sandi

Rekrut Nero
Rekrut Klasse
Rekrut Bill The Butcher

Chef DanTheChef

Kompanie Strength: About 39

NANWL S7 League 1 Champions
Wastee & Sanders - 2v2 1st Place
Wastee, RussianFury, Theodin, NickCole 4v4 - 1st Place
Wastee, RussianFury, NickCole, Yoshie, Bill - 5v5 1st Place

NA All-Star Competition Champions:
Captain Wastee
Co-Capt RussianFury
Co-Capt Orcaryo
Bill The Butcher




-Oberst Leutnant-





Non-Commissioned Officers

-Stabs Feldwebel-


-Unter Feldwebel-

-Unter Offizier-



-Stabs Gefreiter-

-Ober Gefreiter-





We always have 1v1s or groupfights on weekends and a few other 1v1s and groupfights on weekdays.

Hauptmann Wastee: Wastee
Major RussianFury: RussianFury
Teamspeak IP: Ask a member for this
Steam Group:
Interested in joining the LG Regiment? If so then add [LG] Wastee on Steam!

1v1 Record

Second Nr37 - 15-1-7

Current 47-3-11


15-4 vs 32e WIN
20-8 vs 45e WIN
15-5 vs 32e WIN
15-9 vs 45e WIN
15-8 vs 63e WIN
15-8 vs 30thWIN
15-14 vs 63e WIN
15-10 vs 32e WIN
15-1 vs 32e WIN
20-11 vs 32e WIN
15-4 vs 1stSH WIN
15-5 vs 32e WIN
15-7 vs 63e WIN
15-13 vs 32e WIN
15-6 vs 32e WIN
12-15 vs 63e LOSS
15-5 vs 4eGren WIN
15-2 vs 32e WIN
15-12 vs 57th WIN
15-13 vs 3eVolt WIN
15-4 vs 32e WIN
6-20 vs 3eVolt LOSS
13-20 vs 3eVolt LOSS
15-1 vs USMC WIN
15-20 vs 3eVolt LOSS
15-1 vs AEF WIN
20-8 vs 3eVolt WIN
15-11 vs 3eVolt WIN
15-3 vs 34e WIN
15-14 vs 41st WIN
15-9 vs 30th WIN
20-15 vs 34e WIN
13-15 vs 3eVolt LOSS
20-7 vs 34e WIN
11-9 vs 41st WIN
20-13 vs 41st WIN

6-4 vs 30th WIN
2-8 vs Sil LOSS
5-5 vs USMC TIE
7-3 vs AEF WIN
4-6 vs 63e LOSS
9-1 vs 32e WIN
5-5 vs 45e TIE
4-6 vs 6teSLR LOSS
4-6 vs 4th LOSS
7-3 vs 41st WIN
8-2 vs AEF WIN
9-1 vs USMC WIN
8-2 vs 57th WIN
9-1 vs AEF WIN
9-1 vs 4eGren WIN
6-4 vs 32e WIN NANWL
9-1 vs 4th WIN NANWL
5-5 vs 30th TIE NANWL
8-2 vs AEF WIN
6-4 vs 57th WIN NANWL
1-9 vs 3eVolt LOSS
7-3 vs 45e WIN
3-7 vs 3eVolt LOSS

Thread Template Thanks to Herishey and Header Thanks to Windflower
« Last Edit: June 11, 2017, 03:33:23 am by Waste-Too-Cool »

"I may never make a list, and I may never make the hall of fame, but by God, I made the competitive mailing list" - Undisclosed Gamer

Offline Wastee

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« Last Edit: April 18, 2017, 12:23:58 am by Waste-Too-Cool »

"I may never make a list, and I may never make the hall of fame, but by God, I made the competitive mailing list" - Undisclosed Gamer

Offline Wastee

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  • Side: Confederacy
Nr37 Videos
Nr37 vs PSG
Nr37 at FG Event
Nr37 vs 89e
Nr37 vs 9teLG
Nr37 vs 63e
Nr37 vs Nr7

Nr37 vs 1erMarins(No Sound?)
Nr37 vs 1erMarins
Nr37 vs 9th
Nr37 vs 54th
Nr37 vs 1erGren
2teEPG vs 54th
2teEPG vs 54th
Nr37 vs 63e

« Last Edit: March 29, 2017, 01:04:05 am by Waste-Too-Cool »

"I may never make a list, and I may never make the hall of fame, but by God, I made the competitive mailing list" - Undisclosed Gamer

Offline Wastee

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  • Side: Confederacy
« Last Edit: April 16, 2017, 10:59:37 pm by Waste-Too-Cool »

"I may never make a list, and I may never make the hall of fame, but by God, I made the competitive mailing list" - Undisclosed Gamer

Offline ~Midnight~

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Offline fireboy

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[AEF/55th]Anthony 7:12 PM:
you have such a basic style/skillset
but you have the highest ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ GFing IQ i know

Offline Carson

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15e Chef de Bataillon
USMC Captain |30th Captain | 3eVolt Soldat de Première | 1te Garde Lieutenant | 15thYork Serjeant | 21e Soldat | 24th Private

Offline Swerpious Maximous

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I'm not cool enough for a signature

Offline ~Midnight~

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I think PW is autistic

Offline LiquidSkorpion

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page 1 legend

Offline William

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shit reg 4 shit ppl
Check out my YT channel where I post NW com/c/CluelessWill
god damn, Anthony is smart, he was able to get the shit AEF to tie with the best reg in the game. The tactical geniusness needed to pull off such a feat is insane. He's the Erwin Rommel of NW.
i always get an erection when i check my subscrptions and see that phresh cluelesswill vid
It won't be FSE developing it, so it will come out!

Offline The Predurrdurr

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Everytime I hear Predurrdurrs voice, I nut in the shape of slashes

Offline Bauer16

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shit reg 4 shit ppl
That's why I'm in it.  ;D :P

Offline Swerpious Maximous

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I'm not cool enough for a signature

Offline Wastee

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"I may never make a list, and I may never make the hall of fame, but by God, I made the competitive mailing list" - Undisclosed Gamer