Author Topic: Event Board?  (Read 5978 times)

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Offline SwissGronkh

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Event Board?
« on: February 25, 2014, 03:33:03 pm »
Könnte man im deutschen Forum nicht auch einen Event Board erstellen?

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Re: Event Board?
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2014, 03:42:39 pm »
für Battle Cry of Freedom? Das Spiel ist noch nichtmal erschienen. 

Für Napoleonic Wars ist schon eins vorhanden.....

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Offline SwissGronkh

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Re: Event Board?
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2014, 03:59:38 pm »

für Battle Cry of Freedom? Das Spiel ist noch nichtmal erschienen. 

Für Napoleonic Wars ist schon eins vorhanden.....

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im offiziellen Bereich gibts ja auch schon ein Event board obwohl das Spiel noch nicht draussen ist.

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Offline KArantukki

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Re: Event Board?
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2014, 04:30:36 pm »
Du hast noch genügend Zeit bis es released wird.

Offline Turin Turambar

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Re: Event Board?
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2014, 04:34:28 pm »
Niemand weiß wie groß die Server werden, was für Spielmodi es geben wird, usw.
Alles Informationen, die unerlässlich zur Organisation eines Events sind.
des is apsichtdliche Browokazion etzala ferstest du

Offline SwissGronkh

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Re: Event Board?
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2014, 04:49:44 pm »
Du hast noch genügend Zeit bis es released wird.
Je früher umso besser. Man muss immer vorbereitet sein.
Niemand weiß wie groß die Server werden, was für Spielmodi es geben wird, usw.
Alles Informationen, die unerlässlich zur Organisation eines Events sind.
Wenn man sich auf die Futures verlässt kann man mit bis zu 500 Leuten rechnen.
Quote from: FSE
◾Massive multiplayer battles with 500+ players.
Quote from: FSE
Planned base gamemode
 Instead of selecting a game mode, a map, and factions, you choose an engagement. Each one has a historical set up in terms of map, factions, units available and objectives. The objectives are a set of goal each side has to complete in order to win the map, and they vary from mission to mission to give the game greater diversity. The game has respawns to better simulate the large scale battles of the era.

Regiment-based gameplay
 Players are assigned to certain Regiments/squads. Players in the same Regiment will (re)spawn close to each other. Each Regiment will also get its own objective (that updates, of course). Some Regiments might have the same objective at the same time, but they might update differently. This will make the game more teamplay focused, since you have a set of teammates with which you are to complete a certain objective.

What it is
 The engagement will be a battle, or a part of a battle, in which each side try to complete a certain set of goals, all historically based. The first side to complete its goals wins.

 The goals will vary from engagement to engagement and will generally, but not necessarily always, differ depending on which side you are on. Examples of goals could be to hold a position for a certain time, to capture a position or to destroy something.

 The engagements will be based on a variety of different interesting historical engagements of the ACW.

 You spawn with, or close to, your squad. How close you can spawn depends on your side’s zone of control. Your zone of control is a dynamic area between “your” edge of the map and the location of your squads. If both sides have squads in the same area it will not belong to anyone’s zone, and how close you can spawn depends on how many troops your side has in the area compared to the enemy. Squads operating behind enemy lines might not be able to get any reinforcements at all (or rather, all reinforcements would spawn on the “wrong” side of the enemy).

 Obstacles play a major role on maps. Obstacles like fences, walls and destroyed bridges cannot easily be crossed. For example, climbing over fences will make you very vulnerable.

 Everything in the game is destructible. Small objects can be destroyed by normal firearms and swords, medium objects can be destroyed by several firearm hits and sword hits and large objects can be destroyed by artillery. Destroying objects has a large impact on gameplay. Since the battlefield is constantly changing, players have to find new tactics to reach their goals. Players have to think and to adjust their tactics every time they play a map.

Capture points/Goals
 Goals for maps can be different on each map. Most likely it would be a goal to capture/defend a certain position or to destroy an enemy position, artillery position etc. But goals can also be dedicated to squads. For example, a sniper squad might get the goal to kill an enemy officer or a artillery squad might get the goal to give supporting fire.

1x3 years 2Lhr,  1xVerdienstkreuz 2. Klasse, 1xKleine Gefechtsspange, 1xSilver Star,  5xBronze Star

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Re: Event Board?
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2014, 04:55:33 pm »
Du kannst gerne einen Admin fragen, ob man ein Subboard für Events erstellen möchte. Jedoch finde ich es in anbetracht, dass das Spiel noch nicht draußen ist UND das es bisher keinen gestört hat bzw. jetzt noch kein großes Interesse besteht, etwas unnötig, einen solchen Bereich hier einzufügen. Wer weiß was alles geschieht bis BcoF draußen ist.....
69thNY_CSgt_Outpost | [DL]III_KBR_Sap_Vorposten | 3tesWaldeck_Fhr_Vorposten

Offline SwissGronkh

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Re: Event Board?
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2014, 04:59:16 pm »
Du kannst gerne einen Admin fragen, ob man ein Subboard für Events erstellen möchte. Jedoch finde ich es in anbetracht, dass das Spiel noch nicht draußen ist UND das es bisher keinen gestört hat bzw. jetzt noch kein großes Interesse besteht, etwas unnötig, einen solchen Bereich hier einzufügen. Wer weiß was alles geschieht bis BcoF draußen ist.....
Wir können es auch noch lassen, ich wollte nur fragen ob wir das nicht auch (jetzt) schon machen wollen.

1x3 years 2Lhr,  1xVerdienstkreuz 2. Klasse, 1xKleine Gefechtsspange, 1xSilver Star,  5xBronze Star

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Re: Event Board?
« Reply #8 on: December 11, 2019, 12:44:16 pm »
Du hast noch genügend Zeit bis es released wird.
Je früher umso besser. Man muss immer vorbereitet sein.
Niemand weiß wie groß die Server werden, was für Spielmodi es geben wird, usw.
Alles Informationen, die unerlässlich zur Organisation eines Events sind.
Wenn man sich auf die Futures verlässt kann man mit bis zu 500 Leuten rechnen.
Quote from: FSE
◾Massive multiplayer battles with 500+ players.
Quote from: FSE
Planned base gamemode
 Instead of selecting a game mode, a map, and factions, you choose an engagement. Each one has a historical set up in terms of map, factions, units available and objectives. The objectives are a set of goal each side has to complete in order to win the map, and they vary from mission to mission to give the game greater diversity. The game has respawns to better simulate the large scale battles of the era.

Regiment-based gameplay
 Players are assigned to certain Regiments/squads. Players in the same Regiment will (re)spawn close to each other. Each Regiment will also get its own objective (that updates, of course). Some Regiments might have the same objective at the same time, but they might update differently. This will make the game more teamplay focused, since you have a set of teammates with which you are to complete a certain objective.

What it is
 The engagement will be a battle, or a part of a battle, in which each side try to complete a certain set of goals, all historically based. The first side to complete its goals wins.

 The goals will vary from engagement to engagement and will generally, but not necessarily always, differ depending on which side you are on. Examples of goals could be to hold a position for a certain time, to capture a position or to destroy something.

 The engagements will be based on a variety of different interesting historical engagements of the ACW.

 You spawn with, or close to, your squad. How close you can spawn depends on your side’s zone of control. Your zone of control is a dynamic area between “your” edge of the map and the location of your squads. If both sides have squads in the same area it will not belong to anyone’s zone, and how close you can spawn depends on how many troops your side has in the area compared to the enemy. Squads operating behind enemy lines might not be able to get any reinforcements at all (or rather, all reinforcements would spawn on the “wrong” side of the enemy).

 Obstacles play a major role on maps. Obstacles like fences, walls and destroyed bridges cannot easily be crossed. For example, climbing over fences will make you very vulnerable.

 Everything in the game is destructible. Small objects can be destroyed by normal firearms and swords, medium objects can be destroyed by several firearm hits and sword hits and large objects can be destroyed by artillery. Destroying objects has a large impact on gameplay. Since the battlefield is constantly changing, players have to find new tactics to reach their goals. Players have to think and to adjust their tactics every time they play a map.

Capture points/Goals
 Goals for maps can be different on each map. Most likely it would be a goal to capture/defend a certain position or to destroy an enemy position, artillery position etc. But goals can also be dedicated to squads. For example, a sniper squad might get the goal to kill an enemy officer or a artillery squad might get the goal to give supporting fire.

Ach ja, das war damals noch Optimismus....
Dat kid who put up a global banlist back in Betty's times.
Former Regiments: 7te Kurmarkische Landwehr, 6te Ulanen, kk Kürassierregiment Nr.4, kk Bombardier-Regiment Nr.3, kk AR Nr.2, GGR Nr.4, Artillerie im Kö.Preuß.IR Nr.33.

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Re: Event Board?
« Reply #9 on: December 11, 2019, 12:58:53 pm »
Wenn sogar Boomerlord vorher released wird...

Offline Elias

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Re: Event Board?
« Reply #10 on: December 27, 2019, 05:32:50 am »
Du hast noch genügend Zeit bis es released wird.
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