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Messages - wilu_daskar

Pages: 1 2 3 ... 18
Events: EU / Re: 47th Friday Line Battle (Lines & Lights free)
« on: May 06, 2017, 08:06:40 am »
Regiment Name: [Saints]
Class: Lights
Expected attendance: ~15
Permanent or Temporary: Temporary (if everything is okay, we will attend on permanent basis)
Regiment representative(s) steam


In addition

Regiment Name: [Saints]
Class: Arty
Expected attendance: ~2-3
Permanent or Temporary: Temporary (if everything is okay, we will attend on permanent basis)
Regiment representative(s) steam

Previous event was quite good, thank you for the opportunity to participate.
We would like to get the permanent slots on both lights and arty if possible.
And if possible please do not place our arty and lights in the opposite factions :)

Regiment Name: [Saints]
Class: Lights
Expected attendance: ~15
Permanent or Temporary: Permanent
Regiment representative(s) steam

Regiment Name: [Saints]
Class: Arty
Expected attendance: ~4-5
Permanent or Temporary: Permanent
Regiment representative(s) steam

Events: EU / Re: 47th Friday Line Battle (Lines & Lights free)
« on: May 01, 2017, 08:06:08 pm »
Regiment Name: [Saints]
Class: Lights
Expected attendance: ~15
Permanent or Temporary: Temporary (if everything is okay, we will attend on permanent basis)
Regiment representative(s) steam


In addition

Regiment Name: [Saints]
Class: Arty
Expected attendance: ~2-3
Permanent or Temporary: Temporary (if everything is okay, we will attend on permanent basis)
Regiment representative(s) steam

Events: EU / Re: 47th Friday Line Battle (Lines & Lights free)
« on: April 30, 2017, 07:52:23 pm »
Regiment Name: [Saints]
Class: Lights
Expected attendance: ~15
Permanent or Temporary: Temporary (if everything is okay, we will attend on permanent basis)
Regiment representative(s) steam

Match: 59th vs Saints
Date: 12/03/17
Referee needed
Have already checked the majority of neutral referees - no one agreed to ref it. Dear organizers, what should we do?

Napoleonic Wars League / Re: NWL - League 2
« on: February 22, 2017, 07:32:59 am »
15e 8:2 IVe_45e

Highlord reffed

Tried to contact the 45e on several occasions and each time they have either failed to respond or prioritise a normal linebattle over a feasible match day. Now they've gone ahead and skipped round 11 to do round 12? Very confused, pretty sure the rules dictate that they forfeit the match by taking these actions but I'll leave this here for Brot to make judgement I guess.
We have the same situation with 59th.

In the last days we found out that some of the regimental referees were playing for their regiment while refing. This is not what we intend with this rule. When one of the regimental members is chosen as referee since no other is available he is of course not allowed to play for his regiment. He has to be in spec like any other referee would be as well.
It is still happening, despite this warning.

Events: EU / Re: [DL]Saturday Historical Linebattle [EU]
« on: February 18, 2017, 09:34:10 pm »
Regiment Name/Tag: [Saints]
Number of Players: 5-10
Leader's Steam:
Preferred Class: Arty
Preferred Faction: UK

Events: EU / Re: 7aDivZ/Saturday Linebattle [Looking for Lines]
« on: February 13, 2017, 06:18:00 pm »
The application was sent when there was 1 artillery slot available. It is clearly seen in the topic of my message with application. But you have accepted another regiment's application which was sent ~ two hours later. Quite interesting.

They reserved that Slot 2 Days Before, and i didnt update the post saying that the slot was taken, anyways you can attend as line and i add you to the waiting artillery slot? its sounds fair to you?
I am sorry, I didn't know they had already reserved it. No problems, mate :)

Events: EU / Re: 7aDivZ/Saturday Linebattle [Looking for Lines]
« on: February 13, 2017, 09:46:27 am »
The application was sent when there was 1 artillery slot available. It is clearly seen in the topic of my message with application. But you have accepted another regiment's application which was sent ~ two hours later. Quite interesting.

Leaders Steam Name: FwXartez
Name of the Clan: [Saints]
Estimated Attendance:3-5
Have you read all of the Rules?: Yes
Do you have our Team Speak Bookmarked?: Yes
Regiment Leader's Steam [Link]: tba
Regular Attedance or Not: Regular
Class: Arty
Do you agree to follow all the rules stated above?: Yes

Events: EU / Re: [DL]Saturday Historical Linebattle [EU]
« on: February 11, 2017, 09:11:48 pm »
Regiment Name/Tag: [Saints]
Number of Players: 3-5
Leader's Steam:
Preferred Class: Arty
Preferred Faction: UK

Events: EU / Re: 2eFusGre Wednesday Event [Need LINES and CAV]
« on: January 31, 2017, 09:10:34 pm »
Regiment Name : [Saints]
Unit type : Cavalry
Number : 10-15
One time or weekly : Weekly
Leaders steam id :
Have you read and agree to the rules and unit rules : Yes

Thanks for event.
Unfortunately, we have to withdraw our application. It was not a kind of event we are looking for.
But anyway, thanks for an essential experience.

Excuse me, are you going to arrange this event today?

Events: EU / Re: 25pp Friday linebattle [All Class]
« on: January 27, 2017, 01:38:16 pm »
Will the event take place today?

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