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Messages - First God

Pages: 1 ... 33 34 35
Regiments / Re: Regimiento de artillería a pie de Sevilla
« on: February 07, 2016, 03:33:04 pm »
Buena Suerte Francisco  :D

Regiments / Re: ✌ 7a Division de Zaragoza ✌
« on: February 07, 2016, 03:31:11 pm »
Thanks you all for you kinds words ^^  ;D

Regiments / ♛ Guardias de Corps ♛
« on: February 07, 2016, 12:36:20 am »
Guardias de Corps

Introduction to the Guardias de Corps

¡Bienvenidos! Somos un Clan del Napoleonic Wars creado por Varios Veteranos del Warband, y nuestro objetivo es crear un ambiente de respeto en el que los jugadores pueden participar de forma recreativa en los eventos organizados para Mount & Blade: partida de guerra guerras napoleónicas, así como recrear la atmósfera del Ejercito Español en las Epocas Napoleonicas.

Welcome! We are a Napoleonic Wars Clan created by several Warband Veterans, and our goal is to create an environment of respect in which players can participate recreationally in the events organized for Mount & Blade: war game Napoleonic wars as well as recreate The atmosphere of the Spanish Army in the Napoleonic Era.

History of the Guardias de Corps


In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries the title of guard of corps is not introduced in Spain. During the two centuries of the Austrian dynasty, the Old Guards of Castile, the archers of Burgundy or the knife, the yellow or Spanish guards, the German, the lancilla, the chamberga, etc. Constituting the royal guard, King's Staff Another body especially linked to the custody of the king from the Castilian condal foundation were the Monteros de Espinosa, the most intimate of the real people and the oldest in Europe.
However, in 1700, when Felipe V the Spanish throne, at the same time as other institutions and French names, took the letter of the nature of the Body Guards, who were organized in the body by virtue of the Real disposition of 22 Of February of 1706. In 1814, that body of the Royal House was officially named but ordinarily it conserved the French locution until it was extinguished.
The soldiers of the body guards had the rank of officers; The cadets were captains; The exempts and helpers, lieutenant colonels; The lieutenants were generals and captains, great of Spain and captains general of army. At first, the total number of body guards was reduced, but later six constituent brigade companies arrived: some from Italians and others from Flemish and Spanish, and also from Americans of noble lineage to complete, at the end of the seventeenth century , About a thousand men.


En los siglos XVI y XVII no se introdujo en España el título de guardia de corps. Durante los dos siglos de la dinastía austriaca, las Guardias Viejas de Castilla, los archeros de Borgoña o de la cuchilla, las guardias amarilla o española, tudesca o alemana, la lancilla, la chamberga, etc. constituyeron la guardia real, es decir, personal del rey. Otro cuerpo especialmente vinculado a la custodia del rey desde la fundación condal castellana eran los Monteros de Espinosa ,el más íntimo a las reales personas y el más antiguo de Europa.
Sin embargo, en 1700, al ocupar Felipe V el trono de España, al mismo tiempo que otras instituciones y nombres franceses, tomaron carta de naturaleza los Guardias de corps, que quedaron organizados en cuerpo por virtud de la Real disposición de 22 de febrero de 1706. En 1814, se nombró oficialmente aquel cuerpo de la Casa Real pero ordinariamente conservó la locución francesa hasta que fue extinguido.
Los soldados del cuerpo de guardias de corps tenían la categoría de oficiales; los cadetes eran capitanes; los exentos y ayudantes, tenientes coroneles; los tenientes eran generales y los capitanes, grandes de España y capitanes generales de ejército. Al principio, el efectivo total de los guardias de corps fue bastante reducido, pero más tarde se llegaron a constituir seis compañías o brigadas: unas de italianos y otras de flamencos y españoles e incluso de americanos de noble estirpe hasta completar, al terminar el siglo XVII, unos mil hombres.

Ranking Structure

Coronel- Col

Teniente Coronel - TntCol

Mayor- Mayor

Capitan - Cpt

Alferez- Alf
Sargento  Primero - SgtP

Sargento  - Sgt

Cabo Primero - CaboP

Cabo - Cabo

Fusilero Mayor- FusM

Fusilero - Fus

Cadete - Cdt

Recluta - Rct

Regimental Media

Regimental Contacts


Recruit Liaison:



Banner re-skin


Regimental Muster Roll

Coronel FirstGod
Alferez Willhem


Cabo Corvo
Cabo Nekro

Officers: 2
NCOs: 2
Enlisted: WIP
Total Strength:
Fusilero Mayor Diego Villa
Fusilero Mayor Cubeboy
Fusilero Veterano Kaby
Fusilero Fideos
Fusilero Daniel Maio
Cadete Jose122
Cadete Aristi
Recluta ChinitoKun
  Recluta Makaveli
Recluta Fede
  Recluta ExuberantWitness
Recluta Boston
More Recruits to be added

Events: EU / Re: 42nd Saturday Event! (Line and 1 Light Spots Available!)
« on: February 06, 2016, 09:24:09 pm »
Regiments Name: 7a Division de Zaragoza

Class(Line Etc): Line & Cavalry [We also acept light]

Preferred Faction: Russia

Attendance: 15-30

Leaders Steam:

Have You Read And Accepted The Rules: Yes

Weekly?: Yes

Events: EU / Re: JH Friday Linebattle
« on: June 11, 2015, 12:42:39 am »
  -Regiment name: 2nd Royal Guard
  -Steam contacts: [2nd]FirstGod or King EJ or Emperor Frank
  -We like will go as:
   Line Infantery: 7-18
  -Regular: Yes

Events / Re: 7th Arkansas Thursday Variety Event!! [All Welcome]
« on: March 05, 2015, 10:03:19 pm »
Unit Class: Line Infantery
Faction: CSA, But if we can be Union
Army or Brigade: Dixeland Army, Stonewall Brigade Brigade
Regiment and Leader: First God and Tuby

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