Author Topic: 33rd Anniversary Event [EU] 10 years!  (Read 4523 times)

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Offline 33rdKincaid

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33rd Anniversary Event [EU] 10 years!
« on: May 07, 2022, 04:50:11 pm »

| 5th June 2022 | 19:00 - 20:00BST |

In celebration of our 10 year anniversary the 33rd will be hosting another large scale event, as has become tradition for our anniversary and we will be basing the event upon the iconic battle of Waterloo. We will be hosting approximately 3 servers, aiming to accommodate between 500-600 people for an event lasting around an hour. Our event will hopefully capitalise on many of the improvements we made last year, whilst also including the relatively newfound flag-spawning gamemode which has become so popular amongst the wider community. The 92nd have graciously offered to administrate one of the servers, as they do in our jointly hosted regular Sunday Event.

The concept of the event is to have each of the three servers focusing on a different portion of the battlefield; the flag-spawning gamemode will be used the majority of the time, with slight variations of each map which will lean towards either defending the farmhouses in each sector or the areas surrounding them. As before there will be more specific RP rounds occurring half way through and at the end of the event to break things up and give some narrative.

Initial balancing across the servers and assigning of classes will be performed by us as hosts, since the flag-spawning mode requires each regiment to occupy one unit each. Communication and server swapping to affect round outcome will be possible but care must be taken to only occupy free class slots when moving servers, a groupchat for each faction will be available for this purpose so that regiments on the same team can request support from others.

Regiments will generally be accepted on a first come first served basis, special classes however will be distributed evenly amongst those who have requested them when we are full.

| The Event at a glance |

Three separate event servers (160-200 players each) to play out the battle, each focusing on a different area.

The two factions will initially be distributed on this thread, swapping as they wish once we start. As such round and mode changes will be swift with no balancing required to be carried out by the admin.

Flag-spawning (Flag-bearer) gamemode keeping your members engaged in the action, on a 15 second respawn timer.

Rounds won will go towards a central score board which will determine the winning faction.

Map Selection for each server will consist of 2 specific maps to that server, plus two RP round maps to be used half way through the event and at the end.

This is a 'Double Rank' event for lines however due to the nature of the flag-spawning scripts, your members will be back in to the heart of the combat in a matter of moments!

| Server 1 |

The right flank of the Allied position is the first to be heavily engaged, with Jerome's divison attacking the orchard in front of Hougoumont farmhouse at 11:30.

At approximately half-time (19:25) this server will play out the Prince of Orange's Blunder, with the 5thKGL moving to the centre of the battlefield, in an attempt to relieve the encircled farmhouse of La Haye Sainte...

Prince of Orange's Blunder
| Server 2 |

The centre of the Allied position is engaged around midday, with D'Erlons corps advancing across the plain to hammer through the allied line in one swift blow.

At approximately half-time (19:25) this server will play out the Charge of the Union Brigade, with the Scots Greys charging across the field through D'erlons corps and attacking the French guns...

Charge of the Union Brigade
| Server 3 |

The left of the Allied position is engaged around midday, with the right wing of D'Erlons corps encountering numerous defended farmhouses, including Papelotte.

At approximately half-time (19:25) this server will play out D'Erlons attack in greater detail, with a French column on the right wing facing off against the Allied cavalry counter-attack directly...

D'Erlons attack

Play will then continue with the Battle/Siege back and forth until approximately 19:50, when all parts of the British line (all servers) pull back and form square, to receive Ney's Cavalry Charge.

Ney's cavalry charge

1. Line Infantry2. Light Infantry3. Cavalry

1.1 | Cost 1 ticket to spawn.
1.2 | Must use double rank/column.
1.3 | Must maintain formation when manouvering & firing.
1.4 | May use half-man spacing.
1.5 | May have the front rank crouch.
1.6 | Colour bearer must stay with unit unless routed.
1.7 | Regiments occupying one slot may form seperate companies provided they number 15 men each minimum.


2.1 | Cost 2 tickets to spawn.
2.2 | May use up to 5-man spacing.
2.3 | May crouch.
2.4 | Colour bearer must stay with unit unless routed.


3.1 | Cost 2 tickets to spawn.
3.2 | Must dismount when less than 5 unless in charge.
3.3 | Must maintain two columns/lines unless in charge.
3.4 | Must not engage two units unless they are close to each other.

4. Artillery5. Multi-Server Rules6. Flag-Spawning Rules

4.1 | Cost 4 tickets to spawn.
4.2 | Two artillery pieces permitted, Howitzer or 12 pounder.
4.3 | May have a sapper, no TNT or floating defences.
4.4 | May use 5-man spacing when defending their artillery piece.

5.1 | Be respectful to other regiments in your Factions groupchat at all times.
5.2 | Each server must not exceed 3 specials on one team at any one time.
5.3 | Should the above occur a lights group may be requested to play as line.
5.2 | Swapping servers is permitted at any time, ask the admin for a spawn if during a flag-spawning round.

6.1 | No Fire in Charge (FiC).
6.2 | No Reload in Charge (RiC).
6.3 | FiC & RiC ONLY permitted inside buildings.
6.4 | Line & Light Infantry respawn on flag-bearers with 4 friendly players nearby.
6.5 | Cavalry units respawn when all are killed.
6.6 | Artillery units respawn individually at the main spawn.


10 | 1er Régiment d'Artillerie à Pied
10 | 8e régiment d'artillerie
10 | 8e Régiment d'Artillerie à Cheval
10 | 16th Regiment of Foot

10 | 2e Régiment de Cuirassier
10 | 4e Régiment de Hussards
10 | 6e Régiment de Hussards
10 | Preobrazhensky Life Guard Regiment

Light Infantry
10 | 11e Régiment de Voltigeurs de la garde
10 | 16th Regiment of Foot
10 | 31e Régiment de Voltigeurs
10 | 56e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne

Line Infantry
10 | 1st Evil Brigade
15 | 1st Saint George's Regiment
15 | 2e Régiment de Grenadiers de la garde
30 | 16th Regiment of Foot
15 | 17e Régiment d'Infanterie Légère
20 | 18 Pułk Piechoty
15 | 21e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
15 | 45e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
10 | 56e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
15 | 65y Moskovskiy Pehotny Polk
15 | 73e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
15 | 96y Dneprovskiy Pehotniy Polk
15 | 98e Reggimento di Parma
10 | Åbo läns regemente
10 | Hungarian Line Infantry
15 | Leib-Gvardii Semyonovsky Polk
15 | Pontonniers de la Garde
10 | Preobrazhensky Life Guard Regiment
10 | 2tes Garde-Feldartillerie-Regiment
10 | Nr21 Infanterie Regiment
10 | 77y Pehotniy Polk
10 | 92nd Regiment of Foot

10 | 2. Leibregiment
10 | 33rd Regiment of Foot
10 | 45th Regiment of Foot
10 | 84th Regiment of Foot

Light Infantry
10 | Nr13 Infanterie Regiment
10 | 27th Regiment of Foot
10 | 33rd Regiment of Foot
10 | 45th Regiment of Foot

Line Infantry
15 | 1ste Infanterie van Nassau
10 | 1st Greek Light Infantry
15 | 2. Leibregiment
15 | 19th Regiment of Foot
15 | 32nd Regiment of Foot
80 | 33rd Regiment of Foot
30 | 45th Regiment of Foot
15 | 55th Regiment of Foot
15 | Nr59 Infanterie Regiment
15 | 84th Regiment of Foot
15 | 92nd Regiment of Foot
10 | 102nd Regiment of Foot
10 | Hajduk Company
Total: 385Total: 380

Regiment Name:
Preferred Class:
Estimated Attendance: (10 minimum)
Contact Steam ID:
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« Last Edit: May 26, 2022, 01:01:39 pm by 33rdKincaid »

Offline 33rdKincaid

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Re: 33rd Anniversary Event [EU] 10 years!
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2022, 04:50:23 pm »
|  Order of Battle  |


1st Line
2nd Line
3rd Line
Dragoons (spare Line)




Total Players: 380                   

Server 1
40 | 33rd Regiment of Foot
10 | 1ste Infanterie van Nassau
15 | 84th Regiment of Foot

10 | 27th Regiment of Foot

10 | 84th Regiment of Foot

10 | Nr21 Infanterie Regiment


Server 2
30 | 45th Regiment of Foot
10 | 102nd Regiment of Foot
15 | 92nd Regiment of Foot

10 | Hajduk Company

10 | 45th Regiment of Foot

10 | 45th Regiment of Foot

10 | 92nd Regiment of Foot


Server 3
40 | 33rd Regiment of Foot
15 | 19th Regiment of Foot
15 | 32nd Regiment of Foot

10 | 33rd Regiment of Foot

10 | 33rd Regiment of Foot

10 | 77y Pehotniy Polk


Server 4
15 | Nr59 Infanterie Regiment
15 | 2.Leibregiment
15 | 55th Regiment of Foot

10 | 1st Greek Light Infantry

10 | Nr13 Infanterie Regiment

10 | 2.Leibregiment

10 | 2tes Garde-Feldartillerie-Regiment



1st Infantry
2nd Infantry
3rd Infantry
Dragoons (spare Line)

Rifles (Lancer class)



Total Players: 385                   

Server 1
30 | 16th Regiment of Foot
10 | HLI Hungarian Line Infantry
10 | Preobrazhensky Life Guard Regiment
15 | 65y Moskovskiy Pehotny Polk

10 | 16th Regiment of Foot

10 | Preobrazhensky Life Guard Regiment

10 | 16th Regiment of Foot


Server 2
15 | 21e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
15 | 73e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
15 | 96y Dneprovskiy Pehotniy Polk
10 | 1st Evil Brigade
15 | 17e Régiment d'Infanterie Légère

10 | 11e Régiment de Voltigeurs de la garde

10 | 2e Régiment de Cuirassier

10 | 8e Régiment d'Artillerie à Cheval


Server 3
15 | 45e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
15 | PG Pontonniers de la Garde
20 | 18 Pułk Piechoty
15 | 2e Régiment de Grenadiers de la garde

10 | 31e Régiment de Voltigeurs

10 | 6e Régiment de Hussards

10 | 8e régiment d'artillerie


Server 4
15 | 1st Saint George's Regiment
10 | 56e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
15 | 98e Reggimento di Parma
10 | Åbo läns regemente
15 | Leib-Gvardii Semyonovsky Polk

10 | 56e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne

10 | 4e Régiment de Hussards

10 | 1er Régiment d'Artillerie à Pied

« Last Edit: May 26, 2022, 01:01:06 pm by 33rdKincaid »

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Re: 33rd Anniversary Event [EU] 10 years!
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2022, 04:53:21 pm »
Regiment Name: Infanterie Regiment Nr.13
Preferred Class: Lights
Estimated Attendance: (10 minimum) ~15
Contact Steam ID: you have me
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Offline ArtOfKilling

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Re: 33rd Anniversary Event [EU] 10 years!
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2022, 04:58:23 pm »
Regiment Name: 16th (Bedfordshire) Regiment of Foot
Preferred Class: Line, lights and arty
Estimated Attendance: 40+
Contact Steam ID: You got me  ;)
Read the Rules and Accept them?: Yes
« Last Edit: May 07, 2022, 07:53:20 pm by ArtOfKilling »

Offline MaxenceIV

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Re: 33rd Anniversary Event [EU] 10 years!
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2022, 04:58:41 pm »
Regiment Name: 2e Régiment de Grenadiers de la Garde Impériale
Preferred Class: Line Infantry (Guards)
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Contact Steam ID: you have me
Read the Rules and Accept them?: yes

Offline Texas77pl

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Re: 33rd Anniversary Event [EU] 10 years!
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2022, 05:02:11 pm »
Regiment Name: 18. Pułk Piechoty
Preferred Class: Line Infantry
Estimated Attendance: +/- 15
Contact Steam ID:
Read the Rules and Accept them?: Yep
Colonel of 18th Regiment of Foot Duchy of Warsaw

Offline maskmanmarks

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Re: 33rd Anniversary Event [EU] 10 years!
« Reply #6 on: May 07, 2022, 05:04:42 pm »
Regiment Name: 45th Nottinghamshire
Preferred Class: Line, Lights and Cavalry
Estimated Attendance: (10 minimum) 40-50
Contact Steam ID: You got me  ;)
Read the Rules and Accept them?: Yes
So let’s just ignore someone like Maskman who knows next to nothing about leading and the capabilities of regiments performing well in a linebattle type of event.
To state that anyone on a “good day could beat the 77y/15thYR” is just a meme of its own, if that was the case why don't you beat the 77y or 15thYR then!?

Offline 11e Volt Official

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Re: 33rd Anniversary Event [EU] 10 years!
« Reply #7 on: May 07, 2022, 05:07:05 pm »
Regiment Name: 11e Régiment de Voltigeur de la Garde Impériale
Preferred Class: Lights Infantry
Estimated Attendance: 10-15
Contact Steam ID: you have me
Read the Rules and Accept them?: yes

Offline Syrcrim

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Re: 33rd Anniversary Event [EU] 10 years!
« Reply #8 on: May 07, 2022, 05:33:33 pm »
Regiment Name: 45e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
Preferred Class: Line
Estimated Attendance: (10 minimum) 20
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Offline Giles

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Re: 33rd Anniversary Event [EU] 10 years!
« Reply #9 on: May 07, 2022, 05:49:00 pm »
Regiment Name: 98° Reggimento di Parma
Preferred Class: Line
Estimated Attendance: 12-20
Contact Steam ID:
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Offline Doguereau

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Re: 33rd Anniversary Event [EU] 10 years!
« Reply #10 on: May 07, 2022, 07:10:21 pm »
Regiment Name: 1er Régiment d'Artillerie à Pied
Preferred Class: Artillery
Estimated Attendance: (10 minimum) 10-14
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Offline ArtOfKilling

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Re: 33rd Anniversary Event [EU] 10 years!
« Reply #11 on: May 07, 2022, 07:53:44 pm »
Regiment Name: 16th (Bedfordshire) Regiment of Foot
Preferred Class: Line, lights and arty
Estimated Attendance: 40+
Contact Steam ID: You got me  ;)
Read the Rules and Accept them?: Yes
updated, i just saw arty is avaliable :)

Offline Lilja Mariasdóttir

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Re: 33rd Anniversary Event [EU] 10 years!
« Reply #12 on: May 07, 2022, 09:24:18 pm »
Regiment Name: Das niederösterreichische, kaiserlich-königliche Pontonier-Korps zu Klosterneuburg
Preferred Class: Cavalry
Estimated Attendance: (10 minimum) 5+  :'(
Contact Steam ID: Wüstenkrieger
Read the Rules and Accept them?: Yes
Seehofer schafft das Heer ab.

Offline Razz

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Re: 33rd Anniversary Event [EU] 10 years!
« Reply #13 on: May 07, 2022, 09:32:55 pm »
Regiment Name: RG (84th, 1stIvN & 27th)

Preferred Class:
84th: Line (Attendance: 10)
84th: Cav (Attendance: 8 )
1stIvN: Line (Attendance: 10)
27th: Lights (Attendance: 12)

Estimated Attendance: +/- 40
Contact Steam ID:
Razz (84th Line):
Locklear (84th Cav):
Robbin (1stIvN):
Minskmeat (27th):

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« Last Edit: May 07, 2022, 09:36:23 pm by Razz »

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Re: 33rd Anniversary Event [EU] 10 years!
« Reply #14 on: May 07, 2022, 10:47:13 pm »
Regiment Name: 102nd_KGL
Preferred Class: UK - 5thKGL
Estimated Attendance: (10 minimum) 10-15
Contact Steam ID:
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