Well, fastest is bullshit.My story of melee-style I use.
2 years ago I joined the game. I was playing as classic recruit would play this game - sideblocking, missing stabs, 0 foot-work.
However I was improving my melee skill more I play the game (logical). Person called Sticklitz (melee Legend for me) showed me melee-style I use now.
The melee-style is called block/feint chambering -> The style where the most important thing is timing. For almost 2 years of block/feint chambering I finally master this melee-style and I could use it very effectively. And the point of this? It was 2 years of practicing on MEDIUM melee speed servers.
When you changed the melee speed you basically ruined the melee-style I use. Both animations and timing is off.
Adapt? You might see me playing on GF server a lot (that's true), but my holiday ends and as Gi said there are actually people who have their jobs and in general real life because a lot of people aren't just 15, 16, or so...
I'm the guy who prefers more technical melee styles and overall fighting - chambering (feint chambering, block chambering, hold chambering, re-chambering...), holding, feinting, dolphinning, kicking... All based on skill and especially on timing.
The fastest melee speed is useful only for players who spam attacks, basically players who can hardly do melee-styles above ↑.
Not only this ruined melee-style I use but it also ruined my enjoyment of the game which I play only because of melee.
For Gatts
Take your regiment and practice on TR_GF. Server especially made for you - kebab players.
For Janne
PS: I don't see any reason changing melee speed from medium to fastest due NWWC is played on medium